

Eric grins. "We met alongside the road. She had car trouble, I was headed the way she was... and the rest is history." His expression turns slightly sheepish. "It's been a bit over two weeks now."

Jeff has to look away so Eric can't see his eyes just about pop out of his head. Trent doesn't bother to turn around - he just goes ahead and widens his eyes in surprise. "Wow."

"Sometimes love comes quickly." Dana smiles and leans into Eric a little more, one hand going to rest against his chest. "Or with this cowboy, 'at sight' was more like it."

Though Eric laughs, his cheeks grow warm and he steers Dana towards the couch. "I'm sure they don't wanna hear the mush," he muses.

Jeff throws Katie a look that said he was quite glad Eric had cut off that train of thought.

Eventually, everyone was back to their seats, engaging in small talk. Dana sat on one end of the couch with Eric, sitting oh so closely together, her hand resting on his knee while she was tucked under his arm. Conversation had been light... a little bit about Dana's background, and news of the ranch and a bit about some of Eric's trips. Their engagement was mentioned, but no date for a wedding had been set.

When there's a lull, Dana ensures the silence doesn't linger too long. "So, Ryder... you're from Australia. How intriguing."

"Um... yeah." Ryder manages a smile. He sat off to the side on the floor, comfortably situated next to Thirteen while all of the furniture was taken. Not that either one minded though.

Dana gestures the leg he'd been favoring. "What happened there?"

"Had a little barney with a crocodile." Ryder shrugs. "Far from the heart. I'll be back to work soon."

Dana's eyes widen. "A crocodile. Goodness. What's... what's a barney?"

Ryder grins. "Just had a little spat," he reiterates.

"Wow. What line of work are you in? Animal control?"

Jeff tries to muffle his snicker - he really does. But it slips out anyway, despite his mouth being covered with his hand.

Dana looks quickly in his direction. "What?"

"Oh, I'm sorry." Jeff tries his best not to laugh, and there's no way he could look at Katie, lest he lose it completely. "I was just..." He clears his throat. "Just trying to imagine how many crocodiles wander through Nevada so that animal control would have run-ins with them."

The others laugh and so does Dana, but hers isn't quite genuine. "I suppose you're right. How silly of me."

"I work at the zoo," Ryder confirms, drawing the attention back to himself to relieve Jeff of any wrath that might come from that flash in Dana's eyes.

"Oh, I see."

A natural pause in conversation gives Eric the opportunity he needed to excuse himself. "I'll be right back," he apologizes as he stands. "I forgot I need to go find my cell phone in the truck. I thought I threw it in my bag earlier but it wasn't there when I checked so I gotta make sure I didn't lose it somewhere. Don't have a party without me."

Dana giggles and rolls her eyes as she watches him walk to the door. "Only if you don't come back in ten minutes." She settles back into the corner of the couch and sighs. Her eyes roam back to Ryder and Thirteen. "So you two...?"

Ryder's shoulder rests against Thirteen's, knowing that if he was uncomfortable, surely she was as well. "Yes?"

"Well, anyone can tell you're more than friends." Dana grins, eying them with suspicion. "'Course I'm sure it would be hard not to be, living in the same house and all."

Ryder bristles slightly. "I do have my own place upstairs. Though yeah, we're dating."

Dana's grin widens and she laughs. "Oh, hun, you can't fool me with the whole 'got my own place' line. It's okay though - I won't tell your secret."

Ryder sits up straighter. "Excuse me?"

"Well, it's not uncommon. Not the wisest thing, but I won't condemn you."

Ryder grows more tense and his brow furrows. "Condemn us for what?"

Dana chuckles as if he should know. "You two sharing a house, of course. I'm sure that's not the only thing you share. I wasn't born yesterday."

Jeff and Trent exchange mortified looks, mouths open, but unable to think of anything to say. Jeff's eyes find Katie, on the edge of shock. Who did this woman think she was?
Trent shoulders square up and he would have spoken up in defense of Thirteen's dignity, had Ryder not replied himself.

Ryder's face grows red and his jaw tightens. Sure, he and Thirteen kissed and cuddled on the couch, but it never went any further than that for either of them, and he was quite offended that someone would think otherwise. "I'm sorry, but you're sorely mistaken. Thirteen and I have a decent relationship, and I'd thank you kindly for not insinuating otherwise."

