

Turning quickly at Justin's voice it was more reflex than anything as the sharp gesture even if it had been out of fun it made Beth's heart race but catches the apple without ease.

Holding it for a second Beth finally looks up at Justin again hearing his comment. The corners of her mouth twitch again as she shakes her head. Watching him for a second as he walks away Beth finally turns taking a bit of the apple. It was sweet and crunchy, defiantly something she hadn't had in a long time.

Taking a few more bits as she heads inside Beth throws the rest of it out before heading to her sisters room to spend a little more time with her before she had to go again.

Getting Jason's message Katie was soon on alert in case anything happened like Jason had said. She had to be ready in a split second in case anything happened so she could tell those who needed to know.

Ok I got your back J. Be careful ok?!

Katie new she didnt have to tell Jason that, he was always on his A game but it made her fell better to do so anyways when she was on a mission he was not.

Following Jason the rest of the way out Destiny stays close keeping her eyes out for anything abnormal. Coming to the truck she nods to Alec as he opens the door for her and gets in. Slightly laying down in the back so she couldn't easily be seen but she could semi still see out the window.

Soon they were off and it didn't take long to get across town. Jason new where he was going so that helped so Destiny didn't have to try and direct him. Once outside the building Destiny sits up a little more to see better.

"Yeah this is it. My door is the one of the far right there. Once we get inside I'll just have to head upstairs to my room to grab my things. "

Shifting a little in her seat so that Jason new she was ready Destiny turns to him a little.

"So how are we going to do this? You go in first? I go in you follow?"

She just wanted to know the plan now so she was ready and didnt mess anything up. This was no time try and think she could do it on her own.

Across the street in a van two men waited watching, they had been there all more and with no movement at there targets house they started to become bored. One slept while the other kept watch.

Seeing the truck pull up to the house Chaz perks up in his seat a little. This could be what they were waiting for.

Throwing his hand back with out looking he wackes Drew in the chest to get Drew's attachen.

"Yo man, I think we got company. I got a look in at the chick in the truck and she matches the picture. Looks like there are two Elite scum with her too."

Chaz spits a sunflower seed out onto the van floor before reaching for his gun to make sure he was ready to strike when they got the girl alone. They were under strict orders not to kill her...not yet anyways till the boss got the information from her. As for the other two, who cared about them.

Perfect man

Justin looks up as Beth stands, finding her words interesting. He was often ridiculed for his methods... for someone to view his tenacity as a strength... felt pretty good.

Realizing she was leaving again, he straightens and offers another smile and a little wave. "Yeah... you too. I'll see you around." Watching her walk away, he calls after her. "Hey, Beth... think fast." An apple is tossed in her direction, along with a wink. "An apple a day..."

Grinning, he gathers his bag and soccer ball to stand up and amble to the parking lot.

Jason automatically takes the lead on this short assignment and shakes his head at Destiny. "Naw, leave your car where it is for now. We can move it later. The quicker we go at this point, the better."

As they head for the door, Jason makes a quick job of touching base with Katie so she wouldn't worry about his heightened emotions and adrenaline. "

Got a woman in protective custody - have to go pick up some of her things from her apartment and get back without getting shot at by the Agency. If you sense anything go wrong, tell Reese.

Once outside, Jason leads the way to his truck. "Destiny, take the backseat and lay low. Alec, ride shotgun up front."

"Yes sir."

Jason throws Alec a sidelong glance, having caught the sarcasm. "And behave yourself."

It was no secret they didn't get along all that well, especially after he episode with Trooper. But Jason knew well enough to set aside his personal feelings, and Alec knew well enough to stay out of too much trouble. The combination was a unique team to say the least.

Alec gives him a little smirk and opens up the door for Destiny. "All aboard."

...Heading through town, Jason follows Destiny's directions until he pulls up to an apartment building. "Okay, so far so good. Is this it? Alec, keep an eye out."

"Yeah, Toby? This is Reese."

