
Fix her up

Getting out of the truck slowly Libby walks to Ty as he puts his arm around her. Leaning into him a little Libby just lets him lead her down and into the main floor of TJY. It was so much bigger than what Libby had imagined and so many more people too. Leaning into Ty a little more Libby keeps her face buryed into him a little so no one could see hate that people might stair.

Finally getting to the inferamy and stepping inside Libby's eyes look around the large room taking in everything. Seeing the brunette over at the one desk for a moment Libby was a little confused assuming she was going to be seeing Ty's friend Rick. Not knowing anything about this other woman made Libby a little bit nervous. But Ty have promised everything would be ok, and she trusted him..so the woman should be ok right?

Looking up from her desk as the door opened Misty figured it was Rick coming in for the day, but seeing Ty and another young woman enter she raised an eyebrow for a moment. It was odd Ty was here, and with a woman she didn't know.

Standing and going over to the at one glance Misty could see the woman was in pretty bad shape, she was even surprised she was walking at all with the glazed look in her eye. Hearing Ty's request and who the woman was she was quick to act as she gave a nod to Ty. She would ask know questions know Ty must have had a good reason and would not put TJY in danger.

Giving a friendly smile Misty gently puts an arm around Libby and guilds her to the near by examination table where she could look her over.

"Hi Libby, I'm Misty. Let see if we can get you cleaned up ok?"

Just following numbly as she is lead over to the table Libby keeps her hand locked with Ty's not willing to let it go. She was hurt and scared in a strange place she just wanted to feel him close by.

A half hour pass as Misty cleans Libby up, setting her on an IV to help. Not asking any question but talking anyways to Libby and doing a few quick tests Misty came to the conclustion she had a minor concussion. If she had any memories lose it could be due to this, and possible her own mind just trying to lock out the trauma.

A few more medicines administered for swelling, and pain, along with something to fight away an infection Misty also set a broken nose, gave a few stitches, put a putter fly bandage over the bottom part of Libby's lip.

Letting Ty stay in the room Misty new he was bringing Libby comfort and she had no problem with that. Something horrible had happened to this woman and she wasn't going to take away the only foothold she had away.

Stepping back and giving another smile Misty gave a small nod to Ty but than looking to Libby again. She new what she promised but she had to break it.

"I know I said I wouldn't ask any question but I have to at least ask one...your not hurt anywhere else are you?"

Looking to Ty and than back to Misty Libby was thankful through this whole painful thing she really hadn't asked any question, and was so gentle taking care of her. Even if the lightest brush seemed to hurt.

"No..no where else."

Giving a nod Misty looked to Ty. It was easy to see there was concern in her eyes even if she hadn't said anything.

"She'll be ok, and everything should heal nicely. I tried to stitch everything up so it would leave little to no scar."

Looking back to Libby and nodding again she continues.

"..I'll give you a prescription for something for the pain right now. Also I want Ty to keep an eye on you because of the concussion. Other than that you should be ok."

Her voice horse and did her best to smile looking to Ty and than back to Misty.

"Thank you!"

Like a pro

Thankful and almost relieved that Libby gives up the task of driving, Ty takes the keys and slides into the driver's seat. Giving everything a quick glance to make sure he knew where everything was, he starts up the engine and buckles himself in too. Seeing Libby try to smile, he does his best to smile back at her too.

Putting the truck in reverse, he backs out of the parking space like a pro and heads down the street. No one would know he didn't have a license... he drove as skillfully as one having driven for years. He doesn't take time to explain or be proud of it though... right now he just wanted to get Libby to TJY. There were only a couple people who knew how much practice he'd had behind the wheel. It was just the stupid written tests he couldn't get down. For now though, all that wasn't the point... the point was Libby's safety, so right now, Ty had a one track mind.

Finally getting to TJY, Ty parks and gets out, waiting for Libby. He wasn't going to take no for an answer on this one. Putting a gentle arm around her, he guides her inside, to the elevator then down and out onto the main floor.

Heading for the hallway, Ty keeps his arm around Libby, knowing that this place was probably twice as intimidating now than normal, after what had happened. He gets her down to the infirmary though, but arriving, Rick's nowhere to be found. Ty can't remember if he'd even seen Rick's car in the parking lot. But... maybe it was better this way. Maybe Libby wouldn't have been comfortable with a man anyway.

