
Invisible attack

You were kissing some girl...?

Pete reads his IM, his eyes narrowing slightly. But before he can type back to Jason, he's beaned in the head with the paper wad. Lifting his face, he slowly turns to see nothing, but he knows good and well that it had been Katie. Her muffled giggle proves it.

He still doesn't respond though, and still the only sound is the quiet clicking of computer keys.

It wasn't until several minutes later that Jason experiences sharp pricks, feeling almost like bug bites. The physical sensations take a ride on the emotional stream to the only one who would feel exactly what he did it. A sharp prick to the arm... then a leg... then a shoulder... then the back of the neck.. then the arm again. A person would think they were being attacked by invisible mosquitoes.

Alec cocks his head a little, studying Misty as if trying to figure out if she meant what she was saying. Did she really like having him around? That seemed a little far-fetched. But her eyes weren't lying. And was she really right about Ryan caring?

Dropping his gaze, he suddenly feels something strange. He'd known Ryan liked him at all but... but to maybe realize that people cared about him... wanted him around... it was different. It was... uncomfortable for some reason. It made him feel vulnerable.

He shifts his weight a little, mulling over his choices before he looks back up at Misty. Maybe he really could talk to Reese... and maybe he could call Ryan too and try to figure out how bad the damage was.

Instead of arguing further, a little grin upturns just the very corner of his mouth. "You're all right."

It was the opportune time to leave now. He was fixed up, Misty had work to do, and he should go talk to Reese. But for some reason he stays seated on the table. Heat crept up the back of his neck and he could feel an odd squeamish feeling in his stomach. But he wanted to ask. "Carson and Dani... they don't think much of me, do they?"

"Mmm, me too." Phil nods. "I like rainy weather... but not when I'm going to the lake." He grins and turns on the radio to find some good music for the rest of the ride.

Eventually getting to the lake, Phil parks near a spot where a tree was closeby on the grass, near where the beach started. Getting out first, he comes around to help Rayne and carry the food so she didn't have to worry about struggling with one arm.

Having brought an old blanket, its spread on the ground and soon they're seated in a nice shady place, far from anyone else who was around. It was a lovely view out onto the lake.

"Perfect spot," Phil muses, leaning back against the tree. He really did feel comfortable. For as short a time he'd known Rayne, he was enjoying her company immensely.


Katie lets out a laugh at she gets Jason's message. She thought it was completely hilarious that Pete had IMed Jason.

Awww...he's bent out of shape because I was picking on him for kissing some girl.

Ripping a peace of paper from her notebook that she didn't need Katie crumples up and stands a little taking aim into the other cubicle and launching the paper. Watching it as it hits Pete right in the side of the head Katie's eyes widen a little bit before she turns around quickly again and gets close to her computer like she had been working this whole time.

Not being able to help it though a chuckle comes from Katie's lips. She felt so hyper today, like she had so much pent up energy and just no way to release it.

Misty just watchs Alec as her goes off into a rant. A small chuckle coming from her lips. She couldn't help it, and didn't mean to let it stip out but for a moment there Alec had the same look in his eye Carson had.

"The say was just a saying Alec, and yes it means inside too. I guess since your not willing to tell Reese the truth all you can do is wait to see what happened and hope they catch the right guy. I'd hate to see you get shipped out of here for something you didn't do Alec. I like havin you around."

Hearing about his girl maybe deserving someone better Misty bends forward and give his leg a little wack before cocking her head and looking at Alec.

"Your right...maybe she does. But she choose you for a reason and why deprive her of that when it clear she knows what she wants right? I think if she didn't care at all she wouldn't bother being mad. Seems kinda senseless to be made at someone you didn't care about right?"

Sitting in the passenger seat Rayne turns her head to look at Phil and gives a smile. Today had been a really good day and she never felt so comfortable around someone before.

"I had a really nice time Phil, thank you for having me. Maybe next week I can go with you again."

Watching as the scenery pass Rayne just enjoys how everything looks. It was so pretty and well worth the ride.

"This is a nice ride. Its so pretty out this way. I think a picnic was a great idea and am happy the weather is in our favor."

Small speck

Silence. No response from Pete comes. Not even a paper ball. The only sound is the clicking of his keyboard as he's assumed to have returned to work, leaving the bantering battle where it was.


Jason cocks his head and looks at his computer screen for a moment, blinking.

Why did I just get an IM from Pete that warned me not to be romantic anymore because you think it's girlie? What on earth is he talking about?

