

Seeing Scott's hands Hope's heart sinks though she was happy it was a punching bag he used and not someones face. Grabbing another fry Hope pops it into her mouth sitting back in the chair.

"I'm sorry you had a rough day. Want to talk about it? I have two good eats and all the time in the world."

Giving another friendly smile Hope would listen if Scott wanted to talk. She might be a councilor but like she told him before she is always a friend first and would always listen off the clock.

Getting an even bigger smile on his face BJ was happy to have a task of taking Jason to Wes and his mom. Taking Jason by the hand the little boy moved fast, but could hardly drag Jason seeing as his legs where longer. 

Seeing Jason on his way over Wes stands with Kaylee in arms and extends his free hand out to Jason giving a very big smile to his step son knowing this meant a lot to Cindy.

"Well look what the cat dragged in here. It good to see you Jason, you mother was worried sick you would change your mind after all."

Giving another nod Faith liked watching the family reunion, everyone exchanging there hugs, kiss, hellos and how are yous. It was a wonderful sight to see such a close family, it warmed Faith's heart. She was happy she would be able to meet everyone before her surgery as well, and not have to have them meet her first hand after.

"Thats really nice they came out for Christmas. I can tell it means alot for this family to be close and together. I like that."

Seeing Ryder's eyes fall on him Dan gives a nod to the new comer he had no met along with the young woman next to him. There seemed to be an off connection there for a moment but it soon broken as Katie goes to Ryder and Thirteen again.

"You guys can come and sit with Jason, my dad, Aunt and I if you like. They were just about to eat dinner or we made it in time."

Rosetta laughs at her niece and mess up her hair a little just happy to have the whole family around even if some of them didn't know it. Though she had to wonder what the intent of having Thirteen here was.

"Just like a Pent you are Katie always on time for food."

Feeling out of place Thirteen didnt know what to do or what to say. She hoped thing would get a little easier the longer they were here though. For now it was just....odd.

Just a little awkward

Scott looks down a moment, swiveling back and forth. "Other than me being tired? Yeah... yeah, things are fine."

He looks to the food, wishing he felt hungrier than he did. But what made him feel worse was lying to Hope. Sighing, he shakes his head. "Naw... it was a rough day, actually."

Swallowing hard, he finally reveals his bandaged hands and sets them up on his desk. "I had a fight with a punching bag... and lost." He shrugs. "Otherwise, it was a perfectly horrible day, deserving of the crap of the year award."

Jason's eyes widen and he catches his balance as the energetic little boy smacks into him. "Whoa, BJ, my man!" He ruffles BJ's hair and laughs. "One of these days, you're gonna run me right over. Where do you get your energy?" Finally free, he nods to the tables. "How about you showing me where my mom and Wes are, hmm?"

Ryder chuckles and winks at the child, getting a kick out of both the energy, and seeing Jason around a kid. He gives Thirteen's hand an extra little squeeze to let her know they were just fine. He nods to the faces as Katie introduces them, seeing some that he found oddly familiar. 

Sparky nods to Faith. "Far as I know, they're staying through Christmas, yeah." His eyes find Thirteen again, wondering at her presence. He knew without a doubt who she was, and he couldn't help but question what Trent would do. As far as Sparky knew, this had not been planned. 

And he was right. Trent sees Jasmine looking at him, and he finds it hard to muster up enough of a smile to appear cordial at least, while on the inside, something near panic was making his stomach church. He catches Ryder's eye and lifts an eyebrow as if asking what on earth was going on. But he receives no silent response. Instead, it's just Jasmine's wave. He finds himself giving her a little wave in return, but nothing more. 

Feeling a bit awkward himself, Ryder takes another sweep with his eyes, for some reason landing on Dan. He gives a nod of greeting, wondering now if he and Thirteen were to sit with Jason and Katie or somewhere else. 

New faces

Leaning into Gage as his arm is around her Sapphire enjoyed the closeness, and the warmth his offered. It was nice to be with someone and to be able to walk tall with a mans arm around her shoulder.

"Mmm...dinner sounds more than good. I think I am starving. Anything you want, its here you pick what we have."

