
Leave me

Continuing to cry Libby is thankful for Ty warm arms and just being there for her. It melt a lot just knowing he was that, and knowing her wouldn't push her to report anything. Just melting in his arms for the longest time and letting the comfort wash over her.

But finally her eyes are to tired and sore to cry anymore, as the tears slowly stop. Though a few run down her cheek here and there for the most the they slow. Feeling Ty gently wiping the tears away for her she new the makeup would come off too but she didn't care. How soft and light he was being it felt nice.

Looking up into Ty's eyes Libby studys them for a long moment. Though her vision was a little blurry she could make out his steel blue eyes enough to search them and believe his words. He's be there too.

"Ok, I'll come...promise me you wont leave me though."

Backing away from Ty slowly Libby grabs her jacket from her chair and puts it on slowly before taking her keys as well. What would happen now she didn't know, but she'd trust Ty and let his friend look over her.

"Ok, I'm...I'm ready I just need to go upstairs and clock out."

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