"Oh, well I am sorry," Dana apologized. "I guess I just assumed it would be natural due the circumstances."


Jeff gives Ryder a little wave to let it go, but Ryder ignores him.

"What circumstances?"

"I'm sure it's not my place to say."

"Oh, no, do go on." Ryder stands up, setting his hands on his hips. "You're doing fine. I'd like to hear your theory."

Dana looks up at him innocently, then down to Thirteen, then up again. "Well I'm sure anyone in this child's position would easily fall prey to all kinds of things."

Ryder wasn't willing to let this conversation end now by any means. "What child, and what position?"

"Well, poor Jasmine's, of course." Dana shakes her head as if Ryder should understand. "Being in that awful place for so long. Now without any kind of mother at all... a father who's hardly around... she's called by a silly number, for pity's sake. Of course she would cling to someone like you who's willing to take care of her. It's just one slip and all sorts of things could happen when you're dealing with a naive mind like that."

Ryder could not believe the nerve of this woman. He was more than offended, and quite mortified for both himself and Thirteen. They were a decent couple, doing nothing but what was right. They never went too far, they were honest with each other, they were even going to church together. Never had they been accused of what Dana was accusing them of now. And no matter how sheltered Thirteen had been, that gave no one the right to believe she'd unwittingly fall prey to anything, let alone the wiles of a man - who was himself and of course wasn't trying to get her to fall prey to anything! Thirteen might have been sheltered but she was far from stupid... very far.

Trent realized that he was standing up now as well, just as shocked at Dana's words. No one had the right to say any of that, especially being a stranger, welcomed into their home. How dare she speak like that about his daughter. And she was who Eric was going to marry? Someone who felt she could go around accusing people of who knows what?

Though anger was rising in the room, for a tense moment, no one speaks. All were angered and embarrassed, not knowing how to react.

Alec thinks for a moment then shrugs. "Anywhere there's food." He grabs his motorcycle keys. "And you, of course." Slipping an arm around Ryan's waist, he gives her a little tug towards the door, ensuring she was right close to him. "Chinese sounds good. How about takeout from Tou Han's and eating it at the park?"

Carson tries to swallow the lump in his throat. Somewhere deep down, he knew Herb was right. It was just hard admitting it. The first moment he'd laid eyes on Mackenzie, something had stirred in his heart. He wished none of it had ever happened - all it seemed to be causing was more pain and confusion for everyone involved.

Sighing, he takes another sip of coffee before shrugging lamely. "I guess you're probably right. Doesn't make it any easier though, does it?" He gives Herb a crooked grin. He knew his older friend understood. And that's really all he needed right now. Just a friend who knew what he was going through and who was willing to simply be there. Herb filled that role quite nicely, being that friend and more.

As Carson drove home later, he felt a little better. Though his craving still persisted, it wasn't quite as strong - weakened just enough for him to get home without any stupid stops on the way. It was still a battle, but he knew in the morning he'd feel so much better, knowing he hadn't given in to he temptation.

Arriving home, he's quiet as he comes into the house. He knew Misty had said she'd wait up for him, but if she'd fallen asleep anyway, he wouldn't want to wake her. A light in the living room though, proves that she was still up.

Slipping off his shoes and tossing his hat and keys onto the table, he wanders into the living room, pausing just as moment to see what she was watching on television. Heading around the couch, he flops down and stretches out, his head landing in Misty's lap. Maybe it was his own way of saying that tonight, he was the one in need and he was the one needing a bit of comfort. It wasn't often the roles were switched, but when they were, Carson knew he could count on Misty for support.

Turning around so he's on his back and still using her legs for a pillow, he looks up at her, offering her a weary smile. "Hey, Missy." Tugging on her shirt, he brings her down closer so he can kiss her lips. "Thanks for waiting up."

