
Let me decied

Getting right to work Dalton just lets the silence linger for a long moment not minding it at all. For a little bit the quiet was nice and helped him think but as he got down deeper he new he would need a little music to help her considerate more.

Hearing Alec's assumption Dalton doesn't say anything right away but finally gives him a sidelong glance and a little grunt before saying anything.

"How about...you stop being so down on yourself and let everyone decide for themselves if they like haning out with you. I think your an ok guy, and hanging out with you and your girl sounds like it might be fun. And I don't like many people so you must be something for me to like you."

Dalton's mouth turns up in a little grin before he turns all the way to Alec and shakes his head a little bit. Giving a nod to the little fridge that was between them.

"If you want to grab yourself something to eat and drink help yourself. It's gonna be a long day."

Walking behind Axel to where he was working Ryan just follows him for a moment. He was always so easy to talk to why was she clamming up to him now? Maybe it was one of those problems she needed to work out alone? If Axel had heard her saying that he would of wracked her.

"Alec and Leo got into a fist fight and I just had enough of walking around Eggshells with them and I just flipped out and yelled at them both telling them I didn't want to talk to them anymore until they grew up."

Ryan lets out a long sigh before leaning her back against the car Axel was working on digging her toe into the dirt.

"Now Alec hasn't called me, and Leo isn't at work. I guess I feel bad now that I yelled at them a little when really this is my own fault. To top it all off...my pops anniversary of his death is in a few days and it's always hard for me this time of year. So in a nutshell...thats pretty much it."

Aerith gives a giggle as another kiss was stolen. She could never be happier with Wyatt. He always made her feel good, and she liked the worm fuzzy feels she got from him.

"Mmmm...the house to ourself, that sounds even better to me. I'll call you when I get out of work. I shouldn't be to late night."

Giving a slight nod to Leo it sounded good to her. Spending more time with him would be great and it had to be a start to there growing relationship.

"Ok, I will call you a little later than, but your going to have to deal with me a little longer...you drove me here."

Cassy gives a big smile not sure if Leo remembered or not. She didn't want to make him feel bad if her forgot so she put just a little bit of humor in it.

"Not that I mind spending a few more minutes with you."

Isn't the most appeaing thing...

"Oooh... you know how to torture too, you know that?" Wyatt takes his drink, his lips curled in a grin. "Now I gotta wait all day for that backrub."

Leaning across the counter, he gives Aerith one last kiss before he has to go. "Maybe a movie back at my place... Libby's living with Dani now and Ty has to work tonight."

"Um... ok." Leo nods. He had nothing going on tonight and spending it with Cassy sounded like fun. "Sure." They had to start somewhere, right? "If you wanna call me or something when you're done for the day we can figure out what we're doing then. I'm just gonna be back at my place the rest of the day."

Axel shrugs off Ryan's thanks. "You're welcome." He fiddles with a wrench before moving back towards the car he was working on.

"If you ever need to talk or anything, or yell at somebody who won't yell back, I'm here."

"Yeah... alright." Alec starts in on what Dalton suggested, giving a little sigh. After all his up and walking around, he was downright sore, and for once, his cot sounded nice. But Reese wanted him in here, so he'd stay. He had to clear his name... and this had to be connected - it just had to be. It was too big of a coincidence that there were killings going on at the same time they were being hacked.

As he works, the silence becomes too much for him. He hated the quite sometimes. "So Misty mentioned supper sometime... triple date sorta thing at her and Carson's." He keeps his focus on the computer screen, not knowing what Dalton would say. "I suppose the thought of socializing with me and my girl isn't the most appealing thing in the world."


Looking up as Reese comes into his office he eyes him and than eyes Alec too before going back at Reese. Hearing what he said about stopping everything and finding out who was doing the hacking

"Ok Boss, I had been looking into it a little bit already but I'll put all my energy twords that right now."

Giving a nod to Reese and than one to Alec Dalton cringes a little bit at the mention to not letting Alec leave. Watching as Reese leaves Dalton turns his chair and looks at Alec for a moment giving a little shrug.

"Well...ok than...ummm...get on that computer there and there is a few files open already. I want you to look through and see what stuff has been tampered with. Each file should have a check mark by it and ones that were touched by someone other than who is not authorized will have a little red X. I want to see if there is a pattern with them."

