
It wasn't my day...

Jeff focuses on loosening Hawk's girth, giving a weary sigh to Rosetta's question. They were back early afternoon instead of this evening, that's what had happened. Letting the buckles fall, he doesn't attempt to lift the saddle himself - he'd wait for her help.

"Had an accident on the trail," he finally explains. Removing Hawk's bridle, his horse gratefully spits out the bit. "Rode up that narrow pass along Diamond River. Bonzai spooked at something. Hunter lost his seat and I don't even know how, but he ended up down the bank and in the river."

Pausing, he puts Hawk's halter on, giving him a loving pat on the cheek. That whole ordeal on the trail still sent fear running down his spine. And in a way... he blamed himself. 

"He went under and didn't come up until a ways down. Katie got to him first and had to give him CPR. I guess his leg got caught on something when he was underwater and he dislocated his knee. Only way back here was the horses though, so... here we are. Eric helped get him to Angel's so she's looking at him now."

That was the short, unemotional version. Concentrating on Hawk, he picks at a knot in his mane for several moments. "I never should have taken a novice on that trail," he mutters. "I shoulda known better."

Finally joined by Katie, Hunter just closes his eyes, letting her hand brush his cheek. Her little teasing brings a small grin to his face and he reaches for her hand to give it a light kiss. "Naw..." 

He looks up at her, giving her a quirky expression. "I just wanted to see if you cared enough to rescue me. Figured drowning was the best way to find out." 

Taking her arm, he pulls her down to him, tilting her chin with his finger. Studying her eyes for a moment, he reaches behind her head so his lips could meet hers in a tender kiss. "Thank you... for saving my life." 

Tucking some hair behind her ear, he offers her a new weary smile. "I guess it wasn't my day to die after all." No... apparently it wasn't. And those words... those words he had heard... they continued to reverberate in his mind. But he was not yet ready to talk about what had really happened below the river's surface. He had a lot of thinking to do first. 

Giving a tired sigh, he finds her hand to give it a squeeze. "Wanna help me to my bunkhouse? Apparently there's a set of crutches around here I need to use."

Strong Heart

Looking up at Jeff's voice Rosetta smiles, but as soon as she looked at Jeff it disappeared. He looked so tired, like he had just run a marathon. Coming over to him and taking two of the horses she'd be happy to help him. Even if he didn't look exhausted she would help him. It's not often she was in the barn early enough to help anymore and she did miss it.

   "Yeah not a problem I can help."

Starting to help with the horses Rosetta looks over at her brother. She couldn't help but worry a little bit. She'd hopped he wouldn't over do it again, at least not so soon after getting out of the hospital. Though she didn't want to assume it was hard not to seeing how Jeff was right now.

   "What happened?"

Standing outside Katie paces back and forth just waiting, continuing to feel helpless. She had to admit she was happy to be out here though and not inside helping Angel. She didn't know how she kept so clam through this time of stuff. Maybe thats why Angel was the Dr and not her.

Hearing the scream from inside Katie stops and looks twords the door. She wanted to bust in there and see what was going on. She wanted to make sure Hunter was ok, it was an instinct from the cry. Though she stood where she was because she new that he couldn't be in better hands. And Angel would make sure he was going to be ok. Continuing her pace again all Katie can do is wait.

Laying a soft hand on Hunter's arm Angel gives a small nod. She needed to clean up a little bit but than she would be more than happy to get Katie for him. Moving quickly around the room she puts things away while putting other items in the sink to be stabilized and washed. Done in a few second Angel goes to the door and steps out.

   "Katie, Hunter would like to see you. He's going to be ok, just have to stay off his leg and take care of his other cuts."

Looking up hearing the door open Katie stop pacing and comes a little closer to Angel. Hearing Hunter was going to be ok she gives a sigh of re-leaf and a nod. She was thankful he would be ok and that Angel was able to help him. She really hadn't wanted to back to the hospital.

   "Thanks Angel, for everything."

Moving past her and going inside Katie walks over to where Hunter was laying and sits down on the edge of the bed next to him. Giving a small smile she reaches out and brushes a hand along the side of his face. She was so thankful God had been watching over him today.

   "What are you trying to do huh? Test to make sure my heart is strong enough?"

Katie gives a smile humor in her voice. She tried to make a little joke out of it so she didn't start crying right here again. Today she'd almost lost Hunter and it was still a shock to her system. She just needed a little time to make sure everything was going to be ok.

Not Possibly

Hunter does as he's told and leans back into Katie, trying to focus on her instead of his leg. The ride back was nothing like he'd ever experienced. He'd been hurt before. He'd had broken bones before. But nothing compared to riding with his knee the way it was. By the time they arrive back at the ranch, Hunter knew he must have passed out more than once, as there were gaps in his memory of the ride. He'd grown numb with the pain though, his face pale and his whole body aching.

Hearing Katie call to him, Eric is quick to come, surprised they were back so early, then worried when hearing about Hunter. Wasting no time, he helps get Hunter down off the horse then into Angel's. 

Watching them head in that direction, Jeff sighs deeply, wiping his brow with his sleeve. He was utterly exhausted, but he wouldn't complain - not when Hunter was in far worse shape. Dismounting, he takes all three horses to the barn, walking slowly. Getting inside, he squints in the dim interior before spotting Rosetta. "Hey, Sis... help a weary cowboy put these brutes away?" He gives her a little grin, but he knew she'd be able to tell right off the bat that he'd overdone it today. At least this time he had a good reason.

Back at Angel's, Eric doesn't question her, although helping her wasn't an easy task - not when he knew how much pain Hunter must be in. 

Lying on his back, Hunter bites down on the piece of plastic, his fingers clutching the bed. Being held down by Eric's strong arms, he didn't have much of a choice not to move, and it's a good thing. As Angel puts his knee back into place, Hunter screams - thankful for something to bite down on, rather than his own tongue. Once it was done though, he relaxes again, just closing his eyes and trying to ignore it all. 

Eric straightens up and runs a hand over his face, glad that was over. He'd help in any situation where he was needed, but he'd be the first to admit that this sort of thing bothered him. 

Being looked after, Hunter doesn't resist Angel's pokes and prods, nor her cleaning up his other minor wounds - he hadn't realized until now that he had cuts and bruises on his arms, most likely from his tumble on the way to the water. Remaining quiet, he tries to relax, glad for some pain killers and the news that he'd be okay. For as much as it hurt, he was thankful it wasn't something worse. He'd have to deal with how he was going to stay off his leg while still staying here, but he'd worry about that later.

Angel's words though make him shake his head a little. Though groggy and completely worn out, he did know one thing. "Not possibly... I would have died." If Katie had not been there, he would have drowned, and there was no doubt in his mind.

His eyes start to drift shut but he forces them open again, despite knowing he could rest here as long as he wanted before going to his bunkhouse. "Can I see Katie?" he asks quietly.