

Thirteen continued to smile as her just hugs the man she believed was her father. Feeling Ryder's hand on her shoulder Thirteen looks up a little not sure why it seemed like everyone else wasn't as excited as she was. Everything was so quiet, like everyone was waiting to see what would happen next.

Being pulled away from Eric and still smile Thirteen looks into his eyes, trying to soak what she could in. Letting her sudden second guess not pry its way in. This was her dad, it had to be, everything fit, and the feelings where there, they just had to be.

Listing to the words between Trent and Eric Thirteen became confused. She didn't understand what they were talking about, or even what there words meant. Continuing to look at them her eyes finally fall back to Eric again. She was more nervous now than before.

Hearing Eric's words Thirteen's heart sunk, he....wasn't her father? Than why the connections, why did she feel comfortable with him. She didn't understand and it made herself sad. She felt like an idiot now, making a fool of herself, but worse she hadn't found anyone. But as she is turned to look at Trent and hears Eric's words it seemed like as though Thirteen's heart stopped once again. She talked to him, he'd seen her, he new how much she wanted to know her father and yet...he was silent. Looking to Ryder Thirteen's eyes filled with tears, but reaching down she found her strength to take a few steps closer to Trent.

"You new how much I wanted to see you, You new how much I wanted dad and yet, you denied me of that? Why? I dont have a past besides a cold dark cell, because watching people die in front of me, there family begging to see there child again yet they never do. I have to live with those memories, with the dark pictures that run through my mind when I close my eyes. Hate anger, thats what my life was filled with. I should hate you because thats what I was trained to do, but I don't. Even if I don't understand I still love you and..."

Thirteen takes in a deep breath trying to control her emotions. She finally met her dad, she new who he was and she loved him. But still she didn't understand any of this.

"I wanted my own memories, my own family to push those out of my head. Its hard to answer questions truthful when people ask me at work about myself, I wanted to have stores like everyone else. But you denied me of that....Why? Were you ashamed of me? Didn't you love me?"

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