
I should have!

So content just snuggling with Ty Libby hardly wanted to move now comfortable But hearing that Ty was going to see Rick her heads perks up a little. She cared about Ty enough that it didnt matter what she was doing tomorrow she would be there for him.

"Yes of course I will come. I work tomorrow but I hardly ever call off so I don't think they will mind. Anyways your worth it."

Looking Ty in the eyes Libby smiles as she study's them. She was so proud of Ty and that he was facing this. Going to see Rick and Misty she new it was a big step for him but she would be there every step of the way.

Being pushed back onto the couch Destiny gives a laugh as she wraps her arms around Chance's neck. Leaning up to return his kiss with her own passion Destiny lets a small noise from her throat. Hearing the phone ring she mumbles in agreement to not answering it.

Her hands rubbing up and down Chance's back Destiny just gets lost in the moment till Toby's voice booms over the answering service. Stopping a little in shock by hearing what he had to say and seeing Chance stop too Destiny continues to listen before turning her head to look at Chance. Her eyes searching his face, for the longest moment, her blue eyes peacing his.

Hearing what Chance had to say after Toby hung up Destiny just continues to look at him feeling something was off and he wasn't telling her to total truth.

"Chance, he said he was trying to get a hold of you all day! Why would he say that if you talked to him only a few hours before?"

Continuing to look at Chance Destiny's face had confusion written all over it. Why would he say he called Toby if he didn't? Was he hidding something from her again?

Playing with Danitza back and forth throwing the stick a small smile forms on Beth's lips and holds for several moments. Even a small laugh slips out here and there as she takes the slobbery stick from her.

Once the play was over though and the Dog's attachen was reverted to Justin and what he was doing the smile slips from Beth's lips yet a small light lay behind her eyes, though it was small and very faint it was still there.

"No thank you I'm not all that hungry. Thanks though!"

Dropping the stick seeing that play time was over for now Beth takes a few steps and comes over a little closer to Justin but a little bit farther back from the edge of the water were he was.

"I wish Sarah could come out and enjoy a place like this and not have to see the same thing every day. Once I wanted to bring her to the part, but they wouldn't let me. I understand why but...it just sucks. We were pretty close as kids, and she always followed me. I shouldn't have made her stay home the night I went to my friends house. I should of just let her come too."

Letting out a long sigh Beth fixes her eyes on the water in front of her for a long moment. Memories flooding her mind as she trys to push them away again. Not even sure why she had said what she had to Justin.

Supposed to call again?

Feeling Destiny cuddle up close to him, Chance turns his head a little to just study her for a moment while she watched television. Away from her, he was in control and knew right where he was headed. But as soon as he was around her again, it seemed she was all he could focus on. How did she do it? He was losing his concentration and needed to gain it back. But...

Getting a whiff of Destiny's shampoo, he closes his eyes and leans over closer. He might as well enjoy it while she was here, right?

Gaining back his silly grin, it takes one quick movement to get his arm around Destiny and push her onto her back on the couch cushions, staring down at her with mischief in his eyes. "There's lots of commercials before the movie comes on," he reasons.

Keeping his weight on his arms he leans in closer and kisses her lips, enjoying the moment with her after their long day.

The phone suddenly rings. Chance groans and doesn't want to release Destiny from his kiss. "I'm... not getting up," he mumbles.

It keeps ringing, used because Chance had already turned off his cell phone earlier, and the caller had not tolerated reaching his voice mail. Unfortunately, they get the answering machine this time too.

After a few more rings, Chance is totally ignoring it, paying more attention to Destiny than anything else, the movie commercials still rolling before getting to the movie menu.

The answering machine beeps. "O'Mally, this is Toby. For crying out loud, where are you?!"

Chance's head snaps up, his weight accidentally resting on top of Destiny as his eyes widen a little.

Toby's voice continues. "I have been waiting all day - if you can't report like you're supposed to, so help me, you won't have your desk when you get back. Call me!"

Chance cringes, almost able to hear Toby slam down the receiver. "Dang." He sighs, miserable that his moment with Destiny had been broken. "He never gives up." He shakes his head. "So I was supposed to call him again once I got back here. The man has no patience."

Rolling his eyes, Chance stays lying where he is, looking down into Destiny's eyes. "Why do people always have to interrupt fun?"

Danitza perks up and watches the stick in Beth's hand. As soon as it flies, she takes off running, scrambling through the grass to find it. It takes her a few seconds, but once she locates it, she grabs it and comes trotting back to Beth, offering it to her again for another round.

Back and forth, Danitza doesn't tire of the game, seeming to enjoy someone who would pay attention to her. Zora wanders close a few times, but instead of joining in, she winds up sitting near Justin, content to watch him fish than run around with Danitza.

