

Ty gives Libby a sheepish look, then his own laugh. "Alright. We'll I'd probably end up getting in trouble too, so I'd say it's a good idea all around."

Tossing his cup into the trashcan, he nods to the door. "I know a place we can walk to, then come back and get your car when we're done." He stops and quirks an eyebrow. "I know just about every place we can walk to, come to think of it. Without wheels, one tends to know those things."

Heading back through the arcade, he pauses at the door for Libby, then exits with her. Walking to Buck's only takes five minutes and the little cafe was hardly busy. It was a family-owned restaurant, small with only one room to sit and a limited menu. But their specialty was chicken strips and fries, and they immediately became a favorite place to eat after anyone tried them for the first time.

Ty enters and stops a ways back from the counter, looking up at the menu board. "Their original chicken strips are to die for, or they got spicy. They also have...." He gestures to the lists. "...several other things, but I have no clue what they are, so you'll have to take your pick. And if I didn't say it before, this is on me."

JT cocks his head and just watches Amanda for several moments. He'd hoped she would help, but he had no idea she'd go this far out on a limb for him and Bree. He'd already said thank you, but... "Thank you... right now all we need is to get to the ranch. After that, we'll get you home... and if anyone questions you or tries to get you in trouble, I'm taking the heat... I don't want you pulled down with this."

Her offer for the napkins makes him grin a little. He knew he must look a sight. Looking in the mirror under the visor proves it and he cringes. "It's amazing you didn't just keep right on driving when you saw me." Taking the napkins he works at the makeup, eventually getting his face to the point where it maybe looked like he'd been in a mechanic's shop all day but no longer at war.

Several hours into the trip, the sky is turning gray, signaling that dawn is just over the horizon. One stop for gas and another stop to stretch their legs and JT was having a hard time staying awake. Ambling back to the car with a bottle of pop, he takes a swig, looking around the almost-empty parking lot. Going to the back of the car, he opens the door near Bree's head and squats down, reaching in to run his fingers through her hair. "Hey, Bree," he greets quietly. "How ya doin', huh? That water set with you alright? We're gonna be there soon, okay? Few more hours and we'll get you in a nice comfy bed where you can just relax and sleep."

He glances up to see Amanda. "They've got a doctor at the ranch... I'm hoping she's got the stuff we can set up for an iv once we get there so we can get some nutrition into Bree."

Sighing, he stands up. "You want me to drive for a while?"

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