Grabbing one of the extra chairs Hope sits down across from Scott's desk returning the smile. She could feel the tension in the air, one could cut it with a knife. Glancing to Dalton and than back to Scott Hope starts to open the food bag taking some burgers and frys out, turning back to Dalton again Hope gives an apologetic look.

"Sorry Hulk I didn't know you were still here or I would of got something for you too."

Looking up from his computer Dalton gives a smile and pushes away from his computer. He was happy Hope was here and only hoped Scott would talk to her. Maybe they needed some time alone.

"Oh, that's ok I was just about to go grab something myself. I'll be back shortly. You guys have a nice meal."

Grabbing his jacket Dalton heads out of the office closing the door behind him.

Watching Dalton leave Hope turns back to Scott still smiling. Searching his eyes for a long moment Hope grabs a fry to munch on. 

"You look tired today. Everything ok?"

Entering the dinning hall with Jason and the other Katie smiles as Jeff takes her into a hug. She hadnt been gone all that long but it seemed like forever she had seen her father. Kissing him a kiss on the cheek Katie pulls away.

"Hey Daddy!!!! Its good to see you again."

Looking up from her dinner plate a smile forms on Rosetta's face as she sees Katie. Looking behind them her eyes show a little question as the two new people. She could only guess the other young lady was Jasmine but how much she looked like Kaite, and than that must be Ryder with her.

"Katie, Jason...its good to see you made it."

Before anything else can be said a little lighting bolt shoots across the dinningroom running right into Jason's legs and clinging to them.


BJ look up at him smiling. He'd always liked Jason and recintly had been asking Rosetta when he would see him again. He always liked when other guys were around craving for the male bonding even at a young age.

Giving a laugh at her little cousin Katie looks to Jason, Jeff, and than to Rosetta giving a smile. Finally stepping back a little Katie extend her hand to Thirteen and Ryder.

"Everyone this is Jasmine, but she likes to be called Thirteen, and than this is her boyfriend and friend of ours Ryder. Ryder, Thirteen this is, My aunt Rosetta, and my dad Jeff...than this little ball of fun here is BJ my cousin."

Giving a smile and a nod Faith was happy for a small informal introduction. Slowly taking Sparky's hand under the table she looks to him mouthing thank you. It was amazing how much Katie looks like her Aunt.

"They will be staying for Christmas too?"
Staying close to Ryder Thirteens eyes scan the room as she grips his hand. She been told these people were ok, but she couldn't help but be scared anyways of all the new faces and people. Trying to give a smile to the new people she had been just introduced to Thirteens eyes catch sight of Trent. Knowing him she gives a little wave to make herself a little more comfortable waiting for Ryder's lead.


Once the ride is over, Gage's face is flushed with the adrenaline and his rare laughter. Looking over Sapphire's shoulder at the picture, he laughs again. "Aw great, first picture turned out great all right. Look at that look on my face." 

Still grinning, he slips his hand from hers and instead, he moves his arm around her shoulders. "Since my stomach is still in tact, I think it's time for some food. I even have a couple bucks on me." 

Scott looks up as Hope comes into the office, trying to bring a smile to his lips. "Hey." Receiving her kiss and hug, he returns the kiss, but not the hug, keeping his hands in his lap under the desk. 

"Oh... things have been okay." He gives Dalton a sidelong glance before looking back to Hope. His body rocks nervously in his chair without him even realizing it. "How 'bout you?"

Jade pries herself from Dan, returning a quick kiss before accepting her bag. Walking to the bus, she takes a few backward strides, giving Dan one last wave before boarding. It was going to be a nice long ride, but soon she would return. 

"Squeeze away." Ryder locks his fingers with Thirteen. "Just don't cut my blood circulation off." 

Hearing Katie's comment, he whacks the back of her seat. "Hey. Lippy sheilas don't get parachutes when it's time to jump." 

Jason quirks an eyebrow. "Oooh, now you're playing dirty." 

"Aussie's privilege." Ryder leans back in his seat and pulls the brim of his outback hat over his eyes. "Wake me up when we get there." 

The plane ride really doesn't take long at all, especially with the lighthearted banter that keeps up even after they land in Texas. Picking up a car and heading to the ranch, it's near nightfall by the time they arrive, and just in time for supper. 

