
New faces

Leaning into Gage as his arm is around her Sapphire enjoyed the closeness, and the warmth his offered. It was nice to be with someone and to be able to walk tall with a mans arm around her shoulder.

"Mmm...dinner sounds more than good. I think I am starving. Anything you want, its here you pick what we have."

Grabbing one of the extra chairs Hope sits down across from Scott's desk returning the smile. She could feel the tension in the air, one could cut it with a knife. Glancing to Dalton and than back to Scott Hope starts to open the food bag taking some burgers and frys out, turning back to Dalton again Hope gives an apologetic look.

"Sorry Hulk I didn't know you were still here or I would of got something for you too."

Looking up from his computer Dalton gives a smile and pushes away from his computer. He was happy Hope was here and only hoped Scott would talk to her. Maybe they needed some time alone.

"Oh, that's ok I was just about to go grab something myself. I'll be back shortly. You guys have a nice meal."

Grabbing his jacket Dalton heads out of the office closing the door behind him.

Watching Dalton leave Hope turns back to Scott still smiling. Searching his eyes for a long moment Hope grabs a fry to munch on. 

"You look tired today. Everything ok?"

Entering the dinning hall with Jason and the other Katie smiles as Jeff takes her into a hug. She hadnt been gone all that long but it seemed like forever she had seen her father. Kissing him a kiss on the cheek Katie pulls away.

"Hey Daddy!!!! Its good to see you again."

Looking up from her dinner plate a smile forms on Rosetta's face as she sees Katie. Looking behind them her eyes show a little question as the two new people. She could only guess the other young lady was Jasmine but how much she looked like Kaite, and than that must be Ryder with her.

"Katie, Jason...its good to see you made it."

Before anything else can be said a little lighting bolt shoots across the dinningroom running right into Jason's legs and clinging to them.


BJ look up at him smiling. He'd always liked Jason and recintly had been asking Rosetta when he would see him again. He always liked when other guys were around craving for the male bonding even at a young age.

Giving a laugh at her little cousin Katie looks to Jason, Jeff, and than to Rosetta giving a smile. Finally stepping back a little Katie extend her hand to Thirteen and Ryder.

"Everyone this is Jasmine, but she likes to be called Thirteen, and than this is her boyfriend and friend of ours Ryder. Ryder, Thirteen this is, My aunt Rosetta, and my dad Jeff...than this little ball of fun here is BJ my cousin."

Giving a smile and a nod Faith was happy for a small informal introduction. Slowly taking Sparky's hand under the table she looks to him mouthing thank you. It was amazing how much Katie looks like her Aunt.

"They will be staying for Christmas too?"
Staying close to Ryder Thirteens eyes scan the room as she grips his hand. She been told these people were ok, but she couldn't help but be scared anyways of all the new faces and people. Trying to give a smile to the new people she had been just introduced to Thirteens eyes catch sight of Trent. Knowing him she gives a little wave to make herself a little more comfortable waiting for Ryder's lead.

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