

"Okay, yeah. Pizza sounds good." Jason was glad Katie didn't seem to mind not spending the evening together. He didn't want her to feel bad or anything. Maybe doing lunch instead really did help.

"I gotta finish up some reports for Reese, then we'll go grab something." Straightening, he taps his hand on the top of the cubicle wall. "See ya in a bit."

...Eating lunch together wasn't unusual. But it felt just a little bit... off today. Like something wasn't quite right. Jason couldn't put his finger on it. But of course, feeling anything lately wasn't exactly something he was good at, let alone interpreting what he did feel. He tries to ignore it for now though, and does his best to have a good time with Katie. Once back to TJY, the rest of the day goes quickly for him, and he leaves just a little early so he could get home in time to shower and change before meeting up with Sandy and the guys...

Kyle slings an arm around Alice's shoulders as they exit the building into the night air. He'd enjoyed being a part of the audience tonight at a concert. While part of him always liked being onstage, it was nice to have a break and just sit back and listen. And any time spent with Alice was fun anyway.

Heading to Kyle's pickup, he gives Alice a playful little jolt. "So I was thinking we could-" His words are broken off by the sound of shattering glass in the parking lot, followed by loud laughter. Kyle's eyes sweep their surroundings. "What on earth..." By now, others from the concert are filtering into the lot as well, and everyone could see there were five men who hadn't attended the concert. They were all dressed in black leather, all having motorcycles, though they were rotating between riding and running around on foot.


"Yo, try this out!" A motorcycle engine is revved as one rowdy weaves in and out of cars with one hand while chugging a beer.

"Hey, who got the nice car over here? Check it out!"

"Dude, we gots da good crowd tonight. Hey! Here they come!"

Another empty beer bottle is flung through the air, landing on the pavement to explode into a million pieces, followed by more laughter. "Hey, look at me! I'm Batman!" Three men had abandoned their bikes and one jumps on a car and climbs up and over the top, across the trunk and jumps to the next car, then the next. An alarm goes off, mixed with more shouting and howling like dogs.

"Hey, get off of my car!" A man from the concert audience stalks up to his car that was being used as a jungle gym. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Aw man! We got party poopers on da loose!" The one guy jumps down to face the man, revealing he was quite the larger of the two. Simply walking forward, he gets the man to back up. "Boo!" The man jumps, making the rowdy cackle with drunken humor. "Chill man! Have a beer!" He slings a bottle in the man's direction - it isn't caught and crashes to the ground but not before splattering beer all over the victim. The man just stands a bit stunned, angry but afraid to fight.

Someone nearer the building dials the police while the ruckus continues. Kyle hangs back with Alice, his face showing displeasure. His truck was far enough away, maybe they could skirt around. "Come on," he prompts. "Let's get out of here before we're pulled into this stupid mess."

The noise, laughter and rowdiness keeps on as Kyle guides Alice alongside him, aiming for his truck. Once they're inside though, Kyle is just ready to start the engine when he looks back to the building to see Twila emerge alone. It only takes a moment for her to be spotted and two of the men approach and start to harass her.

Kyle shakes his head. "No... no, no... they just crossed the line." He wasn't going to let anyone get away with messing with one of his friends. He didn't want to leave Alice alone here either, so he nods for her to follow him. "Come on. I'm not waiting for the cops."

Twila backs up against the building, wide-eyed at the two men laughing and jeering. They weren't hurting her but as one touches her hair, she slaps his arm away, only bringing more laughter and a threat to hit her with a beer bottle but no action. "Get away from me!" Twila begs. The dim light wasn't helping any and she couldn't see clearly, making it even more frightening. "Leave me alone!"

"Oooh, the little lady got spunk!"

"Hey!" Kyle sets Alice to the side and approaches the scene. "She asked you to leave her be, so do it."

"Whoa!" One of the guys whirls around and takes a swig of beer before pointing at Kyle. "A knight in shinin' armor. Who's that?" He points at Alice.

"None of your business. Now get out of here before I take you out."

"Ha! I think he's got two women here!" He cackles and finishes off his beer before tossing the bottle aside and letting it shatter on the ground.

It was hard to see faces this far away from the parking lot light, but tension was rising. Kyle takes a step forward, far enough that Twila can slip behind him. She skitters out of the way and over nearer Alice, trembling slightly. Kyle glares at the one man and points to where their buddies were still making a ruckus around the cars. "Get out of here."

"Aw, we're jist h'ving a bit o' fun!" The rowdy's words are slurred and he reaches out to pat Kyle's shoulder, but Kyle won't let him. Grabbing the man's wrist, he twists it around and gives a little shove, forcing him to back off.

"Woooo.... this's a smart 'n here!"

"Naw, he ain't all that smart." The second man takes a step closer. "Otherwise, he wouldn't have interfered. But then... he's good at that."

Kyle furrows his brow in confusion. He recognized the voice and it sounded like the guy knew him. But in the shadows, he still couldn't make out his face. "I only interfere when I see people like you displaying how stupid you really are."

"Why you..." The first thug is stopped from advancing by his buddy.

"This one's mine, Les. Back off."

Only now does Kyle catch a clear view of the second man's face. And when he does, his eyes widen in shock, all defenses down. "Hunter?"

