
Art in itself

Thinking for a moment as Chance turns the tables on her, she just looks at him for a moment with a smerk and a shake of her head. He hadn't answered her question but maybe...there was no answer.

"Well in the fall and winter season I am a substaut ninth gread teacher and in the spring/summer, I..."

Stopping for a moment Destiny thinks. She did she do when she wasn't teaching. She'd never really had to think of it before and now that she had to it felt strange.

"...I mostly spent time with my mom, and when my father was home I'd spend time with him as well. They had a very nice house, with lots of land. Volleyball, badminton, frisbee with the dogs."

Taking a fry and running it through a cup of extra mayo she had asked for Destiny munches on it for a moment before looking up at Chance again, her eyes slightly glazed over, but trying to move on quickly she thinks of a few other things as well.

"I like to swim, go shopping, I collect stuffed turtles...mmm...I like to read and draw too. Oh and my newest hobby is trying not to get shot as well. It's an art in itself you know"

Destiny smiles a little humor dancing in her own eyes trying to makes the best she can out of the situation.

Feeling Alec's foot hit hers under the table Ryan's can't help but laugh as she finishs off her chili dog and takes the last sip of her drink. Feeling rather full she crumples her paper with the rest of her fries up before taking Alec's hand and standing.

"I'd love to take a little walk on the beach with you."

Passing the garbage can Ryan throws there trash in it her hand still in Alec's as they head down onto the beach a little more.

Giving a smile at Leo as he brushes the hair from Cassy's face and hearing his words she wasn't sure what else to say or that anything else really needed to be said. Though she tucked his words away and to remember on those days when things just seemed so hard herself.

Knowing Leo was done for now on talking she was happy at least he had talked for a little bit. She was going to miss these times once everything was done and Leo wasn't around as much. She'd grown use to having him here but at least she would have the memories and even if it wasn't as much she would still be able to see him.

"Some light practice today would be nice. I have some lemon aid in here for you as well when you want to take a break from your hard work."

Knowing for now the conversation was done and Leo wanted to get back to work Cassy made her way back inside stopping before entering to look up at Leo for just a moment before disappearing inside.

Normal is relative

Leo can feel his own face redden a little. He didn't deserve such compliments, really. He hadn't done that much around here... just patched up a few things and maybe made them look a little better, that's all. But he could tell that Cassy was genuinely grateful. And even if he didn't want to take the compliment, it did feel good... way deep down where it counted.

Looking into Cassy's eyes, he can see her passion for life, despite what she'd been through. When trying to help a friend, her pain meant nothing to her. "You're so strong," he almost whispers. It seemed so disconnected from what she'd been saying, but to him, it was directly in line with her words. "Like a wind that no one can hold back." Reaching out, he brushes aside a rogue wisp of hair from her face. "Don't ever change."

Letting his hand drop, he looks down again and finally goes for the paint can and brush once more. He was done talking about himself. It was something he needed to work through and work out, now that everything was out in the open. He could... he just had to figure out how.

"Almost done out here," he changes the subject. "We can dance a little in a while if you want to get in some practice today."

Alec grins a little and nods. "Yeah, your brother seems alright. Not sure he likes me all that well but... maybe if I stick around long enough, I can add him to the friend category. You, on the other hand..."

He stuffs the rest of his hotdog into his mouth to finish it off before ending his sentence. "...you're in a category all your own."

Sliding his foot on the grass under the table, it meets Ryan's and he gives it a little tap. Finishing up the food isn't hard, and soon Alec is standing, offering Ryan a hand. "Shall we walk the beach before we leave?"

"Fun? Normal?" Chance chuckles. "I'm not sure those two words are actually part of my everyday vocabulary."

He would have just let it go at a joke, but he saw that Destiny really was interested. So after another bite of his sandwich, he shrugs. "Don't have much time for fun lately. Working mostly. Going for a swim is about the only way I wind down some days, but otherwise... it's go to work, go home and back again."

He hadn't really thought about it much, but it wasn't like he had a grand circle of friends he would hang out with or anything. The Elite did take up most of his time, even if he was always trying to cut a new deal with Toby.

"Normal is relative. I guess a normal day for me would be one when I go to work and don't get shot at, though... that was beginning to be the norm up until I got shipped here." Toby had put him on some pretty hairy cases, that was for sure. "Hoping that changes... for both our sakes," he teases. He hadn't really answered he question very well, but he turns the table anyway. "What about you?"

Stop blaming yourself

Taking another bit of her hot dog Ryan listens to Alec and gives a chuckle at his mention to keeping an eye on her. She new he was joking and new better than to think that but it was funny hearing him say it anyways.

