
Me, not Him

Seeing the look in Scott's eyes and hearing his words only made Sapphire anger rage on even more. She was hurt, and she couldn't stand what her brother had done. Didn't he remember when he had been roughed up right inside TJY, how many people stood for him when they thought HE was a bad guy.

"I stand for a man who has no voice, because he has no friends yet he wants to change his life. I'm his only friend, and he's the only one I got. I'm not going to back down on this, and I will follow him where he goes because I promised I would protect him and along the way, I saw who he really was. And it isn't what you cant see past."

Moving her chicken away from her and just leaving her drink Sapphire felt so sick to her stomach. Everything had turned so wrong so fast. She had found someone she cared about, Her relationship with her parents were getting better and her Baby brother and herself were getting along. Now...now it was on the brink of breaking all over again. Shifting a little Sapphire moves to the edge of the booth ready to get up, she really had nothing else to say seeing as Scott really wouldn't listen much. Not to mention she was going to snap if she stayed any longer. It wasn't often Sapphire got angry to where she wanted to yell, and she really didnt want to do it now.

"Gage us bit the enemy here Scott. He will continue to be a part of my life, and if you have a problem with that than you can deal with me, not him."

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