

An incredibly amazing looking woman? Her? Susanne didn't think her face could get any hotter, but it did and her heart thumped in her chest. Why this man was getting to her like this, she really didn't know. Maybe it was simply the combination of her embarrassment and his good looks. Whatever the case, she knew she was acting completely out of character for her and yet it was as if she was helpless to do a thing about it.

Still silent and not having a clue how to respond to Chuck on the phone, she suddenly sees a slight shadow and hears his voice right over her head. She lifts her face from her knees and stares wide-eyed at the back of the office, not moving a muscle for several moments.

Swallowing hard, she finally gets up enough nerve to turn and cock her head to look up. Her eyes lock with his as if they are magnets, drawing her in. Her face turns another shade of red. "Yes," she answers quietly. "My marbles."

Glancing down, she points under the desk. "I think they rolled somewhere under here with the dustbunnies."

Realizing that she was still clutching the phone, she manages to stand up clumsily, bumping into her chair and getting the phone cord all wrapped around every which way. No one would believe she'd been able to fend off a robber with a knife only hours earlier. Finally hanging up, her eyes return to Chuck's, everything from embarrassment to unrealized hope showing in them. Clearing her throat, she brushes herself off, straightening her blouse and tucking her rebellious strands of hair behind her ears. Her eyes fall again, her demeanor becoming more shy now.

About to say something, her line of sight suddenly catches a figure coming towards the offices. She lets out a gasp, her eyes widening. "Chief Brown," she whispers in a panic. She was a total mess - she couldn't let him see her like this, and she certainly didn't want him asking who this stranger was. She would die right where she was if she had to explain. "Quick - over here."

Without thinking, she grabs Chuck by the arm and pulls him into the corner of the office away from the door so anyone walking by could not see them. Pushing his back against the wall she cautiously peers around the corner to see Chief Brown walk past the office in order to engage Gunner in a conversation. It was probably about the case that Gunner was working on. With any luck, Brown would leave without having to come through this office at all.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Susanne straightens, only to realize that her hands were pressing against Chuck's chest to hold him in place. She may very well have broken a record for how many times her face could grow red as it did turn shades once more.

Quickly dropping her hands, she clasps them behind her back, looking at him with wide eyes again. "I'm sorry," she apologizes. "I just... the chief... um..."

Spinning around, she walks back to her chair and sits down, reaching for her purse to retrieve her wallet. "It's early," she states flatly, drawing out several bills. "I can't leave yet, I have too much work to do." Trying to compose herself, she refuses to look back up at Chuck. "How much for the CD?"

"What's wrong, Justin?" Rebecca lays a hand on his shoulder as they sit on the porch swing at her place. It was evening and the sky was turning into a rainbow of colors. "You've been so quiet all night."

Justin looks to her and gives her a small smile. "I'm sorry." He usually wasn't talkative anyway, but he must have been extra quiet this time for her to have noticed. It had been a long day, running errands, finishing some odd jobs and helping out his mother. All in all though, he was still pretty upset about losing Scott, and then there was Beth and the odd feelings she was evoking lately. His mind had dwelt on that subject for much of the day. "Lots on my mind, I guess."

Rebecca cocks her head. "Wanna talk about it?"

Justin stares into her eyes, something inside screaming at him to say yes. He needed to talk through what he was feeling, and he knew he could trust Rebecca. She was one of the easiest people to talk to that he knew. Sighing deeply, he leans forward to rest his elbows on his knees. "It's Beth."

"Ah." Rebecca withdraws her hand and leans back in the corner of the swing to get a better look at him. "Something go wrong?"

"No... no, on the contrary, maybe it went too right."

"I don't follow."

"I was... with her all night last night."

Rebecca's eyebrows rise while she tries not to jump to any conclusions. "You mean you...?"

"Naw." Justin shakes his head. "It wasn't like that - you know me better than that." His tone wasn't chiding, just informing. He knew what he'd said hadn't come out right. "She broke down and fell asleep with me on the couch so I stayed until this morning. Figured it was the best option since she'd been so upset."

"Oh, I see. Well, what's wrong with that? It sounds like you were a perfect friend."

"Yeah." Justin can feel his gut twist again and he gets up to lean on the porch railing and look out into the yard. "It's just... I broke the rules, you know? I shouldn't... I shouldn't get that close to her."

"Why not? Isn't that what friends do?"

Justin bites his lip as he remembers the feeling of holding Beth in his arms. "It's just... dangerous." He scratches some dirt off the railing with his fingernail. "I mean when I looked at her, I... I... I could have slipped and fallen and that would have been a disaster."

"Slipped and fallen? I don't understand."

It was rare for Justin to feel so discombobulated and he wasn't even sure why. His voice lowers to a quieter tone. "The more time I spend with her, the... the more... I get close. And the more I get close... the more..." He stops, unsure how to say what he wanted.

Rebecca rises from the swing and slowly comes up beside him. "Do you... have feelings for her, Justin?"

