
Showing me

Hearing Quinn tell her not to say she was sorry made her feel a little better. At least she didn't have to worry about offending him and leaving on bad terms. Letting the soft smile slip onto her lips Anastasia continues to look up at Quinn just getting lost in the never ending pools of his eyes.

Feeling Quinn's hand move up her arm and than to her neck, than brushing across her lips her eyes fall shut again for a moment before opening again to continue to look at him. One might think confusion would be here, wondering why they felt like this but in Anastasia's mind there was no confusion. Maybe a wondering but there was no room for confusion in this perfect moment. This...this was part of God's plan too.

As his other arm goes around her, her eyes don't break there hold as the smile on her lips grows slightly more. Her own arm finding its way around him and resting on his back while her other hand goes up his own arm and around his neck resting comfortable to give his head support.

Feeling his lips pass over hers and his breath on her skin Anastasia can feel the tingle climb her spine. Would she wake and find this all a dream? If she did, it would be the best dream she ever had thats for sure.

Once he draws away and she hears his thank you Anastasia eye twinkle, this was something she had never though would happen least of all like this. It was something from a move, a fantasy that a child would make up...this was pretty close to perfect. Returning for another soft kiss that was filled with so much emotion Anastasia pulls away slightly leaning her for head against Quinn's.

"And thank you for showing me stuff like this does happen."


Swaying and turning slowly with Anastasia, Quinn returns her gaze, wondering what might be going through her mind. The night felt very surreal... like it was almost a dream. Surely he would wake up in the morning to realize that none of this had been real. Everything was too perfect. Meeting at the store, finding each other at the cafe, agreeing to coffee, coming to the lake... real life just didn't happen that way, at least not for him. Things were much more complicated than that. This was just too... easy.

His eyes remain on hers, soaking up their depth and the life that shone through them. They were beautiful eyes, worthy of having their image burned into his memory as they now were.

Feeling her move closer to him, his feet stop moving and he just continues to watch her. His heart beats just a little faster within his chest, wondering at the new look in her eye... wondering at her closing the gap between them.

Not moving back as she leans in towards him, his lips move to receive her kiss, though his eyes remain open in surprise as his pulse picks up even more. With her hands still in his grip as she steps back, he blinks, not having expected that one at all. They'd been having fun, sure but... a kiss? He swallows hard.

Hearing her apology, his eyes change from surprise to something else... something... softer. "Rule number one," he whispers back, "never say you're sorry for a kiss."

Letting go of one of her hands, his fingertips slide up her arm to her shoulder, up her neck and to her face. His palm cradles her cheek before his thumb runs along her jaw and chin until it brushes over her lips.

There were many words he could say... many things he could think up to tell her how beautiful she was, or how much he'd enjoyed the evening, or what a fairytale this felt like. But surrounded by this dream-like darkness, words seemed too complicated.

Testing Anastasia's trust, Quinn's other hand slips from hers and moves around her waist to her back, bringing her back close again. His eyes remain glued on hers to ensure that he wasn't scaring her or doing anything she didn't want. That hint of a smile appears on his face as he bends closer. "My turn," he whispers.

His lips brush past hers, then back again several times, his breath caressing her soft skin. Pausing then, he presses into her lips, his hand sliding back to run his fingers through her hair. Surely this really was a dream.

Drawing back just far enough to see her face, he searches her eyes again. "Thank you."

O.O Oops?

"Nah sometimes I don't think it is. Specially if you have someone to get lost with."

Giving Quinn a sidelong glance a smile forms on Anastasia's face. Studying him like she had back at both previous places. Now in the dark lite by the moon the reflection was even more alluring. Just something about his eyes seemed to call to her they sparkled and shined even if there was a small bit of pain too.

Hearing the music from a camp sight not to far away Anastasia grins knowing the song very well. It was on her favorites no matter who sang it but her Uncle would always be the best one to her.

"Mmmm....good song good song."

Shifting a little Anastasia was a little surprised when Quinn took her hands from her pockets and locked fingers with her. Not letting the surprise linger to long though She just looks back at him her eyes locking with his as the song plays softly in the background.

His eyes so deep, his hands so rough yet soft at the same time. Proof he could provide for himself, and anyone else he needed too. Moving slowly with him to the music a grin forms on Anastasia's face again. It almost felt like this really was a fairy tale, just something that didn't happen. To meet someone, spend the day with them...and already have a small patter in there heart, only to know soon they would be gone. This was just something that didn't happen.

