

Folding a few more shirts Karla puts them into her suitcase. She didn't have much to pack but she had enough that if she wanted to get everything she needed she'd better start now. Not everything was going with her Erik's mom had told her this was her home too just like Erik and Kip what she wanted to leave she could so when she returned it would be here. It made Karla feel good knowing she had some place to call home, but still the dark cloud loomed from the events that happened a few hours before.

Going to the large closet again and grabbing some more clothing than coming back out to fold it again Karla hears the knock on the door followed by Kip's voice. Putting the cloths in the bag Karla rolls her eyes a little just continuing to listen to Kip. Did she want company right now maybe, from Kip not really. She was still upset and felt hurt even if there was a part of her that forgave him. She just wanted the time to heal and deal but he wouldn't even give her that.

Just listing still and not yelling for him to go away Karla had to admit he was at least trying and sounded cute in doing so even if she was mad. Going to the door Karla waits before opening it hearing about his fingers freezing she can't help the small chuckle. It was a funny image she got of Kip trying to play the base minus one finger.

Finally taking hold of the door handle Karla opens the door her voice following it was soft the tone tired to match what little energy she felt.

"You don't really listen to the whole give me some time thing huh?"

Turning and going back over to the bed Karla new Kip would come into the room on his own but thinking maybe her comment would keep him from coming in she looks up at the door holding one of her shirts.

"But if your fingers fall off it will be my fault the band doesn't have a bass player and who can turn down ice cream anyways right?"

Hearing the alarm go off Hope slams the button to her alarm clock. It felt like she had just fallen asleep and she hurt all over still. Lifting her head from the pillow Hope glances at the clock. It was seven o'clock already.

Laying her head down on the pillow again Hope could feel her eyes wanting to close one more. Just a half hour more thats all she needed than she would be fine. Stress had just caught up to her and now she must be coming down with something. Whatever it was though hit hard and fast.

Just a little more sleep than she would be ok to head into work before going to the hospital. Dr. Thomas would be waiting for her, and she new if she didnt come in he would be calling wondering where she was.

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