

Dr. Hawks listens intently to Hope, taking notes and leaning forward with interest, trying to take it all in and trying to understand all these details that seemed unreal but were true.

Once everything is said, Dr. Hawks lets everything settle, nodding slowly. "Yes... just before you came, I had another session with Scott and he was quite angry. He gave me whatfor, but still wasn't getting that anger out of his system. I think he subconsciously replaced fear with anger because it felt safer. And hating someone is safer than forgiving them. It's obvious that he just didn't go through this stage earlier, but with it being this late in the game, it's going to be hard to overcome. I know too, that he's angry for being brought here, so that just feeds those feelings."

He sighs deeply, still thinking. "And you're right... getting him to care is another issue. He says he does... and I know he's not suicidal, but he's not caring enough to take care of himself either. He's wallowing in self-pity and anger as it builds up a protective wall around himself. Most likely he started doing that when all of that Agency data started getting to him - it was his defense and now it took over."

Pausing again, he sets his pencil down. 'Thank you for sharing all of this. I believe it will help greatly. I have a few ideas for some anger management that we can try so we'll see what happens."

He nods, ready to move on. "I think Scott went to his room if you want to see him. I don't know what kind of mood he's in though."

Scott stares at his breakfast that Jenny had left for him. He'd nibbled a little on the orange and toast but that was about it. Now that it had been sitting there for an hour, it was evcen less appealing.

Sinking down on the floor under the window, he wraps his arms around his legs and rests his chin on his knees. There was sunshine today and it felt warm on his shoulders, like a blanket he wanted but could never have. He wanted his own home back. He wanted Domino. He wanted his life back.

"Hey, Sunshine." A smile spreads on Sparky's face as he enters the hospital room, his cowboy hat tilted back and his truck keys jingling as he put them in his pocket.

Easing down on the bed next to Faith, he takes her hand, finding her eyes with him. "You look chipper today. Feeling ready to go?"

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