

"Ha, I'll make you clean it up for...for...well just because."

Giving another laugh at Eli sits up Ryan couldn't help it. Teasing him was sometimes the best part of having him here.

Watching as he curls to the other end of the couch she stands heading into the kitchen to ready some popcorn. Back in only a few short moments the aroma of popcorn follows with the big red bowl in hand.

Sitting close to Eli Ryan hands him the bowl so she can curl up next to him behind where his legs were folded and lean her arm on his hip. She didn't mind curling up with her brother he was rather comfortable and being the youngest that made it her right.

"Ok...did you find something and it better not be all kiss kiss."

Giving a small chuckle at Leo Cassy leans her head against his for a moment and gives him a slight squeeze. She made a good pillow...at least she made a good something.

"Ok lets see what else is on tv than."

Picking up the remote Cassy flips through the channels till finally landing on not a movie but tv land with all the old black and white shows. Snuggling a little father down in the bed herself Cassy props her head up to watch tv. This was nice, just having a friend there, and not being alone.


Eli laughs and sits up on his own, opting not to be too much of a pain. "Okay. And yes, you can throw popcorn at me, but you have to clean it up."

Curling up into the corner of the couch, he flips on the television to search for whatever movie it was that he'd seen advertised.

Leo gives Cassy another sleepy grin. "If you get up to get me some soup, I lose my pillow." Yawning again, he slides down just a little further under the blankets, feeling chilled again. "Find a movie on tv and I might stay awake long enough to fall asleep somewhere in the middle. But if I do, stay wherever you want to, okay?"

His hand finds hers to give it a little pat. "You're a good nurse, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. If you stay though, ignore any messes you see. I think I have a lot of them."


Ryan grins again shaking her head at her brother and handing the remote to him. She liked spending time with her brother. Even if sometimes he did get on her nerves it never lasted long, and she never let it linger. She cherished this time with him to much.

"And I get to throw the popcorn at you right?"

Bringing her hand to Eli's hair and gives it a ruffle before leaning down and planting a big kiss on his for head.

"Just find the movie you goober."

Giving a soft smile Cassy continues to look at Leo. Just friends had been a disappointment to her at fist but now, she was happy they at least had that, even if it was a little awkward still, it really was better than not having a friend at all.

"Mmmm..I think I will take up your couch for the night. I think I need a reason to get up though. It's so warm right here."

And it was having half of Leo laying on her send a warmth through her. It was just nice having someone close, someone to talk to, it felt good to just know he was there.

"Would you like some more tea or soup before you pass out for the night? Maybe another movie if you can stay awake."


Eli laughs even though he'd just been whacked on the head. "Okay... I promise not to break anything... for now."

Reaching over, he grabs the remote control, leaving his head in Ryan's lap just to see how long it would take for her to throw him off. "How should I know what movie it is? I just know something's on. If it ends up being too cheesy, we can at least pop some popcorn and enjoy it anyway."

Leo closes his eyes and shakes his head. "I don't think you could outstay your welcome even if you tried, Cassy." He pats her arm. "It just isn't in you."

Rubbing his eyes, he yawns again before looking back up at Cassy. "If you don't wanna go, you don't have to. Really. Your company has been nice." It wasn't just him being sick that made him say it. Cassy really had made the day more bearable. He'd never have asked her to come, first because he wouldn't want to put her out, and two, because the whole "just friends" thing was just still a bit awkward at the moment. But she'd come all on her own... she'd fed him, nursed him and kept him company. If she was comfortable here, he wouldn't ask her to leave.

Leo searches her gaze for just a moment. How lonely she must feel. He'd been feeling sorry for his own self after not having Ryan anymore. But Cassy had had even more with Steve, so in a way, her loss had probably been greater. He wouldn't want to go home to an empty apartment either. He knew Steve hadn't lived with her, but he did know they'd spent an awful lot of time together. How quiet her place must seem to her.

"The couch is comfy," he adds. "I mean if... if you really didn't wanna go."


Shifting just a little Cassy had been in and out of dozing off herself after the movie had ended. She was so comfortable and she didn't want to wake Leo so continuing to sit there had been the best option.

"Mmm...I'm comfortable so if you don't want to you don't have to, I have no problem with it. I'd rather spend time with my friend than go home to an empty house anyways."

Cocking her head a little to look down into Leo eyes Cassy's sparkle a little. She really was that warm and comfortable. The thought of going out into the cold sounded horrible, but she new maybe she had to.

"I guess I should go though so I don't over stay my welcome huh?"