"Hey, Chief. What's the occasion?"

"Well..." Reese lets out a long sigh and leans back in his chair after the others had left. "We got a situation here. A young woman just showed up with quite a story. I don't have time to explain it all now, but the bottom line is that she needs an Elite bodyguard. Problem is, I don't have anybody to spare for the job. I was wondering if you had any free hands down at your base that could come up here indefinitely."

"Hmm... we're pretty tight here ourselves, Reese. A recent crackdown around here and most of my men are busier than they can even handle. I'm sorry, but..." Toby's voice trails off. "Wait... you know what? I think I have the perfect man for the job."


"Yes. His name is Chance O'Mally. He needs a kick in the seat every once in a while, but I can have him on the next Elite jet out of here and he can be in Nevada by tonight."

"Wow. that sounds perfect. Send him on down."

Sharp Shooter

Looking down at her hands for a long moment as she seemed to study them in her lap the wheels in Beth's head kept turning.

"Even if my sister never talks again I'll never think coming here was a wast and the time spent with her was not worth it. I know she is listning to me, and she's a lot smarter than people think just because she can't talk."

Giving a stretch on the bench Beth knows even if she could sit outside all day it was time to go back in. She had a little more time left to visit with her sister before it was time to head to work. Beth wanted to soak it all up while she could for today.

As she stands and hears Justin's final comment about being strong and admiring that she came back every day Beth felt a tiny little warm glow inside. It felt nice to hear someone say that, let alone a councilor like Justin was.

"I think your the first person who didn't try to tell me it would be ok. Thank you for that. Oh and I guess we have something in common. We both are strong enough to come back each day even if its for different reasons."

Letting out another small sigh Beth sticks her hands in her jacket pockets just standing there for a long moment watching Justin. Even if he wasn't looking at her she just watched him before finally straightening up again.

"Well I better get back inside. I'm sure I'll see you again tomorrow. Take care Justin, and thanks."

Standing from the comfortable chair she had been sitting in Destiny looks to Jason, than to Reese than to Jason again for a moment admiring his good looks. This must be one of the sharp shooter her father had told her about.

"I'm ready to go now. I live off of Chamberlain and South Main."

Looking over Jason's shoulder to Alec and than back to Jason she did feel a little better two people would be going.

"Once we get there it wont take me long to get what I need. So as long as we dont run into any trouble we should be back quickly"

Turning and starting to head for the door Destiny stops and turns to look at Reese again.

"Thank you for your heal. Once I get back, I can give you the other information I have as well to help."

Heading out the door Destiny stops again waiting for Jason and Alec not sure where he car was or where he had parked even.

"My car is out front...should I move it else where?"


Justin shifts on the bench just a little so he can see Beth as she speaks. Her tone had a quiet strength about it. A sadness lurked behind her eyes and a frustration for the cards life had dealt to her. But her voice remained steady, determined not to crumble under the weight of the world. The only sign of sorrow was the single tear that escaped her eye but did not escape Justin's gaze.

Beth's final statement brings Justin's grin back and he chuckles softly, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. If he made her smile, then days he considered unsuccessful really weren't. "If a person can't find something to smile about, the point of life just seems to get lost somewhere in the chaos."

Still bent forward, he turns his head again to study Beth once more. He didn't know her situation. He didn't know why her sister was here or why she was the only family she had left. But it didn't really matter right now. "A visit is never in vain and a word to the ones we love is never worthless... even on bad days." His eyes fall to the sidewalk as he thinks about people in his past, his job, and people like Beth. "It takes someone strong to keep coming here day after day. I admire that."

Reese couldn't imagine being in Destiny's shoes. Not only was she afraid for her life, but she had to worry about arrangements for her parents as well. After just having received thew news for Hope and feeling badly about that, now Reese was overcome with another wave of compassion for this young woman. This just wasn't a good day.

