
All mine

I know... something has seemed off from day one. Keep him talking. See if you can find anything more out about him.

Jason continues to watch from a ways away, not getting out of his truck just yet. He wasn't sure what he was looking for or if there really was anything to find. But he'd rather be safe than sorry when it came to his instincts.

Chance shrugs and kicks a pebble with his foot. "Been a couple years. I was interested in the police force, got involved, then they suggested I transfer to the Elite. Personally, I think the chief just wanted to get rid of me because I didn't always agree with him. That was all after the Elite had come out of hiding though."

He looks around the parking lot briefly, his eyes bouncing only to Katie's face for a moment before looking away again. "Not sure it was the right move though. Don't agree with a lot of what the Elite does. I know you got your people you say have changed and all but... in the end, they're all still Agency at their core. But..." He shrugs again. "I guess it's not really my concern. My main goal in life is to survive."

Justin can't help the look of surprise on his face as Beth hands him the little container. Glancing at it, then back to her, a new smile comes to his lips. Cracking open the lid, he peeks in at what kind it is, and his smile remains.

Looking over to the dogs, he smirks. "Danitza... did you go and tell Beth that cherry pie was my favorite, hmm?"

Closing the lid, he turns back to Beth, studying her face for a moment. Maybe yesterday really had been a step in the right direction. "Thank you... this will make a nice treat after lunch today."

As Zora comes for a closer sniff, he holds the container tighter. "Ohhh no. This is all mine, you can't have any."

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