

Giving a short laugh Katie found it a bit funny even if she didn't know why. She hadn't even met the new guy but for Jason to be annoyed by him something must be up. Jason's feelings usually weren't wrong.

I don't mind and you know that. How about we meet at my place about three thirty and than when we are done we can head over to help the band set up.

Going out and into the car with Chance Destiny is quiet for the ride. Just watching the scenes go by and trying to get her own bearings onto where they were. Coming to the fairly nice area her eyes widen a little as she sits up.

Taking everything in Destiny continues to wonder if Chance was lost or if maybe he had heard Reese wrong. But coming to the house and stopping she turns to look at Chance before even words could come out of her mouth her question had been answered.

Looking back out in at the house again she's couldn't help but let her eyes get big. It was not that she'd never seen a house like this before, her parents house was rather large but this was far from any safe house she had seen.

"Whoa..I was not expecting this. This is defiantly better."

Opening the car door and getting out Destiny calls back into the car.

"Yeah I'd like to see the inside."

The house was a medium size and relatively nice. Maybe this whole thing wouldn't be to bad after all...just maybe. Waiting for Chance to join her before she went any farther and can't help the smile that moved onto her lips again.

"So you new about this surprise huh?"

Being taken into the more deeper dance Cassy didn't mind though she was a bit surprised. Just continuing to watch Leo's eyes, and let him lead she was doing ok. The music, the moments everything about them mixed so well. It was hard to find two dancers that could mesh like that, but it seemed Cassy and Leo could.

Just letting the music float on, Cassy lets herself get lost, and at Leo lifts her her own arms go out slightly to the sides. Sliding back down to the ground Cassy's eyes lock with his never breaking away even as she is taken into the dip.

Her own breath was heavy as she looked up into Leo's eyes almost feeling like she could get lost in them too. Bringing her hand to the back to Leo's head Cassy runs her hand through his hair as the other his arm. Her knee throbbed a little but she payed no attachen to it. The dance had been nice, she'd truly enjoyed it.

The silence continues but Cassy didn't mind as it seemed like silent words were being exchanged at least to her. Oh how she wish at this moment she could kiss Leo, everything about this moment seemed perfect, and something in his eyes said he wanted it. But Cassy new the bounds and she would not cross them. Leo would have to make the first movie. So she continues to just rake his hand with her hand and look up into his eyes.


Yeah... yeah leaving early would be good. Sorry... I know I need to cut this out.

Realizing that his hands had started to shake slightly, he opens his desk drawer to retrieve a granola bar. Tearing it open, he takes a bite, letting the sugar do its job.

Just... if you feel me punch anybody, it's gonna be Alec or the new guy. He bugs me.

Chance grins, glad that Destiny trusts him. "Nope." He holds up a set of keys, jingling them proudly. "I got me an Elite car to use whenever we please. At least for now, the Agency won't be finding your car. Come on."

Leading the way out of the building, Chance heads around the side where there was a short line of vehicles used for Elite purposes. Finding the right one, he opens the passenger door for Destiny. "And here we are. Slide right in, ma'am."

Once he was in the car too, with the engine started, he maneuvers through the parking lot and out on the street. "Okay... Reese told me where this place is, so we just gotta find Third Street..." His voice trails off as he tries to get his bearings in an unfamiliar town. Seeing the sign, he hits the brakes a little too quickly. "Ah, here we go. Hang a left, he said, so that is what we shall do."

Talking to himself as he remembers the directions, Chance drives for about ten minutes, coming to a residential area of town. It was a relatively new housing division with nice homes, some large and some small. Meeting few cars, it was apparent that this was a nice quiet area. Neighborhood Watch signs were visible in an attempt to thwart crime as well.

One might believe Chance was lost, coming to this place. It certainly wasn't the kind of location one would envision when thinking about their purpose for being there. But soon enough, he turns into a driveway of a one-story house. It was a pleasant looking house... a light blue with dark, decorative shutters and a big bay window that looked out towards the street. Attractive bushes lined the front, and the lawn was well-kept.

Shutting off the engine, Chance just sits for a moment before turning his head to Destiny. He knew she hadn't been thinking of a place like this. "When Reese does a job, he does it right. You deserve more than a group setting with victims of abuse. Until we get things straightened out and settled down, this is going to be your home. I'm just a shadow that will maintain high security for you."

He searches her face, wondering what she might be thinking. "We can go in if you want, and take a look around."

