
Eyes say

Seeing Kyle earlier when he had first come in with Alice Misty had smiled. It was good seeing him again after almost a year. Staying out of the way though and knowing things hadn't been the great when he had left Misty didn't want to rune his night now.

Working at the counter on getting a few other things together for the tables Misty hears Kyle's voice behind her talking to Carson. Bitting her lip a little she wanted to turn around and say hi, she didn't want things to be awkward...she just...

Hearing Kyle say hi to her Misty turns around and looks at him for a long moment. A smile forming on her lips as she looks back at Kyle.

"Hey Kyle, it good to see you again."

Giving a slight wave she moves a little close to the counter were Kyle was standing her eyes still connected with his. She wanted to be friends again with him she really did and maybe this was a start.

"Are you home for a while now? We all miss seeing you!"

Really she wanted to say she missed seeing him, and his smiling face but she though it best to leave it at we even if Kyle could read what her eyes said.

Feeling the bump next to her Karla looks to Kip before looking across the table. Shaking her head she leans into him a little bit whispering.

"Your gonna get yourself into trouble!"

It was to late though and the paper goes flying hitting Axel. Karla's eyes go wide a little bit as she looks to Axel and than to Kip again. Her mouth wants to turn up into a smile but she trys to stop it, a laugh wanting to come but willing it not to.

As a paper it returned to hitting Kip, and than more papers go flying along with Kips words back to her finally Karla can't hold it in any longer and her laugh rings out joined in by the others as she gets her own straw papers flying here and there.

Watching the war start Katie raises and eyebrow the corners of her mouth twitching till finally breaks out into her own smile. Looking around the table at everyone it was a full hour but it was nice, everyone was back together pluse some who were going to fit in just fine.

Some times its nice that the simple things never change no matter how we grow.

Katie looks to Jason and gives a smile as she tugs on a few of his emotions and her own eyes sparkle.

Working in the kitchen on still organizing everything to give her something to do Destiny was lost in her own world. Hearing Chance's voice behind her causes her to jump though as she spins around. Seeing it was in fact only Chance Destiny leans against the counter and gives a laugh.

"Oh Chance, I...was organizing and I guess I zone out."

Cocking her head to one side her eyes twinkle a little as she looks back at him feeling totaly crazy for jumping in the first place. This had to be one of the safest houses she had ever been in not to mention Chance's word on keeping her safe.

Hearing Chance let her know if she wasn't comfortable with just him being here Destiny's smile grows a little. It was nice to know he was thinking of that, and for that alone she wasn't to worried.

"Oh No no...I have no problem with you being here at night or whatever. It...kind of comforting really. Thank you for asking though that was very sweet of you."

Turning to the cupboard and pulling down the bag of Candy Destiny gives a little smile.

"I will had to admit you might startle me a few more times till I get use to having someone else here. I'm use to it just being me. Should only take a day or two, to get use to though. And....to start off the first night right I have some candy here with our name on it I was thinking about breaking into. If you'd like to join me so I don't feel like a pig alone I wouldn't mind the company."

What the cat dragged in

Con spreads out his hands willingly at Misty's suggestion. "Your wish is my command."

Carson smirks. "Show off." Turning around, he aims for the kitchen to prepare the pizzas. Once disappeared, there's an awful ruckus of clanging pots and pans before dead silence. Then Carson's voice pipes up again. "I'm okay! Thanks for asking."

Con snickers but dares not to laugh too loudly as he goes and starts moving tables and chairs.

It's not long before people start to arrive - and it was a bigger crowd than usual. Carson was glad he'd made several extra pizzas, and the whole gang wouldn't have to wait too long to eat. Cryptic's bunch is the first to get there, Rocky and Joel being quite rambunctious, while Axel tries to keep them in line, but winds up ignoring them and paying more attention to Jess instead. Next is JetStream, Jason in the lead with Katie in tow, before Phil, Jen and Mike, all seeming to be a little more hyped up than normal. Carson's a little surprised to then see a small group he didn't even recognize. They seemed a little out of place, finding the end of a table to sit together, mingling with the others but not mixing in like they knew each other very well. Eventually the door opens again, this time with Kyle and Alice.

