
Many Memories

Hearing Justin's comment it hits deep and home in Beth's heart. He was right no matter what the time was when she came, and when she went it always was a long visit.

"Your right it is always a long stay, but I'd never miss a day."

Turning a little more to say something else to Justin Beth see that he has already turned around himself and was now heading to his truck like a zombie. Not being able to help it a laugh breaths forth and a smile spreads on her lips staying there for a bref moment before it was gone again.

Facing the hospetil again once more Beth makes her way inside again slowly walking down the halls she had been to so many times now. Brefly stopping at the nurses station she chats with the nurse on how her sister was doing and if today was a good day for Sarah. Finding out it was Beth nods and continues to head to her sister room.

"Sarah its me."

Knocking lightly on the door before entering Beth gives a smile to her sister who was sitting by the window. She was dressed for the day since Beth had come a little later someone else had done it. All she had to do was get her jacket on and than they could go for there walk.

"Hey there..see I told you I'd be here once again today and its a wonderful day outside too."

Now in the room with her sister Beth's eyes, voice and whole demeanor just seemed to soften. Taking her sister jacket she slowly takes her arms and puts them into the sleaves before zipping it up.

"Oh man...I think I'm going to have to buy you a new jacket this one is getting small on you. Any idea what color you might like?"

Searching her sister's lifeless eyes Beth tryed looking for an answer wanting to be able to get her sister what she wanted, but getting no answer or not even a clue it was hard.

"How about purple...I know you love that color."

Taking her sister hand she helps her up out of the chair as they slowly walk out of the room. Moving slow Beth didn't care how long it took..as long as she got Sarah up and moving thats what mattered to her.

"How about we walk about the flower gardens, I know the flowers are just starting and they look so pretty...just like you."

Eyeing Justin as he entered the office Dalton stays on guard. He normally didn't like people he didn't know just walking into his and Scott's office but earlier he had seen this man talking with Reese so he must be ok right?

Sitting back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest Dalton's thinks for a long moment considering a few things. If Justin was helping Scott than it would be a good thing to let him answer questions right? He'd never liked councilors though since he had been forced to go to one himself and the only reason he was ok with Hope was because He little buddy was so in love with her.

Finally answering Justin Dalton's voice is low and a little rough to match his appearance. This was for Scott, he'd do it for him.

"I don't like people like you picking my brain but if helps Scott I'll answer a few questions. It's lonely not having him around here."

Sliding her helmet on and getting onto the back of Eli's bike it was familiar now, and just came natural. Wrapping her arms around her wast and giving a little squeeze herself to hug him.

The ride was long and Scarlet loved it never wishing it would end at tims she would just get lost. Even resting her hand on Eli's back for a moment to signal her approval. But soon the ride comes to an end as they pull up to Mom and Pop's. She'd eaten here once before but not since it came under new management she could only hope it was still as good.

Returning his kiss softly Scatlet's on arm that was still around Eli tightens just a little. Even the soft kiss he gave were nice, and there was just something about them.

Leaning her chin over his shoulder Scarlet gives a little sigh. She'd miss these rides, and by Eli's tone he would too.

"Mmm...yes you better make this one a good one. Than again though I wouldn't say this would be the last ride. Maybe my bike will break down a lot giving me the chance to ride some more with you."

Giving a small chuckle Scarlet gets off the bike and stands waiting for Eli to follow suit and get off as well. Her leather jacket crinkling a little as she waited the wind blowing her hair softly.

"You could always just come steal me away too that might be fun."

The ride was quiet with lots of music but Karla didn't mind. There was nothing to fear in the still sound of silence though she was full of her own energy that caused her to sing along to the music every once in a while before remembering someone else was in the car and feeling silly.

Coming to the rest stops were nice as she could stretch her legs and chat with the others. Carrying her desposible camra with her she made sure to take lost of pictures. Alice had asked if once they were devloped if she could take a look at them and use them. It made Karla feel good that she would want too.

Once back in the car with Kip Karla looks over to him and smile giving a nod.

"I'm holding up good. Was nervous at first but...I think things are going to be fine."

Moving a little closer to him and putting her head against his Karla pulls the camera up quick and takes a picture of them together. One of the many memories they would share.

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