Spying Misty, Ty takes Libby closer, giving her a slight squeeze to let her know it's okay. "Misty?" His eyes meet hers with a look of dead seriousness. "This is my girlfriend, Libby. She needs help..." He stares at her, begging for trust. "...with no questions asked."

Alec bites his lip while shaking his head a little at Ryan. "It's official... you really are trying to kill me."

Going in for one last small kiss, he pulls himself away before he was tempted to just stay. Once out of the car, he turns and gives Ryan a little wave, then disappears into the building.

Some but not all

Looking at Ty for a long moment as he stood on the driver said his hand out for the key she just stood there. He was pretty smart and he did know what he was doing. If asked any question about driving he could answer it no problem...so was he ok to drive?

"I do trust you."

Dropping the keys in Ty's hand Libby new it hurt to much to drive right now even if she really wanted to. This morning her only motivation was just getting away and now...her energy seemed gone.

Slowly going around and getting into the driver side Libby gets in and buckles up. Leaning her head against the window the coolness felt nice. Turning her head a little so she could see try she tried to give the best smile she could wincing a little.

Freshly showed and in her jeans along with a tank top and her button up auto shirt that had all the buttons undone, the time had come to quickly to say goodbye to Alec. Ryan had liked having him around last night and this morning. But knowing they both had to go there own way now was the pits.

As Alec leans over for the kiss Ryan's hand goes to the side of his face to cradle it for the last few moments before they parted. As Alec pulls away and Ryan hears his comment a sly smile forms on her face.

"Don't you worry I'll be there tonight, maybe we can talk more about having a little of the box, but not the whole thing."

Hearing out of Scott's room Hope heads for Dr. Hawks office before going out for there breakfast. It would only be a quick stop and it was something that needed to be taken care of right way.

Giving a knock than the acceptance to come in Hope smiles at Dr. Hawks giving a small way.

"Good Morning Dr. Hawks. Sorry to interrupt you."

Going over brefly what happened last night with Scott Hope fills him in with Alec, and everything else that might of happened. Also asking if they had any better security cameras from the hall the night of Scott's visitor.

But finally breaking down and talking to him about the more serous matter.

"Scott's finally admitting he needs help and I think this is our open window. We need to start helping him control his anger, and than deal with what else is going on before the data in his mind takes over. If it does there is a good chance we might not ever get him back again."

Trust me

Ty lets Libby retrieve her jacket and waits, giving her a nod. "I promise."

Once upstairs, he helps her slip past a few people, knowing all too well the feeling of not wanting to be seen. Though he wished she would be willing to expose the truth, he knew that right now she wouldn't, so he might as well help her all he could.

After they're outside, Ty gets his bike and walks it to Libby's truck, putting it in the back. But instead of going to the passenger side, he stands at the driver's door. She was in no shape to be driving.

He holds out his hands for her keys. "Let me drive... Trust me."

Yawning too, Alec finally gets up from the couch with Ryan. "Shower sounds good. I'll just get clean clothes once I get back to TJY."

After a good long stretch, he wanders around Ryan to head for the hallway, giving her bottom a backhanded swat. "Last one out's a rotten egg..."

...A shower had been good... breakfast had been nice... and being with Ryan had been even better. But eventually they are at TJY, ready for Alec to go inside and for Ryan to go to work. He sits a few minutes though, deep in thought until finally opening the passenger door. "Thanks for the lift. Don't know if I'll be able to get out again tonight after playing hooky last night, but swing on by after work or something... if you want."

Stopping before getting out of the car, he leans over to Ryan, giving her a last kiss for the day, and making it worth the extra few moments. "I know I want you to," he whispers coyly in her ear.

Having Hope's hand on his face, Scott leans into it a little, closing his eyes for just a moment. Eventually, he nods and looks back up at her. "Yeah... okay. I'm not going anywhere." It was almost humorous... almost.

Once he's alone, Scott gets up from the bed again to wander his room. What he'd said to Hope earlier... he still felt. He couldn't do this... not now... not anymore. His nightmares had been one thing... his anger had been one thing... but this feeling that his mind was being taken over without his permission... that was something else.

