

Giving a smile and a shake of her head Reese new her to well. Back tracking a little Angelica opens the draw to her desk and slips her wallet back inside. If she didn't need to bring it she wouldn't it was one less thing to keep track of.

Finally exiting her office Angelica catches the last bit of Reese and Wyatt's messing around. A smile forms on her lips as she watches for a moment a soft chuckle escaping. It was so cute to watch Reese and Wyatt play around the bond between it was strong and something she liked seeing.

Just leaving them be Angelica makes her way to the door to wait. She didn't mind how long it took Reese she'd wait for him knowing he did have other stuff to do before hand.

Sitting outside with the windows open Areith waits for Wyatt. On the days off that the restraint was closed Aerith often met Wyatt for lunch and today was no different. She liked how there relationship was going and the time they spend together, it was always nice and she enjoyed it.

Leaning her head back aganst the seat Aerith enjoys the sun shine a smile on her face as she waits for Wyatt.

Sitting in Alec's lap a grin forms on Ryan's face. She couldn't help but love her brothers plan her own little payback for what he had done to her. Being in on her brother's plan along with Alec it just had something about it she liked.

"We separate...sometimes...hardly ever...but sometimes. Anyways thats not the point here.."

Ryan grins again her eyes dancing. Leaning against Alec a little she puts her hands over top of his thinking for a long moment.

"And your going to want me to be the look out right? Or do I get to be up front in the actions too? I do have to say this is kind of exciting. I didnt think you had the bad boy bone in your body Bro."

Sticking her tong out at Eli she follows it up with a quick teasing smile. She was a bit surprised that Eli would come up with something like this but she only was teasing him anyways.

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