

   "You are never a bother to me Scott. No matter the time, place, or reason."

Oh hope Hope wanted to reach out, to tell Scott she loved him still, to tell him she would always be there but she new it was not the time. So she didn't say it and just smiled at him. He was so important to her, as important as the first time she met him. That had never changed.

Nate looks up at Garret. He could see the frustration on his face and he wondered what was wrong. Garret was in quite the mood at the moment and it worried Nate slightly. But what else could he do.

   "Just stay out of trouble, and stay safe thats all I ask."

Looking back at the paper work on his desk for a second Nate thinks. What could he do to make things better? He felt so confused with Garret's face change of mood. Maybe he just needed more kindness. Its all he had to offer.

   "Dinner is at six if you find yourself in the area. Laura is making pot roast, and Maggie called to tell me she made an apple pie for dessert. You are welcome to join us if you want."

   "I am pretty smart if I do say so myself, thanks for finally admitting it."

Leaning back in her chair she stretches and kicks Kirk a little with a smile of her own. She new him pretty much better than anyone and could almost feel his confusion. Something like this had to be hard for him. There was more in this situation than just two colors.

Continuing to listen to what he'd been doing and the reactions he had gotten Adison gives a nod. This place sounded like something you would pluck from a book. 

   "Well it sounds like you had a busy day, and made quite a few enemies. That being said...it sounds like you find something special, and a group of people maybe we all could take a lesson from."

Finishing she coffee and setting down a frown forms on her face. She always hated when the glass became empty but if she drank anymore she'd be up all night.

   "I guess you have a tough choice ahead of you. No matter what though I know you will make the right one. You always do."

Shifting her weight a little Stacy smiles seeing Eric coming twords her. The last few days that had been able to spend a little time together but not nearly as much as she wanted. It was nights like tonight though she was happy to have the company. 

   "So I've been told, I've never been much of a good listener though."

Knowing the girls must be sleeping and there time together would be limited as Eric would have to get back soon Stacy links her arm around his leaning into him slightly and her read resting on his arm. 

   "How was your night with the girls? Everything going smoothly?"

Blow something up

Was it true? Would Scott really never be the same again? He'd tried so hard. But...maybe Hope was right. Maybe trying to be the same was something he'd worked too hard at. But if he couldn't be the same, then who was he?

He sighed deeply, and still sat quietly for a couple more minutes before finally getting slowly to his feet. He wrapped his arms around himself his head hanging except for looking up at Hope. “I didn’t want to bother you, I just…couldn’t go back to work yet, but…but I think I’m okay now.”

Turning to leave, he stopped at the door, then glanced back at her once more, managing a faint smile. “Thank you… for… reminding me I’m okay.”

Left alone again, Garret grabbed the top of the punching bag and leaned on it wearily. Hitting this stupid thing just wasn’t enough. But he had nothing else. Scowling at himself, or the situation, or anything else, he trudged back upstairs to his room where he shut the door, quiet for at least an hour before he emerged again, shoes and jacket on. The workday was almost over, but as he hit the main floor, he saw Nate was still here.

Approaching the cubicle, his face was no less grouchy than it had been earlier. Lying on his bed had done nothing but increased his irritation. “Please tell me I can leave the building.” He stopped at the wall, really not caring whether he had permission or not, but after all his other trouble lately, he might as well ask. “Say yes, because I’m walking out that door before I blow something up, and I’ll be back by morning.”

 Kirk’s eyes widened as Adison mentioned some of his paperwork, although he hid a grin. He should have known. She was the only person who could get away with that without him getting upset. Truth be told, he was kind of glad she was more in the loop than anticipated.

“Agents there?” He cocked his head as the wheels started to turn. “What if… no… or… we could… hmmm…” His eyes roamed back and forth as he thought, then he took a sip of coffee. “You…are a very smart woman,” he mused, finally letting her see his smile.

“Ya know…I talked to several agents in a row and tore them to shreds. Sapphire Johnson defended her ex-Agency boyfriend tooth and nail, including a slap to my face – there was no way I could deny her genuine loyalty both for him and the Elite. Her brother, the head-case geek, broke in half just when I looked at him, fully aware that he doesn’t belong there, yet his reason for being there? The rest of the team believes in him, and that’s good enough for him. Talk about heart. Then Dalton – he’s the giant – comes and just about takes my head off for picking on the poor guy. It was like he was a big brother, not a coworker. So I went for the girl whose been marred to an ex-Agency guy and felt her out as a possible traitor. Broke her to pieces – I’ve never felt so guilty in my life, making a woman cry. I expected a fight, not this…this…raw, genuine allegiance. I just…”

He realized he’d gone off again, and paused his rant by sipping more coffee. “It’s like I’m looking at this rare, priceless jewel, and I’ve been given a sledgehammer to destroy it. How can I do that?” He shook his head. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe I don’t have to include everything in my report. ‘Cause if the Elite goes down because of me, I’m not so sure I’ll be able to sleep at night.”

