
What the cat dragged in

Con spreads out his hands willingly at Misty's suggestion. "Your wish is my command."

Carson smirks. "Show off." Turning around, he aims for the kitchen to prepare the pizzas. Once disappeared, there's an awful ruckus of clanging pots and pans before dead silence. Then Carson's voice pipes up again. "I'm okay! Thanks for asking."

Con snickers but dares not to laugh too loudly as he goes and starts moving tables and chairs.

It's not long before people start to arrive - and it was a bigger crowd than usual. Carson was glad he'd made several extra pizzas, and the whole gang wouldn't have to wait too long to eat. Cryptic's bunch is the first to get there, Rocky and Joel being quite rambunctious, while Axel tries to keep them in line, but winds up ignoring them and paying more attention to Jess instead. Next is JetStream, Jason in the lead with Katie in tow, before Phil, Jen and Mike, all seeming to be a little more hyped up than normal. Carson's a little surprised to then see a small group he didn't even recognize. They seemed a little out of place, finding the end of a table to sit together, mingling with the others but not mixing in like they knew each other very well. Eventually the door opens again, this time with Kyle and Alice.

Filling several pitchers with pop, Carson hears the bell again and glances out, spotting Kyle. His eyebrows rise in genuine surprise. Kyle was back in town?

Nodding to Misty, he directs her attention to the door. "Look who the cat dragged in."

Kyle gets into Mom and Pop's, his hand firmly planted in Alice's. Scanning the crowd, a smile forms on his face and he aims for his newest friends first to make sure everyone is okay and settled. Once again though, he doesn't have much time to breathe as he's bombarded by the others, mostly Joel and Phil this time. Hardly able to sit down, he finally secures a seat next to Alice down by the band, not wanting to leave any of them out of the loop.

The loud chatter and laughing continues, everyone seeming to have a good time. Before the pizza comes though, Kyle is finally able to steal a glance back over to the counter, spotting Misty and Carson both working. Giving Alice a little nudge, he scoots his chair back while he could escape the others. "I'll be right back."

Slipping from the noisy bunch, he ambles over to the counter, leaning on it a little. "Hey, what's a guy gotta do to get some service around here?"

Carson whirls around, a smile coming to his face. "Well... Kyle Mitts. What brings you to this side of the neighborhood?"

"Mmm... a lot of things." Kyle chuckles. Glancing down, then back up again, he studies Carson's face for a moment before his eyes shift to Misty. Things hadn't been so great when he'd left town. They had been alright but... there had still been quite a bit of tension. This was something he had to do... if for nothing else, then for his peace of mind. He needed to greet both of them. "Hey, Misty."

Kip looks around the restaurant, his legs bouncing a little under the table as the energy in the room just fed his hyper nature. Fiddling with his straw, he tears half of the wrapper off and tucks one end in, looking around the table for a target. Spying Twila, he elbows Karla to get her to watch. Blowing through the straw, the wrapper goes flying. Unfortunately, the air current in the room didn't cooperate and the paper projectile shifted to the right and winds up beaning Axel in the head.

Sitting at the table right beside theirs, Axel turns around in surprise, wondering who had just shot a straw wrapper at him.

Kip sinks a little lower in his seat, trying not to laugh. He'd met Axel a while ago, but that's as far as it went. He certainly hadn't meant to shoot at someone he didn't know. Seeing Axel turn back around, he figures he must have given up, and he gives Karla a sheepish grin. "I guess my aim was off."

His words are barely out of his mouth when a straw wrapper comes flying at him, hitting him lightly in the arm. Whipping his head back around in surprise, a smile breaks forth as he sees Axel eying him challengingly. And thus, the straw wrapper war began, spreading beyond the two of them.

The corner of the living room now looked like a miniature TJY. Several monitors, a computer and more would act as the security and Chance knew how everything ran. He had an eye on every outside camera now, along with instant contact to TJY if need be.

It had been a bit of a crazy evening, packing everything up, getting it all set up and trying to get settled in the safe house. Chance had been given an Elite SUV to drive for him and Destiny, so it had only taken one trip to get everything here.

Now it was after dark and Chance was getting tired, but he knew he needed to get used to short nights as he kept an eye on things. Swiveling in his chair, he glances towards the kitchen and stands up with a stretch and yawn. Wandering to where the light was on, he looks in on Destiny. Now that it was evening, it was just striking him that maybe Destiny wouldn't be so comfortable with just her and him in the house, and he wanted to make sure she was alright with it.

"Hey, um... if you ever need... I mean... well, if you're not okay with just me being the other person in the house or anything... let me know and I'll talk to Reese, okay?"

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