Even though Alec was internalizing some of Misty's words, there were other parts that he couldn't swallow. "Reese hates my guts," he mutters. "All he does is bully me around. If he really did think I was innocent, he wouldn't have done this to me."

Alec raises his leg and pulls up his jeans to reveal the tracking device on his ankle. "I've seen him break the rules before. If he thought I was innocent, he'd do something about it."

Scowling at the floor, he shakes his head. "I can't tell him what really happened. If I do, I could have a whole angry lot on my back." Not to mention, he really didn't want to snitch on anyone - if the cops found out about fighting, they might finally crack down on the racing. He wasn't willing to do that to Ryan.

Scoffing a little, he looks back up at Misty. "The truth will set me free, huh? I thought that had to do with in here." He taps his chest. "Well I know the truth and I'm not a prisoner in myself. And if you're trying to use the phrase literally, unfortunately around here, the truth can put a guy behind bars, not out on the street." He waves his arm in the air.

"And as far as my girl goes..." He was just ready to say that he wasn't sorry about the fight but... was it the truth? He bites his tongue. "Maybe the other guy's right," he mumbles. "Maybe she deserves something more than me."

He could have left, but for some reason he stays seated. Maybe, just maybe, way down deep somewhere hidden in the darkness was a small speck of longing... such a small speck that maybe he didn't even know it existed... but perhaps it was a longing to stay... to talk... to get to know his sister-in-law when no other family existed anymore.

Phil sighs deeply with contentment, enjoying the passing scenery. Picking up Rayne for church had been fun, church itself had been great, and once they'd picked up the picnic food, the drive to the lake was most pleasurable. It was a sunny day, things were going right and Phil was... happy.

Glancing over to Rayne, he smiles. "It's not too bad of a jaunt up to the lake - some people don't like to drive it but it's never seemed too far to me."

He watches his mirrors as a car passes them. "Thanks for joining me in church today... it was fun."

Are you sure?

"Well...did you explain to him why you look like this? I am sure if you don't say anything at all he's doing to think thats because you did something wrong. Reese is a hard person, but he's not against listing if you just talk to him and I'm not just saying that because he's my Uncle either."

Misty backs up a few steps and leans against the counter behind her. Maybe it was good Rick was out today if she could help Alec at all that made her feel good. It seemed so long ago Carson was here, and she was saying the same thing. It felt funny to think back that far.

"If he didn't like you and really though you had been doing this he would of had someone from Brown's office down here already. He's just waiting on you now, because he can't ignore the similarity two you and whatever is going on with this case but at the same time deep down he knows you didn't do it but can't say anything. The truth will set you free Alec."

Letting out a small sigh as she thinks about the other part Alec had been talking about with his girl made her a laugh a little when she though about it. Shaking her head she trys to clear the memories of her own times being made at Carson.

"Do you know how many times I was made at your brother? A lot, and despite what everyone told me I always gave him another chance. Getting mad at someone is a natural thing, and it happens to the best of us. Sometimes its a good though though because getting mad is expressing yourself and giving someone else a kick to the butt is better than holding it in, letting it fester till there is no healing the wound because its to far gone. If your girl is mad at you I'm sure its for a good reason, not its your turn to make it up to her and show her you still care, and your sorry."

Misty had no idea where all she said came from but now that it was said there was no taking it back and she only hoped it helped Alec some how. She could see he was a good kid, and he was trying to get his life together she just...needed a push in the right direction like they all did sometimes.

Leaning on the wall as Pete's voice changes Katie hangs on his every word. Listing, picturing, her mouth twitching into a smile, hanging open just a little. She can feel her own heart start to race from the scene. How romantic, how perfect...it was....

Being putting out of her thought though as Pete confirms that was not how it happened and giving her a little wack to the face Katie can feel her heart stop as she gives a blink feeling totally sillt now.

"HEyyyyyy....thats not funny...."

Pushing away from the wall and sticking her toung out at him Katie goes back to her computer. Shaking her head to clear her mind she calls over her shoulder one last time before getting back to her own work.

"It would of been perfect if it had worked like that, and its unusual for a guy to come up with a romantic scene like that. Are you sure you like girls?"

Letting her own eyes go wide totally shocked she said that Katie looks over her shoulder a little bracing herself in case something was thrown her way. Maybe he hadn't heard her.

Promises of love

Alec's shoulders drop a little more. He had figured Misty would know what he meant, and sure enough, she did. Maybe she wasn't so bad after all. He shrugs lamely again. "I don't know... I feel like... like there's freedom out there just waiting for me, ready to be conquered. I could do whatever I wanted and be whoever I wanted." He throws his arms out wide, even though it hurt. "The world his huge. And here's me..."

