
Sure of it

Sparky chuckles at Faith, holding Twilight still. "Well good... and you're welcome."

He gives a little nod. "Whenever tomorrow is fine. I'm not too busy for you. Come on. Lunch will be soon."

Motioning Faith closer, he slings an arm around her shoulders as they walk back out of the corral slowly and head for the barn. Once there, Twilight is untacked and rubbed down, thoroughly enjoying the attention.

Sparky looks over her back to Faith, a quirky smile on his face. "Last thing you gotta do is before bed, I want you to take a hot bath. Even if you're not that sore tonight, you will be in the morning - take my word for it. No matter what good a shape someone is, a ride like that for their frst time in the saddle is gonna hurt. But if you soak a while, it'll lessen the chances of you getting too stiff."

As lunch is prepared in the kitchen, right on time, others start to filter inside, finding their way to their favorite tables. Trent finds his usual corner out of the way, today seeming to be occupied with a small notepad he's writing in, every once in a while looking up, proving that he was well aware of what was going on around him.

JIm finds Becky in the kitchen and after a short conversation, he wanders to the dining area, spotting Annie off to the side. Approaching casually, he stops, looking out the window, but speaking to his sister. "I was right, by the way." He keeps his voice quiet. "About Sparky and Faith that is. I'm sure of it now."

Gage shrugs, not minding what movie they went to or if Sapphire wanted to browse the mall. He was along for the ride and really didn't care what they did, as long as he was out of his apartment for a while. "Whatever is fine... you know me."

He ambles beside her on the way inside, having been here with her before so it didn't feel too odd. They wait for Con and Jamie to decide what they're going to see, and wind up with a little while to kill before the movie. Wandering through a few stores, he follows Sapphire's lead, though the entire time, his eyes are everywhere, like usual, never resting, never letting his guard down in a public place like this. One could almost see his mind processing every little thing.  There were a lot of people out today... many of them Christmas shopping.

Eventually, the movie is seen, Gage enjoying sitting next to Sapphire, and Con having his arm around Jamie the entire time. And when it's over, the four are together again in the parking lot.

Con yawns and stretches tall. "I don't want to go back to work," he admits ruefully. "I feel more like a nap."

Gage grins a little. Con looked the type to be active all day, not one to take naps. He looks to Sapphire, questioning her next move. "Are you... going back to work now too?"

"Well... if it isn't Ms. Lockheart." Gunner cocks his head, a wry grin tweaking the corner of his mouth. "They finally came through with my one request. And it only took them... how long? I'm impressed." The dryness of his tone was a bit sarcastic, though a glint of humor was somewhere in his eyes that were so tired.

Staring across the table at Angelica, he shakes his head. "Come now... you already know what I've gotten myself into. I got arrested for breaking out a mental patient. That much is obvious, isn't it?"

He gestures to her briefcase. "You don't happen to have some paper and a pen in there, do you? I've been dying to doodle, but they won't let me."

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