Feeling Cassy's intense gaze, Leo's own line of sight drops to meet her eyes. Continuing to dance to the music, he grows quiet, not sure how to respond now. She was enjoying this... maybe more than he had intended her to.

"Yes well... dancing is always a good way to end a day, don't you think?"

Sending Cassy spinning to the end of his hand, then bringing her back again, his other arm slips around her waist as they gradually twirl, their reflections caught in the shimmering mirrors. With a little bit of imagination, they were on a grand ballroom floor, elegantly dressed, along with several other couples. An orchestra played the soft music as those less daring remained along the sides to watch and admire those who could move so gracefully to the music. The tempo picks up and each couple steps in time to the rhythm. In unison, they swirl and shine under the soft glowing lights, men leading ladies on an enchanted journey across the floor. The orchestra's song swells with emotion, the dancers responding with passion as each falls into their partner's eyes, moving as one. The music intensifies, leading to prominent steps, filled with emotion. And as the final measures play, the men take their maidens and lift them into the air - graceful angels, soft and light, so little strength needed to-

Leo's mind comes to a screeching halt as the music playing begins to fade. Breathing heavily, he looks up into Cassy's eyes as he had just lifted her for one last twirl. Slowly, gently, he brings her back down so her feet can touch the floor. His final move is to pull her into a graceful dip, the song ending as now she hung on his arm, his gaze now looking down into those deep, sparkling pools.

His pulse racing, he realizes that he had maybe pushed her limits too much, not having intended at all to dance the way he had. A silence takes over the room as the music has now stopped.

Personal Bubble

Continuing to feel all Jason's bottled emotions Katie new he needed to take it easy or throw himself into sugar shock, or even damage something feather including himself.

Maybe if you want we can leave a little early today, not to much I know we have work to do but maybe a half hour early, and we have just release some pent up emotions before the show tonight.

Katie didn't know if Jason would be up for that or not but at least it was something. Giving a shake of her head Katie would feel the same warmth Jason had but not as strong. At least if he blew off a little steam before the show it would be enough to let him concentrate.

Anyways..once you get out on that stage you'll forget about everything else. You always do when your up there.

Catching the look in Chance's eye that he new a little more than she did about this place worried Destiny, but he promised it would be ok and to her liking so she had to trust him.

"Ok..I trust you."

Giving a chuckle at his comment about not following her when she changed and into the bathroom a small smile forms on her lips. She was thankful he had some kind of decency. Though she had to admit him following her every moment was going to take some getting use to.

Yes she new she needed protection, she had asked for it after all, yeah she had figured whoever would follow her all over the place but...maybe she didn't realize that they would be in every foot step with her. It would take some getting use to, doing her normal activity around Chance. Quiet time, space, personal bubble it no longer existed. This was deffintly going to be a challenge.

Looking at Chance's out stretched arm for a long moment Destiny finally takes it with her hand and links arms with him. Feeling his arm she realized just now how much muscle he had, and in a way it made her feel a little safer.

"Are we going to be taking my car or did you have your own?"

Cassy was happy to hear that Leo had a decent day and that him and his friend had almost figured out the car. Even though Leo said he wasn't good at being a macanice she could see the twinkle that lied behind his eyes when he talked about it. He did enjoy doing it and figuring out how to fix the cars.

"Well at lease you have a good day."

As Leo picks up the beat and moves a little faster Cassy dares to push her own self as well not feeling any pain in her knee at the moment. A little push wouldnt hurt, and Leo was there for the support so she should be ok.

Hearing Leo's last comment about being lovely Cassy's cheeks turned red, and she new it feeling the warmth in them. Continuing to keep in step though Cassy's eyes lock with Leo's for a moment just letting the music carry her.

She new they were only friends, and she couldn't help how she felt about Leo but she did her best to keep her feelings at bay, but something about the music...she couldn't help the soft look in her eyes. It just relaxed her and shearing a dance with Leo even if it was only practice something just made it special.

Doing a slow spin Cassy than brings herself close to Leo again as the music becomes a little more intense. Still looking into his eyes he own sparkle just showing how much she was enjoying herself.

"I guess than both our days ended in the best way."

The lovely

Jason falls into his chair, banging it against his desk accidentally. Katie's message breaks through his inner turmoil and he doesn't answer her right away. He'd felt better last night... calmer... more in control. But once he'd gotten here and in the same room with Alec again, it was like putting two angry bulls in the same pen. They could get along under certain circumstances, and even be friendly towards each other. But then when a stunt was pulled like yesterday...

