

Scarlet's grin grows even more as she can hear the whistle from the bay area soon to be shut off by the closing door. Looking up at Eli her eyes twinkle as she leans slightly on the counter. It had been almost two maybe three days since there last in counter, and though that really wasn't long it felt like it had been.

"I'd like it, and feel much more comfortable having your drive me home. Not to mention catch up a little about the last few days. Only place I need to go is home, unless you have time for lunch too."

Sitting up from the counter finally Scarlet holds her keys to her bike out to Eli dropping them in his hand. It was not often she'd let someone else touch her bike but she new it was in good hands here.

"So, how are you? They aren't harassing you to much are they?"

Mmmm...a trip to the park afterward sounds like a great plan. Work off a little lunch.

Giving a small laugh Katie shook her head a little. She'd never tire of her communication with Jason. She was only happy they had learned to live with it. They weren't normal, but she liked it that way and it made them have a special bond.

Than again, anything as long as its with you sounds good as well. Maybe on our way back to work we cans stop by and see Carson. I haven't really seen him since Misty and himself got back from there honeymoon. I want to know how everything went for him.

Putting the book down she was reading and turning the stove off Cassy stirs the chicken and rice soup giving it a little taste. Oh it turned out so good this time around, she was certin Leo would love it and it would help him feel better.

Getting a big plastic bowl out Cassy pours the soup into it before reaching into the cupboard for some crackers and tea bags. Leo hadnt called her back and she was a little worried. He has sounded so bad on the phone if anything she just wanted to make sure he was ok.

...Giving a knock on the door and not getting an answer Cassy checks the nob feeling it was unlocked she opened the door and stepped inside.

"Leo...its Cassy."

Stepping in more not getting an answer Cassy closes the door behind her before finding her way to the kitchen. It was a cute little apartment, and easy to find ones way around Cassy liked it.

Setting the soup and tea down along with the keys Cassy does a little more investigating before finding her way to Leo's room. Feeling a little strange she didn't want to scare the crap out of him, but she did want to make sure he was ok. Givinging a knock on the door she opens it a little as if testing make sure he was decent.

"Leo, its Cassy your front door was open and I was just checking to make sure you were ok. I brought you some homemade chicken noodle soup."

Opening the door a little more and stepping in a little closer to the bed Cassy was a little leery not sure what Leo might think but waiting to see if she got a reply from him.

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