Hearing his real reason Ryan gives a slight nod thinking for a long moment. She missed her friendship with Leo too. Even before they dated that had been pretty good friends and now it was rare they even said hi. She'd tried though talking to him and getting along and he just didn't want that, though she didn't blame him.

"Yeah, maybe someday we will have a friendship again just right now...I don't see it in the works. As for being sorry you took it away, Mmmm...maybe I'd change how I went about it but in the end I probably pick you all over again. There is just something about you Alec Banks that makes it work. We balance out each other, and give each other the thrill and excitement we need. Leo and I...we just weren't meant to be."

Looking across the table at Alec Ryan's eyes twinkle in the sun light as it shines down on them. She meant what she had said, her and Leo were ok together, and they did have the fun times but even if Alec hadn't come along it might of ended just the same. They just didnt work. But Alec he was different and gave Ryan fuel, yet contained the fire at the same time so it didn't get out of hand, and Ryan did the same for him.

Shifting gears a little Ryan thinks about Alec's comment on friends and gives a small nod. There were very few people she would consider friends, and she often was over careful on who she called a friend but he was right it was nice.

"It is nice to have friends, people you can trust and know have your back. Doesn't come easy thats for sure and sometimes you have to weed out those who really are not true friends but in the end it worth it."

Giving another smile and a sip of her drink Ryan pauses for a second before continuing.

"Hey the guys joked around with ya today thats a good start in making friends, and....my brother wants you to call him thats a good sign too. If you were going to choose any people to be friends with I'd say my brother is defiantly one of the good ones. He knows how to have fun and stay out of trouble...most of the time and he'd watch your back even if it killed him."

Moving onto the other side of the table with Chance and hearing his comment Destiny looks down at her fried chicken sandwich.

"This was fried in grease I guess that counts right and its loaded with cheese."

Giving another laugh Destiny picks up her frosty and gives a long slurp trying to get the thick liquid through the straw. Finally getting a little she gives up for now and sets the drink down before taking a bit of her own food.

Looking across the table once she was done chewing Destiny just study's Chance for a long moment. Taking him in, and working him over in her mind. Her voice taking on a different tone of one who really was interested Destiny speaks.

"So what do you like to do for fun on a normal day?"

Giving a nod and leaning against her car that Cassy had wondered over to while talking to Leo to take a little pressure off her knee she thinks for a moment. What Leo was feeling Cassy could understand and it was easy to see the pain in his eyes. This woman really had hurt him and it upset Cassy to know she had done such a good job and damaging such a great guy.

"I guess thats the thing with love...we gotta take a bunch of falls before we can finally sore high. And maybe...you should stop blaming yourself for this happening. What if this, and what if that is all find and dandy and maybe you would of kept Ryan, but than you would of lost who you are alone the way and been just as miserable."

Shifting her weight just a little Cassy continues to lean against her car as she brings a hand to her mouth in deep thought for a moment. Her and Leo's situations had been quite differnt, but she tried to play how she felt in her mind over again to try and give her a better foot on what to say. But when it came down to it all Cassy could so was speak from her heart.

"Don't let this one incontinent put you put though forever. You just need to find someone who likes you for Leo Barnsworth, and everything you have to offer and not try to be someone else. Your little world where you fit best, is where the woman your gonna be with is gonna be happy too. Moving out and trying to be someone your not its only gonna end in pain."

Cassy gives a smile as she pushes off the car and comes over a little close to Leo giving a smile as the sun reflects off her hair, and the light dances in her eyes.

"You think your just a bumbling idiot that no one could love...your wrong. All the work you have done for me, everything you have fixed is not the work of a clumsy idiot, its the work of a man who is will to give his heart to his friend and do his best. Without you, non of this stuff would of gotten done. Your a great guy, and a great friend and I'd be willing to stand up to anyone, any day and tell them your prefect just the way you are."

Searching Leo's face for a long moment Cassy can feel her cheeks get a little red. Maybe she spoke from her heart a little to much, but its what she felt...not as a person who wanted a deeper relationship with Leo, but as his friend.

Where I fit

Alec crunches into his onion ring and nods thoughtfully. Pausing, he sees the question in Ryan's eye and he shrugs. "Just wondering. Gotta keep an eye on these guys, ya know? Chick like you... guys all over might wanna move in on you and I'd never know."

A grin forms and he winks at Ryan. He knew she wouldn't give him up for someone else. "Naw... guess I figure you were tryin' to be friends with Leo and all and I guess maybe somewhere along the way I wound up feeling a little bad that I took that away from you." He shrugs and runs an onion ring through the fixings on his hotdog. "Guess maybe I hoped you'd get some of that back or something, I don't know."