Jason parks near the garage and helps grab bags and makes sure the other three are in toe before heading to the dining hall. They'd have to move their bags later, but at this time of evening, this was where everyone would be. Comfortable with the ranch, Jason goes ahead and opens the door for the others. 

Inside, the ranch is settling in for supper, the conversations and clanking of dinnerware filling the room. One of the closest to the door, Jeff turns in his seat, his eyes lighting up when he sees who had just entered. He's immediately on his feet, taking Katie into a hug. "Hey, Kiddo, you made it!" 

Jason grins and spots Wes with his Mom and Kaylee a few tables away, and waves to them. 

Ryder sticks close to Thirteen so she knows it's okay, his hand holding hers in a protective grip. He was fine with the small crowd even though he didn't know them, but he knew this was a big deal for her. They stand off to the side, just waiting for some introductions or cues as to what to do next. 

Sparky looks up from the side, seeing the visitors and he smiles. Giving Faith a little nudge with his knee under the table, he nods. "And here we have Katie, who I've told you about, her boyfriend Jason and.... looks like they brought some friends with them."

Trent wanders to the side door of the dining hall, having hardly been seen all day. No one knew where he disappeared to, but usually it was for several hours. Most of the time he showed up to help with chores and "earn his keep" as he said, but even after having been here for so long now, he still kept to himself.

Now he headed inside to join the others for supper, though usually he found his quiet corner to sit alone. Sometimes some of the others sought him out and sat with him because they thought he was lonely, but most of the time he just quietly observed the others, content with solitude.

Stepping through the door, he closes it behind him and his eyes scan the room. He wasn't the last one in, but almost. Starting for his usual table in the far corner, he stops in his tracks. He had heard Katie and Jason were coming but... they had brought Ryder and Jasmine? His face pales slightly. Whose idea had that been? Had someone told Jasmine the truth? Why would Ryder have let her come here?


Getting on the roller coaster with Gage Sapphire's heart thumped in her chest. It was the thrill of the ride, and the ability to scream out all the frustration that drove her to love these rides.

Taking Gage's hand in her own as the ride started Sapphire gives a nervous smile before she finally admits something no one else new.

"I love these rides and I have gone on them many times alone, but...they still make me nervous so I am happy your right next to me. Its always fun with a friend, I wouldn't change this for the world."

Getting to the top hill it was always the best Sapphire looks out across the park and far on to where the hills met the sky. The cart just stopping long enough for Sapphire to points some things out to Gage. Finally as it plunges down a long scream come from her lips as she lets go of Gage's hand. Her own in the air, and the sound of her voice running out for all those to hear.

Knowing when they come come along to where there picture would be taken on the roller coaster Sapphire points and puts her arm around Gage's shoulder the best she can while still strapped in. Bringing her own head to Gage's and smile big.

Once the ride stops Sapphire gasps for air, as she knows for sure her voice will be raspy tomorrow but it was definitely worth it. Taking Gage's hand once again Sapphire felt a little shaky but not from being scaired, but from the excitement that ran through her veins. Stopping at the little phone shop on there way out Sapphire takes two of the pictures of Gage and herself on the ride. Handing one to Gage she smiles.

"Our first picture together, It turned out great!"

Entering TJY food in hand Hope makes her way across the floor. Going to her makeshift office first to drop off a few things and than heading to Scott's office. Giving a knock on the door Hope enters. Giving a small nod to Dalton she made her way to Scott's desk. Giving him a light kiss, and a hug before placing the bag of fast food on the counter.

"Hey there, I sure did miss you today. Hows everything been going here?"

Returning Jade's hug Dan nuzzles his face into her hair. He sure was going to miss her, just thinking about her leaving was enough to put a sadness in his heart. But at least she would be back that was comforting to know. Placing a finger under her chin Dan tilts her head up so he can look into her eyes.

"Please do, I'm gonna worry the whole way till I hear your call. Try and have a nice time, even if your not looking forward to being there...ok?"

Just holding Jade for a long moment Dan finally lets go and leans down to give her a kiss. Before backing away and picking up her bag to hand it to her. A smile on his face but somewhere behind his eyes was a glossy glisten he was going to miss her.

"You better get going so you don't miss your bus."

