
Have you ever...?

Leaning her face into Chad's hand and looking up at him, Rosalyn just sighs. He made her heart flutter. Her pulse quicken. Her mind go blank. And all at the same time. Why he was so determined to stick with her was beyond her understanding. She certainly didn't think she  was anything that special. 

"You just don't know when to give up do you?" She rolls her eyes before backing up a step and taking his hand to pull him down the sidewalk again. "Come on - you're making a scene." 

Walking though, did little to clear her mind. "You never did say how long you would be staying... when do you have to go back home?" 

Jared's eyebrows rise slightly at Grace's statement. It didn't sound horrible to him, but he hadn't expected her to say something like that either. 

Shifting his eyes back to meet hers, he sees again a look he recognized. A look that he had not planned on seeing there. A look that made him wonder now if he'd done the right thing by allowing things to happen between them. What if he messed up? What if he slipped and tried to take advantage of her like he'd done countless times with other women? Could he really treat her differently? Was he really capable of breaking his own patterns and starting fresh? It was one thing when he couldn't remember his past. But now that he did, it seemed a nearly impossible goal to reach - to be someone so opposite of what he used to be. 

His thumb roams her palm again. And though his next question seemed to come out of the blue, in his mind, it was connected. "Have you ever had a man in your life?" 

Easing down to sit next to Karla, Kip rests his elbows on his knees and stares at the floor. "Well, as long as there aren't any tar and feathers, I guess I'm okay then." 

Listening to the music, he felt glad and sad at the same time. He could hear a bass guitar and knew without looking that Twila had taken his place. They'd also be taking a short break soon, and whether or not Karla thought the others were mad at him, Kip still was leery of facing them. 

"They sound good without me," he notes softly.

How many

Letting her eyes continue to search Jared's face Grace just let the silence linger for a long moment. She wasn't sure what she thought about Jared saying he would be better off going back to his old life, nor did she really have any right to tell him anything different other than what she though.

   "Well, I definitly don't think going back to your old life is a good option. You've come so far, and learned so much I think it would be kind of sad to just see you fall back into the old ways."

Grace could see how conflicted Jared really was with everything. She could only imagine how it must feel and how hard it was for him to try and find himself, or a new self. Sometimes just going back to the way you once were could just be an easier option.

   "Ya know...in a way it horrible to say but I want to stop helping you get better."

Pausing for a second Grace looks down at there hands before looking back up at Jared. Her eyes held something different in them. Something that maybe portrayed a side of herself that she had found something she wasn't ready to let go of. 

   "...if I don't help you than I'll have to keep coming and I can keep seeing you. But if you get better...you might end up going away and I wont be able to see you anymore. I like seeing you though and spending time with you. Its just...nice."

Continuing to walk down the street with Rosalyn Chad wished things had been different. He wished her father would of taken to him better, and would of at least given him a chance. Maybe it was his own fault for handling things the way he did and maybe it wasn't, but either way he still felt bad.

  "I don't know how many times I am going to have to tell you it is worth it, and you are worth it till you understand I am not going anywhere. Either way though I'll just keep telling you till you do."

Stopping again and pulling Rosalyn close to him Chad looks down into her eyes. Bringing a hand to her face he brushes the hair from her eyes as he gives a smile of his own.

   "I'm not going anywhere...no matter what you are worth it and nothing or anyone is going to change my mind."

Getting Kip's kiss Karla can't help the smile that spread across her lips. She loved getting the love and affection from him and just being close to him. It mean lots to her, and knowing he felt the same back was so nice and refreshing. Kip had been there when she needed a friend and he had gone out of his way to make sure she was taken care of. It was something Karla would cherish forever and always try and repay.

   "I'm just glad your ok. It would made for a pretty bad day if you had not been. I'm sorry too I didn't stop by your place before we came here like I should have as well."

Moving around Kip and sitting down where Kip had been to Karla crosses her legs for a second looking up at Kip. The band was not mad at him to much, they had been just worried and slightly irritated but it wasn't as bad as one might think.

   "Nah I dont think they want to kill you. I think they are going to be happy your ok too. We were all pretty worried."