The scent of smoke was thick in the air. Flames engulfed the barns and crept down the fence line, threatening the pastures. Horses ran scared through the yard and thundered past the houses that were left to the fire's mercy. Someone screamed. Several gunshots went off. A pickup tore down the driveway. The ranch had been converted into a war zone.

Sweat poured down Eric's dirty, battered face, his eyes glued to the inside door of the main house. He dared a glance over his shoulder where Stacy and Ashlee were huddled in the corner by the fireplace, both sheltering Harmony and Melody while they themselves were pale with fear.

An explosion went off somewhere in the near distance, sending a flash of light through the window before loud banging on the door ensued, along with the demand to open it. Eric raised his shotgun to his shoulder and took aim at the door, his finger on the trigger. No one was going to take his family. No one. Harmony and Melody's cries echoed in his ears as he waited for the door to open. And when it did, a shot was fired.

Eric woke with a jolt, spilling his now-cold mug of tea down his pantleg and onto the floor. It took him a moment to get his bearings and realize he was in his easy chair, and Melody was crying in the next room. His heart was still thumping wildly though, and he instinctively glanced to the window to make sure everything still appeared quiet. As a clap of thunder shook the bunkhouse though, he jumped again. His dream made a little more sense now, but the unsettling feeling remained in his soul. Apparently this whole Agency thing was getting to him more than he thought.

Trying to shake it off, he finally rose to set his mug in the sink, then wandered to the adjoining room. Harmony was sound asleep. Typical. He wasn't sure if an earthquake would wake her. Melody was another story altogether. He gently picked her up and held her close while prepping her bottle. Angel suspected her immune system wasn't as it should be - she'd already been sick twice now, requiring quite a bit of attention which made Eric worry, although he hadn't voiced those feelings. He just hoped she'd be okay as she got older.

Still drowsy, he leaned back against the wall as Melody finally quieted enough to suck her bottle. Once she was all done and cleaned up and falling back asleep, he put her down again, hoping no more thunder would wake her. It seemed the loudest had already passed, so that was a plus.

Wandering back to the other room, he glanced at the chair, then the bed. After the nightmare he'd just had, he really didn't want to go back to sleep yet. It was after midnight, but since the girls were sleeping soundly again, he really could go for some fresh air. Slipping on his boots and throwing on his denim jacket, he headed outside. It was a rather warm night, but the breeze was chilly - probably coming off the front that had passed just north of them where the thunder was still rumbling. They could use some rain, but it looked like they wouldn't get any of it tonight.

He pulled up his collar and tucked his hands in his pockets before yawning then stepping off the porch to wander around the barns. The nightmare was still fresh in his mind though, making it hard to relax. There was so much on the line now. So much more than there used to be. He'd only had himself to look after for so long that he wasn't sure how to take care of a family without worrying himself to death. With the Agency so close, all he wanted was to keep safe those he loved.

Rounding the corner of the main barn, Stacy's form automatically brought a smile to his lips. He hadn't been sure if he'd run into her or not since she'd changed up her routine to keep a stricter eye on things right now. Coming up beside her, he spoke quietly. "Don't you know it's dangerous wandering around alone in the dark like this?"

Know what?

Looking up at Scott Hope just study him for a long moment. Her heart ached when she saw Scott like this. He had been though so much already, than she just wished it would get better for him. She didn't know when but she always had the hope that it would.

   "What is normal really? We all have our issues, our problems, and we all just deal with them."

Falling silent again she thinks. She new what Scott was asking her and she wished the answer was simple. But it wasn't and she didn't think it ever would be. She still loved him, he was still Scott, even if he wasn't different.

   "I don't think you ever be like your old self again. I think you will always be different, after everything you have been though I think it would be impossible. But thats not a bad thing, we all change. It's how we deal with the change that matters."

   "No one is your babtsitter, I'm just asking that I know so if anyone asked I dont look like an idiot if anyone asks, and with Kirk on the rampage it would be nice for us all to avoid trouble."

Nate was trying to be nice, he didn't want Garret to get in trouble, and if he could help with that he wanted too. He just needed Garret to trust him, but he wondered if that would ever happen.

   "No nothing else for today."

Turning around Nate walked back upstairs and went back to his cubical. He wondered if he should tell Reese what had happened or just let it slide for now. For now he'd leave it be and if it happened again he would tell him. He hoped though next time Garret would just ask.

Sitting across the table from Kirk Adison listened to him as she sipped her coffee. Everything He was telling her new couldn't leave the table they were sitting at. She mulled over his words, and thought for a long moment. She could see his delema, he was black and white, yet had a heart of gold. This place must be special if he was willing to risk it.

