

The day had been busy and everyone was running on excitement and adrenaline though one would wonder how since the laughter that rang into the early morning signled they got very little sleep. It was just to exciting to go to bed.

Much like Kyle Alice had her own reason beside the band for going back. It was home, a home they had left so long ago it almost felt like years and now...now in God's time, they were going back. Heading back inside with Kyle again Alice slips her hand into his giving a smile.

Heading back inside again Karla makes her way to the kitchen once again. Shirley had told her that in a little while she would have fresh lemon aid for the gang to drink. Her last tribute to them since she wouldn't actually get to see them again for a while.

As promised the lemon aid was waiting and Karla's smile grew a little. Shirley was so nice to them she sure was going to miss her. Carrying the tray carfuly into the other room Karla sets its down on the table for every.

"Drinks are served complementary of Shirley herself."

Sitting down on the one end of the couch Karla looks around for Kip. Not seeing him she figured he headed to the bathroom or something before coming in here with everyone else.

Watching Karla and seeing she was looking for Kip Alice gives a smile. Karla and Kip were so cute together. They didn't say and maybe they didn't know it but almost everyone could see the silent looks they gave each other.

"Hey Karla could you as Kip if he packed the brown leather bag with my journalist stuff? It's not in my room, or in my jeep, not sure if maybe he packed it or saw it in one of the other cars. I think I last saw him outside still."

Setting her drink down Karla gives a smile and a small nod saying she would ask Karla stands. She talked but not nearly as much as she did to Kip, not that she didn't like the others it was just her.

Heading to the door and out Karla stands on the porch and scans the area.


Not seeing him she turns to go back inside only to see him disappear around the side of the building not having any idea someone else was with him. The smile of her face grew a little thinking maybe he was hiding on purpose just to make her coming looking for him. Stepping off the porch and shaking her head Karla makes her way to the other side of the garage her voice raising a little so he could hear her but a joking tone in it non the less and being alone she was a little bolder than normal being comfortable with him..

"Kip, I am not going to chase you all day unless I get a kiss, but first Alice wants to know if..."

Karla's voice trails off as she turns the corner and sees Kip and a woman she didn't know in a rather passionate embrace there lips both locked. In an instint Karla could feel what felt like her heart going into her throat as a horrable feeling came over her. It was hard to explain, anger, jealoucy, or maybe it was the feeling of being hurt almost like being betrayed that seemed to be the strongest out of them all. Kip didn't belong to her he could kiss who he wanted but...something had happened the day he kissed her and Karla though it meant something...now...now it was nothing. Nothing special...just a kiss.

Not saying anything else Karla turns and goes back to the front of the house her face hung just a little bit more than normal as she made her way up the porch. She was going on this trip for herself and for Kip. But...did he really need her? Was it a good idea to go? Was she just a place holder for a kiss till this other chick came around. Karla didn't know if she believed any of the questions she had but she couldn't help thinking them anyways.

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