Filling several pitchers with pop, Carson hears the bell again and glances out, spotting Kyle. His eyebrows rise in genuine surprise. Kyle was back in town?

Nodding to Misty, he directs her attention to the door. "Look who the cat dragged in."

Kyle gets into Mom and Pop's, his hand firmly planted in Alice's. Scanning the crowd, a smile forms on his face and he aims for his newest friends first to make sure everyone is okay and settled. Once again though, he doesn't have much time to breathe as he's bombarded by the others, mostly Joel and Phil this time. Hardly able to sit down, he finally secures a seat next to Alice down by the band, not wanting to leave any of them out of the loop.

The loud chatter and laughing continues, everyone seeming to have a good time. Before the pizza comes though, Kyle is finally able to steal a glance back over to the counter, spotting Misty and Carson both working. Giving Alice a little nudge, he scoots his chair back while he could escape the others. "I'll be right back."

Slipping from the noisy bunch, he ambles over to the counter, leaning on it a little. "Hey, what's a guy gotta do to get some service around here?"

Carson whirls around, a smile coming to his face. "Well... Kyle Mitts. What brings you to this side of the neighborhood?"

"Mmm... a lot of things." Kyle chuckles. Glancing down, then back up again, he studies Carson's face for a moment before his eyes shift to Misty. Things hadn't been so great when he'd left town. They had been alright but... there had still been quite a bit of tension. This was something he had to do... if for nothing else, then for his peace of mind. He needed to greet both of them. "Hey, Misty."

Kip looks around the restaurant, his legs bouncing a little under the table as the energy in the room just fed his hyper nature. Fiddling with his straw, he tears half of the wrapper off and tucks one end in, looking around the table for a target. Spying Twila, he elbows Karla to get her to watch. Blowing through the straw, the wrapper goes flying. Unfortunately, the air current in the room didn't cooperate and the paper projectile shifted to the right and winds up beaning Axel in the head.

Sitting at the table right beside theirs, Axel turns around in surprise, wondering who had just shot a straw wrapper at him.

Kip sinks a little lower in his seat, trying not to laugh. He'd met Axel a while ago, but that's as far as it went. He certainly hadn't meant to shoot at someone he didn't know. Seeing Axel turn back around, he figures he must have given up, and he gives Karla a sheepish grin. "I guess my aim was off."

His words are barely out of his mouth when a straw wrapper comes flying at him, hitting him lightly in the arm. Whipping his head back around in surprise, a smile breaks forth as he sees Axel eying him challengingly. And thus, the straw wrapper war began, spreading beyond the two of them.

The corner of the living room now looked like a miniature TJY. Several monitors, a computer and more would act as the security and Chance knew how everything ran. He had an eye on every outside camera now, along with instant contact to TJY if need be.

It had been a bit of a crazy evening, packing everything up, getting it all set up and trying to get settled in the safe house. Chance had been given an Elite SUV to drive for him and Destiny, so it had only taken one trip to get everything here.

Now it was after dark and Chance was getting tired, but he knew he needed to get used to short nights as he kept an eye on things. Swiveling in his chair, he glances towards the kitchen and stands up with a stretch and yawn. Wandering to where the light was on, he looks in on Destiny. Now that it was evening, it was just striking him that maybe Destiny wouldn't be so comfortable with just her and him in the house, and he wanted to make sure she was alright with it.

"Hey, um... if you ever need... I mean... well, if you're not okay with just me being the other person in the house or anything... let me know and I'll talk to Reese, okay?"

Time roll on

Jamie can't help but laugh as they come to the counter even more. Her eyes sparkle as she just watches Carson and Misty for a moment. She was so happy for them that they were now married, and you could just see by both there faces how much in love they were.