He still couldn't remember who had come to see him, or what had happened in between then and when he'd snapped out of it with Alec. But he knew how it had felt. And it hadn't been pleasant. In a way, it had been worse than a nightmare... because somehow he'd known it was reality. But without the control to come to grips with what was really going on around him, he'd been a prisoner in his own mind. He would have convinced himself it was a one time only. But then after last night when he'd woken from his dream, he'd felt on the verge of that same place... that place where only data existed and nothing else. It could happen again... it would happen again if he didn't figure out how to make it stop. Ignoring it had not been the answer.

Sinking to the floor, Scott sits in the sun and closes his eyes, waiting for Hope to return. She said she'd talk to Dr. Hawks... he didn't understand why.

Leave me

Continuing to cry Libby is thankful for Ty warm arms and just being there for her. It melt a lot just knowing he was that, and knowing her wouldn't push her to report anything. Just melting in his arms for the longest time and letting the comfort wash over her.

But finally her eyes are to tired and sore to cry anymore, as the tears slowly stop. Though a few run down her cheek here and there for the most the they slow. Feeling Ty gently wiping the tears away for her she new the makeup would come off too but she didn't care. How soft and light he was being it felt nice.

Looking up into Ty's eyes Libby studys them for a long moment. Though her vision was a little blurry she could make out his steel blue eyes enough to search them and believe his words. He's be there too.

"Ok, I'll come...promise me you wont leave me though."

Backing away from Ty slowly Libby grabs her jacket from her chair and puts it on slowly before taking her keys as well. What would happen now she didn't know, but she'd trust Ty and let his friend look over her.

"Ok, I'm...I'm ready I just need to go upstairs and clock out."


Seeing and hearing the fear, Ty knew that there was no way he could convince Libby to report this. He knew it was useless to argue... he knew, because he'd been there and he knew that when he had experienced a similar circumstance, no one could convince him to report it.

As Libby returns to his embrace, he just holds her, letting her cry. He's not really sure how long they stand together, but it didn't matter. Everything else was forgotten.

Eventually though, he pulls Libby away, being extra careful as he wipes away some of her tears. Along with them, some of her makeup is wiped off as well, and he begins to see just what kind of damage had been done to her face. And he hurt even more.

"You and I are leaving," he informs quietly. "I'm taking you to TJY where our physician can check you out. You can trust him... and he won't ask any more questions than I let him, okay?"

He runs a hand through Libby's hair, trying to convince her that she could trust his words. "Then you and I and a friend of mine are going to go to your house and pick up your things... because you're not going to stay there any more."


Feeling Ty's arms around her Libby felt so safe. His touch so light and soft like nothing she had ever felt before. The warmth that seemed to come from his arms was almost soothing, not to her physical wounds but the ones deeper.

Not saying anything for the moment just letting Ty comfort her the dam on her emotions broke under his kind tenderness. Though it hurt, it didn't seem to matter only fueling the tears even longer as Ty held her.

As Ty speaks again a new fear seems to show in Libby's eyes, maybe one that was colder than before. A fear that said it was possible what she said could be true. A look that could turn any blood cold.

"I can't report it...I just can't if I do....Ty He'll kiss me."

More tears seemed to fall from Libby's eyes that only made her statement that much more true. She'd been down that road before and her mother always backed her stepfather so nothing came of it. Libby would never forget his blazing eyes as he almost choked the life out of her vowing if she even did tell again, he would kill her.

Not knowing what else to do Libby went back to Ty again burying her face though it hurt into his shoulder. She was happy the basment was quiet not one could hear her, it was her own little dark paradise, and Ty was the small shinning light.


When Libby said she didn't know what had happened, Ty was ready to walk away. If she wouldn't tell him, it hurt like nothing else, but he wouldn't wait around for the truth.

Realizing Libby was starting to speak again, he waits, looking her in the eye as she explains. And when he hears what really happened, a strange sensation begins to churn in his veins. It was a boiling, burning feeling that he wasn't sure could be described - there were too many emotions involved to pick just one.

Moving his hand a little, his thumb lightly brushes her tear away as he continues to listen. His gut tightens and he feels like screaming as he sees the hurt and fear in Libby's eyes. This wasn't right on so many levels.

Hearing her apology, Ty's eyes become pools of soft empathy. Not only did he feel sorrow for her, but he could relate... and that's something he never told her. Was a tear that formed in his own eye? He wasn't sure. But he didn't take the time to find out. Instead, he pulls Libby close, but being ever so gentle, knowing that she was sore.

Letting her rest her head against his shoulder, he rocks her just a little. "You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about," he tells her sternly. "Absolutely nothing."

