
Don't be

Alec can't help just a little surprise at Ryan's insistence on going in with him. His eyes follow her hand as she cuts the motor and takes the keys, moving up to meet her own eyes once more. Not alone anymore... what did it mean? It was hard for him to remember a time when he hadn't felt alone. Despite Agency camaraderie or women, he'd always been a loner, feeling doomed to always be that way. Had he been in this same position a year ago, he would have been told to face the music himself and gotten a kick in the rear on his way. It's how he learned to be tough... to be indestructible. And now...

Reaching over, he turns his hand to run the backside of his fingers down the side of Ryan's face, tracing her cheek, then turning to brush over her lips. "You're either brave or stupid," he points out quietly. "But I see the flame." He stares into her eyes, searching, searching for her soul. "And I guess now I'm either brave or stupid too."

Leaning closer to Ryan, his hand moves to the back of her head as he kisses her lips, drinking in their sweetness one last time. Pulling away, he cocks his head just a little. "In case they won't let you come back," he explains. "I don't have anything else for you to remember me by."

"Don't be sorry." Ty doesn't answer Libby's question of where they were headed right away. He'd been silent as they'd slipped from the house and driven away, just letting her have her space. "I've been there and it sucks but it's not your fault so don't apologize."

He looks over at her, feeling badly for her situation and wishing he had a way to help. She was too sweet to deserve a homelife like that. But it wasn't his place to tell her what to do.

"Um... you can take me back to my place." He points at the next corner. "Turn here."

Getting to Wyatt's house and pulling in the drive, Ty makes note that Wyatt's jeep wasn't there yet - he was either still at work or off and gone to see Aerith. "I still got a couple hours before work," he muses. "If you don't feel like going home yet, you can come inside."

"Never?" Ryder squeezes Thirteen's fingers a little bit as she takes them in hers. He'd told Trent they might go walking around, but right now he was content just sitting here with Thirteen. If they didn't move an inch, he wouldn't mind. This whole thing.... it was about her, not him and he wouldn't push or pressure her or try and force her to cheer up when he knew it was so hard.

Moving his face down closer to hers, he kisses her forehead tenderly. "I guess I haven't done a very good job then," he muses quietly.

His arm around her tightens slightly. "You deserve a whole lot more than this world has given you. And I know it's your dad you want right now. But... but for what it's worth..."

He pauses, feeling his pulse pick up just a little bit. He'd only ever said these words to one other woman. But he knew it to be true now. "For what it's worth, I love you, Thirteen."

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