Jason tears a page out of his notepad that he'd scribbled on the day before. Balling it up in his fist, he clenches his fingers tight, the paper pressing into his palm. He had killed a man. Alec had killed a man. But Alec's had been unnecessary and Jason did not trust him to be out on assignment like that. He didn't understand or approve of Reese's decision.

Yeah... I'm okay... will be...

Suddenly he realizes that his hand has grown very hot and he looks down just in time to realize the paper he held was smoldering. Quickly letting go, ash and bits of glowing paper flutter onto his desk, a bit of smoke rising.

"Oh for crying out..." Jason stands up in a hurry, patting out any leftover embers that might catch something else on fire. Brushing off his palm, he's glad to see he hadn't burned himself.

I'm going to set this place ablaze if I'm not careful. Today this, this... thing is a curse.

He had to get a handle on himself and fast. Sitting back down, he takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, counting to ten. His anger begins to subside some - at least enough that nothing is rattling or threatening to burst into flames. How would he explain that one to Reese?

Everything is just piling up. But I gotta just get through this day. I can't screw things up and call off the concert tonight.

Even though deep down Leo felt just a twinge of awkwardness around Cassy sometimes, hearing that she still wanted him, needed him, to help her improve her dance and strengthen her form felt good. At the studio, he couldn't always compare or live up to expectations. In Cassy's eyes, he was as good as anybody, and whether he realized it or not, it helped boost his confidence.

Keeping in time with the music, but not moving too quickly, Leo gently lets Cassy spin, taking her close again and swaying to the rhythm.

"Mmm... my day was alright. Half was spent in the garage working on some old truck with Axel. We think we finally found the problem."

The music picks up a little, so he dares to push a couple quicker steps.

"Then a few hours were spent here, so I need not rehash that. And a few hours at the studio being a gopher and handyman."

Spinning Cassy around, he keeps one hand ready in case she needed support.

"And here I am. Dancing with the lovely Cassy Howard."

A smile appears on Chance's face as Destiny asks her questions. There was so much worry in her, yet she was still so full of life, even under these terrible and stressful circumstances.

"You don't need to worry about the safe house, okay?" He was very tempted to explain more, but in this case, he wanted to wait so she could see for herself that it wasn't going to be all that bad. A strange little twinkle was in his eye, hinting at the fact that he knew something she did not. "All your questions will be answered once we get there. But I promise it'll be alright." He looks her in the eye. "You have my word."

Hearing about the visit to the lawyer, he nods, growing a little more serious. "I'm going to be with you everywhere from now on, Destiny. Where you go, I go." He pauses in though. "Except the little girls room or the dressing room - that, I promise, will not be invaded... unless you tell me you got trouble in there, and I'll gladly rescue you... with my eyes closed."

A silly little grin tugs at the corners of his mouth as he tries to get Destiny to smile. "But I will tell you this... Some days you'll like it that I'm around, and some days you'll probably hate it. Because from here on out, you and me are like this." He holds up two fingers pressed together. "Grocery store, lawyers office, library or walk in the park... it's my job to be there. I'll do my best not to be too intrusive, but once we get the hang of this, it won't be so bad."

He tries to help her understand that he would be her shadow from now on, which meant she would not be alone anywhere. Privacy was something that would not come often. Safety would come first.

Holding out his elbow, he offers her his arm. "Walk you to our chariot?"

Drag Crap

Standing across from Leo Cassy gives a laugh as she shakes her head. As promised Leo was here again to help her practice. No matter how he felt it never failed he was there when he said he would be. Cassy though that in itself was a good treat in a friend.

"As long as your not dragging crap all over the new floor, I have no problem."

Waiting till the right tempo in the music place Cassy takes Leo's hands. Moving slower than normal, and taking great care on how she did the movie it helped knowing Leo was there for support, and helped take a little of the weight off her knee. As she moves, in little breaks where not to much concentration was needed Cassy spoke to him again.

"Ahh a little steadier I am, but still need you I do. I'm not where I should be and still in a great deal of pain if I do to much. Not to mention chancing turning wrong. So you being there to help guild my steps is a great help."

Continuing to move around Leo, with Leo it was like they were one, this was only there warm up but practice was practice and if Kyle wanted to go farther on she had no problem. She just new he was tired, and didn't want to push him to hard ether.

"So...How did the rest of your day go?"

Jumping just a little at the knock of the door Destiny finishes putting the rest of her stuff in her bag. She been up pretty early this morning, and already gotten dressed in her hunter green present top that hung a little off her shoulder, and a par of form fitted jeans with her heeled boots underneath.