Turning back to his own computer Dalton goes to work on his own stuff to pin point where the hacks were coming from, and how long they had been going on.

Hearing Axel's voice Ryan look up after finishing the last bit of paper work. Shifting it all together and getting it in a pile Ryan trys to give a little smile though she looked a little tired.

"Ron does worry to much, but yes I'm ok. Just a little tired, a little stressed out, but I am ok. Just dealing with Boyfriend, friend drama...nothing to pressing."

Ryan smiles to Axel again thankful for his friendship to at least ask her if she was ok. It made her feel good to know he was always looking out for her and makes sure she was ok on her quiet days.

"Thank you for asking Axel it means a lot."

Giving a thoughtful smile Cassy really didnt want them lunch to end. It was nice sitting and talking with Leo, and knowing there relationship was growing was even more of a good reason to want to stay.

"Yeah I do have to be heading back. I have three more class this afternoon."

Taking a sip of her water and giving a throughful sigh. She wanted to spend more time with Leo and she wondered if many he wanted to a little later.

"Maybe later we can get together again and watch a movie or something?"

"Mmmm...maybe dinner and a movie tonight sounds good to me! Maybe I could give you a nice back rub tonight too."

Aerith gives a small laugh as she turns a little and grabs a to go cup putting the drink in it that Wyatt wanted before handing it to him and the straw.

"Here you go love, and its even on the house today. I got it for ya. You better get back to work before the chef wonders if you ran off."

Aerith's eyes twinkles she loved when Wyatt came to see her and it was always sad when he had to go, but it made seeing him the next time even better.

Kinda worried

"Mmm..." Wyatt returns Aerith's kiss and smiles back at her. "I torture you because then you're all the more glad to see me after work."

Straightening at the counter, he shakes his head. "I could use a coke to go - but I'm on duty and gotta get back to work asap. I just had to stop in here to find somebody, now I gotta report on it."

Sighing a little, his eyes prove he's somewhat weary. Things at TJY had been stressful lately. Unsolved cases gnawed at him and everyone else, and the threat of an Agency hacker was not to be taken lightly.

Leo grins a bit, but sighs. "Yeah... I guess." He gives Cassy's hand a little squeeze. "Thanks. I just wanna forget last night ever happened. Alec can be a jerk but I was the one who swung first so he shouldn't get in any trouble."

Falling silent, his eyes move from her hand to her face, his thumb running over her knuckles. "You have to get back to the studio, don't you?" It wasn't that he wanted to leave - on the contrary, he wished he could just sit here with her for much longer, but he knew she had a class today and not only would he never take that away from her, but he knew the reality of the day too and they had to go sometime.

"Hey." Axel comes up beside Ryan and leans on the work table, looking over her shoulder for a moment. "Clocking out?"

He already knew the answer - it was obvious that she'd gotten her work done and he was the only one left now. He cocks his head a little more. She'd been awfully quiet today. "Everything alright? Ron said he was kinda worried about you, but he worries a lot about everything."

"Dalton?" Reese opens the office door without knocking, bringing Alec in with him. "I hear we've had a hacker. I want you to stop whatever you're working on and find out who it is or where the hack's been coming from. Alec is to help you, but don't let him out of your sight." His eyes narrow, though he's not upset - perhaps just annoyed. "And don't help him out of the building, okay?"

Alec's eyes widen. "I didn't-"

"No, but it doesn't take a genius. Have fun."

Alec watches as Reese leaves, then slowly turns around to Dalton. The big guy probably wondered what meat grinder he'd been through. Sighing, he comes around and sits in the empty chair, staring at the blank computer screen. "Um... yeah."

Long day

Finishing up her last car Ryan lets out a long sigh. It had been a long day that seemed even longer. No Leo today at work made Ryan wonder if it was because of the battle wounds of fighting or if it was because of her, and to top it off not hearing anything from Alec all day made things worse.

Pulling out her phone and check it once again only to see no new messages Ryan sighs before putting it back in her pocket and going to the drive side of the car to test it. Hearing the purring sounded as she started it up she lets out another sigh. At least that went right today and she got her whole line up done.

Closing the hood and taking her clip bored Ryan makes her way to her work bench to sit down at her work bench and filling out the days work onto paper. After that she'd be home bounded after making a quick stop at the store for something to go with the dinner, and some more beer for Eli.

