
Now What?

Garret was surprised, to say the least, by Nate’s actions. Not only was he letting them go without a fight, he was actually helping? Why was he so different than everyone else?

Outside, Garret felt as if someone was squeezing his heart. The one thing in life that had given him purpose and made sense, and he was losing it. Was this really it? He couldn’t believe it. He just couldn’t. It couldn’t be over. Not forever. But it felt like it. And it was still his own fault. 

He couldn’t say anything as Victoria walked away. Nothing seemed to fit. Nothing seemed enough. She knew how he felt, and he could add nothing to it, unless he were to get down on his knees and beg her to stay – and he knew that would only cause her more pain. All he could do was watch as she got into the taxi. 

At Nate’s words, Garret’s head snapped in his direction, his eyes betraying him with raw surprise. He looked back at the car driving away, then back at Nate. He knew? How? And why had he still let her go? Straightening a little, he tensed, trying to figure out if Nate was suddenly hinting at blackmail, or if he just wanted to let Garret know he wasn’t stupid. His training wanted him to believe this whole thing had been some sort of trap or setup. But his recent experience wanted him to believe Nate was truly being honest and helpful. 

“I just lost…everything,” he hissed. “My entire purpose for coming to this hell just walked away. If that information leaks to the wrong person and is used against her, so help me…” He gritted his teeth as his hands turned to fists. He didn’t like threatening Nate. But he knew no other way to communicate how he felt. He had just destroyed everything in one move, and felt more stuck than he had since coming here. 

He didn’t finish his threat, but simply turned in time to see the taxi cab finally disappear. It was over. And now he was here in a bar-less prison to serve out his time. And he’d really just walked into this willingly? How stupid could he have been? 

Walking away from Nate before he lashed out, he took his anger out on a nearby recycling bin instead with an anguished yell, and a swift kick that sent tin cans and plastic bottles flying. A second kick sent the bin itself clattering across the parking lot. Breathing heavily, he turned back to lean against the brick building, squeezing his eyes shut tight. “So now what? I go back to my cell? Aaron goes to prison? That would make my entire screw-up complete.”

Susanne nestled into Chuck, so thankful for his warmth…his comfort. Just burying her face against his chest, she cried – all her emotions from the last few days spilling out all at once.

Eventually, her tears slowed, her trembling stopped, and she just closed her eyes, remaining in his embrace. She swallowed hard and sniffed, her one hand coming up to fiddle with a seam in Chuck’s shirt. “I was so scared,” she admitted quietly. “I just…I couldn’t stop him. I tried. I just…I wasn’t strong enough.” She sniffed again and nuzzled in closer. “I thought I could…could take care of myself. But he was just so strong…”

You can

Looking up at Victoria and Garret Nate could see the saddness that was written on both there faces. Even if they had emotions of stone, and walls for days there eyes gave away much and Nate could see it. His own heart broke just a little bit for them both as well.

   "Ok, hang tight here for a few minutes. I'll grab a few things you might need for the trip."

Getting up and disappearing for a few moment Nate returns with a backpack. In side was a few things like paper, pens, food, and water. There was also a generic burner phone so in case she needed to call anyone to get her. A note was nicely tucked into one of the pockets for her to read later.

   "Here you go. Just in case you need it and also..."

Nate takes a piece of paper from his desk and writes down a phone number before handing it to her.

 "In case you ever need anything thats my cell and you can call any time."

Not saying anything else Nate leads them through the main floor to the door that leads outside. Stepping out with them a taxi was waiting. Staying at the door he let them say there goodbyes.

Victoria looked at the taxi for a long moment before looking back at Garret again. This really was goodbye?

  "Don't forget me. I love you...always."

Turning Victoria starts to make her way to the car. Her heart hurt more than anyone would every know, and her head pounded as she thought of what was to come. Life was going to be harder now without having Garret around.

Stepping up next to Garret Nate puts his hands in his pockets and watches Victoria walk away. He wished things could of been different and they both could of gotten the trust they deserved. It could of been so much different.

   "You can go with her you know! Than she wont have to lie to her Grandfather about what happened."

Nate gave Garret a side long glance. He new who Victoria was. Though he hadn't told anyone because it was not his secret to tell.

Feeling Susanne start to cry Chuck wraps his arms tighter around her. What was on the tv was longer important and the only thing he cared about was Susanne. Turning on the couch to get more comfortable he pulled her into his lap and ran his fingers though her hair.

Words did not come as he held her because what was there to day? You are ok, everything is alright now...these were all things she already new. It was just her tears and fears that needed to come out. So softly while he continued to use one hand to rub her back and the other to run through her hair he started to hum softly, quiet, and slow.


Having Victoria sit on his lap, Garret wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight. Why did he always have to say goodbye to her? Why could they never be together? It was as if destiny had decided they were never meant to be. It didn't matter which side Garret chose - he would always be without her. 

He rested his head against hers and just held her for the longest moment. His lips found her neck to kiss her softly several times before moving to her lips where he let his kiss linger, deepening at the same time his heart cracked. 