Swallowing his bite, he looks back to Ryan, squinting a little in the sun. "I don't know what it's like to have real friends... other than you, I mean. But it looks nice."

"Alright. Main drag it is." Chance pulls out of the parking lot and heads the way Destiny directed him. Hitting the main street, he drives a little slower, looking at all the signs. "Hmmm..." He mumbles to himself mostly as he reads aloud the fast food options.

Eventually they wind up at a Wendy's and after ordering, Chance picks a spot in the far corner near a window. Settling down at the small table, he bites into his bacon cheeseburger and lets out a yummy "Mmmm." Grinning, he looks across at Destiny. "Nothing like a bit of grease to make a meal taste good."

Leo concentrates on the sidewalk as Cassy talks to him. What she said made sense. Most of it he knew, but sometimes coming from someone else made it easier to digest.

Cassy's final question makes all his other trains of thought cease as he stares at the pebble being pushed around by the toe of his sneaker. He really didn't want to answer her... it didn't feel good and he didn't like where that thought process took him. But Cassy was his friend... she understood him... and he knew he needed to work through this.

"You're right... it really did... does hurt. Not just because she went off with another guy but because..." He shrugs. "I tried so hard... twice."

He finally gets up enough nerve to look up at Cassy. "I feel like a fool. I was hard up for a girl's attention, ya know? Guy like me... not exactly Hercules or Mr. Charm." Leo can feel a little heat on his neck and he shrugs again, lowering his arms to tuck his hands in his jeans pockets.

"When Ryan accepted me, it was like wow... I got Ryan McKade... I was the envy of all the guys. Mistake number one. Then when I found out it was all a lie, but she decided she really did like me, so I actually took her back. Mistake number two. Then along came Alec."

Leo clears his throat and takes a moment to think, glancing down the street at some traffic, then finally looking at the sidewalk again. "So... the best man won. I wasn't enough. Wasn't good enough... wasn't adventurous enough, I don't know. But Ryan chose a guy that should be in prison. I guess he just had the right moves."

Pausing, he finally looks at Cassy again, his eyes full of frustration, confusion and hurt. "So I guess what's blocking me from moving on is as simple as pride. I feel like the biggest idiot on the planet for ever thinking I could actually have Ryan McKade. I'm Leo Barnsworth - class clown, garage klutz, dumb handyman... now we can add ditched fool."

Biting his lip, Leo knew good and well Cassy wouldn't agree with his attitude. "I just need to let it go... Ryan's got what she wants now and I'm not it. I just need to accept it and settle back into my own little world I always lived in. It's where I fit best."


Coming out more Cassy stands with Leo in as the nice sun light shines down on them. It felt kind of strange hearing about Leo's ex but she was his friend so she new listing was part of it and though it felt odd she new there was nothing she could do and listing was the best thing a friend could do.

"Yeah I bet it does suck. I kind relate to you a little, I mean I saw Steve the other day his arms around another girl and it really hurt inside. But I think maybe what your feeling with Ryan hurts a lot more."

Shifting a little Cassy thinks for a long moment before talking about. Just working words over in her head before speaking knowing she had to be carfel on what she said as not to make it for her own gain.

"When we give our heart to someone and than they break it, its really not an easy thing to forgive. I think forgetting is the wrong way to go about it, to really get over it forgiveness, acceptance, and than moving on is what will help with you feeling better. But yes I know thats three of the hardest things to do."

Cocking her head a little to look at Leo in the eye her own look reflected she did know it was hard to handle sometimes and she had been there were he was and sometimes still was with trying to move on. Though she might be one step a head she'd been going through the same thing he was.

"Whats the thing thats the hardest about this whole Ryan thing that blocks your way?"

Helping Chance load everything into the car Destiny can hear her stomach rumble as she snaps her seat belt. As if Chance himself could read her mind Destiny can't help but laugh a little at his mention of food.

"No one told me you were a mind reader too."

Shaking her head a little and leaning back in the seat she lets out a low sigh. Today had been filled with many things are she was pooped but was she really about to call it quits so early? She was having a nice time out with Chance. Though he was her bodyguard he was quickly becoming a friend she could act completely out of the normal with too.

"I think grabbing something for lunch sounds nice. Crazy because we have all this food now, but nice non the less."

Turning her head to look at Chance the light catch Destiny's eyes and makes them glow for a second the smile still on her lips. Inside her felt so broken, and still scared that every moment she took could be the wrong one for the Agency to strike but she had to have some kind of fun or she would go crazy.

