
Still Open?

Rosalyn doesn't turn around, but she did hear Chad's invitation. Did he really just want his shirt button fixed or... was there more to it? While her cautious side warned her to be careful about going to the man's bunkhouse again, something told her that she'd be safe. He could have gotten away with a lot more just now and he hadn't tried. If she'd told him no about the kiss, she believed he would have respected her.

Knowing he was heading into the other room, she finally has guts enough to turn around, but he was already gone. A little sigh surfaces. Hopefully he didn't take her silence as a brushoff. She was just... a little... confused?

"Good morning!"

Rosalyn jumps for the second time and looks to the door again. Those two siblings had far too much in common this morning. "Hi, Jade."

Jade comes in and breathes deeply the smell of breakfast. "Mmm, you've been hard at work already." Coming closer, she notices how red her cousin's face was. "Looks like you need a break."

Rosalyn puts her hands to her cheeks, feeling how warm they were. "Oh, um... I was just... I got busy." She gestures to the plate on the counter. "I heard some folks come in already - want to go take these out there for them?" She'd rather hand that job over to Jade, lest she embarrass herself out there in front of Chad again.

The day moves on rather quickly. Rosalyn busies herself most of the day doing laundry and housecleaning, and helping fix meals. During lunch, she found herself remaining in the kitchen instead of joining the others... was she avoiding Chad? Perhaps. But why, when she really wanted to go see him again was beyond her. For now though, she'd keep herself occupied with washing dishes and making up a new grocery list. The afternoon was filled with a quick horseback ride, a short nap, then on to more work.

By the time the evening rolled around, she could hardly believe the day was gone. But supper was over, a group had already struck up a game of UNO in the dining room, and the last of the barn chores were being done. And she... was left with idle hands...

...Stepping up on the bunkhouse porch, Rosalyn second-guesses herself. Should she really be doing this? She knew there was nothing wrong with it, but... she felt as though she were sticking her hand in a cookie jar, bound to get caught. Maybe it was instinct that drover her cautiousness... her desire that no one know how Chad had come on to her, or how she was giving in.

Chewing on her lip, she hesitates for a moment before knocking on his door. In her hand, she held a needle and a spool of thread to fix his shirt button. She hadn't seen him all day and hoped the invitation was still open.

"...So are you leaving tomorrow then?" Tomorrow was Saturday, and last Hunter knew, that was when Katie planned to head back to Nevada. With a sixteen hour drive though, he wasn't sure if she would be leaving in the wee hours of the morning, or if she was going to take off later to arrive back home sometime on Sunday.

Giving the porch swing a little more momentum with his good leg, he keeps his one arm around Katie's shoulders, just enjoying the evening air.

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