

Taking the small package from Laura Nate holds it in his hand for a long moment before unwrapping it. Still unsure of what was going on and why Laura didn't just give this to him when they opened gifts with everyone else.

Slowly opening the small package Nate is cafel being able to feel through the paper this time was smell and fragile. Moving the last peace of paper out of the way Nate looks down at it for a long moment. He'd always been a father to Maggie, so maybe this made Laura think about that for him. But something still felt odd. Why would she take him all the way out here just for that?

Looking up with question on his face Nate searches Laura's eyes and right before he was about to ask the glint was seen, and the glow formed. Nate felt as thought his words were stuck in his own throat. A wave of being nervous himself, to a wave of being happy seemed to pass over him all at once.

His eyes slightly wide, his mouth hug open for just a second his own words just didnt want to form.

"I...are you sure? I mean of course your sure but...I mean...we hadn't planed this..and I though we were being carful. I.."

Nate's words trail off as he looks down at the ornament again and than back up at Laura. A smile finally passing across his lips, as his own glow seems appear off him.

A baby, a father, a child...a family.

Standing again he reaches out to Laura and pulls her into his strong arms as he holds her tight leaning his head down into her hair smelling the sweet fragrance of it. His heart seeming to beat a million times faster than before.

"A baby, we are going to have a baby."

This had to run second best to marrying Laura, and having there own little family with Maggie. Now it would grow with another, He would be a father, Laura a mother, and Maggie would be an aunt. Nate had never felt a time when he had been so excited and so scared at the same time.

Pulling away just a little and looking down into Laura's eyes Nate had a few tears in his own. Not sad ones, but happy ones. His heart felt like it was going to explode from every single emotion that was running through it.

"I love you Laura with all my heart. Your going to have to be my solid ground on this one because this big lug is scared he is gonna break something now."

Brushing a little hair from Laura face Nate tucks it behind her ear. Just looking deep into her eyes. His own had his emotions of excitement and though he was scared, that was a normal reaction for anyone expecting there first child.

Leaning into Laura Nate holds her close to him as his press his lips to hers on more time. All his emotions seeming to come through in that one kiss. The moment lingering as they were alone, with no one to see the intimate kiss that took place.

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