"Hey, buddy ol' pal." Hunter stands with a cocky air, despite his churning emotions. He hadn't planned on seeing Kyle tonight... or ever, for that matter. He hadn't even known Kyle was back here at all, let alone at a stupid concert. All he'd been doing was having a good time after tonight's race. Seeing him now brought on a wave of feelings he'd buried and wanted to keep buried. Though a part of him wished to back off now, he was just drunk enough to let anger rule instead, so it was easy to push aside what he knew was right. "What do you think you're doing, ruining our fun?"

Kyle blinks. "That's all you have to say? You're actually with these guys? Making an idiot of yourself?"

"Hey now, be nice." Hunter cackles before his glazed eyes drift to Alice then back again. "I see your shadow is still with you. Impressive. You like showing off in front of her?"

"I'm not showing off," Kyle defends. "What are you doing here? You fall off the face of the earth, then when I see you again, you're a drunk, harassing people?"

"I'm not drunk." Hunter stretches out an arm then reaches in to touch his nose. "Just slightly inebriated, see? Don't get so riled, WWCK." He sets a hand on Kyle's shoulder. "It's bad for your health." Though his tone was even, a threat flashes in his eyes.

Kyle's shock turns to anger and he whacks Hunter's hand from his shoulder. But as soon as he does, he's open, and a fist flies into his gut. Doubling over, Kyle stumbles back into the wall and sinks down to the ground, holding his stomach and gasping for air.

"Never listen, do you?" Hunter hisses. The other guys were still making a scene behind them in the lot, whooping and hollering and breaking more bottles. Hunter stares down at Kyle's form. "Come on, tough guy. Get up. Show us what you got. Or have you gotten soft?"

Kyle doesn't move. He wanted to get up and punch out Hunter's lights. He wanted to get up and stop this mess before someone really got hurt. But even greater was the pain that had struck his heart. The man before him... the man who had just hit him... Kyle had once called him his best friend. But it looked like their friendship was over. He was too shocked and saddened to get up and fight.

As the phone rings, Reese growls. He should be home, but instead, he was still at TJY and since Susanne was gone, he either needed to let the phone system pick up or answer it himself. He opts for the latter, hoping it wasn't something that would keep him at work any longer. No such luck. "This is Reese."

"Hi, Reese. Happy to catch you. Brown here. We've got a situation."


"We just got a complaint - there are five drunk guys down at a concert who are stirring up trouble. We don't think anyone's been hurt yet but it's getting out of hand. Problem is, my men are all either gone or tied up. This isn't usually your department, but do you have any agents you could send down there?"

Reese withholds a sigh. He wasn't sure who was here anymore tonight, but he'd come up with something. "Yeah... I'll figure it out. Just give me the address." After receiving the information and ending the call, Reese heads out on the main floor. Jason was off duty for the night, Con was already gone, Pete had disappeared earlier in the day... if no one else was here, he'd go himself. Spotting a couple people working late though, he's glad. He arrives at Katie's cubicle just as Gunner is there handing her some paperwork. "Just the two agents I wanted to see."

Gunner quirks an eyebrow and looks at Katie, then back at Reese with suspicion. "Yeah?"

"Got a call. Concert downtown. They got some rowdies causing trouble. Nothing major yet, but there's alcohol involved so it's escalating pretty quick. Police station doesn't have anyone to go so Brown called in the favor. I want you two to go break things up and bring in whoever you can."

Gunner smirks. "Just what I wanted to do."

"No complaints, Gunner. Get in gear and go."

Gunner looks down at Katie and sighs. "Looks like it's you and me. Let's take two Elite vehicles."

Rocky's grin feels like it's a permanent fixture on his face. "Okay good."

Grabbing a napkin and a pen, he scribbles out where his church was located, and slides it over to Michaela. "Services are at nine and ten thirty - I gotta be at both for the music, so if you wanna just come to the second one, then we can take off from there, that's fine. Up to you."

"Um..." Dylan picks at he bristles in the brush, contemplating what he wanted to do now, or what he should do. He was still feeling a bit woozy, but didn't want to go back to the house quiet yet. And if nobody cared if he was in the barn...

"Yeah, okay, I guess. What are you doing now?"

Great Idea

Looking up at Jason Katie give a small smile. It was strange for him to mention going somewhere and not invite her. But that was ok right? For them to have sepret time...if it was ok, why didn't Katie feel ok?

"Yeah, yeah lunch sounds good. Ummm...want to do something easy like pizza?"

Katie never had heard Jason tall about his high school friends. It just seemed so strange now, maybe it was just the fact she couldn't read Jason's mind.

"I'm probley gonna work late tonight anyways."

Thinking about what Rocky had offered Michaela gives a nod a smile on her face. She really liked the thought of going with Rocky to fellowship. It excited her more than the date.

"I think that sounds like a great idea. Spending time with God, you and meeting new people what could be better."

Looking over the horse again and can't help but continue her smile. She was happy Sparky had been here to ease some of Dylan's doubt. The more people he new cared the better it would be for him to accept.

"Actully I still trust you. I don't think you would let anyone get hurt. You just lost your way."

Ashlee goes back to brushing the horse just a little more getting a few of the lose strands. Stopping again and putting the brush on the shelf in the back.

"So, want to help me with some other stuff or do you have to go?"
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