Ryan gives a smile at her brother, she liked he valued what she thought even if he was the older one. It just simply felt nice that they could ask each other anything and get there honest opinion on it. She'd been with out it for far to long, and it took having Eli back for her to realize how much she had missed it.

About to say something else Ryan stops as her brother jumps onto the couch. Feeling everything shake and the lamp on the table about to topple Ryan's eyes grow bigger than they were before.

Looking down at Eli Ryan's own eyes dance with a little humor to show she wasn't upset with him, but giving him a wack to the top of the head anyways she shakes her head.

"If you think maybe you can not tare the apartment down than yes, I'll watch the movie with you. What one is it anyways?"

Five minutes

Eli listens to Ryan intently. Even if he was older, he respected her opinion, especially when it came to the subject of women. After all, she should know better than he.

He hadn't thought about Scarlet having a past. Maybe that's where her tough-chick attitude came from. Or she could have been born with it too. He sighs once more. Was he determined enough to figure her out rather than just letting the whole thing go?

"Yeah, she's something alright." He grins a little. "Determined, I'll give her that. Does a lot for the ol' ego... And you know I need that." Still grinning, he throws Ryan a wink. "Thanks... gives me some more to think about." He laughs and sits up straighter to finally take off his jacket. "I guess I'll try to figure out what my conclusion is by the time i get her bike done. But for now..."

Standing up, he kicks off his boots and takes a couple steps to the couch before cannonballing himself onto the the cushion next to Ryan. The whole couch shakes and the lamp on the end table rattles and threatens to fall to the floor. Bouncing around, Eli winds up with his legs hanging over the armrest and his head in Ryan's lap, looking up at her and batting his eyes. "There's a movie on in five minutes. Wanna watch it?"

Leo opens his eyes slowly, realizing that the movie he and Cassy had been watching was over... and probably for quite a while. Yawning, he shifts a little, his fever not gone, but having gone down a little bit. Then he feels Cassy still next to him. She'd stayed all this time?

Turning his head that's still resting on her arm, he gives her a sleepy, sheepish grin. "Hi. I suppose I should let you go home now, huh?"


Continuing to look at her brother Ryan listens closely. It was odd him saying he didnt have a woman figured out. As far as she could remember he always said he new what this woman wanted, and what that woman wanted...now to see the confusion in his eyes was off it was a bit odd, and a tiny bit humors though she wouldn't tell Eli that.

"Because she probley does need someone to hold her hand because she is lonely."

Ryan rolls on her back looking up at the ceiling not saying anything again for a long second as she just thinks. It was often hard to talk about her own feelings let alone a woman she didnt even know. Everything was just speculation a guess on how she might be feeling.

"The world shapes us into who we are. Every day, every conversation or action we take molds us. And sometimes as we both know life can be...not so nice to us. Maybe she is strong, but I am sure she does not think she has everything figured out. Its possible she has that outside shell to protect herself from something, and she might always have it..."

Putting the pillow down that she was holding again Ryan sits up at the couch pulling her legs up to sit Indian style facing her brother again the pillow in lap now, for some reason she just couldn't sit still.

"...I think she'd have to find you pretty special or trust worthy to show you past the shell. I guess the bigger question is do you have the determination to go beyond the shell and get to see more. She must be something to have you in such deep thought even if there is a warning sign there."


A little grin appears on Eli's face. Ryan could read him so well, even after their years apart. There were just some things that only siblings shared.

The fact that his expression reminded her of their father sends a little pang to his heart. Would his father be proud of him now? He wondered.

"Mmm... yeah, I'm okay." He chuckles. "I guess that leaves thinking too hard."

Slinking down a little more in his chair, his shoulders slouch and he still hasn't bothered to take off his jacket or boots. His eyes wander to his sister, knowing she wouldn't let him go this easily. Her and her big cute eyes looking back at him, open to hear his explanation of why he'd come in so dismally.

"Remember the other night... when I said I didn't have a date, but I wound up with that girl who wanted a paint job on her bike? Well... we went out again today for lunch when she brought in her bike." Eli shrugs lamely. "I don't know. She's... different."

He gives Ryan a sheepish grin. "Yeah. Me not being able to figure out a woman. I guess it bothers me for some reason. One minute I think she's got no business wanting a man 'cause she's got the world figured out and knows how to get whatever she wants. Bold-headed, gutsy... got a good head on he shoulders. Then the next minute I see a woman who wants some good ol' TLC, almost like she's lonely and wants to hold someone's hand."