His eyes snap to hers and for a moment, he felt as though he might be sick. "I'm sorry," he apologizes. "I shouldn't be going on like this." He reaches up to rest his palm against her cheek. "I put you in an awful position."

"It's okay." She smiles and puts her hand over his, leaning into his warm touch. "I really like you... if it's not obvious." She blushes and chuckles. "But that doesn't mean you feel the same and I understand that. If you have feelings for Beth then I can't stand in the way."

Justin locks eyes with her, his emotions doing things they'd never done before. Last night, he'd loved feeling as though he were a strong shelter for someone who needed him. Tonight, he loved feeling as though he had someone to support him. Rebecca's cheek was soft beneath his palm and he moves closer, closing the gap between them. As he looks down into her eyes, his other hand finds hers, curling their fingers together. "I like you too," he responds quietly.

A smile creases her lips and her own free hand slides up his arm to cradle the back of his head and pull him down close. "Then why don't you finally kiss me?" she whispers.

Justin grins and allows the gap between them to grow smaller before his lips brush hers.


Continuing to stand in the middle of the room with the cubicles Chuck see Susanne's head look his way and than look away again. Her words seemed panicked and a little lost. He hadn't though it would of bothered her that much.

Trying to get some kind of words in Chuck can't and he just walks forward and into the room where Susanne had hide behind the desk. A grin spread across his lips.

"I can't forget about the whole thing. What kind of fool would that make me to turn down an increadably amazing look woman? I think dinner is a must now."

Chuck taps his fingers on the desk before leaning over it a little and looking down at Susanne on the other side. He couldn't help the chuckle and just teasing her a little bit.

"Did you drop something down there?"

Pouring coffee for herself and for Justin Beth gives a smile and a nod of her head. She though he would like the coffee and was happy he had. Chatting a little more as they enjoyed there warm drink time seemed to pass to fast.

"I'll see you soon Justin, if not at the same old bench than I will call again."

Following Justin to the door and following him out Beth gives a wave as he drives down the street. Once he is out of sight Beth gives back inside drinks her own coffee before heading to the bathroom and getting ready for the start of the day. Today...it seemed...she wasn't scared to face the unknown as much as normal.

Misty can't help the beam that showed on her face even if Alec hated he had been quoting his brother. She loved Carson's sensitive side, and she would always like the little post it notes he would leave her. It was nice and helped her feel close to him even when he was not home.

Stopping for a moment from cutting the bread Misty thinks for a moment on Alec's question about why she stayed with Carson. It hadn't been easy and the road was long and hard even though she had forgiven Carson, and no longer thought about it, it did still leave a ping.

"Well...I guess its because I love Carson very much. I have since day one. The road certainly has not been an easy one, and a few times a long the way I thought I had given up and let him go. Not wanting anything more to do with him."

Misty finishs cutting the bread and puts the knife down. Picking the bread slices up and place them on a bigger plate Misty walks over to the table and sets them down before going back to the stove and stiring the sauce.

" But what mattered the most was when I needed him he was always there. He's been the one to save me many times. So I stuck it out, and I continued to wait. I saw something in him, I saw the good. We dated other people once and I though I was happy, but my heart always came back to your brother."

Pulling the meat balls from the over next Misty take some tongs and puts them into the sauce to cook with it for a little bit. It seemed odd talking to Alec about this but maybe he just simply wanted to know about his family.

"So the last time we got together I told him this was it. No more chances after this because I couldn't take it anymore. He tattoo my name on his arm, and well here we are now. That last time I think he new I was searus. When people are ment to be, they will be."

Till holding Gage's hand Sapphire manages to smile through her tears. Gage was saying sorry, and yes maybe it was a silly thing to do but she couldn't blame him. There was still so much in the world he didn't know.

"It happens Gage and sometimes we think we are doing whats best. I can't blame you for just wanting more time."

Hearing his last comment the smile on her face fades a little and if he hadnt just woken from a coma she would of whacked him over the head.

"Don't you ever say that again Gage. If you hadn't of woken up I would be lost. Your everything to me and I love you with all my heart. To lost you...I...I don't know what I would do."

Hearing Reese voice on the other end of the phone Amanda gives a small sigh. When she got a free moment she was going to call him even if she hated too. Giving bad new, and than worse news was never on her list of best things to do. It came to times like this she hated being a Dr.

"Hi Mike, I was going to be calling your later. Hope's finally fallen into a coma like we new should would. We are still doing all we can for her for this is just another step down the road that we new it would come too."

Amanda lets out another sigh as she leans aganst the counter and rubs her hand along her temple. She felt bad for Hope. After having the visit from her boyfriend she was doing her best to hold on. Even now in the coma her brain activity was amazing and she was still hanging in there but her body was just simply taking to much and giving in.

"Keep praying...God's healing powers are amazing, and I believe its in his hands now."


