
In line

Continuing to kiss Carson Misty can feel her feet lift off the ground before she can feel herself rest onto the counter. Misty can't help but laugh at Carson's mumbled words between kissing her.

Having Carson return again for another kiss Misty wraps her legs around his wast just letting the passion flow for a long while before pulling away and looking at him in the eye.

"Maybe we should get to making those pizza huh? If everyone gets here and there is no food, we got bigger problems."

Misty can't help but laugh again going to kiss Carson one more time but stops as the small bell on the door rings. Quickly turning around she laughs again.

"Ahhh man...Con they are kissing again....on the counter non the less."

Jamie gives a laugh as she leans into Con a little bit standing in the doorway. The kissing really didn't bother her but she didnt want to stand there any longer being a peeping Tom ether.

"We heard there was a party going on here, and we didn't know what time so we though maybe we could help out a little before hand."

Standing with Kip and enjoying the music Karla was having a great time. The was one of the first concerts she had ever been to and so far she was having a great time. With the adrenalin of everyone Karla seemed to lose her shy edge very easily. Shifting a little her fingers find Kips as she looks to him and gives a smile.

As Kyle comes up to her Katie smiles. Returning the hug she lets it linger for a long moment. Kyle was her long time friend and she had missed him just as much as anyone else.


Just holding her hug for the longest moment Katie just lets her own emotions go free. It was so good to see her friend again and to know he was doing well.

"You look even better. It was such a surprise to see you, no a day went by we didn't think about you and wonder how you were."

Pulling away a little and looking to Kyle's left Katie catches sight of Alice. Backing away a few steps she smiles and nods to her.

"Alice...its good to see you again."

Stepping close to Kyle and linking her arm with his Alice looks to him and than Katie her own smile across her face.

"You as well Katie. Keeping that boyfriend of yours in line?"

"Always, the best I can anyways."

Both women laugh slightly there eyes sparking.

Just laying on the couch with Alec Ryan leans her head on top of his, watching the tv but dozing i and out of sleep. Hearing the knock on the door Ryan hardly moves to comfortable to even think about it.

Hearing Leo's voice though Ryan crains her neck a little to look over the couch and out the door. In a way she wish Leo would of come in for a drink but at the same time she was kind of happy he hasn't or it might have been a little awkward.

But one the door is close again Ryan snuggles down under the covers a little more with Alec. Looking up only once as her brother talks she gives a smile.

"Mmm...tomorrow..thats gonna be fun."

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