His mind was already going a hundred miles an hour. He had heard the shouting when he'd been at her house before... he'd seen the fear in her eyes then, but hadn't asked about it. He should have seen the signs sooner. He should have acted sooner. He knew that this was the work of her stepfather and it started a cold anger burning deep within.

Pulling away, he looks at Libby again, the sternness still in her eye. "You're done working for the day," he informs without asking. "And we're going downtown to report this. And then we're going to the hospital."


As Ty turns to leave the hurt that Libby could hear in his voice clenched at her heart. He thought he had done something wrong, Libby could just tell. There was nothing she could say to change that so maybe it was a good thing that he just leave.

Hearing him turn around again though and make his way back to her Libby lets out another long sigh a little more to the frustrated sigh. Here is started, he's ask, she'd tell and maybe...he' still walk away.

Being turned to Ty she did all she could not to look at him. More ashamed than anything else. Hearing his question she new it was coming, and hearing the stern tone in his voice she new he meant it. Her body ached for comfort, she acted to scream, she acted to just run away, to have Ty hold her.

"I...I don't know what happened."

Finally looking up slightly at Ty Libby can see the look in his eye and knows she better explain a little more than that before she really did lose him forever.

"Last night...I...went home and..."

Libby closes her eyes for a moment trying to remember what happened as a tear finally escaped from her eye and rolled down her cheek. Everything was still so foggy, her mind trying to block out the pain she really couldn't remember everything. Drawing in a sharp breath it hurt so much, to breath, to talk but she had to.

"...all I can remember is sitting on the couch on moment watching TV and the next I was being dragged on the ground. Being hit over...and over again. Everything else before and after that just seemed like a nightmare and just wishing I was dead...I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream but I couldn't..."

Opening her eyes and looking at Ty completely now she hoped he believed her. Libby didn't want him to walk away, and for once she didn't want to be alone. She was scared to tell Ty at first but not seeing him there she just wanted him to stay.

"...I must have made it back to my room but I think I blacked...out. This morning I woke up, and I hurt more than I did last night. Trying to clean up the dried blood...I..just wasn't strong though to fight him away. I'm sorry."

Libby didn't know why she was saying sorry, maybe because she couldnt remember anymore, maybe because of how she looked...maybe it was simply she was so use to saying sorry that it felt like that she must do.

Reaching out Libby's fingers gently try to find Ty's to just feel his locked with hers. To know he was real, to know he was here. He was the only thing holding Libby from breaking down right now, she was keeping her afloat.

Only once

Ty straightens and backs up a step, letting go of Libby as she gasps and flinches. He would have thought he'd just startled her, but he'd spoken and he knew she knew it was just him. Then having her cancel their date, Ty was almost too surprised to be hurt. It did sting a little though.

"But..." He didn't want to argue with her, but he didn't understand. Had he done something wrong? She wouldn't even look at him. He racks his brain about yesterday when he'd seen her. He'd gotten a little upset and had slammed a book shut, but they hadn't argued or anything. They'd kissed when they'd parted but he didn't think he'd been too forward or done anything wrong... had he? He replays it in his mind, making sure that he knew he hadn't been inappropriate. She'd smiled when she'd left so... it couldn't be that, could it?

At a loss, he finally shrugs. "Okay... I guess. I'll just... go then." He couldn't help the disappointment and confusion in his tone. Libby hadn't ever brushed him off like this before.

Turning to go, he gets halfway to the door when he stops again. This was all wrong. Something just wasn't right. He needed to know what had happened. Swiveling back around, he walks back up behind her again. "Libby..." He hated it that she wouldn't turn around. Determined to see her face so he'd know if it was really him or not, he moves around beside her and leans over so he can finally see her. His confusion multiplies. It was dim lighting down here, but he could still tell that she had more makeup on than normal. And were her eyes... swollen?

Concern overrides disappointment and Ty gently takes Libby's arm, forcing her to turn towards him, putting her face in more light. It didn't take a genius to figure out that she was hiding something awful. Reaching towards her face, his palm softly cradles her face as his thumb barely touches her lip that he could see now had been split. Adrenaline makes his pulse quicken.