Continuing to just keep looking into Quinn's eyes it was almost like a spell was put over her. She was not impulsive like this, nor had she ever though about even being involved with a guy before. Just something about Quinn drew her in and stuff like this didn't happen.

Keeping her eyes locked with Quinn's Anastasia slowly moves herself closer to him her eyes never leaving his. The music in the background still playing softly she leans in even closer. Her lips brushing his for a moment before her eyes fall shut and she press her lips to his more firmly letting it linger for a few moments.

Than as if realizing what she just did Anastasia takes a few steps back breaking the kiss. Looking down for a moment she could feel her cheeks turning read. Looking up at Quinn again her eyes were still sparkling like diamonds in the moon light her confidence still there but not a little worried for what she had done. Biting her lower lip as she searchs Quinn's face she manages to give a whisper.

"Sorry about that, that was totally unappropriated. I'm...not sure what came over me."

I have a rule

"Mmm." Quinn stops behind Anastasia on the short pier, gazing out across the dark water. It really was a beautiful lake. With the sun already set, he could just make out a dark shoreline on the other side, but it was quite a ways away. Scanning left and right, he saw it was a big enough body of water for some small boats, and for a moment, he recalled a fishing trip he and his family had taken when he'd been just a boy.

"I can see why you like it here," he breathes. "There's nothing like the outdoors to clear one's mind and one's soul." He pauses, still scanning the area until his eyes stop on Anastasia's face, lit by the moon. Watching her eyes, they seem to reflect the light that bounces off the rippling water.

"Getting lost here wouldn't be so bad," he agrees quietly.

Clearing his throat, a hint of a grin appears on his lips and he looks away, back out at the water again. As he gazes across the scene, a sound drifts across the air. Shifting his sights, he sees a flickering light a ways away - a campfire. The sound was the mellow notes of music and Quinn cocks his head, just able to pick up the tune and singing.

"Elvis was better." He gives Anastasia a sidelong glance. It was Willy Nelson singing Always on My Mind, the soft melody seeming to blend with the quiet lapping of the water against the rocks.

"Doesn't matter though. I have a rule about that song." Turning towards he, his hands touch hers gently, pulling them from her pockets so their palms would meet. His fingertips were calloused from playing guitar, his skin rough, proving that he had more work in his past than only a life on the stage. Moving his hands up and to the sides, their palms turn together and his fingers slide between hers as he starts to sway. "I always have to dance."

He turns slowly, his feet leading them in a gentle dance as he begins to hum along with the music, his tone so soft and mellow.

Rick sighs and folds his arms, knowing that he couldn't hide anything from Katie. She knew him too well, and besides, she was right - if he didn't tell all, she'd just worry about it.

"I'm not sure what it is, Katie," he admits. "Jason's going to be fine. For all practical purposes, this doesn't appear to be much different than many of the other times he has fallen into a flashback, or bad spell, whichever you prefer to call it. But... it's been a very long time since this happened." Come to think of it, it really had been a good long while. Jason had had some episodes dealing with his emotions, but it had been longer than Rick had realized since one had been attached to an actual flashback. "Jason's gotten good at letting off steam every now and again to keep the explosions to a minimum. And the last bad bout was chemically induced." That had been a nightmare in itself - the night Katie and Jason had receive the scars on their palms.

"However..." Rick pauses and he shakes his head. "I don't know. Jason's body just isn't recovering like it should. After a few hours sleep, he should be weary and maybe a bit sore, but he's downright incapable of anything right now - it's like a bad case of the flu. And I don't know why."

Frustration and worry shone in his eyes. "There's just something that doesn't feel right. It's like his body is just... I don't know... I'm just..." He sighs, trying to gather his thoughts. "I'm just worried that with Jason's body continually taking a beating like this, eventually he's not going to recover. He gets angry and blows things up. He gets distraught and he blows things up. Not to mention, you get hurt too. The Agency comes after you guys and who knows what happens. Then on top of it all, eventually when those extra emotions finally build up, they find their way out through the perfect route - those memories of his and a flashback is induced. But as you and I both know, it's far from any "normal" person's flashback. His emotions tear him apart inside and mess everything up from his sugar, to his blood pressure and they even induce fever."