"Any help you need with arrangements for your parents, don't hesitate to ask." Reese felt it was the least he could do. "As for someone to take you to your apartment today..."

He reaches for the phone, pausing a moment before punching the right button. "Hey, Hotshot... please come to my office."

It was only a minute or two later that Jason was in Reese's office, wondering what was going on. He looked down at the woman, to Alec, then to Reese. "What's up?"

"Jason, this is Destiny Rose. Starting now, she's under the protective custody of the Elite." His tone becomes grim. "The Agency would like to see her dead."

Jason's eyebrows rise. That was heavy. "Whoa. What for?"

"Her father was Agency. He wanted to turn and they killed him and Destiny's mother. Destiny is a witness, along with possessing too much Agency information for them to leave her alive."

Jason looks down at Destiny again, now feeling more sorry than curious. "What do you want me to do, Reese?"

"Take her to her apartment so she can pick up a few things, then bring her back here. I want Alec to go with you."

Alec looks up quickly. "What?"

"I want you to go along," Reese states flatly. "You know all too well what angles the Agency might come from in order to kill somebody and I want your eyes and ears out there."


"You wanted to get out of here, now here's your chance. You're going with Jason and Destiny and that's final."

Alec sighs and looks to Destiny, shrugging lamely. "Alright."

Jason nods kindly to Destiny. "We'll take my truck. If you're ready, we can head out now and get back before they have time to realize we've got you."

Lowered Walls

Destiny does her best at watching Reese movements as small or as smooth as they were, her father was Agency after all he'd taught her well. Watch her back she new how to do, and stand on her own too feet she could handle but when it came to something like this, to the Agency wanting someone dead before they could get any information out. That alone broke down those strong wall and made her feel week.

"No offense. If someone had just told me there family was part of the Agency and wanted to risk your own to help me I'd have a hard time believing them at first too."

Giving a nod and shifting a little Destiny looks to Alec and than back to Reese understanding what he was saying and for a second she could fell her heart sink that he might not help her at all. That hadn't crossed her mind, to her it wasn't an option.

Letting him continue to talk and his request for staying here at perked her heart up alittle again. At least she would have a safe place to eat and sleep.

"Yes I can stay here, my father told me you would help and I could trust you. If you can have someone take me to my apartment I can get the rest of the the folders I have, and some other personal items I might need."

Continuing to stay seated Destiny's hands where folded in her lip but her fingers still moved showing she was nervous. Not of where she was but of this whole situation in general. It frightened her a little, and knowing people wanted you dead was not a good feeling.

"I have to arrange stuff for my mom and dad in a few days. Thats the only thing I'm really in a hurry for is just putting them to rest."

Giving a little nod Beth was surprised only a little that Justin was a councilor. He defiantly was different than any councilor she was forced to go to, or the ones that would come in to see her sister once a week. He was different, and he looked at things in a different manor. Beth kind of liked it even if she thought he was a little strange.

Letting out a sigh as the conversation got turned around to Beth she just looked at Justin a little sceptically for a moment. He was a councler, was he going to try be like the others if she told him and say everything would be ok? That was something Beth already new, but it never made her feel any better. However she had just admitted to herself he was different so many...his response would be different to her as well.

"Both..My sister is the only family I got left, and she's one of my best friends."

Truth was...Beth didn't have any other friends let alone the time or the will to go out and find some. Sure at work she new people, and others had asked her out, or to just hang but Beth didn't really have time between being with her sister and working. On top of that everything else just seemed pointless and she didn't fit in with people.

"I come every day to see her and some days are better than the rest."

Giving a side long glance to Justin Beth just watches him for a moment before focusing out into the yard again. Some people were walking there loved ones, but Beth's eyes seemed to rest on a small child and there mother sitting under a shaded tree with what looked like there father. He was very still, very quiet his eyes dull, but still there seemed to be a sparkle somewhere behind the blankness but the child was close up to him reading a book out loud.