   "Know a single bit about what?"

Adison grins again as she takes a sip of her coffee and puts her cup down thinking agian for a long second before talking.

   "Sounds like they are all over the place, putting themselves in danger time and time again. They dont follow rules, and test the limits, but it works for them and they fight for a cause. One that not many of us understand. If we were to take that away...what would happen? How would that affect there safety with the Agency. He would leave the targets."

Kirk was always black and white, she at times had a little more color. Serous about her work  but bent the rules now and again. 

   "I say, tell the chef what you need to. Don't lie, but you don't have to add in everything. Maybe even make a few suggestions of your own on what to do. Its easy by looking at you, you care what happens to them. We might not understand what they are doing, or agree but that dosent mean its wrong. From what I've read...."

Adison gives a sheepish grin. She read some of the files on Kirk's desk. She'd been bored without him around. She had to do something to keep herself busy.

   "The program they are running as worked on many different occasions. Maybe they just need to present a little more paperwork or something. Its possible if we had some agents there too it might make everyone feel a little more comfortable."

   "No more trouble than we always have been in Lane. Everything will be ok."

Angel smiles at her brother. If her was here or not who new when the Agency would strike. They couldn't live in fear though. That was no way to live at all.

Ashlee can't help but laugh even more a grin on her face at Travis comment.

   "You know laughter is the best medicine."

Movement catches her eye as Dylan walks out. A smile was still on her face but inside she felt so bad for him. He never joined in...why she didn't know but it hurt that he seemed so alone. She'd always done a few things with him or at least tried but as of late it was getting so hard when he would just hide away. 

Looking back to the others again she shakes her head before going back to eating.

   "Well that was fun."


Scott hesitated a moment, but then did enter Hope's office, letting the door fall shut. He didn't want any surprise intruders. Instead of sitting in one of the chairs though, he chose the corner and slid down to the floor, bringing his knees to his chest. As he fought his inner torment, he remained silent for a good ten minutes, rocking back and forth slightly the whole time as he tried to claw his way back to a more comfortable place in his mind. 

Eventually the rocking slowed then stopped, and he leaned his head back against the wall, opening his eyes. He'd been doing so well. He hated feeling like he'd taken ten steps backward in his progress. He rubbed his blind eye and tried to stay on top of his emotions while finally finding his voice. 

"I'll never be normal...will I?" 

Even though Garret saw and heard Nate, he ignored him, continuing to work on the punching bag. He had too much pent-up energy and wanted to fight. But even when Nate took him to task, he was calm about the whole thing, making it even more frustrating. Garret was used to being raked over the coals and given a chance to take the first swing to see who would come out on top. But not Nate. He had to be so easy-going about the whole thing, it was maddening. 

One last kick met the bag with a resounding whack, proving how hard he had just hit it. Breathing heavily, Garret turned to look at Nate, setting his hands on his hips. "I can't help if I'm not going to be allowed the resources to do it. And if somebody has to babysit me to make sure I don't misbehave, then forget it." His tone was grouchy. A contrast to how he'd been just a little earlier. He felt...unsettled. Nervous. Frustrated. And he wasn't even sure why. But he didn't like the way his mood was bouncing up and down. He'd hated Agency drugs but at least they'd kept him on an even keel. Now all he had was a rec room and the wishful thinking that he'd be able to find some kind of outlet to keep his head on straight.

Grabbing a bottle of water, he took a long swig. If Victoria was here, she'd help. She'd always helped. Whenever he'd come back from a mission, tense and ready to blow his stack, one touch was all it had taken to calm his nerves. But she wasn't here. And she wouldn't be. That was over and done.

The now-empty bottle was hurled into a nearby garbage can. Hard. He swung his gaze to Nate again. "Anything else before I go make myself useless for the evening?"

Kirk grinned as he read Adison's message. She liked to give him a bad time, but he knew he could always count on her.

To Adison: YES. See u shortly

Finally leaving the gas station, it didn't take him long to get to the The Corner - a favorite coffee shop he and Adison frequented. They always got the same thing, and always sat at the same table. Usually to hash things out away from listening ears...

...Kirk held his paper coffee cup between his hands and breathed in the steam as he stared at the dark liquid. Adison knew him well enough to know there was something on his mind, so there was no point in making her guess what it was.

"So, you know I've been over at the Elite headquarters..." Hearing the shop's door open, he looked over his shoulder out of habit to see who it was. He wasn't supposed to be talking about any of this, and couldn't risk a colleague listening in. Adison was the only one he trusted not to rat him out. "Chief's on my butt about getting him my report and I keep putting him off, saying I haven't had enough time. Truth is though... I've got all the information I need but I can't decide how much of it I want to share."