Measuring with his first finger and thumb, he quotes the Genie from Aladdin. "Itty bitty living space."

He sighs. "Reese thinks I killed somebody and I don't even have a clue what that's about... my girl's mad at me... I just... thought I was getting somewhere. And now I'm right back here having to get patched up again."

Quirking an eyebrow, Pete smirks a little. Rolling his chair closer to the wall, he gets closer to Katie, lowering his voice. "Picture this...." He stares into some imagined scene, gesturing at the landscape.

"The lake... the sun setting, reflecting off the water in soft glows of orange and pink. I stare at Nikki... she stares at me... her face so radiant in the setting sun. She puts a hand to my face, her palm like velvet. She's trembling. I smile and take her into my arms. The breeze toys with her hair, creating little wisps across the deep pools of her eyes. Sweet nothings tumble gently from our lips as we express our long-forgotten love. I bend closer, feeling her breath on my skin. Whispered promises of love are carried off in the breeze. And just as the sunlight touches the horizon, the bliss of a sweet kiss transforms everything around us so we're completely alone, just the two of us."

Dropping his hand, Pete looks up over his shoulder at Katie, ruining the mood. "Actually it wasn't like that at all." He smirks a little and reaches up to give the side of Katie's head a teasing whack. "Get back to work."

Can't help the questions...

Listing to Pete and hearing that she might tell the whole world Katie stands up straghter and puts her hands on her hips, her voice a little louder now.

"HEY...I would not."

Realizing she was talking a little louder Katie looks both ways before bending down a little again leaning on the wall and looking at Pete.

"I would not. The only person that might know is Jason...and thats because he knows everything I know. So you kissed your friend who you haven't seen in ten years? Was it like....a Hi long time no see....or....a I missed you so much lets run away?"

Katie couldn't help the questions. She was bursting with energy and could never pass up a good romance triangle, or circle, or...whatever. Hearing about that stuff made her tingle and since she didn't have time to read any romance novels this was the next best thing.

As Leo takes her hand Cassy can feel the warm tingles form inside of her as her own cheeks turn yet. She would have to get use to taking complements because she had a feeling there would be a lot of them. Not that she minded she was just not use to it.

"Mmmm...I guess I am one lucky girl too than."

Curling her fingers with Leo's Cassy holds onto his hand not scared of the feeling she felt but welcome them. It was a whole new experience, and she was just soaking it up hoping it was as good for Leo as her.

Going back to the counter Misty grabs a few stairel things to take care of the cut and stitch it up for Alec so it would stop breaking open and heal. Coming back over and putting some antistatic on it Misty gives a little shake of her head as she starts to sew it up. It was strange to see Alec calm, but it was a look she had seen before in others and knows its one of defeat.

"Many people have sat right there and asked me that same question. One being your brother, another was Jason, I even sat there once and asked that question myself. The answer sadly is always the same though, there is nothing to cure that feeling in your stomach other than setting right that wrong you have done. Witch might be the biggest "

It doesn't take Misty long and the cut only takes four stitches but it was closed and should heal a little better now and leave a little less of a scar. Taking the gauze and placing it over the stitch job Misty takes it there a little before stepping back to look at Alec.

"I've got all the time in the world, and have a good ear for listing. So if you want to get whatever off your chest, your more than welcome to talk to me."

Gnawing feeling

Pete ignores Katie, though out of the corner of his eye he could see her head peeking up above the wall again. Her barrage of questions makes the corner of his mouth twitch, but he just keeps on typing, focusing on his computer screen.

"Of course I like girls - what do you think I am?" He stops mid-type. "Don't answer that, and no, you probably don't know her, thank goodness, or the entire world would know by now."

Finally giving Katie a sidelong glance, he stops typing and leans back in his chair. "She's just an old friend. Until yesterday we hadn't seen each other for about ten years. So there... that's all there is to know."

After ordering a supreme pizza and being left with Cassy again, Leo can feel a little heat in his face from her comment. He chuckles, lowering his gaze, almost embarrassed. His good looks were not something he was normally complimented on. "Yeah well... you're not too bad yourself."

Looking up again, he slides his hands across the table, taking Cassy's hands. "No, I take that back. You're beautiful. And I'm one lucky guy."

Alec obeys and eases back to sit on the table. "Long story."

Taking the pills, he swallows them easily. For once, he doesn't swat Misty away, just letting her check out some of his cuts and bruises. He doesn't even flinch when it hurts.