For a second she got lost in her own world watching the scene in front of her remembering back a long time ago when once a week her family would gather in the living room. Each taking turns picking books to have there dad read to them while there mother could just sit knitting listing.

A tear seemed to find its way to Beth's eye swiping it away quickly realizing she had gotten lost in her own thought. Looking away twords the building and composing herself again for a quick moment Beth can't believe she just let herself lower her walls and fall into the past like that

Finally looking back to Justin again she does her best to try and move away from the fact she had just let that tear slip out.

"Once and a while there is this strange guy I run into too and he helps me smile even if its only a little. It's more than what most can do."


Justin chuckles softly. "Mmm, I'm thinking it'll be a memory game tomorrow. Unless my radar changes my mind, then it might be water balloons. Though basketball might do just as well."

Swinging his head around to look at Beth, he shakes it, no. "Just a counselor of sorts nobody else wants. Was headed to get my doctorate but... well, things got in the way. I'm just here for a special case. They see traditional methods don't work, then when I do something non-traditional, they don't like it. But I do what I can. It's all I got right now." He shrugs. "It's the system I don't like, not the people who need help."

Cocking his head a little, he could see the pain behind Beth's fearless eyes. Perhaps her day hadn't been so pleasant either. But she was here... again, showing faithfulness to whoever it was she was visiting.

Justin's voice turns a little gentler as he nods to the main patient facility. "Family or friend?"

"Yeah, don't worry." Eli tucks a wisp of hair behind Scarlet's ear. "I'll watch myself. I won't do anything stupid either."

Leaning down, he gives her forehead a kiss. "See you tomorrow. Lock your doors... and if anything happens, call me."

Turning back around, he once more makes his way down to his bike, his glare now hidden from view. Mounting up, his engine revs and he takes one last look at Roth's handiwork. It made him sick. After pulling on his helmet and giving a wave to Scarlet, he takes off to head across town. This was far from over.

Reese listens intently, still battling with his instincts as to whether or not this young woman was telling the truth. If she wasn't, she was either very good or very poor at being part of the Agency. If she was, then she had just been through a trauma no one ever should be. Reese immediately thought of Carson, and was glad that if this was the truth, that Destiny had not been immediately recruited.

He leans back in his chair a little, his finger having already turned on the security cameras so he knew that if anything went down, whoever was in the monitor room would see. Putting his palms together he taps his lips with his fingers absentmindedly. Did he trust her? Did he not?

"May I see the folder?" he requests. After retrieving it, he hits a button on the phone. "Alec, would you please come to my office?"

"Aw, I just got sat down. Can it wait?"



"Alec! Now." Reese ends the intercom call and looks back to Destiny. Whether he trusted her or not, it would be best to offer his help anyway and play it cool. "I'm very sorry for your loss, Destiny. I'm sure that must have been quite a shock to you."

Alec barges through the door, half a sandwich in hand as he chews. "What?" Realizing there was someone else in the room, he stops short. "Oh."

Reese sighs in annoyance. "Please come look at this file." He holds up the folder.

Clueless, Alec shrugs. That's all he did around here - look at information, give information and separate information. He'd learned not to ask questions. If he cooperated, Reese usually let him in on whatever it was anyway.

Taking another bite of his sandwich, he strolls over and takes the folder, leaning up against a filing cabinet as he begins to sift through the pages.

Reese resumes his interaction with Destiny. "If the Agency is after you, then you came to the right place. That's why we're here." The wheels in his mind were already turning. What would this young woman need if this were the truth? She'd mentioned a bodyguard. They didn't have anywhere she could stay. But Reese didn't have anyone he wanted to commit to a bodyguard job right now either. He had everyone pretty busy right now and couldn't spare anyone. Laura was gone, Scott was gone, Carson was only part time, and even Hope was not going to be around as much. What else could he do?

"Whoa." His mouth half full, Alec takes out one of the papers in the folder, interrupting the ongoing conversation behind him. "This is heavy stuff."