Amidst the chaos, Susanne hears the ringing phone and growls before setting her paperwork aside to answer it as she stands behind her desk. Her hair was falling out from where she'd had it pinned, sweat was running down the back of her neck and her mascara was starting to smear. Just another typical day in the office. "Elite headquarters, how may I help you?" Hearing the male voice, she furrows her brow, trying to distinguish who it belongs to. Then when he says who it is, her heart stops. The man from the shop. He'd... changed his mind? But... why? And why was he asking about her office?

Leaning forward over her desk so she can see out onto the main floor, she suddenly spots him. Snapping back out of sight, her eyes are wide and her face already beet red. Her confidence from earlier in the day was completely gone, now replaced with panic. "I um..."

Looking around, she sees there's nowhere to go and she was absolutely mortified. She had embarrassed herself to no end earlier, acting like some stupid teenager or something, all over him with her hairbrained idea. Remembering how she'd actually run her fingers through her hair, a chill runs down her spine and she swallows hard. And now Chuck was here? Why, why, why?

Turning around, she sinks down behind her desk and out of sight to sit on the floor, the phone still clutched in her hand. Not only was she utterly embarrassed, but she was a hideously unkempt sight at the moment. "I'm... I'm not here. I mean I'm busy. Just... just go away before I tell someone you... you..." She racks her brain. "...you're stalking me." Cringing at herself, she figures that couldn't have been any more lame. "Forget about tonight. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking... I was stupid. I'll... I'll come pick up the CD tomorrow and... and..." And what? She swallows hard, her heart racing. An incredibly gorgeous man was asking to see her, willing to go out tonight even though she was basically using him, and she was still scared spitless? She was an Elite agent for crying out loud! She faced murderers and she couldn't bring herself to go on a silly little date? Where was her confidence from earlier? Maybe it was because before, she'd had the upper hand. Now he'd caught her off guard and her true reaction was coming through.

Bringing her knees up to her chest, she pounds her forehead on them before hiding her face completely. "...and we can forget this whole thing," she mumbles.

Not hearing any more from Karla, Kip figures she'd accepted his response. It was better that way. He wasn't sure he could hide his misery today like he had yesterday. Tomorrow... tomorrow would be better.

Rolling onto his side, he faces the wall. But that made him feel claustrophobic. Turning over again, he lies on his other side, staring at the open doorway. Then he rolls onto his stomach... then his back... then his side again. He sighs.

Finally getting up, he wanders to the living room and flops down on the couch. Flipping on the television, he finds a cartoon marathon. Twila would tease him to no end if she found him watching these, but at least he didn't have to think while they were on.

Stretching out, his attention is diverted and though his eyes droop, he didn't sleep. It was an odd feeling... not wanting anyone around, yet being so lonely at the same time. He wanted to see no one, yet a hug would be nice. Would things ever make sense?

"Right." Justin points down the hall too before he heads that way to clean up. He doesn't take a shower though - he would do that at home. He does splash some cold water on his face, rinse his mouth and wet his hair though, at least feeling halfway presentable now.

He's only a couple minutes before he's wandering back towards the kitchen. Smelling the coffee, he smiles. "Mmm... you figured out how to wake me up." He decides he has a time for one cup before he leaves, so he sticks around a little bit longer.

Soon though, he knows he really does have to go, and he's slipping on his shoes by the door. Giving a last look at Beth, he offers her another warm smile. "I'll see you soon, okay?"

Feeling an odd sort of tingle on his spine, he makes sure not to look into her eyes for too long. "And if you need anything, call."

"Agh... I've been quoting my brother." Alec gives Misty a queer look. "That's just not right."

Standing in the kitchen and still feeling a bit lame, he doesn't mind when Misty engages him in more conversation. "Um, things are good... I think... as far as I know."

He furrows his brow, realizing that it just didn't sound correct. "I mean..." His cheeks redden slightly and he laughs. "Yeah. I guess Ryan's the only girl I've ever stuck with so... I don't have anything to compare it to. So I guess as far as I know, it's good."

He feels stupid and turns around to fiddle with a knife on the counter, his face turned away from Misty. "How come you stayed with Carson?" he questions out of nowhere. "I mean, there aren't many girls who will stick it out with a guy that cheats."

Gage blinks, still squinting in the light and trying to focus. It had been the pills? Now on top of everything else, he felt like the stupidest person on the planet. "Oh..."

Seeing Sapphire's tears, he bites his lip, feeling horrid. Without asking, he knew he must have scared the wits out of her. Those tears were his fault. Lifting his hand, he puts it to her face, using his thumb to wipe away a few of the salty drops. "Please don't cry," he asks hoarsely. His eyes beg for her forgiveness. "I'm so sorry."

He swallows hard and tries to ignore the pain in his head. "I guess I just... wanted..." He gives up. It was all his silly fault anyway, so it really didn't matter why he'd done it. "I know it was stupid," he resigns, his hand falling from her face. "I can't win no matter what, can I? I was probably meant to never wake up."

"Yes, Doctor Fuller..." Reese paces his office, phone in hand. "I was just calling to inquire about Hope Garrison and her condition." The last he'd heard, there wasn't much time left. "I wondered how she was."