He bit his lower lip, knowing how bad that sounded. In his position, everything was supposed to be black and white, and just the suggestion of withholding information could get him fired. Collect intel and report it as seen - that was his current task. Period. There were no personal opinions that were supposed to be interjected. But he knew the look on his face would betray him. He and Adison were too close for her not to notice. They'd been friends for years and partners for almost just as long, making them inseparable - and as such, they knew each other quite well.

"The Elite's in trouble." He kept fiddling with his coffee cup. "Soon as the facts hit the chief's hands, that branch is gonna be shut down. They have shoddy structure, barely any protocol - and what they do have established is rarely followed, for which there is no discipline. Mike Reese lets them all get away with murder - sometimes that's literal - and treats everybody like equals instead of growing some and tightening the reins to maintain organization. They fly by the seat of their pants on seventy-five percent of their cases, they've got a guy working tech who's got PTSD like you wouldn't believe, they use their own infirmary instead of the hospital even when people's lives are at risk, and there's personal drama going on as bad a soap opera. Then to top it all off, they like keeping around people they've arrested to get these men and women integrated back into society - as if Reese thinks he can do a better job than our prison system. Even now they've got two guys - one is on lockdown with a blown out knee from getting shot on a botched mission and he's as angry as a bothered hornet. The other one was a high ranking Agency man who waltzed in one day saying he'd defected. Now he's being allowed to go out in the field and is probably the most dangerous man I've ever seen - he could take down the entire Elite single-handed without even a weapon, and I'm not kidding. Yet he walks around the place freely instead of being taken to prison where he belongs."

Heaving a long sigh, Kirk found Adison's eyes. He hadn't even told her why he currently had a split lip that was making drinking his coffee rather difficult. Everything he'd just said was very serious and he was obligated to included it all in his report. But there was more. "You know how logical I am. Everything I've seen points towards shutting the Elite down for good. And yet..." He shook his head. "I don't know if I can recommend that. There is more heart in that little place than the whole of FBI combined. They don't just do their jobs for a living - they do it because every single one of them believes in the cause - mainly taking down the Agency, which half the legal system still won't acknowledge exists, but I've seen it with my own eyes. In legal terms, Reese is one of the worst chiefs I've ever seen. And yet he has the utmost respect from his officers, not to mention his haphazard way of doing things somehow actually works. There's not one person there who wouldn't give his or her life in the line of duty. Even that ex-Agency warrior has something about him I can't put my finger on. Bottom line...I like the Elite. I really do. I thought I'd come away ready to shut them down and forget about it. But...instead, all I see is a tiny branch of the law struggling to keep its head above water - not because they're poor at their jobs but because no one is helping them stay afloat. Who else has the guts to function for years underground just so they can keep fighting a war no one else will acknowledge? Before surfacing, they were funded by people who actually donated to the cause - it's crazy! But I can't deny the courage and heart I see in all that. I just...I don't know what to report."

He'd said an awful lot in the last couple minutes, and his shoulders sagged under the weight of it all. His eyes remained ever-alert though, and he was quick to pick up the bill the waitress brought to the table - coffee was on him today. He gave Adison a bit of a sheepish look. "And you're not supposed to know a single bit of any of that...but I can't decide what to do and I need your opinion. It's not as cut and try as I thought it would be."

"Onion? Really?" Clint let the slice remain in his hair for a moment before picking it out and stuffing it in his mouth. "So there." 

At the other table, Lane followed Angel's gaze and gave half a smile. "He's always been a go-getter, which is why I've never understood why making friends has always been so hard for him. But I'm glad he seems comfortable here. After all that's happened...I don't know what he's going to do. I've made a mess of everything and he's left to decide what he wants to do from here on out." 

Luke, sitting next to Angel, lifted an eyebrow. "Hey," he intervened. "You had no idea about the Agency. That's not your fault. If it hadn't been for that, things would still be great. Don't be so hard on yourself." 

Lane's eyes dropped, but he nodded. "Thanks. I just hope I haven't brought trouble to the ranch." 

Laughing at the antics between Ashlee and Clint, Travis winced and held his sides. "Aw, don't make me laugh," he begged. It was hard though - the onion had been awfully funny. 

In the corner, Dylan picked up his empty dishes and carried them to the kitchen like he always did. He never left anything for anyone else to clean up, and he was always the first to leave. Once finished, he walked out the back door - also his norm. 

Wandering to his own bunkhouse, he eased down to sit on the steps and just looked up at the changing evening sky. He could find something to do in the barn, but he was tired and nothing more was required of him today. His eyes wandered back to the main house - even out here he could hear the laughter. Standing, he went inside and flopped down on his bed, turning on the television, but paying little attention to it. It was just enough noise to drown out his own thoughts.