"You get to pick where though. If you take a left out of here, and than a right at the first stop light you will come to the main drag where there are a bunch of fast food places we could grab a bit at."

Sitting down with her food Ryan is quiet for a long while enjoying her chili dog and frys. It had been so long since she had, had one that now it was like someone had given her a million dollars.

Finally looking up at Alec and watching him as he played with his onion ring Ryan gave a chuckle before taking a sip of her drink. Hearing his question she things for a moment finding it strange he would ask about Leo, let alone think she would know to much.

"He's doing ok I think. We had it out at work a week back, and than he got pretty sick with a cold. He's better now and been to work like normal. Though the grapevine I've heard he's got a friend he's been helping out and spending a lot of time with. Other than that I don't know much else."

Taking a fry and dipping it into the ketchup Ryan takes a bit just looking at Alec for a long moment not being able to help the curiosity that played in her eyes but didn't makes its way to her lips.

Your pick

Leo hadn't realized Cassy had come out, so her words startle him. Giving a little jolt, he turns around quickly, sending droplets of paint onto the sidewalk. "Huh? Oh. Yeah... yeah, everything's fine." He turns back to the window, trying to continue painting, but it just doesn't work. Finally he looks back at Cassy and sighs, giving up. He tosses the paintbrush into the half-empty can and leans back against the dry wall, folding his arms. "No, it's not. That was Eli... Ryan's brother. And I'm being selfish, grouchy, hypocritical and bitter."

Looking out to the street, he avoids Cassy's eyes. "I don't understand why I can't just let things go, ya know? I'm holding a grudge and it doesn't even feel good. I think I can forget, then it crops up again."

His eyes trail down to the sidewalk at his feet and he kicks at a pebble. He was sure Cassy really didn't need to hear all this. A simple "yes" or "no" would have been fine.

Chance shrugs nonchalantly. "I'm not a big breakfast person and really I'll eat any of this stuff. So it doesn't matter much to me."

Finally picking out some light breakfast foods, it's on to the next aisle. Soon they've gone from one end to the other and their shopping cart was full, but not overflowing. They'd chosen all the essentials and only a few extras, knowing they'd be back.

Once through the line and all loaded in the car, Chance lets the motor run before pulling out. "Alright, so after all that food shopping, I'm starving. We can grab a bite somewhere, or go back and make our own lunch. Your pick."

Alec follows along with Ryan, more than happy to be eating lunch with her. It doesn't take long for them to get their food and get settled on a picnic table that overlooked the little beach on the lake.

Digging into his food, Alec is quiet for a while, enjoying his hotdog and onion rings. Playing with an onion ring, he closes one eye and looks through it at Ryan, framing her in the fried circle. "So... how's Leo been lately? Haven't seen him around much at the shop when I've shown up."

Seemed comfortable

Accepting another kiss Ryan doesn't mind at all. Every kiss with Alec seemed new, exciting, like her eyes were being open again to what the feelings felt like.

Thrown from the thought quickly though and before Ryan even new what was happing she was out of the car and standing in front of Alec. Giving a laugh and a shake of her head Ryan goes to the other side of the car again pulling the keys off her seat from where she had dropped them.

"Alright, lets get some food..I am ready know I want a chili dog and some frys. We can sit over on the picnic tables to eat and than go for a nice walk."

Coming back around to the side with Alec again Ryan grins at him before heading twords the little hot dog stand.

Staring back at Chance for a long moment Destiny holds her smile as she watches him. Hearins his soft words she finally blinks. Had she heard him right? He'd said it so softly surly she had miss heard him. But still a little color comes her her cheeks as she hopes off the back of the car and comes along side him to look at the different things in front of them.

"Lets see...I like Granola bars, and Cereal so lets get both. Any kind you like over another? Your going to be eating there too remember? I want to make sure we have stuff in the house you like too."

Looking over her shoulder at Chance she gives a smile. It felt strange saying he would be eating in the house with her yet at the same time it seemed comfortable to say it even if he was just protecting her there.

Glancing out the door and seeing Leo talking with someone else Cassy just watches for a few moments. Everything looked to be ok until Leo's face dropped slightly. Cassy didn't want to be nosey so she just went back about her work till she heard the motorcycle drive off.

Going to the door and just watching Leo for a long moment Cassy couldn't help but worry a little for her friend. Finally stepping out she looks up at Leo and gives a smile.

"Everything ok?"


"Mmm..." Alec murmurs and sighs with pleasure at Ryan's attention. His arms tighten around her, as he pays no attention to what time it was, or how much time they had before they needed to get back. Enveloped in another kiss was all he cared about.

