

Michaela can't help but laugh at Rockin_gts' humor. It was different but it was nice, and it made her smile that was for sure. Sometimes it was easy to tell the people who chatted in chat rooms alot, and other times not so much. For Rockin_gts she wasn't sure. He seemed comfortable talking with new people or at least in a group of people but now one on one with her he seemed a little more on nervous.

Thundercat5: Hey, that might not be a bad thing I think the ones with whiskers are cute.

Stopping for a moment and thinking about what she said Michaela could wack her head into her keybored right now.

Thundercat5: /facedesk

Every if no one could see her, her face was a bright red as she tried to recover from the comment. She couldn't believe she had really just said that.

Thundercat5: I meant the cats with whiskers are cute.

Thundercat5: Not that I am saying your not cute with a little bit of scruff...because I'm sure you look good...

Really was she fumbling over this? This was insane why didn't she think before she hit the enter key.

Thundercat5: Well now that I went and made a mess of that you probably wont come back..lol.

The ride back home was long, longer than it had been leaving. Maybe it was because now there was doubt, misery, pain, and a longing on the inside for things to be different. The adrenalin was gone, the confadince that they were right, guns blazing to save the person they cared about was not turned to a wonder if he would live, or die.

Getting back to her apartment Ryan gives it a quick glance. A light was on so she new Eli was still awake but the will to want to go inside just wasn't there so for a long moment she just sits in Carson's car. Listing to him her heart just seemed to become more heavy than it was. He wanted to die? To leave everything behind not let anyone help him he just...wanted to let go?

Looking to Carson Ryan lets out a long sigh. Alec still really did look so much like him, except for when they saw him at the hotel. Carson was almost a shadow of what Alec was. But he might be dieing...how could Ryan think badly right now, or was she really feeling anything at all. She felt cold, and num still.

"I think after I shower I am going to go up to the hospital and sit with Alec. No one deserves to maybe die alone no matter what crime they have committed. See you later Carson and thanks."

Getting out of the car and grabbing her bag Ryan shuts the door slowly making her way up the sidewalk and to the front door where she hesitates for a long moment. Finally opening the front door and stepping inside Ryan lets it fall shut behind her before slowly making her way to the living room.

Seeing Eli Ryan lets out a long sigh. Lifting her arm she gives a little wave as her bag rolls off her shoulder.


What else could she say? Really there was nothing more she could say to him.

Hearing Jason's voice Katie looks up from her desk at him. Giving him a small smile she just takes him in for a long moment. They had been back for a few days now and how it seemed the days were even longer now that she couldn't talk to Jason freely.

"Hey You. You know dragging me sounds like it might be fun. Does it get followed up with a kiss?"

Shaking her head a little bit Katie puts down the other paper work she had been looking at. She had to admit she was rather tired herself. It seemed with the antidote in them she got tired more often, and just didn't have the energy but it was for Jason's health so it was worth it...right?

"Alright I guess I can spare you this time around and you wont have to drag me out of here."

Katie gathers up her papers and the other stuff she was working on slipping them in her desk for now. They could wait and tomorrow they could be finished. She'd already gotten the important ones out of the way.

"So, are we order in or did you want me to cook something?"