
Some friends

Dylan was just a little surprised to be asked to help Ashlee with the horses. He had to admit... he missed being in the barn. Once he'd overcome his fear of the animals, he'd begun to realize that a real love for horses was growing. Sparky had said it was in his blood. He wasn't so sure. But maybe that was just because he wasn't ready to admit that he was becoming like his father in some ways. He couldn't deny that he did enjoy the horses now though. It was hard to believe he'd been so afraid before but... maybe he'd changed in more ways than he'd realized.

"Yeah... yeah, okay. If nobody'll kick me out, I could use something to do for a while."

Wandering into the barn behind Ashlee, it doesn't take long to be grooming a tall bay mare. Dylan's hands were a little shaky but not enough to keep him from full strokes, making the mare stick out her neck in pleasure. Dylan works in silence for a while, a curry comb in one hand, a brush in the other, making his way from the neck, on down to the back and towards the rump. The sound of brushes and the swish of her tail was like gentle music. The smell of the barn, which Dylan had hated when first arriving at the ranch, was now a sweet comfort. Maybe he really hadn't minded it all along... maybe he just hadn't wanted people to know that he actually did like it here.

"Hey there... how's it going?" Sparky ambles past, giving Dylan's shoulder a pat.

Dylan looks up quickly, startled first, then studying his uncle to see just how he felt. He couldn't really tell though. "It's... going. I hope you don't mind... that I'm helping Ash, that is."

Sparky shakes his head. "Nope. I'm just glad to see you on your feet again."

Dylan bites his lip. "Really?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Sparky cocks his head, his smile fading into a more serious expression. "Move forward, Dylan... looking over your shoulder all the time will only give you a crick in your neck. This is your home. That never changes."

Dylan could feel an odd sensation in his gut. It was kind of like guilt but coated with warmth. He wasn't sure how to take it, but finds himself nodding slowly. "Okay..."

Sparky's grin returns. "And when you're ready, so is Sharpshooter. He misses his rider."

Watching his uncle walk away, Dylan eventually looks over the horse's back to Ashlee, not resuming his work quite yet. "So maybe you're right. But that still doesn't change the fact that nobody around here trusts me."

Rocky mulls over the options for a moment before shrugging. "I'm helping lead worship this Sunday... if you didn't mind coming to my church, we could do lunch after then go bowling? Maybe a few other people would come too? If you didn't mind?"

Cindy folds her arms and looks into her open closet. The suitcase on the bed behind her was half-packed. Nobody knew that but her, though. She'd mentioned this to no one. It had only been around two weeks since the news of Wes. Part of her knew she needed to just give herself more time. And part of her wanted to get out of here so bad she could taste it. The walls were closing in on her and all she wanted was to not be here. She didn't want to see Wes' belongings. The things he'd made. His clothing. The pictures of him on the wall. She just wanted to get away from it all. Not forever... but just for a little while. Long enough to let the healing begin. Long enough that when she returned, she'd be able to face this home again alone. Some people would understand. Some wouldn't. But it's what she knew she had to do. Right now, she had to cling to what she had - the things God had given her. Some where here at the ranch. And some were not. But if she did not try to gather close to her the blessings, she would feel as though she had rejected them, and she would never want to face God and admit that she had denied any of the blessings He'd given her.

Taking out another blouse from the closet, she folds it neatly and places it in her suitcase. She wasn't sure exactly when she would leave, but it would probably be soon. Dylan was better, which meant BJ would most likely stay at home again, starting tonight. And Kaylee - she would be going with her.

"I'm gonna... go hang out with some friends tonight." Jason leans on Katie's cubicle wall, staring down at her while she worked at her desk. He folds his arms, resting his chin on them. He'd gotten in touch with Sandy and had agreed to meeting her at the Pizza Box, along with Will, Rusty, and whoever showed up. He was... looking forward to it... at least he thought he was. He and Katie almost always tried to do supper together, and he knew he could take her along... but tonight... These were old friends, and he didn't want Katie to feel left out. That wouldn't be fair to her. And maybe part of him just wanted to see if he could find some enjoyment in this and just focus on his own time for once.

"Just some old friends from high school... gonna kick back and reminisce." He gives her a bit of a smile. "So... since you and I won't be doing supper, if you wanna go do lunch with me here in a bit, I'm buying."