

   "Ha, I doubt I'll ever be better than you, but it is a nice though."

 Ashlee laughs as she goes to her ball and does the easy putt into the hole.  It was the easy ones she had no problem with and it was with Dylan's help that made this hole a par 2, and not 6.

   "Think after this I can convince my mom to let us have some ice cream? All of a sudden I got a hankering...but than again...She might be to busy still?"

Watching her daughter and Dylan play golf together Stacy just taken in what she saw. Eric was right to a normal person they might think Dylan wasn't having much for or that he hated being here with the younger girl but to her she saw a boy who wanted a childhood and maybe had find a small way to have one.

   "I think I saw him smile once or twice myself. Maybe we should go sit on a bench over there and let them have fun. I've been kinda trying not to be on top of Dylan so he fells like he has some space."

Tonight she had agreed to let Dylan come not so she could watch him but to keep Ashlee company. She now didn't want Dylan to think she would be watching his every moment. He needed a chance to live too no matter his mistakes.

Taking Zach's hand to stand Beth gives a smile as she brushes the grass off of her. It had been a very nice afternoon and she was excited about next week. She would be going on her first real date. A million things races through her mind. What would she ware, how would she do her hair...Beth couldn't help but wonder if this was the stuff every girl thought about.

   "That sounds good to me. Thanks so much for the great day, and I look forward to getting your call about next week."

Walking back with Zach to the cars Beth didn't want the evening to end so soon. If she had her way she would want it to last at least an hour longer. Time spent with Zach was always enjoyable. Just being out was nice in itself. 

Giving a wave to Zach as he pulled away Beth sat in her car for a long moment a smile pasted on her face. Today had been great, tomorrow would be even better with church and fishing with Justin than next week...a date...a real date.

Pulling out her phone and dialing Justin Beth waits to hear his voice mail before talking. She figured he might be busy right now so she could just leave a message.

   "Hey Justin its Beth. I wanted to make sure we were still on tomorrow for church and fishing. I'm looking forward to it. Talk to ya soon."

Grace gives a nod to Jared. Today he been a nice day with a twist. She'd helped Jared in a few different ways and even in one that was unexpected. There was something about Jared Grace enjoyed. Though he was a bit lost he could hold an intelligent conversation and that told her he was smart. 

   "I'll be here tomorrow. A little bit later but not by much."

Laying on the couch her head in Clint's lap. Chase had gone to bed hours ago and now it was just time to relax and enjoy some time with her husband. A smile planted on her face as she looked up at him. Life was good right now, and she couldn't have asked for more. There secret sat on the tip of her toung just waiting for the right time.

   "So when do you think we should tell everyone? I'm surprised we have been able to keep it quiet this long."

Wendy lays a hand on her stomach. They had known for a while now another little one was on the way but they had kept it from everyone for more than one reason. She was excited and bless and it was hard keeping something like this from her parents.

   "It's starting to get hard to hide it simply for the fact of the baby bump starting to show."