
Same look

Holding a shocked look on her face Katie looks between Carson and Jason though her eyes, and her emotions said other wise she played it out anyways.

"Why I never...ornery...ornery...I...You better watch it mister or I'll sick that wife of yours on you."

Finally Katie's lips turn into a smile from the shocked stage as she chuckled. The bantering back and forth was fun and it had been so long. Hearing Jason's order Katie new he was trying to stear away from the topic before they never got there food and she couldn't help but pull on Jason's silly emotions.

Turning her attachen back to him full after Carson walked away Katie gave him a smile letting her warm emotions flow to him and tug on his own. Her eyes twinkled as she looked back across the table at the man she loved so much.

"Because I am more cute, and sweet than ornery, and even in the time when I am you think it makes me look cuter."

Katie gives a laugh her smile still beaming on her face.

Hearing the front door open Ryan wasn't alarmed. It was ether Alec witch he doubted because Rick had yet let him walk on it, or it was her brother. Anyone else would be stupid to enter her house with out her permission.

Finally moving her head away from the tv as Eli comes into the living room sooner than normal Ryan just looks at him for a long moment. He looked tired, but something else looked on his mind and the tone of his voice seemed to match. He always had this cretin expression when he was thinking a little to much about something.

"Hey, well..I worked, talked to Leo yesterday a little and didn't see him today. Darrel said he called in sick. Didn't get a chanse to see Alec because work was swamped and I only got home about ten minutes ago myself. but I called him and he's doing ok, though he is driving rick batty and its kind of funny. Oh and I have a race tomorrow night."

Taking a deep breath Ryan looks away from Eli at the tv for a moment. Though she had just giving him the whole run down and it sounded like a lot she said it all in one breath witch mean all in all it was a pretty boring day.

Turning off the tv and looking back to Eli again she studys his face for a moment. Shifting on the couch so she was laying on her tummy and her chin rested in her hands Ryan just looks at him for a long moment before finally saying anything.

"Alright I know somethings up by the look on your face. Its the same one Pops use to get when something was wrong or he was thinking to hard. Are you ok?"

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