Bending lower to be at her eye level, he makes Libby look at him. She hadn't willingly told him what had happened, which signaled she might not, even if asked. Would she lie? He hoped not. "I'm only going to ask you once." His tone was quiet but hoarse with a firm sternness. His eyes dove into hers with a warning that if she lied, trust would be hard to come by afterward. "What happened?"


Looking up and smiling as Scott came back in the room she had told him she'd wait to leave for breakfast till he was back. The rest of the night had been mildly peaceful and Hope was thankful for that. Not for her own sake but for Scott's.

Hearing Scott's question Hope's smile doesn't fade from her face. Now that Scott was starting to admit things it really would help his recovery. Going over to Scott and putting her hand to the side of his face running a thumb over his cheek she continued to smile love reflecting in her eyes.

"No Scott, no matter how it feels like you might be your not going to go crazy and you are going to beat this. The road is going to be rough but I will be with you one hundred percent of the way."

Hope new Scott still had a long road ahead of him, but she hoped that in every way possable she could help him along. Being his support, a shoulder to cry on or simply just someone to talk to she wanted to be there for him.

"You Scott, are going to be better, your going to go home, your going to take you life back that was taken from you and your going to continue life as God intended. Just continue to have faith."

Letting her hand fall from Scott's face Hope's eyes give a sparkle as she shift just a little. His face and eyes so weary and tired but still behind all that she could see the man she had fallen in love with, and promised to not leave out in the cold.

"I'll go get us some breakfast ok? I wont be long."

Standing at the shelves that were lined with books Libby moved a little slower today. Coming into work earlier than normal is had been easy to slip by most everyone no one noticing she looked a little different than normal.

Sure enough this morning she'd woken up with two black eyes, a slip lip, and her noise a cut ran across the top. The swelling worse than the night before she was surprised she could really open her eyes at all. If it hadn't have been for just wanted to get out of the house she wouldn't had bothered coming into but this was her get away, where she could lose herself and forget everything else only today everything throbbed and it was not easy.

Putting on some makeup this morning had been painful but as least it made the damage look a lot better than it really was. In a short while she'd call Ty and let him know she wouldn't be able to make it to lunch today. She hated not being able to spend the day with him because she new it would make her feel better, but how could she see him looking like this? And how many questions would she have to answer that she could not?

Getting lost slightly in her work and losing track of time Libby completely forgot to call Ty. It wasn't till she caught a sent of his shampoo that she realized he was here and her mistake. Giving a sigh she was about to speak when he comes up behind her and wraps his arm over her shoulder and plating the kiss on her face, his words following.

Any other day she would Libby would of love Ty's affection and returned it whole heartily but today there was more pain than she could bear even from his light touch. Giving a flinch and and a gasp of hair it felt like for a few moment Libby had stop breathing, but finally she did again. Not turning around she kept her hands moving on her work not wanting to look into Ty's face and having him see her own. Then first sigh than something was terribly wrong.

Finally speaking her voice was slightly muffled as it was hard to talk, and being swollen didn't her. Her voice being slightly off as well, lacking a cretin emotion.

"I...meant to call you and I forgot, I'm not going to be able to go to lunch today..I've got...a...a lot of work I need to get done and I'm not to hungry. Sorry to make you come here for nothing."

Libby hated canceling today she had been so excited but she couldn't go out like this. She couldn't let anyone see her in such a vulnerable, and hideous state. Fibbing was not something she liked to do, but what else could she she do.

Shifting a little on the couch and giving a smile Ryan slowly opens her eyes to see Alec looking back at her. Giving a little shrug and snuggling her head down into the pillow a little more Ryan's eyes still stay connected with Alec's.

"Mmm...I think that sounds like a great plan."

Closing her eyes again for a moment she finally opens them again knowing as much as they tried to play like it still was yesterday there was no way it would work. Today was a new day, Alec had to get back to TJY and she had to leave for work.

Leaning in and giving Alec a soft kiss on the lips Ryan just bathed in the moment for another moment or so. It had been different waking up next to someone but at the same time it had been nice too.

"Eli has his own bathroom connected to his room. So while I take a shower and get ready for work you can take a shower in there if you like. Than I can whip us up some breakfast, and drive you back to TJY."

Giving a stretch and knowing if she didn't move now she wasn't going to Ryan sits up on the couch giving a yawn and stretching.

Rot your brain

Scott trudges back into his room after having taken a quick shower and changed his clothes. Though looking somewhat refreshed, his eyes tell a different story - he was completely worn out. He'd been able to sleep the rest of the night through without incident, but the mental trauma was taking its toll.