Reese turns in his chair. "What is?"

"Where'd you get this?"

"Destiny here. She says her father was part of the Agency and they killed him a week ago for wanting out."

Alec's eyebrows raise and he swallows his food. "I would too. If this stuff was his, he knew way too much to be let loose."

"So it's real then."

"As real as it gets."

"Stuff they wouldn't want us to have?"

Alec scoffs. "You kidding me? They don't want us to know how many bathrooms they have, let alone the stuff that's in here." He realizes now why Reese had asked him to look at it. "It's legit."

Reese turns back to Destiny, his gaze still full of concern, but he believed her story now. "I hope you're not offended," he mentions. "We've been tricked too many times to not double-check everything and everyone that comes through here now." Leaning forward on his desk, he studies her for several more moments. "It's obvious that you're not safe alone, and I want to help. But I'll be honest - I'm not sure how best I can help right now. Would you be willing to stay here for a couple days? That will give me time to find someone who might be able to watch your back for a while, and you'll be safe here. If you need to get anything from your apartment, I can have someone take you and bring you back."

My dad told me...

Being helped up and turned away from the bike Scarlet was still so very angry. She couldn't believe this, after everything Roth was still dumb enough to pull a stunt like this. It burned her up inside, though per Eli's orders she tried to calm down knowing good and well being made wouldn't help anything.

Making her way back to the apartment with Eli Scarlet lets out another sigh as she trys to calm her ownself down. Though Eli did well keeping it in she could still see his own anger and she couldn't help but feel so bad about his bike.

"I promise I wont try and take care of this myself. Promise you wont too ok? Roth is dangerous and he'll be waiting for you this time."

Hearing that Eli wanted her to bring her bike in, in the morning made Scarlet feel a little better. She still hated that her paint had been scratched up and she loved it so much, but knowing she wouldn't have to worry, about the words that had to have been placed there seemed to ease it a little.

"Ok, I'll bring it by tomorrow. Be safe going home ok? You don't know if he's still out there."

Giving another smile Destiny comes into Reese office a little more thankful this was who she was looking for and she hadnt made a fool of herself. Taking a seat in one of the chairs she takes note to the look in his eye and can only come to the conclusion that really that was normal in his position. After all who was she and what did she know about the Agency.

"Yes most people move about the day not knowing what danger they all really face to the Agency's hands. My family...my father he was part of the Agency ever since I was little till about a week ago when he decided he didn't want that life anymore. He was going to gather information, and double cross them. Sending all the paper work, and files he had on them to the police."

Collecting her thoughts for a moment Destiny trys to get all her information right the first time so Reese new everything straght out on the table.

"My father has asked for my help and I told him I would. He and my mother would move and start new lifes, I would follow in a few weeks. Unfortunately that time never came and my father and mother were killed at there hands. I witnessed the whole thing and on top of knowing way to much information already, I now had seen them kill. So now I am wanted by the Agency and they wont stop till I end up like my mother and father."

Letting out a long sigh and pulling out a folder from her bag Destiny holds it up for Reese to see.

"My dad told me if there was trouble to come here. Everyone in the Agency knows about the Elite and he said I'd be safe here. This was also the folder of information he was collecting. Names, dates, places, items...a lot of the stuff is pretty deep into the core of the Agency. I have more but its back at my apartment that I am sure if being watched by now. So you see...I'm wanted, dead or alive. But I'd rather stay alive so I know my father's last chance at redemption wasn't a wast."

Destiny's eyes search Reese...she new far more than she should have. But her father trusted her and always said one day the Agency would call on her. It was how it went when a family was involved with them. She was happy that day would never come, but now she had a mark on her own head and without help she would wind up dead.

Giving only half a smile Beth's lips twitched a little before she moved twords the bench and sits down next to Justin. He looked...tired today.