Eli sighs and shrugs again. "She wants to date me... steady-like, ya know. I'm just not so sure."

Same look

Holding a shocked look on her face Katie looks between Carson and Jason though her eyes, and her emotions said other wise she played it out anyways.

"Why I never...ornery...ornery...I...You better watch it mister or I'll sick that wife of yours on you."

Finally Katie's lips turn into a smile from the shocked stage as she chuckled. The bantering back and forth was fun and it had been so long. Hearing Jason's order Katie new he was trying to stear away from the topic before they never got there food and she couldn't help but pull on Jason's silly emotions.

Turning her attachen back to him full after Carson walked away Katie gave him a smile letting her warm emotions flow to him and tug on his own. Her eyes twinkled as she looked back across the table at the man she loved so much.

"Because I am more cute, and sweet than ornery, and even in the time when I am you think it makes me look cuter."

Katie gives a laugh her smile still beaming on her face.

Hearing the front door open Ryan wasn't alarmed. It was ether Alec witch he doubted because Rick had yet let him walk on it, or it was her brother. Anyone else would be stupid to enter her house with out her permission.

Finally moving her head away from the tv as Eli comes into the living room sooner than normal Ryan just looks at him for a long moment. He looked tired, but something else looked on his mind and the tone of his voice seemed to match. He always had this cretin expression when he was thinking a little to much about something.

"Hey, well..I worked, talked to Leo yesterday a little and didn't see him today. Darrel said he called in sick. Didn't get a chanse to see Alec because work was swamped and I only got home about ten minutes ago myself. but I called him and he's doing ok, though he is driving rick batty and its kind of funny. Oh and I have a race tomorrow night."

Taking a deep breath Ryan looks away from Eli at the tv for a moment. Though she had just giving him the whole run down and it sounded like a lot she said it all in one breath witch mean all in all it was a pretty boring day.

Turning off the tv and looking back to Eli again she studys his face for a moment. Shifting on the couch so she was laying on her tummy and her chin rested in her hands Ryan just looks at him for a long moment before finally saying anything.

"Alright I know somethings up by the look on your face. Its the same one Pops use to get when something was wrong or he was thinking to hard. Are you ok?"


"Chicken parm, okay..." Carson doesn't need to write it down, and waits for Jason's order, though Katie's teasing brings his eyes back to her. A grin sneaks across his lips. "You didn't used to be so mean, you know that?" He looks to Jason. "What are you teaching her?"

"Hey, don't look at me!" Jason holds up his hands. "She's ornery all on her own, trust me."

Carson chuckles. "Why is it the ornery ones we fall for, ay?"

"I have absolutely no idea." Jason knew he better swing this conversation around before it was an all-out teasing war. "But I do know that I want the meatball sub for lunch."

"You got it."

Watching Carson walk away, Jason's gaze drifts back to Katie. "Why did I fall for someone so ornery, hmmm?"

Eli takes off his mask and glasses, surveying his work of sanding before putting things away for the night. He was the last one out of the shop - he'd worked late, not really wanting to go home yet. This kind of work... he could get lost in it. It's where his mind could wander. He could turn up the music, and just let everything go when he had a paint job in front of him. He'd let his craft go at one time, too wrapped up in making money and gambling most of it away. Now though... now he'd renewed his love for the art and wasn't willing to let it go again just yet.

He takes one last look at Scarlet's bike before shutting out the lights and locking the garage doors. He'd be able to start painting it later tomorrow and he already had a pretty good idea of what he wanted to do.

Heading home, Eli takes his time, riding more slowly than normal. His mind wandered through the day's events, including his luncheon with Scarlet. There was something about her that intrigued him and drew him in. She could turn any man's head and had certainly turned his with her looks, those eyes and that smile. Yet at the same time, there was some feeling Eli got when around her - sometimes she almost seemed too bold, then when he looked into her eyes, he saw a timidness that begged him just to hold her. Sometimes she almost intimidated him with her confidence and even her occupation. But at the same time, she was seeking out his attention. Eli couldn't deny the fact that he liked women. But they didn't usually confuse him like this. He just wasn't sure what to do with it.

Arriving back home, he parks and heads inside the apartment. Seeing Ryan in the living room in front of the television, his normal routine would be to kick off his boots, throw his jacket somewhere, grab a beer and join her. Tonight though, he simply wanders into the living room, easing down in the overstuffed chair. Taking off his gloves, he yawns. "Hey, Speedy." His tone wasn't quite as chipper tonight - maybe he was just tired. "What have you been up to all day?"