
Fine, and Safe

Entering TJY Ryan just stands for a long moment a magazine in hand. She wasn't to sure why she was here, or even why she wanted to do this, but after talking with Axel a little Ryan just felt like she had. Maybe because her own brother was in the slammer, and she couldn't see him. Maybe this would...help her deal? She never told Eli is bothered her, or even Leo. Talking about John was just...something she didn't do.

Stopping at a cubicle and asking for directions Ryan new it wouldn't be easy to see Alec. She couldnt just walk down where he was, be let in. No that would be way to easy, but Axel had warned her of that too. So when asked what she could do he simply said who she could talk with and might be able to help.

Finally finding Jason's office Ryan just stands there for a long moment her fist raised in the air. Was this a good idea? Would they even let her? Ryan could only hope. Knocking she waits someone one to answer the door, maybe even Jason himself, unless he had a secretary.

Thanking for a long moment Annie gives a thoughtful nod.wondering herself how they would approach Sparky. The last thing they would want was him to is they were attacking him.

"Wes has always been the wise one. Maybe it would be best if you talked to him first about it. What ever it comes down to though I know we need to talk to Sparky. At least maybe let him know to stop and think for a moment, so in case Faith is using him he can come to his sences."

Looking down at her papers and tapping her pencil on the table she shakes her head again and lets out a long sigh. She still hated this, it just felt wrong, but seeing Sparky with Faith didn't seem right ether. Maybe because it was her friend, and her older brother. Maybe it was the age that bothered her, or maybe it was the fact they had been kissing already and they only just met.

Finishing writing the one line she had in her head Sapphire looks up and gives a smile at Gage. He was leaving quicker than she had thought, but his face seemed to hold a different glow than normal. It wasn't a bad one, but one that showed a tiny bit of peace.

"Are you sure you don't want a ride? Its cold out there, and well honestly I don't really wannaa be at work right now. So I wont mind driving you!"

Listing to Gunner a wrinkle forms in Angelica's for head as her mind starts to process everything. Taking in everything Gunner said and keeping it on her memory note pad where no one could find it, if they tried to look. Seeing the worry in Gunner's eyes Angelica could see how much he cared for Bree and it just drove the steak to work harder to bring them together once agian.

"Gunner, I over herd something....that I probably should have. Scott and Hope are going out to Texas, Scott says he needs to pick up TJY equipment...but being a laywer his eyes betray him. I didn't know Hope was going with him as first and than when I overheard she was...well...I think its for good reason, and it just might help."

Angelica leans forward a little her eyes trying to offer all the hope she could to Gunner, trying to at least try to ease his worry a little.

"JT and Bree are just fine, and safe. The condition they are in, I don't know but if I find anything out I will make sure to tell you."

Straghting again Angelia holds her hands on the table once again as she just watches Gunner for a long moment Studying him, not saying a word. Till finally she broke the silence once again.

"I do know David, he actualy was my partner for many years and runs my office in Cali. I think luck might be on our side with that one. I'm going to give him a call and get all the information I can from him.I'll work hard, and long but I promise you Gunner I will do all I can for, you, JT, Bree, and anyone else who might be involved in this. I wont let you guys down."

Typing away at his computer Dalton had two windows open, switching back and forth between them, he did personal work, and some work for TJY. Sharing his time between them both he seemed focused. While Scott was gone he was doing his own research, and hacking. He couldn't sit back and do nothing even if that's what Gunner wanted. He had to help them, he had to help Bree. He'd go crazy himself if he didnt.

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