
All that and more

Eric's grin remains on his lips for a few more moments as he returns to his own saddle again. He wasn't sure why he had the funny feeling that this kid wasn't going to let him get away with not being the one to teach her how to ride.

The tackroom falls quiet again as both work on their saddles, quite content with the task. The sounds from outside the room signaled feeding didn't take very long and the sounds of hooves told that most of the horses were being let out into the pastures for the day to graze rather than being fed hay this morning. Eric wasn't keeping track of time at all, so he really doesn't notice when all has grown quiet once more. That is, until muffled shouting can be heard.

Eric's hands stop, almost finished with his saddle. His head tilts up as he listens, hearing what he thought was Sparky's voice, then someone else's. The sound of a horse running through the barn wasn't a good sign. Shooting a glance at Ashlee, Eric gets up, leaving his rag behind. He steps out into the barn aisle just in time to grab the flying reins of Sharpshooter. The chestnut gelding was tacked up and sweaty, sliding to an abrupt halt at the sudden pull on his bit. Skidding around Eric, he stops and snorts, knowing he'd been caught.

"Hey, you got him?"

Eric looks to the barn entrance and squints to see Sparky, who had Dylan's arm over his shoulders, helping him walk. "Yeah," he calls back. "What happened?"

"Later." Sparky turns around with Dylan, heading to Angel's office. "Give that horse some exercise!" he yells.

Eric stares after them for a moment or two before looking at Sharpshooter. "What did you do now, hmm, you big brute?" He sighs and pats the horse's sweaty neck. Remembering Ashlee, he looks back at the tackroom. "Well... I guess I'll have to finish my saddle another time. I'll see you later, Ashlee." He didn't know if she'd stay, leave, watch him work or if she needed to go do something like schoolwork, but it really was none of his nevermind.

Still favoring his leg, he finds a loungeline and Sharpshooter's halter, exchanging it for the bridle. Also retrieving a lounging whip, he heads for the indoor arena where there would be less of an audience. Once the gate was latched, he lets the horse jog circles around him, allowing the circle to get as big as he could while still being in control. Popping the whip, he urges Sharpshooter into a lop. The gelding shakes his head in protest, giving a few hops and a kick in Eric's direction. Eric is quick to discipline and get him going again, and within ten minutes, the horse was finally obeying, realizing he didn't have much of a choice.

Back outside, Dylan hobbles alongside Sparky, still arguing with him. "I'm fine. Just let me go back to my bunk."

"We're having Angel look at you," Sparky replies flatly.

"It's just gonna be sore, that's all!"

"If that's all it was, I woulda made you get right back in the saddle, you know that. But I saw how you came down on the saddle horn before you went flying. Don't you try to lie to me about how it feels."

Dylan winces as they turn to the doctor's office. "I can't be hurt," he hisses. "Dad can't find out."

"Well, maybe we've been keeping your riding a secret long enough."

That thought didn't help any as the two make it inside and Dylan is deposited near the examining table. He leans one hand on it while his other hand cradles his ribs at the same time he doesn't put any weight on his right leg. Glaring at the table, he refuses to look up.

Sparky sighs and looks over to Angel. "He just got bucked off a horse. I think he cracked a couple ribs on the saddle horn first, then his right ankle took the brunt of his fall. It's probably just sprained but you better look at it." Tipping his hat back on his head, he gives her an annoyed look. "And whatever you do, don't take his lip. He's worse than his father with his macho act."

Dylan grits his teeth against the pain, not appreciating Sparky's comment. The worst thing in all this wasn't that he'd gotten bucked off - it was that Mick would now find out he'd been riding.

Tal smirks and rolls his eyes. "Yeah... pregnant roommate. That's how rumors get started, remember?"

He smiles though, enjoying both the humor and the fact that Ryan had said yes to coming over. "Good. I get off work at five, so any time after that is fine." A sidelong glance catches her eye and for a moment, he just studies her gaze. He wondered what she thought... about this whole thing. He hoped he was giving her some days to look forward to... something to distract her from some of the rotten cards she'd been dealt lately. But... was there more?

Looking back over the cliff's edge, he sighs contentedly.

"Yeah... must've been a smart person who told you that," Justin muses wryly.

All of a sudden though, he feels even more out of it than he had earlier and it takes an effort to put Beth's next words together so they made sense. He takes another bite of spaghetti to at least give him a few seconds to put all his thoughts in order again. It didn't work very well, but it gets him back on track... mostly.

Picking up the tv remote, his finger hovers over the button. Did he want to play the movie? Or did he want to talk some more like Beth had offered? With as much as he has going through his mind right now, it would probably be a good idea for him to talk it out. But at the same time, he was tired of rehashing everything.

He hits the button and gets the movie playing, without saying much more.

Once supper was finished, dishes are left on the coffee table for now as the movie plays on. Justin remains curled in his corner of the couch with his knees tucked up safely near his chest. It still wasn't easy to concentrate though and the movie, even though he'd seen it at least ten times, wasn't making much sense tonight. He knew he was starting to let stress get to him - he could feel it, and he didn't like it. He also knew he was being quieter than normal tonight and he felt badly that he wasn't giving Beth any more attention than he was. He was just... tired... of everything. And he was probably just feeling sorry for himself, which made everything worse.

Justin sighs as his eyes move over to the other corner of the couch where Beth was. How approachable was she tonight? He hoped she was comfortable. If she wasn't, he would probably regret this.

Stretching his legs out a little and slowly sliding over, he eases down on his side until his head was resting in Beth's lap. He doesn't say a word but just lies still - a silent plea for help after an emotionally difficult day.

Good Advise

Listing to Eric talk about how Mick usually gave the lessons and his bumb knee Ashlee can feel her heart drop just a little bit. She didn't know why but there was just something about Eric that she liked. She felt like she trusted him enough to know he would teach her the right way and safe way.

"Well maybe...if your knee feels better sometime you could show me a thing or two."

Taking the little toothbrush from Eric and looking at it for a second Ashlee dips it in the soap a little bit and brushing it on the saddle in little circles. She liked this, learning how to oil, and wash the saddle. It kind of made her feel good just being able to help out.

"I can see how sliding out of the saddle would be a bad thing. Thanks for the tip."

Leaning back a on her elbows after taking another bite of her food Ryan thinks for a moment. It wouldnt be different going over to Tal's house but it might be nice. At least she wouldn't be sitting at home alone. Not to mention a little extra time with Tal would be nice.

"Oh, so you mean I can mean your pregnant room mate huh?"

Ryan can't help the little sly grin that spread across her face.

"I think that would be alot of fun Tal. I'm game for it."

"Sometimes...we need to stop doing things for others and start doing things for ourselves. Someone pretty smart told me that. So maybe he should take his own advise put his paper work down and just take the long deserved vacation."

Taking some of the spaghetti twirled on the fork putting it into her mouth a peace floops out and hits her chin. Slurping she sucks it into her mouth and takes her napkin wiping her chin. Looking back to Justin she gives a little.

"Mmmm...You can put the movie in now, or if you want to talk a little more thats ok too."