Dylan stares into the horse stall that he was supposed to clean. No one had taken out the mare. Great. He looks both ways down the aisle to find them empty. Double great. His sarcasm didn't help much, but he was already in a bit of a sour mood. After his dad had come and talked to him about the Agency, it just hadn't set right with him. He wasn't sure why - maybe because it was a stark reminder of how vulnerable he was. Or maybe because it just made him feel all the more stupid. Then to know they were going to have some Elite agent come, mainly because of him... he didn't like that very well either. But apparently he had no choice in the matter, so he might as well just accept it and/or ignore it. And right now, in the middle of chores, he opted to ignore it. It still didn't help his mood any though.

Sighing, he spies a leadrope hanging nearby. He looks back at the mare who seemed to be waiting patiently at the stall door. He wasn't one to shirk his duties and always got his work done. Today, this stall was included in his work and he needed to get it done.

Finally grabbing the rope and wandering back to the stall to retrieve the halter too, he continues to stare inside. His fingers fiddled with the cotton threads as he shifted his weight from one end to the other. The mare nickers and he jumps. Scowling, he backs up a step. "Big brute," he mutters.

"Just because she told you she wants out of her stall?"

Dylan jumps for the second time, whirling around to face Sparky. He hadn't heard his uncle approach only moments prior. "What?"

"She's just asking you nicely to let her out," Sparky reiterates. He reaches for the stall door. "Go on."

Dylan holds out the rope. "So if you can understand her, here."

Sparky pauses and grins a little. "How about we do it together?"

Dylan swallows hard. "I... I don't want to. You know I hate horses."

"I don't think you do."

Dylan stiffens. "What do you mean?"

Sparky slides the door partway open. "I've been watching you, Dylan. You like to say you hate these horses, but I don't think that's it at all."

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh? Hold out your hand."


"Why not?" Sparky waits. "Come on. Show me your hand."

Hesitantly, Dylan obeys, revealing that his hand was trembling.


"So what?" Dylan's defenses rise again. "Horses are mean and stupid."

"Only if you treat them that way." Sparky reaches out and puts Dylan in front of him, between him and the mare who was still waiting patiently. One hand remained on his shoulder while the other guided him. "You know how to put her halter on?"


"Alright, well just take it slow. Go on, get a little closer."

Dylan steps forward, swallowing hard as a bead of sweat trickled down the side of his face. Reaching under the mare's head to loop the halter around her neck, she suddenly shakes her head with a snort. Dylan jumps back, slamming into Sparky and turns to leave the stall, but Sparky stops him. "Let me go!" he barks.

"Not this time." Sparky holds him firmly and turns him back around. "She had an itch, that's all."

Dylan fights against Sparky's strength as his heart races. "I don't care," he hisses. "Let me go or you'll be sorry."

"You're not gonna hurt me," Sparky replies calmly. "But you need to relax. She can sense you're scared and that makes her jittery too."

"Scared?" Dylan scoffs. "Terrified."

Sparky smiles and loosens his grip. "Okay, try it again."

"I don't want to."

"You're not going anywhere soon that I know of. If you're gonna keep living and working here, one of these days, you're gonna have to handle these horses. You can either face it now or later when it's even worse."

Dylan licks his dry lips, now feeling both hands shaking. "This is stupid."

"No it's not." Sparky's hand slides down to his nephew's and guides it up to the mare's neck, placing Dylan's palm on her soft hair.

Dylan's hand shakes and he lets his fingers slide over her warm neck.

"See?" Sparky smiles. "Now try the halter again."

Dylan obeys, this time succeeding in getting the halter up around the mare's head and over her nose. He fumbles with the buckle though, becoming quickly frustrated.

"Here, it's alright, just turn it a little." Sparky reaches around him and helps straighten out the buckle so Dylan can fasten it. "There we go. Now clip on the leadrope."

Dylan sucks in his shaky breath and slowly clips the leadrope to the halter, flinching when the mare turns to smell his hand.

"It's okay," Sparky assures. "Now take her out and we'll crosstie her."

Thankfully, the rest went smoothly and Dylan is relieved to step back once the mare is tied in the aisle.

Sparky smiles and grabs a couple brushes, tossing one to Dylan. "Help me out a minute, would you?"

"I gotta clean the stall."

"I know. You will. This won't take long."


"Come on. What's the worst that can happen?"