Turning once he is in the room her lets out a sigh. Going to the door she opens it for Chance before stepping back into the room more again. She didn't know how she felt about this whole going to a safe house and what not. She'd wanted to just continue life like normal but if this kept her safe it was worth it right?

"Sure we might as well go now and get it done and over with right? Do you know anything about this place? What its like? The people?"

Destiny didn't normal ask so many questions but being in a place with people she didn't know tweaked her out just a bit. She'd see safe houses before on TV and they seemed so cramped and dirty she just wasn't sure if it was her cup of tea.

"After I have to go see my parents lawyer if thats ok. I don't think He's involved with the Agency but I guess you never know so you can come in too."

Being able to feel Jason's emotions go up and down Katie sat in her cubicle not really moving much. It was a strain on herself but she new Jason was trying to contain it all he could. She wasn't really doing anything today for work but more research on the computer so he wasnt interfering with anything.

As Jason draws near the feelings become stronger and without much of a cap they hurt a little more than normal. Though still not saying anything Katie continues to just filter Jason's emotions enduring the slight pain. She'd never give this up, she'd never tired of taking Jason's emotion not even when it hurt.

Waiting till Jason was a little father away and she could break through his emotions a little more without hurting herself to much Katie reaches out to Jason.

J...are you going to be ok?

Safe house

Mm-hmm... I'll be in tomorrow. Got to go over stuff with Reese and clean up yesterday's episode. After that who knows.

Jason had gotten so used to communicating with Katie silently that sometimes he didn't even realize he wasn't using his voice anymore. Giving Katie a last little hug, he guides her to the door and watches until her car is out of sight. Sighing deeply, he finally shuts the door and locks it then heads towards bed.

Gram's smile doesn't fade, her eyes twinkling at Alice. Nodding, she motions Alice to the sink. "You can help me wash some of these glasses so we've got more for everybody - I'm afraid my dishwasher is busy yacking with the other young'uns."

Kyle chuckles, grinning. To him, it was more than Gram just getting some help while Gramps was in the other room. Gram didn't let many people in her kitchen, let alone to help. It was a good sign that she was inviting Alice into her space, and it made Kyle smile even more on the inside. He was more than happy to have Alice get to know his family.

The next hour or so is spent settling in and finding space for everything and everybody. The basement is suitable for the group and a sheet is hung up on one side to separate the guys from the girls. There's quite a bit of teasing about it, but in the end, it's Twila who puts her foot down, even though she and Theo banter back and forth and she winds up chasing him around more than once.

Eventually though, everyone is tired enough that they know they need to sleep - they need to let the older couple get sleep too. By the time the house is quiet though, the kitchen light is still on. After saying goodnight to his gang, Kyle had padded back upstairs to find his old seat still there, and the listening ears still there as well...

Gram smiles at Kyle, her hands cupping her warm coffee mug. Hearing about all he'd done and all the places he'd been she listened with interest. "I'm sorry for all you went through with Break Out," she comments softly. "And I'm sorry for your friends there too."

"Yeah." Kyle sighs a little, taking a sip of his own coffee. "Stuff like that is never of or from God, but He used it for good, at least in my case."

"Because without it, you wouldn't have your own band now?"

Kyle grins. "Yeah."

Gram smiles again and she reaches across to put her hand on his. Glancing down, she lifts an eyebrow. "You wear a ring now."

Kyle looks down too and fiddles with the sterling ring on his right hand's middle finger. "Oh... just something I picked up after Break Out." All it had was a scripture reference engraved on it. "I guess it's a reminder... that everything's in God's hands, not mine."

Gram's smile widens. "And that's one of the most important things you could ever remember."

After telling all that had happened with the band, being at the grand Wiley estate and landing the deal to come back to Nevada, it was Kyle's turn to ask the questions. "So... what's new back here?"

Gram takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "Well... let's see... what was the last you heard?"

Kyle has to think back quite a ways. "It's been a while... not much was happening that I know of. I guess I lost touch with Jen and Phil. It was just the concert I found out about and you know I want to go there tomorrow night."

"Mmm..." Gram nods thoughtfully. "Did you know Jen been back in a wheelchair?"

Kyle's eyes widen. "No, I... I didn't. How long? What happened?"

"She started having some pain... it was doctor visits for a while again. She'd been on her feet and was doing well, then she turned her ankle going up some steps and fell. she has some feeling but... not enough to keep her going again." Gram purses her lips. "So... she's managing the best she can. It's been a couple months now."

