
Innocent fun

Once Scott was done eating Hope was please he at least had half the bowl. It was more than he had, had to eat in a while and it did make her happy.

Hearing Scott's next question makes her heart sink a little more. It was good he now admitted he needed help but it hurt even more that he new he was getting worse. She just wanted him better now.

Moving from the edge of the bed to lean her back against the wall and put her arms around Scott Hope leaned her head against his letting out a sigh.

"I'd don't know Scott, but don't you give up yet ok? I'm still here with you, and even if it doesn't look it things are gonna be ok, and soon you will be out of here. I promise you, your going to be ok."

Hope had promised before she wouldn't give up one him and she would do all she could, she wasn't about to go back on that now. Even if it seemed miles away Hope new it was in reach once they got partway there.

Hearing the low growl that Alec made pleased Ryan knowing he enjoyed receiving the affection as much as she liked giving it. Feeling him pull her closer to himself makes her deepen the kiss that much more, just feeling his arms around her.

Hearing Alec's comment Ryan's corners of her lips turn upward a little more as she turns to look at the timer on the microwave. Seeing the time was almost up Ryan takes a few steps back still holding onto Alec taking him with her. Turning the stove off she looks back to him her eyes twinkling as she turns and heads for the living room.

"I think we can arrange that."

Leading him into the living room Ryan stops at the couch and gives him a little push so he falls back onto it. Grinning she brings herself done to him putting one leg on each side. Leaning in her lips press against his again before drawing away turning her head the other way and returning again. Her one hand cradling his face, and the other finding his hair.

Continuing to look at the man in front of her Scarlet keeps her arms cross as she raises her eyebrow. This had to be a joke right? If this guys was really a thug there would be no way he was stumbling over his words in front of her.

But finally hearing his reason for trying to keep her hear a grin finally forms on her lips as a chuckle escapes her lips.

"It was to much for him to come and see if I'd come huh?"

Stepping a little closer to the man Scarlet throws her arm over his shoulder and pulls him a little closer to her turning to walk twords the bar again.

"How about I buy you a drink, and we let Eli worry a little when he shows up humm? But first you have to tell me your name."

Looking over at Jimmy she gives a smile.

"I guess I'm not leaving after all!"

"Something tells me thats not the guy you were waiting for."

Scarlet gives a shake of her head and another chuckle looking to the man again chuckling.

"No, it wasn't but it dosnt hurt to make Eli worry a little for not coming here himself right?"

Shaking his head and laughing the bartender takes two more beers from the cooler and puts them on the bar. Sometime Scarlet was to much to handle and he couldn't help but laugh. This defiantly was going to be interesting.

"Just don't make him worry to much. I don't no bloodshed in my bar you hear me."

Holding up her one hand Scarlet nods.

"Don't worry it's just a little innocent fun right..."

Scarlet's words trail off waiting for the man to tell her his name.

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