
Count on it

Letting out a long sigh Karla looks down at the paper for a long moment. She understood why the band would be moving forward with or without Kip. It wasn't like the band was trying to leave him in the dust, they were giving him a choose and he was just hanging in limbo. It made Karla sad because she new this was something Kip love. She could only hope telling him about the gig would get him motivated.

...Getting to Gram and Gramp's Karla enters without even knocking. She has learned quickly there was no need to knock anymore. Passing the living room she smiles and gives a little wave before heading up the steps a few slices of pizza from the brand practice in her hand.

Giving a knockComing to Kip's door Karla lets out a small sigh seeing it closed. It really didn't surprise her that it was. That was the normal now, the door wasn't locked but it was still closed to the world. on the door and than opening it Karla steps in.

"Hey Kip it's just me."

Entering and seeing Kip wasn't there Karla was a bit surprised but she new where else to look for him. Going back down the steps and heading out to the back porch Karla smile seeing him. Coming out and sitting on the top steps next to him she holds out the pizza.

"Figured I would bring you a few slices since there there was some extra. Everyone missed you today."

Taking the bowl of ice cream from Eli Ryan moves a little closer to Tal again folding her legs Indian style and leaning on him slightly. Hearing what Eli said about Alec she found it strange that Reese would call him, but Ryan figured it might be the only way a message about Alec would get to her.

"With any luck he wont be stupid that people are trying to help him and let them, but I wouldn't count on it."

Putting a spoon full of ice cream in her own mouth Ryan looks ahead at the TV. Nothing really good was on but it was something to focus on for the moment. She put up a good act of not caring to much what happened to Alec but deep down she really did wish he would smarten up. Not for her, but for himself. He really did have a lot to offer the world.

Finally looking to Eli and than to Tal she rolls her eyes a little bit. Maybe the conversation should move on? She wasn't sure if Tal and herself were more than friends but they have been spending lots of time together so talking about an ex was kind of strange.

"So, did you guys remember to pick up the movie or am I stuck watching one I've seen a million times?"