Easing down on the bed, he pulls his legs up to sit cross-legged, his head hanging. It was a little strange having Hope here when he woke up this morning, but she'd helped him through the night, so it was appreciated. Though still upset with how she'd brought him here, he could separate the two feelings and be able to at least still let her be here and absorb the comfort she offered.

"Is it curable?" His question came out of nowhere. He'd said good morning briefly a while earlier, but had been quiet otherwise. He knew Hope was going to go get some breakfast for them soon, but his question had been lingering in the back of his mind, and he needed an answer.

He finally looks up to study her face as she sat in the chair. "Can I really beat this or... or am I eventually really just gonna go crazy?"

Ty jumps the curb with his bicycle, spinning to a stop in front of the library. He and Libby were supposed to meet Wyatt and Aerith for lunch today at Mom and Pop's, but it was a long enough ride that Ty was going to catch a ride the rest of the way with Libby so he wouldn't have to pedal the whole way. He did sometimes, but it was just as well, so he'd get to spend even more time with her.

They'd been spending much free time together lately. Reading hadn't been going very well, but Ty wasn't getting tired of being with her. Since their first kiss, they were discovering a new fondness for each other, and venturing a few kisses here and there, Ty was liking the way their relationship was going... slowly and cautiously but just enough for them to both know that there was more than just friendship here. The thing Ty liked the most though, was knowing they could just hang out and be themselves... just be friends, whether there was more underneath or not. He hung out with Wyatt sometimes, but Libby was the only one he really did anything yet. So having her as a friend and a girlfriend... was a bonus.

Figuring he'd toss his bike in the back of her truck when they left, he goes ahead and goes inside, now knowing his way down to the basement where Libby would be working. He was a few minutes earlier, but that just meant he could chat with her for a little while before they left.

Heading downstairs, he was dressed as usual in his jeans, a tee and his denim jacket. That was another thing he liked about Libby... she took him just as he was.

Arriving to the dim, musty room, he enters quietly, looking around stacks of books to find her. She wasn't sitting at the table, but he finally spots her off to one side of the room, gathering some books from a shelf. Her back was turned - a perfect moment for some mischief.

Sneaking up behind her, he drapes his arms over her shoulders, pulling her back against his chest. "Don't you know if you read too much, it'll rot your brain?" he teases.

Not waiting for a response, he tilts his head around from behind to give her cheek a kiss, his arms still around her.

"So did she ever get that kiss?"

Eli's head pops up from his side of the car to smirk at Tal. "Maybe. No thanks to you."

Tal grins and keeps working on his fender. "What? No bragging? No hype? That's not like you."

Eli shakes his head and focuses on his work again. "I got too much work to do to go into details."

"Went that badly, huh?" Tal teases. "What did she do? Knock you off your bike? Or refuse when you finally did go in for the kiss?"

"Tal!" Eli chides. "Cut it out!"

Tal's eyebrows rise a little and he looks over Neil. It certainly wasn't like Eli to remain close-mouthed about a date. Maybe he really hadn't been amused with the antics about last night. Maybe he and Scarlet hadn't even really met up afterward at all. Maybe Tal had played along with the act too much and he'd ruined something. "If I did anything to-"

Eli comes up from the other side to look over the hood again. An amused grin was on his face. "Will you just shut up and work?" His grin widens. "You didn't do anything. Now come on. We were supposed to have this done half an hour ago."

Tal is even more confused now, but finally just shrugs and starts working again. It really was none of his business, though with Eli's peculiar mood, it just made him even more curious.

Alec gives a little groan and stretches, yawning then finally relaxing again as his arm flops back over Ryan. It was late morning and he knew he needed to get up. He'd woken up two hours prior when Eli had headed out, but he'd still been so comfortable that he just hadn't wanted to move. The result was him falling asleep again. Unfortunately, if he didn't get back to TJY pretty soon, he'd destroy the trust he'd just built up with Reese the day before.

"Can we just rewind to yesterday so I can stay here a while longer?" he mumbles. He hadn't had such a good night sleep in a very long time.

Weak, Fragile, Broken

Giving one last smile to Eli as she slipped her helmet on tucking her hair up inside of it Scarlet gets on her bike zipping her jacket up and starting her bike revving the engine just a little.