Looking to Con with a smile and giving him a slap to the arm about his comment of cleaning Jamie just shakes her head. Looking to Misty she grins.

"You can dress them up but we can't take them out can we?"

Leaning into Carson a little more and just giving a laugh again and shakes her head. It was always nice hanging around with a group of people from work. Carson just seemed to fit right in now too becoming close friends with so many. Misty was so happy of that and just looking at his face she could tell it made him feel good too.

"I don't know if we can really dress them up ether I mean look at this food all over him."

Misty's eyes twinkle as she smirks at Carson and shakes her head a little humor dancing in her eyes so it was easy to tell she was just giving him a hard time.

Turning back to Con herself she takes the towel from him with a bright smile one her face.

"Why don't I whip some tables down, and you can try and drag some of them together and make on big table. Once I am done with wiping everything down I'll help get the plates as stuff out."

For a moment Katie is taken off guard as Kyle puts his arms around Alice but soon the shock is gone and hearing the news Katie gives a big smile and a nod.

"You two look perfect together. I'm so happy for you Kyle, anymore surprises for us hummm..?"

Giving a laugh and finally breaking away from the group to finish with the last bit of clean up Katie gives a small shake of her head. Looking up at Jason and giving a nod.

Yes it is. I'm happy for him and eager to hear his story. He might not have wanted to be the center of attchen coming back but I think he's gonna have it weather he likes it or not.

...And so the time rolled on and moved before anyone new it clean up was over, and though many were tired, they were never to tired for a little friendly part after a consort...

Leaning her own head back on the head rest of the jeep Alice lets out a content sigh and looks over to Kyle. She could tell her was tired it was all over his eyes, and she didn't feel a little wiped out herself. It had defiantly been a long time since they had had THAT much excitement. But as long as Kyle was still willing to go so was she.

"We can make it a few more hours. Worst come to worse she call it an early night and see everyone in the morning."

Seeing Kyle reach for the mountain dew bottle Karla can't help but laugh. Leave it to Kyle to not have early as an option, but that was one thing she loved about him he was always willy to go just a little more for his friends and family.

Taking the bottle from Kyle Alice's eyes giving a sparkle that breaks through the blanket of drowsiness. There was sure to be enough excitement tonight at Mom and Pop's to help her go on with a little more caffeine.

"Pst, I can't let you have all the fun alone now can I?"


Carson gives a dramatic sigh, leaning his hands on the counter on either side of Misty, his forehead resting against hers. "Oh, I suppose we better... we don't want a riot on our hands."

Looking over his shoulder as Jamie and Con come in, a smile comes to his face. There were some people that would always remind him of who he had been before... and when those same people could now be called his close friends, it presented a little slice of joy that would always be tucked inside. "You just had to come in and break up a moment with my wife, didn't you?"

Still grinning teasingly, he helps Misty off the counter and turns to Jamie. "We don't know what time it is either, but do you think I'd tell that tank of yours no?"

Con laughs and wanders towards the counter, his arm around Jamie's shoulders. "Hey, if you don't want my help, I can just as easily walk out-"

"Did I say that?" Carson grabs a dish towel and tosses it at him. "Can you clean tables?"

"Mmm..." Con looks around skeptically. "I don't know... Jamie complains about my cleaning at home."

Carson laughs. "Sounds familiar. If you two really wanna help, you can tidy up out here... maybe put some tables together, though I think it's gonna be a big enough group that they won't all fit around one table setting anyway."

Joined by Alice, Kyle feels her arm slip through his, and he automatically shifts, not letting her get away with such a simple gesture. Pulling her around in front of him, he drapes his arms over her shoulders to take her hands in front, and plants a kiss on the top of her head.

Resting his chin on her head, he looks back at Katie, new life shining in his eyes and he throws her a wink. When he and Alice had left, they'd been friends, nothing more. But their relationship wouldn't be easily hidden, nor did he want it to be. "Alice is keeping her boyfriend in line too," he teases.