Kyle swallows hard, his eyes drifting downward. He'd had no idea. "Oh, I see." He remembered when he used to be the one to carry her around... help her in and out of vehicles... push her wheelchair. Phil did a lot too, but Kyle had always been the main help. He remembered missing it when Jen had been able to walk again. And now he felt even worse that she was back in her wheelchair.

Gram cocks her head, seeming to sense what was going through his mind. "She and Mike have put things on hold as well."

Kyle's gaze shoots up again. "What? Why?"

"Not sure." Gram shrugs. "They are still close and it doesn't seem to have interfered with JetStream at all. But... I'm not sure what happened. I think maybe things started moving a little fast. Jen wasn't sure what her future looked like after her fall... Mike is the head manager at the music store now and his hours got long... I think maybe they just decided they needed some time to think... needed some time to sort out priorities and figure themselves out again before trying anything more serious." She smiles softly. "But that's just an old lady's speculation."

Kyle chuckles. "Oh, I think your speculation is pretty wise, Gram. It always has been."

Gram studies her grandson thoughtfully for a moment. "I see something new in your eyes. What's wrong? Worried about Jen?"

"A little. She's strong but... she's had so much to go through and things were looking so good." Kyle shrugs lamely. "I shouldn't have lost touch. I... I know she wanted to keep writing or at least a phone call now and again and I just... I don't know... I guess I was so wrapped up in trying to find me, that I forgot my family was part of me too."

Gram gives his hand a squeeze. "We all need to find ourselves sometimes, Kyle. Don't guilt yourself. Without finding your own path, how could you have found your way back here again? Jen doesn't blame you. She has missed you something awful, but she doesn't blame you." Her smile broadens. "She's going to be so surprised to see you."

"I hope so."

Gram tilts her head down to find Kyle's eyes. "You sound doubtful."

"Oh... I guess maybe I'm not so sure it's going to be a great reception." Kyle takes another sip of his coffee, remembering back over a year ago. It seemed like a lifetime. "Jason and I weren't on great terms... me and Phil were having trouble... Jen and I, well... we were growing apart." He shrugs. "Maybe me showing up might not go over too well."

"Don't worry about that... I'm pretty sure they'll be happy to see you." Gram offers him a wink. "It's getting late... why don't you go down and get some rest, hmm?"

"I'm sorry - I've kept you up too late."

"Oh hush. I could stay up with the best of them. It's just your grandfather. If he wakes up and doesn't feel his hot brick next to him, he'll get up and whine until he finds me."

Kyle laughs and shakes his head. "I love you, Gram."

"I love you too, Kyle. I'm glad you're home."

The morning dawns bright and clear. After so many cloudy days, the sunshine was welcomed. But even while outside it was warm and friendly, inside TJY, there was turmoil.

"I tell you it wasn't needed, it was murder!"

"It was not! That scum deserved to-"

"We could have had a way in!"

Susanne cringes as the argument continues in Reese's office. Alec and Jason had been called in to continue yesterday's incident at Destiny's apartment, and it was very clear that Jason thought Alec was in the wrong for killing one of the Agency men. Reese was just trying to sort it all out, and Alec wasn't backing down.

All of a sudden, Jason stalks out of Reese's office, slamming the door behind him. His stride is long and deliberate, his anger boiling. He was hot enough that he had to keep a lid on his anger, lest he blow something up, but it was very uncomfortable and surely painful for Katie. He just couldn't understand the way Alec was thinking, and he couldn't understand Reese's lack of reprimand towards Alec.

Continuing his fast trek, he passes by Katie's cubicle without stopping. Turning the corner into the hall too quickly, he runs right into Chance.

Chance stumbles backward and looks up with surprise, willing to at least try and laugh it off as a smile comes to his lips. "Good morning to you too, Jason. Sorry - guess I better learn the locomotive routes around here so I don't get run over."

Jason glares down at him and simply shoulders past. "Shut up, newbie."

Chance doesn't turn around, but his smile vanishes, replaced by an expression of irritation and defeat. Newbie. Nice low blow. Nice low blow. Sighing, he continues his route to Reese's office, only to realize there was a loud conversation happening there between the chief and Alec, and that was something he didn't want to walk in on either. Great. Now what?

A bit discouraged, he heads back to the hallway. He'd seen Reese already earlier this morning and had been told where the safe house was. If nobody was going to help him, he would do this on his own.

Getting to the spare room's door, he knocks quietly. "Destiny? Are you up?" He pauses, listening. "Thought we could go check out that safe house if you wanted... do any running around you needed to do too."