Chatting with Leo and giving a laugh at something he had said Cassy looks up quickly hearing Leo's whole name used. Not sure who this was she looks to Leo and gives a question look but remains quiet as there conversation starts.

From what was said it seemed to be about the fight Leo had been in and she was very proud of him for talking as smooth as he could about it. It was the right thing to do and it seemed to have cleared someones name from something.

Once the conversation was over Cassy gives a nod to Wyatt watching him as he leaves before looking back to Leo again and giving a smile. Sliding her hand across the table and taking Leo's in her own her eyes twinkle.

"You did good Leo. I am proud of you."

Hearing Carson call to her Aerith didn't even have to turn around to know who it was and with out saying anything a smile comes to her lips. Putting the last few plates away and whips her hands on her aprin walking over to Wyatt where her smile grows even more.

"Mmmm...You know I love when you pull your hair back. Why do you have to torcher me like that on the job huh?"

Looking in the direction to where Carson was Aerith wanted to see if he was looking or not. Leaning into Wyatt a little bit she gives him a quick kiss and than leans her forehead against his for a moment before retreating.

"Did you want something to eat or drink Love or was this just a hi how are you? Because either way I am happy to see ya!"

Letting her smile grow a little as Phil said he did want to meet her Chinchilla it made Rayne feel good. She new it was just a pet but it was the only family she had and knowing Phil cared enough to meet her felt really good.

Just letting the silence continue it didn't feel awkward yet comforting knowing she could share a conversation and a silence with Phil the same. Hearing him talk again though and his words hit her ears she can feel a little warmth creep up her neck and form on her cheeks.

Turning to Phil again Rayne's eyes just sparkle a little more. It felt good someone said that and it made her stomach glittery but in a good way.

"Thank you Phil, it was nice to hear that. Your pretty handsome yourself."

Guy with a ponytail

"So you got in a fight with someone nameless at an unknown location." Reese leans back in his chair, staring up at Alec, who had come into his office only a few minutes prior. "Alec, you're a smart man. You know that doesn't help things any. I need a name. I need a place. Otherwise, you have no alibi."

"Look, I don't even know what this is about." Alec throws up his arms, forgetting that it would hurt. "You think I killed some guy, but you're wrong."

"It's not just some guy," Reese corrects. He tosses a file towards Alec. "Take a look at the names in there. Go ahead."

Alec hesitates, but does open the file, flipping through the pages. "I recognize some of these names. Agency connections I think. Some I don't know though. Who are they?"

"They're all the people who have been killed lately, right when we're getting ready to bring them in for questioning." Reese is very stern, not treating this like a game. "It also appears that these killings have taken place when you're unaccounted for. It's not just one night, Alec - it's a whole batch of them."

Alec blinks and looks back to Reese. Surprise was evident in his eyes. "I swear I had nothing to do with these. Why would I?"

"We figure it's the Agency killing off those that are at risk for security breaches. But you're the only one with Agency ties who has been in this building to know where we're going to be next and who we're going after."

"So you think I'm still with the Agency."

"Are you?"

Alec grits his teeth. "No. But it doesn't matter what I say, does it? If I look guilty, it just gives you an excuse to lock me up."

"Give me a reason not to!" Reese leans forward on his desk, folding his hands. "Give me a reason, Alec. If you weren't killing someone last night, where were you and why are you so beat up?"

It wasn't fair - being backed into a corner like this. "I don't want to get the others in trouble." Alec still resists. "The police will just blow it way out of proportion and I won't do that to them."

Reese cocks his head. "You forget - we're not the police. We're the Elite." He stares at Alec, waiting. "Trust me, Alec. For once in your life, trust me. If no one deserves to be arrested, then I won't. If they do, then you shouldn't be protecting them."

"They don't deserve jail."

"Then tell me where you were, Alec.... come on. If you're innocent, prove it to me."

Alec swallows hard, his mind racing.

"Leonard Barnsworth?"

Leo almost cringes at his full name being used. Right in the middle of a conversation with Cassy while still at Mom and Pop's, he lets it trail off as he looks up at the man who was interrupting them. "Yeah?"

Wyatt shows his badge. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'd like to ask a few questions."

Leo's eyes widen and he gives an uneasy glance in Cassy's direction. "Oh... okay. Did I do something wrong?"