"Nah... I don't think I've got anything broken unless it's a cracked rib or two but I've had worse." He shrugs at her suggestion to stitches for the one cut. "You want to have at it, be my guest."

Looking down again, he knows it's probably strange for him to be his dejected, but this time he doesn't care of anyone notices. He was miserable and this time there was no way out. He was confined, not trusted, beat up and Ryan was mad at him to boot.

"You don't have anything to take away the gnawing feeling in my gut, do you?"


As Pete pushes her head back down in the cubicle Katie swats his hand with her own to stop him from touching her. A smile was on her face as she did think it was kind of funny.

"I wasn't ease dropping, but when someone says Holy Crap in the manor you did I can't help but be no alert that something is wrong."

Turning back to her computer Katie gives a little shake of her head before looking turning to look at the opposite wall. This time she new Pete was talking to her. Standing a little and slowly letting her head pop over the wall again so only the top of hear head, and her eyes were showing Katie raises and eyebrow.

"Who's Nikkie? Do I know her? I didn't even know you liked girls."

Though her mouth couldn't be seen a person could tell by her raised cheeks she was smile big. She couldnt help it. It was boring here today and paper work just didn't seem as exciting as always.

Getting to Mom and Pop's Cassy takes the menu and scans over it for a moment to look at there toppings. This was one of the best places to get pizza, and she new the menu almost by heart, but she like looking anyways. Each day there was something new on it and she just liked seeing what it was. Looking across the table at Leo she smiles.

"I like everything except little fish, and olives."

Cassy gave a little laugh not taking her eyes off Leo till Carson came over with the water. Having it set down in front of her Cassy takes a sip as both men talk for a moment not getting in the middle of the conversation. Looking up at Carson though she takes him in a little getting an idea of what Alec might look like since this was her brother. She didn't know why he was all that, she though Leo was a lot cuter.

"Mmmm...can I have a diet Pepsi please! And we are going to order a pizza I think, but I'm not sure what we are gonna have on it. Leo you can choose if you like I'm not picky."

Waiting for Leo to choose what he wanted on the pizza and than for Carson to leave again Cassy's eyes follow him before she looks back to Leo a smile forming on her face.

"If Alec looks anything like his brother I'd defiantly say I got the better prize in this whole thing. Your much more handsome Leo."

Looking up from her desk as Alec coming in Misty was a little surprised. It had been a little while since she had seen him here, or that he has even gotten into trouble but seeing that he looked like a truck hit him she was surprised even more.

"Alec...what happened to you? Come sit down."

She new Alec only asked for pain killers but she couldn't help the Dr side of her kick in along with the sister in law side on what had happened, and making sure he was ok. Getting a few things together to clean his wounds though they were dried up and cleaned around them anyways.

Taking a few meds from the cabinet and putting them in a little paper cup along with getting some water she hands them to him before giving him a once over again. He looked like crap and she wondered where else he might be hurting from whatever happened and if there was something more serous wrong.

"Are you hurt anywhere else? Broken bones? That cut above you eye looked like it could use a few stitches so it heals right."

Poking his head out of the room and checking to make sure no one was look Trey exits seeing it was clear for the most part. Walking like he was going to the break room he takes a detour down another hall just wanting to explore.

He was tired of being locked up in the room having no one to talk to. His cell phone didn't even seem to work down here to call anyone. So though he was instructed not to explore he did anyways. He'd stay out of trouble...for the most part and if no one new, he couldn't get in trouble. No on even ever came to check on him so they probably wouldn't know he was gone.


You're telling me.

Jason shoots a rubber band at the far wall, watching it bounce and fall down behind some filing boxes.

Reese has me doing paperwork too... me... paperwork... we're worse enemies than me and the Agency. I'm dying to get out and go take down a badguy. Unfortunately, someone else has been doing it for us.

He sighs and turns back to his work. It was even more boring here without Trooper.

Pete's eyes widen, his head shooting up as he hears Katie. Had he really said that out loud?

Rising out of his chair, he reaches over the cubicle wall to set his hand on Katie's head. "Shut up, nosy." He pushes her back down so she disappears again. "I can't help it that I think out loud. Quit eavesdropping."

Sitting down again, a sheepish grin appears on his face. Thinking out loud got him in trouble more often than not, but it was a habit he'd had since childhood. Though his hands return to his computer's keyboard, his mind was still preoccupied.

"Her name's Nikki," he finally answers quietly so no one else but Katie would hear him. "Tell anyone and you're dead meat."