Sitting down in the seat next to Ryder by the window Thirteen looks out before back to Ryder. She was nervous and excited all at the same time. Taking Ryder's hand Thirteen gives a little laugh at his comment.

"But it would be a lot funnier the other way around, but I guess I wont. As long as I can squeeze your hand really tight."

Thirteen gives another big smile to Ryder before leaning her head on his shoulder doing her best to keep her nerves calm.

Giving a glance over her shoulder Katie smiles and than looks back at Jason, her eyes twinkling she was so excited to be going home.

They certainly do. I'm glad they found each other. They are are prefect match.

She'd gotten use to the jet by now, it was just another day, and another ride. Taking Jason's hand in her own Katie gives it a gentile squeeze pulling on his good emotions. Her heart was content and in love, how could it get any better? Giving a small giggle Katie looks behind them again.

"Hey keep it down back there, I'd like to not puke from the mushy stuff."


Spending time with Sapphire at the amusement park, Gage couldn't help but have fun. Though there was a dark cloud looming behind them, at least for this day, they could try to forget and just focus on thing that were not stressful. 

Waiting for Sapphire at the restrooms, Gage paces slowly, taking in the surrounding people. He watched their movements, expressions and their walk. It was an old habit for times when he needed to decide if he was surrounded by friend or foe. 

Rejoined by Sapphire, he grins. "A little? What's the fun of just screaming a little? Of course I'm ready. Lead the way." Taking her hand again, he lets her lead as he didn't know where any of the rides were. The line wasn't long, so it only took a few minutes before they were seated in the roller coaster. Harnessed in and slowly ascending, Gage looks down for a moment before giving Sapphire a sidelong glance. "I think I forgot to tell you...."

The coaster reaches the top of the hill, cresting to face the giant drop. "...I've never been on a rollercooaaaaaastteeerrrrrr!" His sentence is lost amidst his own yell as he screams right along with Sapphire. There was laughter in his voice though and by the second hill, his arms were in the air, feeling freer than he had in a very long time.

Scott lifts his head slightly, spying the can of pop. If he looked half as bad as he felt at the moment, it was no wonder Dalton thought he needed the pick-me-up. 

Straightening in his chair, Scott nods a little. "Thanks." He flips the can open and takes a long swallow of the cool drink. Setting it back down, he sighs, just thinking for a long moment. His phone rings in his pocket, but he ignores it. If it was his mother or sister, he didn't want to talk to them right now. Once he hears he has a new voice mail though, he listens to it, hearing Hope's message. At least she wasn't upset about Christmas. He'd hoped she wouldn't be coming back to the office today, but now she was, and there was no way he could hide his bandaged hands. 

Closing his phone, he sighs again. He wanted to go home. He wanted to go hide from the world. It wasn't fear this time. It was just.... everything felt so messed up. 

"I gotta get it out of my head," he murmurs. "The Agency put it in me, there's gotta be a way to take it out." 

With that thought, he leans to his computer, trying to at least get a little bit of work done. Opening his email though, and he felt another kick to his gut. He goes to reply, but then stops, closing out the email altogether. It wasn't worth the time. His sister wasn't going to listen to him no matter what he said. 

Forcing himself to work, he knows Hope will be arriving soon, so he better have a good reason for looking the way he did. Maybe if he just stayed seated at his desk, he could hide his hands in his lap. 

Jade sighs and looks to the bus then back at Dan. She felt like she was a magnet, stuck to his truck. She didn't want to go home... not right now. She loved her mom and knew her mom loved her, but Jade knew that eventually, the subject of her dad would be brought up and she really didn't want to deal with that now, not to mention everything going on with Dylan. 

Wrapping her arms around Dan as they stood on the sidewalk, she nestles her head against his chest. "I'll call you when I get there," she promises. 

A short walk on the tarmac, bags in hand and up the short flight of stairs. Into the jet and down the little aisle to find a good spot to sit, Ryder lets Thirteen take the window seat and eases down next to her. 

Nudging her with an elbow, he teases her. "Now if we're up in the air and you get sick, barf in the bag, not on my lap, alright?"

Jason grins as he hears Ryder and sit down in a seat closer to the back that had more room for his long legs. He was so used to the Elite jets that it was all routine to him. He throws Katie a wink. 
I hate to admit it but... those two are kinda cute.