Any response sounded rather silly, so Dylan refrains. Approaching the mare slowly, he starts to brush her. Sparky keeps a close eye on him from the other side and takes note that Dylan was grooming properly - not like a real beginner. "You've spent time with horses before this, haven't you?"

Dylan shrugs. "Not really." He thinks a moment, keeping his eyes on the mare. "I remember when I was little, Dad taking me to see horses sometimes... then later when Jade took lessons, I went once in a while."

"You never rode though?"


"How come?"

Dylan pauses his brushing. "I told you I hate horses."

"And I don't believe you." Sparky leans on the mare's back, forcing Dylan to look up at him."What happened, hmm? Why are you so scared?"

Dylan picks at the bristles in the horse brush. "It doesn't matter."

"It does to me." Sparky looks around and gestures down the empty aisle. "It's just you and me. Come on. Talk to me."

Dylan bites his lip and shrugs again. "I just... when I went with Jade one time, I... well there was this kid and, I... I saw him get thrown and trampled by his horse."

Sparky cringes. "Ouch. Was he okay?"

"No." Dylan shakes his head. "He was in the hospital for weeks. After that he couldn't walk."

"How old was he?"

"I don't know. My age I think. Like ten or something."

Sparky sighs deeply. "I understand, Dylan. And I'm sorry that happened. 'Cause I think you'd get along with horses great if you'd give it a chance."

"Why do you say that?"

"Oh, just the way you move... the way you watch them and predict their next move." He grins. "And you cant tell me that a son of Michael Henson wouldn't have a way with horses. It's in your blood, Dylan, whether you like it or not."

Dylan looks down and keeps picking at the brush. "Maybe it all went to Jade."

Sparky chuckles. "Some of it does. Your sister is quite the horsewoman, for sure. She can certainly hold her own in a saddle. But between you and me..." He cocks his head so he can see Dylan's eyes. "I think you got a bigger dose than she did."

Dylan sighs. "I don't think so. Not when I can barely take one out of her stall."

"So we'll work on it. You and me. What do you say?"

"You mean riding lessons?"

"Why not?"

"I don't want Dad to-"

"He won't even know."

Dylan chews on his lower lip. "I don't know..."

"At least give it a shot. For your ol' uncle Sparky?"

Dylan smirks. "I'll think about it."

Kip knocks softly on the bedroom door, respecting the privacy of that room. Gram is sitting on the edge of the bed folding clothes and calls to him. "Yes? Come in."

He opens the door slowly and leans on the door frame, his eyes not wanting to land anywhere in particular. "Um... I just... wanted to let you know that I'm... I'm gonna talk to Erik about finding another place to live soon."

Gram can't help a bit of disappointment in her eyes. "Oh? Is anything wrong?"

He shakes his head. "No. I... I like it here but.... but I wouldn't feel right, not being able to pay you anymore."

Gram squints at him, trying to figure out what he was saying. Last she knew, he was drawing from a fund that had plenty of money in it. Not that it mattered - it just surprised her. "I guess I was under the impression you were pretty stable."

"I was. Just... not anymore."

Gram waits for more, Kip's silence revealing that that's not where the story ended. "What happened?"

Kip swallows hard and moves his jaw around gingerly, still feeling stiff and sore. "I... I haven't told the others yet," he admits. "It's just that um... well, all that I had, it's um..." His face begins to grow warm and he's tempted to just turn in leave. Instead, his eyes glue themselves to the floor. "It's gone. My dad, he... well, I gave him what I had."

Gram's shoulders drop and pity floods her gaze. "Oh, Kip." He looked so miserable and beat down standing there in the doorway. Rising, she goes to him and puts an arm around his shoulders. She didn't know why he'd finally given his dad what he wanted, and she didn't know the words that had been said, but she didn't have to. She couldn't blame him. "If you think we're gonna let you go that easy, just because you're out of money, you're sorely mistaken."

Kip lets her have her arm around him, but he doesn't move, his head still hanging. "I... I wouldn't feel right."

"Well what else are you going to do? If you go and live with the other guys, you'll feel just as obligated, won't you?"

"Well yeah, but it's different."

"Why? Because they're your friends? Because Erik's like your brother?"