"Alright... I haven't showered since working outside earlier or building props at the studio, I am beat and dead on my feet, but as long as you can still stand me, I'm here." Leo grins at Cassy, swaying a little on her dance floor as the music plays.

He holds out his hands, knowing even if he was tired, he had a promise to keep. He'd been here earlier to work on the eaves, and as arranged, he'd returned after dark. "Looks like you're getting steadier by the day. I'm not so sure you even need me," he teases.


Giving a small smile to Chance Destiny was becoming a little more comfortable now that she had sat and talked to him a little. She still wasn't one hundred percent sure but she felt better than she had before.

"Well lets hope they don't try to kill me forever. Though I have to admit they might get bored with me, but I think I'll always have the bounty on my head. Just have to make sure I don't get caught in a dark alleyway."

Finishing up her milk Destiny stands and heads to the sink washing her mug out and setting it on a towel to dry. Turning around and just leaning on the counter she watches Chance again as he stands and gives a stretch. Giving a nod to him she smiles a little more.

"Good Night Chance, see you tomorrow bright and early I am sure."

Once he was gone Destiny just stands in the break room for a few moments longer once again alone. She's spend many times alone before but this time it was just different the though of her parents being gone, just knowing if she wanted to call no one would answer it was just different not and alone almost seemed frighting in itself.

Finally letting out a sigh and feeling a tad bit tired Destiny wonders back to what was her room tonight. Laying down on the bed and pulling the covers tight over her sleep would not come easy, but it would come.

Sitting on the couch just being so comfortable with Jason Katie hadn't even herd Trooper behind them until Jason was talking him him. Giving a laugh that grew as Trooper gave her a lick Katie just couldn't help it. It tickled and Jason's reaction was priceless.

He's like a big kid, has to be the center of everything.

As Trooper comes to the front of the couch and Katie can see the look in his eyes her own eyes widen slightly. Being deposited onto the couch Katie could only be a little happy knowing if Trooper had joined them there would be no room left on the couch.

Looking up at Jason and taking his hand Katie gives a small chuckle. It was getting late, and she needed to head home even if she didnt want to. Leaning into Jason and giving him a kiss Katie pulls away after a few moments.

I'll always enjoy being your Hero....See you tomorrow at work?


Chance nods thoughtfully before taking a swig of his water. "Yeah... I guess they got a couple ex-Agency fellas here. Always gotta watch their backs though, just like you. They're wanted for being traitors. Nice thing about the Agency though is that if you fight long enough or don't give 'em what they're looking for soon enough, eventually they get bored. Then they like to just sit back and observe, poking their target in the ribs just every once in a while."

He cocks his head a little, a small smile emerging again. "Which I'm sure will be the case with you. We'll keep them at bay long enough that one of these days you'll get a normal life back." Taking another sip, he chuckles. "You won't have to put up with me for the rest of your life, and I guarantee, that's a good thing for you."

Standing up, he puts the cap back on the bottle of water. "I guess Reese had the downtown station hopping today - they've already got a safe house suggested not far from here. So... we'll get to go check that out tomorrow." He nods, his eyes roaming as he searches for an appropriate end to their short conversation. "Goodnight, Destiny... rest well."

Jason moves his head a little, craning his neck to find Katie's eyes. A smile forms on his lips before he gives her forehead a kiss.

Thanks. I'd rather you whack me over the head than them... you're nicer.

Just settling back into the pillow and closing his eyes, there's a sudden little groan behind him. His eyes fly open again and he feels hot dog breath on his head, knowing Trooper must be standing at the end of the couch.

"You had to decide you need out right this moment, didn't you?"

Trooper gives another whiny groan and his tail starts to wag. He sticks his nose into Jason's hair, sniffing around and stretching his neck down beside Jason's head so he can give Katie a kiss too.

"Aw, ya big oaf!" Jason shoves the dog's head back again. "You think I wanna kiss her now that you've slobbered all over her?"

Trooper woofs and runs around to the front of the couch, looking for a way to join the cuddling.

"Ohhh, no you don't." Jason sits up, depositing Katie onto her own cushion. "You need to go out, remember?" Sighing, he forces himself to get up and let Trooper out in the back, then wanders back through to the living room, his hands tucked just inside his jeans pockets. He knew Katie needed to go home. It was late. Ambling to the couch, he reaches down, offering her his hands to pull her up too.

Thanks for coming over... I think I'll be able to sleep now... You're still my hero.