Moving over to the sink, Rick looks around the faucet and points. "See that calcium buildup? It's not much, right? And I bet that the sink is rinsed and wiped off regularly. That's like Jason regularly letting off some steam. Okay, but like with this calcium buildup, eventually, it still does build up, even if it's wiped regularly. There are just some deposits that will build up no matter what. So... then what? You take a little lime away or some cleaner and you scrub and scrape to get it off, right? When it comes to Jason's emotions though..."

Rick draws a sidearm, cocks and points the pistol at the faucet. "Boom. Gets rid of the calcium buildup alright, but it also causes damage to the sink."

Putting his gun back, he purses his lips. "Is there an easier way? So far you know we haven't found one. It seems to be a side effect of these abilities you guys have that will never go away. It's been proven that Jason cannot allow himself to lock away his bad memories - otherwise the emotions don't have anywhere to go - we've experienced that one already. Okay, so... he lets the nightmare linger just to be available for when he gets to a point that an eruption will occur. As far as I know, usually the emotions are just waiting around for a flashback to be triggered then take advantage. No trigger, they just build up a little more. So in essence..."

Rick shrugs lamely. "...the longer Jason goes without a flashback, the more severe it will be the next time. I thought it was just a matter of a release valve and letting off steam once in a while would do it - but this time proves me wrong." Was he implying that Jason needed to induce flashbacks on purpose to regulate himself? He didn't even know. "Just like when Jason bottles everything up inside, he eventually explodes... so it's the same... but with these, it's like the calcium buildup - it's something he can't automatically release... it just has to build up then have a trigger to erupt."

Pursing his lips, he turns and glances into the living room where Jason was still quiet on the couch. Turning back to Katie, he nods. "That's all I know. That's all I can figure out. The solution? Your guess is as good as mine. I'm just... afraid that one of these times... Jason's body won't be able to handle it. My theory is that each time, it will take him longer to recover until one day.... well, I just don't know. For now though... just keep him comfortable... maybe Destiny can help, too. He'll be fine in a few days probably. I'll most likely come back to check on him later today though, just in case."

Lying on the couch with his eyes closed, Jason can hear muffled voices in the kitchen. He didn't like the tone, and he didn't like the little flux in the emotional flow, signaling that Katie was bothered by something. More so, he didn't like feeling so sick. Trigger, flashback, throw up, recover. That's basically how it had always gone before. But this time he felt awful. All he wanted to do was just not move.

Katie... what's going on?

What about his job here? He couldn't protect Destiny when he couldn't even get up off the couch. Did they need to bring someone else in? But he could just shake this off, right? Give him an hour or two and he'd be fine... right?

What did Rick say?


Letting Rick in and showing him where Jason was Katie stands back a little not getting in Ricks way. She always hated when Jason was hurt, or in trouble and she could do nothing about it. Even if a long time ago they had come to the conclusion she couldn't always be the hero for him it still hurt.

Once Rick was done and pulls her aside she gives a nod about getting some liquids into Jason along with some fruit for his sugar. Though there was something in Rick's eye Katie could see something different had happened and he was holding back. Katie was almost scaired to even ask and find out what the answer way.

"Rick is there anything else you need to tell me or I should know? You know the last thing to do is hide something from me because I'll just end up worrying about it."

Katie eyes search Rick's face. Looking for answers to the look behind his confidence. If Rick didn't want to tell her he wouldn't but Katie could only hope he had enough respect for her that he would.

The rest of the ride to the lake was a blast. Singing at the top of there lungs and just letting time pass made the trip seem not as far. Finally getting to the lake Anastasia waits a moment before shutting the car off letting the song come to an end.

Getting out of the car and taking a deep breath Anastasia's eyes roam around taking everything here. She loved being by the water, and at night is was even better. Just the sounds alone seemed to calm her. Locking the doors on the care and slipping the keys in her pocket she gives a smile to Quinn and starts heading for the small peer.

"I love it here and just walking. Its a great place to think and be in touch with God. Listing to all the sounds and knowing he did this all and made it so perfect."

Sticking her hands into her pockets Anastasia continues to walk leaving room for Quinn to walk along side her. Getting to the end of the peer she stops and turns looking out across the water. Little lights flashed on the horizon signal that boats where out there. Down a little ways was a light from a light house flashing now and than, and looking the other way was dotted with camp fires from people camping.

"I could get lost being out here and not mind one bit. Its so peaceful."