Kip shrugs. "I guess." It was easier to beg off them than it was this nice couple. Gram and Gramps were so caring and loving... He could mooch off the guys and then pay them back when he could. But here... "I'd feel like I was taking advantage if I stayed here."

Gram grows a little firmer and she steps in front of Kip, setting her hands on his shoulder and waiting until he looked up at her. "Now you listen to me, Reginald Whilms. Money doesn't mean squat to either me or Gramps. We just take it for rent because it's the proper thing to do not because we need it or want it. Quite frankly, we'd miss the company if you were gone. Now we won't stop you - I understand how it might make you feel. But you might as well just be adopted into this family because you're my new grandson whether you like it or not. And family sticks together." She stares him in the eye, knowing that he might not agree with his own family experience. "Real family... the family that's in here." She places a hand over his heart. "I know you're hurt and I know you're embarrassed." She forces him to keep looking at her, even though they were tough words being spoken. "But you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing."

Tears well up in Kip's eyes and he hasn't the energy to stop them.

Gram smiles kindly and brushes the side of his bruised face with a gentle touch. "If you decide to leave, then that's your own decision. But know this: you are welcome here any time of any day for any length of time. And that includes living here."

Kip nods and swallows hard again, one of his tears trickling down his face. He says nothing, for fear his voice will crack as his lower lip begins to tremble. After being shown such coldness by his own father, being shown such love was almost too much to handle. And before he knows it, he's crying on Gram's shoulder, nestled in her warm embrace.

"It's okay," she croons, rubbing his back. Her own tears form in her eyes. Such injustice had been done. Such cruelty. It broke her heart.

...Kip awakens to the soft sound of rain on the roof. His eyes burned, reminding him of a couple hours ago. Rolling over on his bed, he winces as his ribs protest. It was past suppertime now. He wasn't really hungry. Or rather, his stomach was hungry but he didn't feel like getting up to eat. Was Karla coming? He didn't even know. Everything was such a blur, he couldn't remember if she said she'd be back or not. Either way, it didn't matter much. If she didn't come, he would just go back to sleep. And if she did, he wouldn't be going far anyway.


As Ryder leads Eric and Dana into the living room a smile breaks out on Katie's face. She hadn't seen her Uncle Eric in a long time so seeing him again now she just couldn't help the joy she felt. Letting her eyes drift to the woman next to him Katie's waits for the introductions just letting her eyes take Dana in and evaluate her.

"Hi Dana, its nice to meet you. I'd have to say we are the more rowdy bunch."

Giving a small Katie couldn't help the uneasy feeling she got but tried to brush away thinking it was just nerves from meeting someone new. From her looks, to how she dressed to the sound of her voice it just hit a nerve with Katie and didn't remind her of someone Eric would be interested in. She seemed almost richy and not someone who would enjoy what Eric did, but it was his right to choose so she would try her best.

"So, how did you guys meet and for how long? I had no idea you were even interested Eric."

Herb takes another sip of his coffee just letting the liquid slide down his throat. Thinking for a long moment just letting the words sink in before he answers.

"It bothers you because you love her. You might know what is going on now is best but still she is your daughter, your blood and you love her."

Thinking for a moment Herb new Carson did have love for the little girl in his heart. No matter what he said in his eyes a lone today he could see it. Though it was hard to explain Herb could only hope Carson could understand what he was saying.

Ryan gives another laugh again as she shakes her head and gives Alec another kiss. Before following him to the other room once again. Hearing he'd drive himself Ryan gives a small nod. It was odd having him drive himself but she didn't mind to much.

"Hey As long as I get dinner with you, and see you at the races I am happy. Where did you want to eat anyways?"

Rosetta gives a nod. She understood what he was saying and she agreed. Dylan should know, and he should know they were taking steps in making things ok as well.

"Ok, let Dylan know everything is gonna be ok. I think having someone else here is not a bad idea. I am sure half the time we wont even realize it if its someone from the Elite."

Giving a smile to Mick as he went to take his leave Rosetta sits back in her chair for a moment thinking. Having someone at the ranch again would really be nice. She couldn't help but admit to herself having the protection for Dylan and the whole ranch just put her at easy a little more.