Eventually pulling away a little bit, he smiles at Ryan, resting his forehead against hers. "Alright, Miss Danger... I guess you're stuck with me."

He plants another kiss on her lips, but quite suddenly, his hand is on the doorhandle. Opening the door, he grabs hold of Ryan and pulls her out of the car with him, standing her up. "Okay, time for food," he announces abruptly, abandoning the cuddling. "And a walk on the beach."

Chance finally laughs too, joining in with Destiny as he stops the cart in the next aisle. "She was pretty funny," he agrees.

Leaning on the handle of the cart, he just studies Destiny for a moment, seeing life behind the veil of sorrow that had been placed over her eyes. "I like the look on your face right now too," he comments, almost too quietly to hear.

Just as quickly as he'd said it though, he looks away, clearing his throat, and points to the breakfast food. "Cereal? Poptarts? Granola bars? What'll you have?"

Concentrating on painting the trim around the outside window, Leo's brush falters as he hears a motorcycle rev behind him. Pausing his work, he turns around and is surprised to see Eli pull up to the curb.

It was odd Eli would stop or seek him out, and for a moment, Leo wonders if something is wrong. Setting down his paintbrush and wiping his hands on a towel, he wanders over to the bike as it's turned off. "Eli."

Eli takes off his helmet and nods to Leo. "Hey, how's it going?"

They didn't talk as much, now that Leo wasn't over at the apartment with Ryan anymore, but Leo did miss Eli's company sometimes. "It's going alright."

"Somebody said I might find you here. Part time job?"

"No... just helping out a friend." Leo glances over his shoulder, seeing Cassy's form in the doorway. He looks back to Eli with question. "What's up?"

Eli knew he might as well just cut to the chase. "I came to ask your help."

Leo quirks an eyebrow and folds his arms. "Help with what?"

"You said once you had a friend who had a big garage... I'm needing space for a paint job."

"There's plenty of places you could find without asking me." Leo was even more suspicious now. "Mark's shed is five miles out of town. A bit out of your way, don't you think?"

"Yeah, well... If you could just get a hold of the keys... that would be helpful."

Leo's eyes narrow. "What's going on, Eli?"

Eli purses his lips, then gestures down to where he'd sanded his bike earlier. "You can't see it now, but somebody got to my bike... mine and my girlfriend's. This little job of mine, it's... well, let's just say it's payback... in the nicest way, of course."

"Oh, no..." Leo shakes his head. "You're not dragging me into the middle of something like that. I'm sorry about your bikes, but I got-"

"It was Roth."

Leo stops short, anger automatically surfacing. "Roth? Why?"

"It's my girl... she used to be his. He got mad... ruined the paint on my bike, and the job I'd just done on hers."

"So what exactly is it you're planning?"

"I just want to... borrow... Roth's racing car. Just for a couple days, mind you. He won't even know it's gone. And my girl's out of town so she won't get involved."

Leo had a feeling he knew what Eli was up to. "And you want Mark's garage to keep it during those couple days because it's far from town."

"Might be nice to have an extra set of hands to push, too."

Leo thinks for a moment, still skeptical. "Ryan in on this?"

"Probably." Eli searches Leo's eyes. "Her and Alec both if I can nab them."

Leo immediately backs down. "Aw, no... no, I'm sorry. I just can't do that. I'll get you Mark's keys but other than that, you're on your own."

"Come on, Leo," Eli begs. "You wanna get back at Roth too, right?"

"Sounds like you got enough people," Leo spits back.

Eli sighs, seeing that Leo didn't want to be around Ryan and Alec and he couldn't blame him. "Yeah, okay. Just get me the keys and tell me where the shed is."

"Alright. When?"


Leo quirks an eyebrow. "I'll try to make it happen. If I can, I'll stop by your place tonight with the keys."

"Ten o'clock?"

"Got it." Leo backs up as Eli starts his engine again. Standing still for several moments, he stares down the street, even after the bike was out of sight. Even if he was just getting a set of keys, it meant he was involved in this thing. He did want to get back at Roth, and he knew whatever plan Eli had up his sleeve was probably a good one. But he just couldn't do more than secure a safe location... he wasn't going to work alongside Ryan, let alone her and Alec both. That was asking too much.

Put in a bit of a sour state, Leo spins around and stalks back to the window, grabbing his paintbrush again. His first swipe and paint lands on the window, making him growl at himself. "Nice, Leo." Taking his towel, he wipes it off and starts again, though his mood wasn't much for intricate work at this point.