Finally, he let her go though, knowing that if he didn't now, he wasn't sure he could watch her walk away at all. "Come on," he coaxed. "I'll help you leave." 

Standing by the door, he looked up at the camera. "Hal, I know you're watching. Send in Nate. Please."

It was only a few moments and the door opened, but it wasn't Nate. It was Reese. 

Garret bristled, and put himself between Reese and Victoria. "I asked for Nate."

"So you did." Reese cocked his head. "Why? Because you can get your way with him?"

"Because he's the only one who trusts me."

"Mmhm...." Reese thought for a while, then shrugged. "Come with me." 

Garret took Victoria's hand as he followed Reese, half expecting to be led back downstairs. But instead, they aimed for the main floor. A lot of eyes stared at them as they walked through the cubicles - no less than normal. Maybe more. Especially since Reese hadn't restrained them - surprise number two. Number three came when they stopped at Nate's desk.

Reese cleared his throat. "Nate, Garret here wanted to see you. I'm going back to my office so...do whatever it is you have to do, and... I'll expect a report later." And turning his back, he walked away.

Garret knew Reese had heard the conversation in the interrogation room. Yet he was still leaving it up to Nate and not making a stink? His grip on Victoria's hand tightened and he glanced to Nate. "Victoria's not staying." Saying it out loud stung. "I'm asking that you allow her to walk. You have my word she won't sabotage the Elite after having been here. Please let her go." He knew full well no one could keep her here. But it sure would be nice to do his without a fight.

Susanne nodded and opened the door, letting Chuck in with her. She remained quiet - quieter than normal - as she fed and watered her birds, then started a pot of coffee. Joining Chuck on the couch, she leaned against him as the television comedy projected laughter which she did not feel.

It was a long span of silence before tears started to trickle down her face. Only a few at first, then as they became more, she started to tremble. Turning her face into Chuck's shoulder, her walls finally came tumbling down, leaving only her vulnerable fear which has gripped her so tightly as she'd been held captive.

Stick with

Victoria couldn't help the emotions that churned inside. Leaving was hard, saying good bye to Garret was like death, but staying...what would saying be like? Victoria couldn't help but keep coming back to that.

   "I like Nate, he seems pretty trustworthy. Sick with him Garret and I think you'll be ok."

Standing and going over to Garret Victoria sits down in his lap. This might be there last moments together, maybe forever and she didn't want to wast them. To be in Garret's arms, to take in the warmth and try to hold it forever.

   "I love you too Garret, with all I am. I will always love you, and only you. If you are ever in trouble I'll come running."

Walking with Susanne Chuck stayed close. Susanne was strong he had no doubt about that but still he was there for when she needed him and he new it would come sooner or later. Getting to the door and pausing for a long moment Chuck can feel the fear that Susanne felt. It must be terrible to come back to the place you call home, but it no longer feels that way.

  "Of course I can, and I can stay for as long as you need me too. You don't gave to be alone."


Garret wanted to argue. He wanted to beg. He wanted to stay in here as long as it took to convince Victoria to stay with him. To give it a fair shot. To give it more time. But that look in her eye...he knew she'd already made up her mind. And he knew that once that happened, there was no changing it, not even by him. Further words might just cause more damage. And again, he felt the hard consequences of his decisions. 

His eyes dropped, along with his shoulders. And when he glanced up again and saw her tear, his pain deepened. Tears were not something she normally allowed to happen. He reached out and gently brushed it from her face.

"I'm sorry," he apologized. "For everything." He knew he could still return with her. But what about his word? What kind of man was he without it? Then there was Aaron. If he didn't stay, Aaron would surely go to prison and Garret needed to somehow make sure that didn't happen. It was his fault Aaron had been here in the first place, and if it hadn't been for him, Susanne never would have been taken. So how could he just leave Aaron for the wolves? Loyalty to anyone but a commanding officer was not something taught or encouraged within the Agency. But something in Garret's heart knew it was right, and for once, he wanted what was right.

"If you're really going to go, you should do it quickly. Wait until someone comes, and if it's not Nate, I'll ask for him, then tell him to let you go." He knew it would be hard for her to do it this way, but for their sake, he didn't want violence. And he knew Nate was probably the only one who wouldn't appose...and might even stand up for them. "I'll go with you outside, then... You can go your way."

His hand returned to her face. Emotions churned under the surface, enough so, that he instinctively closed the door on them as years of training had taught him to do. Breaking down was not an option. This was simply a consequence of what he'd chosen.

"I love you. And should we meet on opposite sides...know that I'll never be able to betray you. I'd take a bullet to my heart before harming you." She had always been his weakness, and that wasn't about to change. He swallowed hard. "And should you ever change your mind... I'll still be here."

Falling into Chuck's embrace, Susanne burried her face against his chest and just breathed in his warm scent. Oh, how she'd been waiting to feel his strong arms around her again. She'd fought tooth and nail against her feelings for him since the beginning, but she couldn't deny all she'd wanted while in that dark basement was just to be held by him.

After a few moments, she pried herself away so Misty could take care of her, and in the end, she was sporting just a few small bandages and a wrapped ankle. Assuring everyone no other harm had come to her, she asked simply to go home so she could rest, and was grateful Chuck was willing to take her. 