Leo starts the car, then pauses as Cassy kisses him on the cheek. A grin emerges. Not that he'd ever tell anyone but... at the time, he'd liked Ryan's rough and tumble nature, but now... Cassy's soft and light personality made him feel so good.

"Alright. Pizza it is, then."

Making it to Mom and Pop's didn't take very long, and soon Leo is sitting across from Cassy in one of the booths. "Hmm... I don't think I remember what you like on your pizza," he muses, scanning the menu.

"Hey, guys." Carson sets down some water for them, playing waiter while he waited for Dani to arrive and while Thirteen was in the kitchen. Aerith was off, and on days when any one of them was off, Carson wound up out here, but he didn't mind. He rather liked getting out from the kitchen sometimes. "What can I get for..." His voice trails off as he looks down at Leo, an eyebrow quirking. He'd seen Leo before, though didn't know him personally. Sometimes he saw him on his own or with Axel. "Who won?"

Leo smirks a little. "That's still under debate." Looking up at Carson, he suddenly sees the resemblance that he had completely overlooked before. But right now at this angle, in this light and after Carson had gotten a haircut... Leo is almost startled.

Seeing the look in his eye, Carson's eyebrow rises even higher.

Leo squints. Nah... he was just imagining things, right? This guy had an Australian accent and was nothing like Alec... right? "Your name wouldn't happen to be Banks, would it?"

Now it's Carson's turn to be surprised. "Yeah, why?" Then it dawns on him. "Alec."

"Relative of yours?"

Carson's eyes narrow. "Unfortunately, he's my brother. He did that to you, ay?"

"I threw the first punch," Leo admits, touching his jaw gingerly.

"He giving you trouble?"

"Not... anymore." Leo shrugs. "Long story. Two guys, a girl... you get the picture."

Carson wasn't sure he did, but if this guy wasn't going to be up in arms about Alec, then Carson wasn't going to stick his nose in. Whatever his brother was getting into, he could handle himself. "Fountain drinks are on the house today," he mentions, pulling out his order pad. He wouldn't tell them that no one else would be offered free drinks. "Know what you guys want to drink and eat?"

Alec carefully pushes open the infirmary door, his whole body aching with every move. He'd never want to admit that Leo had done as good a job on him as he had, but the pain in his face and his headache were getting to be too much.

"Misty?" He looks around, finding her at her desk. Rick wasn't here at the moment, and Alec didn't mind that a bit.

Wandering closer to Misty's desk, he knows she probably hadn't heard about his condition but he tries to just keep it casual. His cuts and bruises would heal on their own, though the cut above his eye seemed to be swelling a bit.

"You, uh... got any painkillers I can have?"

Without realizing it, Alec seemed more subdued today. He had a war going on inside of him, but he was pretty defeated at the moment and it was unusual for him to not be walking tall.


Sitting at her own desk Katie gives a yawn hearing someone hurry down the cubicles she looks up. Seeing Pete in a rush and noting the time it was odd for him to be late. She kind of felt like razing him but for now she'd let it go. If he really was running late she didn't want to put him in a bad mood.

So continuing on her work Katie opens a file and starts to sort through a few things. She was working on straightening a lot of the stuff Destiny had brought in to make it easier to look through. Typing up a few things, and researching a few others her fingers typing fill the quiet air.

Click, Click, Click

It's quiet.....to quiet today.

Giving a smile passing her message to Jason and pulling on a few of his different emotions this morning Katie couldn't help it. She was in a good mood after there date yesterday and she just couldn't seem to sit still let along work.

As the room falls quiet again Katie's ears perk up as she hears Pete in the next cubicle. Not sure what was going on by his Holy Cow she strains to hear a little more in case something was wrong. Hearing his question to himself though Katie raises an eyebrow and without warning pops up from her cubicle and looks over the wall at Pete a little shocked.

"Wait who did you kiss now?"

Exiting the studio Cassy locks the door behind them before heading to Leo's car. Hearing his comment about what she used in her hair a bigger smile forms on Cassy's lips. She never gotten a complement like that before. It made her feel good to know Leo was pleased and liked it.

"Thank you. I would guess its my leave in softener for my hair. There is no distinct small to tell you what it is. To me I think it smells like blue berry muffins. My nose is always off though."

Getting into the car Cassy continues to smile as her stomach gave a little growl. She must be hungrier than she thought. Looking over to Leo as he gets into the car next to her. Leaning over Cassy gives him a kiss to the cheek.

"I think Pizza at Mom and Pop's sounds perfect today."