Wyatt smiles. "Not that I know of. I just want to confirm where you were last night."

Leo bristles slightly. "I was with some friends."


Leo hesitates.

Wyatt shakes his head. "Nobody else is going down if you just tell the truth."

Leo hoped this officer was being truthful about that. "I was outside town at the street race."

"Is that where you got those shiners?"

Leo sinks down a little. "Yeah."

"And who was it that you fought with?" Wyatt cocks his head, waiting, but not receiving a response. "It's okay... if you tell me who, they're going to be in a whole lot less trouble than they are now."

Leo wonders what kind of trouble Alec was in now, but he finally relents. "Alec... Alec Banks. He was at the races when I got there and he didn't leave until someone took him back to TJY a few hours later."

"Okay. That's all I needed to know." He nods to Leo, then to Cassy too. "Sorry to interrupt you guys. Eat in peace." Leaving the table, he wanders up to the counter and looks around for Aerith.

Carson sees him from the kitchen and he nods to Aerith who he had putting some dishes away for him. "Some guy with a ponytail is out there looking a little lost. You might go see what he needs."

Phil's eyes roam Ryan's face, taking in everything about her fine features and he grins. "I'd like to meet your chinchilla."

A silence comes over the peaceful scene, but he doesn't mind. The words slip right out of his mouth without him even thinking. "Has anyone ever told you that you're beautiful?"

Dosnt talk a lot

Katie shakes her head and rolls her eyes at Pete. It was always nice teasing people at work and breaking up the day. Now that some of her energy had been depleted as well maybe she could sit and do something.

"Yeah yeah yeah...don't worry like I said when you least expect it."

Shaking her head and turning to sit at her desk again and opening a file she had. Thinking for a long moment than feeling Jason's warm fuzzy feelings Katie gives a little giggle. It tingled but she liked it. Sending back her own warm feelings to him she nods even though no one can see her.

Oh alright, I guess I can do that. If you not getting kisses that means I'm not either and that would be a tragedy.

Continuing to watch the water Rayne finally turns to look at Phil while he talked about his family. You could see in his eyes how much he loved them all and missed the time they once spent so much together.

"Your family sounds wonderful. I think would be nice to be able to meet them sometime."

Rayne liked meeting people, and getting to know Phil's family would be fun. And if they were anything like him she new it was be a great time for sure.

"I have a chinchilla at home, thats my family and maybe you can meet her sometime. Though she dosnt talk a lot."

Letting her eyes search Phil's for a long moment her smile grew a little bit. The breeze moving her hair just a little bit till she tucks the strand behind her ear.


Pete starts to laugh a hearty genuine laugh, having way too much fun teasing Katie. "Hey now... you're the one that started this whole thing, remember? I was just minding my own business talking to myself."

He leans his arms on the cubicle wall and looks down at her, his eyes twinkling. "But I love you anyway. Now get back to work before the boss finds you having another conniption fit."

Sliding down out of sight, he takes his own seat once again and tries to start working. He's not very successful though... his mind was already wondering if Nikki would call, and if she did, if he'd see her again today.

Awww! Don't deprive me of kisses! You mean, mean woman.

Jason can feel Katie tugging on a bit of irritation, but then more humor than anything else, and he deliberately sends her a batch of warm fuzzy feelings like an invisible bear hug.

Forgive me?

Hearing Rayne talk about her family, Phil felt a little sorry for her. He didn't know what it was like to be rejected but one's own family but it couldn't feel nice.

Lying back and propping himself up with an elbow, he faces her before answering her question. "Well, you met Kyle this morning at church." It had been brief - Kyle had been busy with plans for the day with Alice and some of the others. "He's obnoxious sometimes but has a heart of gold."

Jen hadn't been there this morning. "Jen - did I tell you she and Kyle are twins? She's in a wheelchair, you know, and I guess she was having a not-so-great morning - otherwise I would have loved for you to meet her too. She's like a calmer Kyle." Phil laughs. "She's a gem. I always wished there was some way I could help her more. And... my mom and stepfather are out of town - another bummer. But I know you'd like them. Mom is so kind and she and my stepfather both love to help people whenever they can. Lots of people have called them their adoptive parents just because they're always there when needed."

Phil's eyes roam Rayne's for a moment. "I'd... like for you to meet them too sometime... if you want."