Once they were at her house in the driveway though, Susanne's emotions were getting closer and closer to the surface. She'd been so strong this entire time, and even though scared, she hadn't broken down once. But as she stared at her front door, new fear gripped her heart.

"Would you...walk me inside?" she asked quietly. "And maybe...maybe stay just a little while? I...I don't...feel like being alone."


   "But we will never be together here. I'm surprised they even let us in this room alone."

Victoria looked at Garret and leaned her head into his hand. She would miss him dearly and her heart hurt thinking about not having him anymore. But if they went to prison they wouldn't see each other anymore anyways.

  "I thought about staying but that Reese guy hates us and wont even try to give us a chance. What kind of life will that make for us? I see where you are coming from Garret, I honestly do. But I was born into the Agency, that is my life and at least there was freedom there,and respect. You stay Garret. Have your freedom and show them who you are. I wont hold that against you."

A slight tear ran down Victoria's face. Thinking about leaving Garret hurt more than anyone could ever understand. He was everything to her, and what kept her gowning.Garret was the bright spot in her dark days, and the figure that always kept her safe. What would she do without him.

Watching from behind the glass window Nate lets out a long sigh and shook his head. He didn't understand anything that was going on with Reese, and because of it, two people were being torn apart when they just wanted a chance. 

Leaving the room Nate makes his way back to his cubical before sitting down. He was torn from doing what his promised, and following the boss orders. It was something he'd never face before and it was definitly not easy.

Seeing Susanne Chuck stood and came over to her quickly. Wrapping his arms around her he just held her close. She could cry if she needed to, it was ok by him. He was just happy to be holding her again in his arms. He'd feared the worse and felt so helpless.

    "It's ok, I got you now."

"It will be fine, you will do great, and you'll be able too. I promise."

Sitting up again Stacy places another kiss on Eric's lips before pulling away and just looking down at him. She new in her heart everything would turn out the way it should, and she trusted that in the end everything really would be ok.


Victoria's words were exactly what Garret had been afraid of all this time, and it put a knot in his gut. He opened his mouth to respond, but stopped as the door opened. It was Pete, and he was with Katie and Susanne. 

Pete immediately took note that handcuffs were missing, but opted not to say anything. Truth be told, he was just a bit afraid to. This was the second time Garret had taken him out, and it was making him more than nervous. All he could do now was hope for no trouble on the way back.

It didn't take long for everything to be wrapped up and have both vehicles headed back to headquarters. The drive was quiet - Susanne still nervous, and Garret refusing to speak in front of anyone at this point. Reese's angry quietnes only added to the tension, making the ride feel longer than it really was. 

Once they were back at the Elite, Gunner and Rick took Aaron to the infirmary where Rick immediately started work on his leg in the back room. Susanne was also brought hobbling in so Misty could help patch up any cuts or scrapes, and check her ankle. Arriving at the infirmary though, the first person Susanne saw was Chuck, and tears instantly rose in her eyes. There had been more than once she wasn't sure if she'd ever see him again. But here he was...waiting for her. Too overwhelmed with everything, she couldn't even find any words to say.

In the interrogation room, Garret sat with Victoria. They'd been left in here alone - most likely just to keep them somewhere until someone decided what to do with them after this morning's events. It wasn't ideal, but at least now Garret could finally respond to what Victoria had said earlier, and amazingly, they'd been left free of their restraints.

"Please stay," he begged quietly, taking her hand. "It can be better... I know it can. It will just take some time." 

His eyes pleaded with her, and it hurt, seeing how sad she was. He'd done this. All of it. "I can't go back... I can't be a part of the insanity any longer. I can't be ten feet from you all the time and not allowed to touch you. I can't keep killing innocent people just to give your grandfather more power." His grip on her hand tightened. Could she understand him at all? "I believed in the cause once. But since knowing you, I have realized there's more to life than being behind a wall that locks out the world." 

His free hand went to the side of her face, his thumb caressing her cheek. "If you can't stand it here, lets just run away together. Disappear." It was a nice thought, but he knew good and well that would only mean they'd be on the run their entire lives. At least here they'd have the Elite watching their backs...eventually. He'd given his word to Nate and Reese that he'd stay, but if Victoria would run with him, he'd go. But in his heart of hearts, he knew it would just make things harder, and she knew that, too.

"I just don't know what I'd do without you," he whispered. "All I wanted was for us to finally be together. But it looks like I made the wrong choice."

Eric felt as if he should smile at Stacy's comment about the babies, but it just wouldn't come. He was glad they all thought the twins were cute, but...there was still a chance they weren't his. And it would be a couple days before they knew for sure, one way or the other.

"I always wanted my own famiy," he admitted. "But now... I don't even know how I could provide enough for one. If all this is true, I can't be on the road weeks at s time...but without driving, I've... I've got nothing."

Old emotions of feeling stupid crept into his mind. He had so little to offer in the way of good work. All he'd been for so long was just a driver. So what, that he loved horses? What could he really do?

"I'm not so sure I could give two kids the best chance anyway..."