"We all have to eat our feet one time or another right? "

Leaning back on the bench the nice cool air felt good. Though Beth new inside she would head again it was kind of nice to be out here chatting with this person she didn't even know. Maybe thats why she felt comfortable talking to him...because sooner or later he'd be gone not to even remember who she was.

"Baseball, paint ball, soccer...tomorrow will it be basketball? So your a non text book Dr here?"

Beth looks to Justin with question in her eyes. Why did she want to know more about him? Maybe because if he thought differently...than maybe he could help Sarah? Maybe what she needed was someone to think out of the box with her.

Foot in mouth

Even though Scarlet was livid, somehow her presence helped Eli keeps from blowing his stack. Laying a hand on her shoulder, he gives it a firm squeeze. "Easy."

Pulling her back up, he turns her away from the scene. "Paint can be repaired." For one thing, he didn't want her getting mad enough to go after Roth herself and risk getting hurt. "Just... let it go for tonight."

Though his own blood was boiling, he couldn't lose his temper... not here... not now. Later when he couldn't hurt something or somebody. Guiding Scarlet back to her door, he looks at her firmly. "Don't do anything about it, alright? We'll figure this out." His mind was already reeling with possibilities and ways to get back at Roth, but for now, he held them at bay. This was something that would take careful planning, not going off half-cocked.

"Bring your bike to the shop tomorrow... I'll at least sand it down so you don't have to ride around with the words all over it. Then I'll repaint it for you."

Lost in his own world after Hope leaves, Reese stares at his desk, not even knowing what to do next. He'd had the rest of his day planned out, but it felt like his mind had turned to mush.

An unfamiliar voice startles him and he looks up quickly, surprised to see the woman at his door. Blinking, he refocuses so he can at least understand what she's saying. A little chill runs down his spine at the mention of the Agency. Was this real or was this some kind of trick? He remains friendly, but cautious.

"I am Mike Reese," he confirms. "Please... come in and have a seat." He motions to the chair that Hope had just been sitting in.

Waiting for her to sit down, he studies her expression and body language, finding mixed signals that kept him on edge. "We do deal with the Agency, yes, though most civilians are unaware of the organization." His eyes linger on hers. "Please tell me your situation."

Giving a little start, Justin's eyes fly open. Raising his head slowly to sit up straighter, he looks up at Beth, his eyes focusing enough for him to realize who it was talking to him. A wry grin forms as he looks down at himself for a moment. "Aw man... you're right. I do look halfway human. I'll have to work on that."

Glancing back up at her, his grin grows a little. His eyes were tired from today's session, but they still held their spark. "Humans don't do much good around here, you know. They're too stiff to get out of the ruts of textbook psychology and actually get their hands dirty."

After saying it, Justin knew it sounded harsh, especially since he could have very well offended Beth, not knowing her background. His grin turns a little sheepish, and he motions to the empty space next to him on the bench. "Have a seat while I take my foot out of my mouth."

"Take the rest of the day off! That's an order!"

Chance ducks as a filing folder is thrown in his direction, papers flying everywhere as it bounces off the wall. "But I wasn't-"


Chance cringes and backs away from the office. So he'd let the guy go. So he'd made a mistake. Everyone made mistakes every once in a while. Okay, so maybe it was on purpose and it had gone against protocol, let alone the plan. But it had been better!

He trudge to his cubicle, flopping down in his chair to shut off his computer before going home. Toby had a temper, but he'd be chilled by morning. He always was.

Chance sighs and fiddles with his keys. He'd joined the Elite so he'd have a chance to kick some bad guy butt. It seemed all he did lately though was file paperwork and tag along with other officers as backup. And even that, he apparently couldn't do right. But would anybody listen to him? No, of course not. Nobody liked his ideas.

A yellow sticky note caught Chance's attention and he picks it up, remembering that he'd written it just yesterday. The phone message was the same, but he still hadn't called. Later. Tomorrow. Whenever.

Grabbing his sidearm and badge, he heads out into the warm afternoon. Maybe kicking it back by the pool would be good.