

Laying in the bed ever so still Bree just stairs at the wall. Holding the blanket that had been wrapped around her ever so close. The faint smell of Gunner was still there, and it was her comfort right now, the closest thing she had to him.

Feeling her Uncle sit down next to her on the bed Bree shifts her head down a little bit to look at JT. Trying to let a smile slip on her face, the corners of her mouth upturn very slightly just trying her best.

"I'm...doing ok."

Bree's voice came out in a soft whisper. Words were not high on her list of things to do right now and talking just seemed useless. But she did want some fresh air, maybe she could go for a walk.

"Can I go for a walk outside?"

Amanda sat comfortably over on the bed  her back aganst the wall. She'd already called work and let them know she had a family matter she was taking care of. They were instructed to call only if there was an emergency. A book in her hands now she was noise deep in reading it.

Hearing the door open Rosetta looks up from the book she was reading with BJ. Seeing Scott step into the dinning hall a smile forms on her face even bigger than before. Shifting a little bit she tells BJ to run along and play, they would finish the book later.

Standing Rosetta makes her way over to Scott and gives him a big smile. She didnt get to see him last time he was here, so it had been a little longer for her.

"Scott....its so good to see you again."

Giving him a hug Rosetta wasnt shy and she felt like Scott belonged here just as much as the next person. As the movement catches her eyes Rosetta looks to the smiling woman that stood next to him.That smile, thoughs eyes it reminded her oh.....Rosetta looks to Hope with surprise on her face. It had been a long time since she actually saw Hope face to face.

"Hope Garrison...Oh my goodness its been a long time. You looks so different, yet the same all at once. Wow...what do I owe the plesent suprise of both of you?"

Rosetta leads them to the kitchen offering the little table and for both the visitors to sit while she brewed a pot of coffee.

Hearing Alec's comment Ryan takes a few steps back only to see him better. She wasn't nervous anymore but she new she still had to be careful. In an instint she could be blindsided, or even twisted to Alec's will if she let her own guard totally down. Though something told her he wouldnt try that this time for fear of the only really human comtact not coming back again. Still she needed to tread lightly.

"I've come to find out in the weeks that have pasted, there is more than just racing in the world. Doesn't hurt to change things up once and a while, going on a new bizarre mission, helps keep life interesting. Doing something new, out of the ordinary.."

Her face continued to hold its soft smile as she looks at Alec, searching his eyes Ryan catchs the new looks, with the tint of a softness behind it. Ryan new it was there still...somewhere.

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