Following Eli back down the trail Scarlet was thankful he was leading. Being here only once she didn't know the way back very well. Finally getting to where they would part Scarlet gives a wave before instead of heading home she makes her way back to the Bar and Grill.

Getting there it doesn't take long looking down at her watch and taking note to the time. Jimmy would be closing up but she new he would let her in to at least talk to him she had to tell him about her night went.

Hearing her brother come into the house Ryan doesn't even try and move as she hears her brother come into the house. She was way to comfortable with Alec.

Just letting the two of them go back and forth with each other Ryan couldn't help the snicker at the comment about a punch in the mouth. It was just to much to resist some kind of laugh.

As Eli leaves again Ryan tightening her arm around Alec a little more. Moves her own self a little closer to him resting her head against his. Giving another chuckle she keep her voice to a low whisper.

"You're lucky not everyone gets to ask Eli a punch to the face and than walk away from it alive. Maybe he is starting to get use to you after all."

Leaning her head in a little Ryan gives Alec another kiss on the lips before resting her head down and making it comfortable. Closing her eyes, the smile continued to linger on he face as she drifted to sleep.

Staring in the little mirror of her bathroom the screaming still continued out in the living room. Paper towels lied on the since covered in blood, from a lip that had been slip, and the nose that got the brunt of the impact. A black eye if not two would surly make there self known, the swelling had already started and the faint color of purple stained her peach skin. A concussion was possible but a trip to the hospital was not in order.

What had happened tonight Libby wasn't sure? Her mind was foggy from the beating her had received making it hard to think. This had been the wost it ever was before and for a few long moments as her step father's fists continued to connect with her face Libby thought she might die. How she wished now she had, no pain would be felt, no questions answered, no more threats made.

Now continuing to looking in the mirror Libby wanted to cry but it hurt to much. How would she go to work tomorrow? How would see go to dinner with Ty, his roommate and his girlfriend. Maybe makeup would cover it, but the pain would still be there, and she would still be sore.

Finally leaving the bathroom and quickly moving to her bedroom Libby shut the door turning on some music to drowned out the yelling. Libby new later a visit from her mom would come and the speech would be told and Libby's silence would be forced.

Grabbing the teddy bear from her closet little stains of blood were on him. A story in its own told he was her comfort when this had happened before. Holding him close and crawling into bed Libby moved close to corner and cowered in a little ball. So weak, so fragile, so broken.

Do I need to punch you

Eli stands as well, a little smile showing again. "Oh, I'm sure we'll see each other." He chuckles quietly. "Besides, you gotta bring your bike to the shop next week."

Ambling over to their bikes, he fishes his keys from his pocket and mounts up. Before starting the engine and putting his helmet on though, he gives Scarlet a last look. He wasn't going to ask her out again yet... No, he was going to wait on this one. It wasn't like him... it wasn't his norm or his style, especially if he'd had a good time. But something was different about this, and his gut told him to play it slow and see what would happen.

Flashing Scarlet a smile, he dons his helmet, his face how hidden. Revving his bike engine, he waits until he sees Scarlet is ready too before leading the way back on the trail and to the highway again. Once they're back in town and must go their separate ways at an intersection, Eli gives Scarlet a salute before turning left to go home...

...The apartment is quiet. It was late, but Eli hadn't expected it to be this quiet yet. Getting inside, he squints in the dark then flips on the light. Spying a little movement on the couch, he leans to the side to see, his eyebrows rising. Now that was something he hadn't expected - his sister and Alec asleep together.

Approaching the couch, he gives Alec's leg a nice jolt with his boot. "Hey. You supposed to be here?"

"Mm-hmm..." Alec mumbles without opening his eyes, lifting his hand to wave before letting it drop back down around Ryan. "I got permission, but you can call me in if you want."

Eli shakes his head. If Alec actually told him he could call, then eh was telling the truth. Ryan certainly didn't seem to mind. "Ait. Do I need to sleep out here to keep an eye on you?"

Alec frowns, his eyes still closed. "Do I need to punch you in the mouth?"

Eli can't help a wry grin. Alec was trustworthy for tonight at least. "Naw. Just behave." He reaches down to tug on Ryan's bare foot. "That goes for you too, Speedy." Moving back to the switch, he turns out the lights again and aims for his bedroom.

Alec nuzzles into Ryan a little more, sighing before drifting off towards sleep once more.