Phil is nearby and looks up quickly, suddenly realizing that indeed, Kyle and Alice were acting like a couple. He hadn't even noticed before this. A little grin surfaces, but he says nothing for now. He'd have to find out more later.

"Boyfriend?" Jen, however, was not going to let it slide. Wheeling up beside Kyle, she tugs on his shirt. "And you didn't say anything?!"

Kyle looks down at her, grinning. "You think I want gossip going on without me back here to defend myself? Much wiser to announce while I am here, don't you think?"

Even though there were a lot of things about her brother that Jen wished she knew, she doesn't let the pain show now. Instead, she giggles. "You? Wise?" Turning her eyes to Alice, she shakes her head. "Good luck with this one."

Watching from a distance, Jason grins a little as he coils up one of the extension cords.

It's good to see Kyle smile... he seems to be a bit more at peace since the last time we saw him. Jen said What's Up said something about him teaming up with a band, but said the information was a little vague. I wonder if this group with him are those people or what. I figured when Kyle walked out, he was quitting music for good. Hope we hear more of his story.

Wandering around in the back, Kip swings Karla's hand back and forth playfully as they wait for the others. "I don't know about you, but I am absolutely starving. Kyle said the pizza at this place was gonna be worth the wait though."

"You're always starving," Twila teases as she comes up to them.

"It's called metabolism," Kip counters. "Besides... I'm a growing boy." He sucks in his belly and puffs out his chest.

Twila quirks an eyebrow. "You keep using that excuse, you'll make someone think you'll never grow up."

Kip's lips form a crooked grin. "And...?"

Twila rolls her eyes, though she really did find it humorous. "The rest of us are gonna wait outside for Kyle... give him some space with his old friends."

"Say no more." Keeping a grip on Karla's hand, Kip pulls her out the door with him until they'd reached the parking lot.

They don't have to wait for too long. With all the extra hands, packing up JetStream's equipment was a breeze and everyone agrees to head over to Mom and Pop's. Jason takes Katie in his truck, while Phil, Jen and Mike go in Phil's pickup. Cryptic is scattered all about and they decide to take fewer vehicles, though Axel doesn't join in, liking it better just to drive alone with Jess and not be crowded. The group from South Dakota all pile back into their cars and fall into place in the caravan that need only go across town.

Watching everyone else pulling away, Kyle sits behind the steering wheel of Alice's jeep. Heaving a long sigh, he bends down and puts his forehead on the wheel, his eyes falling closed. "That was... exhausting," he admits. Everyone had been glad to see him, so that was good. But even with all the chaos and talking, not even half of his story had been shared - there was still so much they wanted to know about him and what had been happening. It was tiring to say the least.

"I'm really hungry and I really want to see everybody more at Mom and Pop's, I'm just... tired." Glancing up, he spies half a bottle of his Mountain Dew still waiting. "Aha!"

Grabbing it he takes a swig at the same time he tries to push aside all his apprehension. Now wasn't the time to crumble yet. Later... but not now. They had a party and he had to make it through that before having an emotional crash. For now, he would thrive on any adrenaline he had left.

"Ahhh." He smacks his lips and stifles a hiccup, offering some to Alice. "Join me?"

Eli smirks at his sister's groggy tone and shuts of the television. There wasn't much point in him staying up any longer. Standing up, he nudges Alec's foot... or whoever's foot it was under the blanket. "Hey... you staying the night?"

Alec lifts an eyebrow but doesn't open his eyes. "Mm-hmm." Who cared about caution? He pulls Ryan in a little tighter, his whole body completely relaxed and too tired to move.

Eli nods and shuts off the light, leaving the living room dark. "Alright. But come morning when Reese calls, I'm gonna tell him right where you are."

Hearing Eli walk down the hallway, Alec grins a little. He knew Ryan wouldn't mind him staying right here and he knew Eli didn't mind it either - he was just giving him a bad time. Alec yawns and kisses Ryan's cheek goodnight before letting his head fall back into the little nest that had been created in the couch pillows and blanket.