Justin continues to fish, keeping the corner of his eye on Beth and his dog. A smile creases his lips, though he says nothing, just letting them play. After catching a few more fish, he finds his backpack and pulls out an energy bar. Zora hears the wrapper and is instantly nosing around his backpack, making Justin laugh. "Now, come on, quit... you know this isn't yours." She tries to sniff the bar and he takes it closer. "Naw, I mean it. Back off... your supper will come later."

Hearing the little commotion nearby, Danitza stops by Beth, panting and turns to see what's going on. Cocking her head, she recognizes the rattling of the wrapper too and she licks her chops.

Justin, still kneeling at his backpack, holds up a second bar and waves it to Beth. "Want an energy bar? Been a while since lunch..."

"Mmm...." Ty grins and leans back, scooting down so Libby can rest on top of him to watch the television. His hand runs through his hair as he gives a contented sigh. Libby really was the only friend he did much with, even more than Wyatt. He knew he'd be seeing a lot of Libby even when she moved out.

"Oh... I talked to Rick today..." Ty bites his lip. "He um... he's gonna take a look at me tomorrow... he and Misty got some machine or something to watch something in my brain or... or something like that." He swallows hard, his hand stopping its motion. "You uh.... you wanna come?"


As Chance comes to sit down next to her Destiny catches the look on his face from the corner of her eye. Seeing the grin that wanted to come out on his lips, and the look in his eye Destiny could only imagine what Chance was thinking about now.

Giving a shakes of her head Destiny says nothing about it even though she wanted to. Sometime there were just think that shouldn't be spoken and this might just be one of those times.

Playing the movie finally and taking another sip of her tea before putting it back down on the table Destiny scoots back on the couch and a little close to Chance so she was tucked nicely along side of him. Getting comfortable and doing her best to pray attachen to the tv.

Continuing to watch and just look around at the surroundings Beth was quite content where she was sitting. Her eyes move back to Justin though as she hears him talk to Danitza and throw the stick. Watching the dog as she bounds after her prize and dives into the taller grass a small smile forms on her lips.

As Danitza comes next to her Beth just looks down at the stick and than to the dog who was looking back at her. Reaching out slowly and patting the dog on the head Beth speaks softly.

"Awww...you just want to play huh?"

Picking up the stick Beth takes it and stands. Holding it out and shaking it a little to get Danitza's attachen that she had it Beth draws back. Than bringing her arm forward she lets the stick go flying through the air watching the dog run after it.

Staying standing Beth waits to see if Danitza will bring it back so she can throw it to her once more both of them getting there exersice.

Leaning into Ty Libby felt so happy. She enjoyed being around Ty and he made her feel so safe. She to was going to miss not having him around as much.

"I defiantly think I can handle coming to see you more often."

Letting out a content sigh and leaning her head on Ty's chest Libby turns her head to watch the movie again her fingers locking with his.

Unvoiced thoughts

Ty grins, his eyes roaming Libby's face. Making her feel good made him feel good. "You're welcome. Though I must say... I'm gonna miss seeing you around here all the time."

Slipping an arm around her, he pulls her closer, cocking his head as he nears for another kiss. This one he lets linger a few moments as if proving just how much he'd miss her. Drawing back a little, his grin returns. "But I guess that means you'll just have to visit more often."

Justin doesn't prompt Beth to do anything more, and sets to the task of reeling the fish in himself. It wound up being a small catfish and he decides to release it, letting it slip back into the water after taking the hook out.

Putting another worm on the now bare hook, he casts the line again and again lets it sit, keeping an eye on the bobber. He picks up his other rod again, but before he can even cast, a bump to the back of his legs makes him turn quickly. Danitza had sneaked up behind him, a stick in her mouth. She now looks up at him and wags her tail, asking to be played with.

Justin chuckles and shakes his head. "What? Zora not good enough company for you?"

Reaching down, he takes the stick easily from her mouth, then chucks it quite a ways away. Danitza takes off running, trampling through the grass and overgrowth to find it. By the time she returns with it in her mouth again though, her master has his back turned again, seeming to be quite busy with fishing. She huffs a little sigh and drops the stick, sitting and waiting, but Justin didn't turn around. Frustrated, Danitza picks the stick back up again and trots over to Beth instead. Depositing the stick next to Beth, she takes a couple steps back, her ears perked in anticipation of the stick being thrown, should this new friend decide to play.

Chance tries to compose himself, accepting the cup of tea and not making eye contact, lest he start laughing again. Nodding, he moves around to the table where the movie was. "I think we better before I go mad."

Once the movie is in, Chance comes to the couch after setting his tea down. Flopping into the cushions, he looks over to Destiny, humor still twinkling in his eye. He studies her face for a moment, but says nothing, seeming to be holding something back.

A grin breaks out and he intentionally diverts his attention to the television, not revealing what he'd been thinking.