

Bree? Gunner is quick to look up and shake his head. "No...no. How would you like to know your fiance was losing his mind?" His frown intensifies. "If she didn't call things off, JT might convince her to. Or maybe that's my job. Maybe I should be the one to call things off. If this is gonna keep happening, I can't put her through it with me. It's not fair to her." Bree had been through enough without worrying about a mentally unstable husband. Acting crazy together was one thing - having it be a literal problem was another.

Dropping his eyes, he picks up his fork to run it through his rice as Grace talks about bridges. He knew he wasn't alone...he was simply choosing to be. He should just get up and leave now. He could. He knew Hope wouldn't stop him. He knew he could leave right now and she'd never bring this up again unless he wanted her to. And yet... something kept him in his seat.

"I know I've got people that care about me," he mentions softly. "I know I've got a lot to live for. I've got more now than I did before, it's just... the stuff that happens in my head, it... it's like it's too much to handle and the only way out is... to just... be done."

Though he hadn't even taken a bite of food yet, he sets his fork down. Rubbing his face wearily, he sighs before resting his chin on his hands and looking across the table at Hope. He wondered if his eyes were as tired as they felt.

Words were on the tip of his tongue. An explanation as to what was really bothering him was right there. But they were his own private thoughts. But what if he didn't talk to her and things got worse? At least if he talked to her and Reese found out, he'd be seen as trying to work things out, right? If he didn't talk to Hope, things might go worse for him in the long run, as far as his job was concerned. But it just all felt so stupid. The whole thing. He didn't understand why he couldn't work through this on his own...why it wasn't going away...why this was the only thing he couldn't seem to control.

The stinging sensation of tears right below the surface was the last straw.

"I'm sorry." Gunner stands too quickly, his shin connecting with the leg of the table hard enough to almost spill their drinks. Without explanation, and still without having eaten, he heads for the door.

Once outside, he takes a deep breath of air. He'd never considered himself claustrophobic, but being out here sure felt better than inside the restaurant. Getting to his car and starting it, he opts not to go back to work but instead, pulls out in the opposite direction on the street. He felt badly about leaving Hope, but he'd told her not today. He never should have stopped by her office in the first place. He never should have made himself so vulnerable.

It was fifteen minutes before he stopped driving. Pulling over into a small area off the shoulder where cops would sometimes sit with radar, he cuts the engine. Just leaning back in his seat, he fiddles with the keys in his hands. And resting his head against the window, he keeps his eyes ahead on the nearby intersection. The intersection that had stolen his parents and his memory.

Clay and Alec exchange cordial nods as they're introduced. At Misty's request, Alec retrieves some plates and silverware. "So... just visiting or sticking around?" 

Clay wanders to the table, helping distribute the forks. "Guess that depends on if I can find work."

"Well there's lots of it around here." Alec rolls his eyes. "Trust me, I know. I've done enough job hunting for an army."

Clay quirks an eyebrow. "Lots of jobs but still lots of hunting?" 

"Yeah, well... when you've got a record ten miles long, people tend to not hire you." 

"Ah." Clay was naturally curious as to why this guy had a record, but as the new guy, he wouldn't ask. 

The evening started out a little awkwardly but as they ate together then started a game, the atmosphere lightened up to the point of relaxation and laughter.

"Yes!" Jason threw his pencil in the air as Misty guessed the right answer to his drawing. 

"Nooooo!" Alec grabbed Clay's paper to squint at what he'd guessed to be everything from a farmyard to a swamp. "What is it?"

Clay cringes. "A beach?" 

"A beach?!" Alec's eyes widen. "That thing?"

"Well I told you I couldn't draw!" 

Alec swipes Jason's paper from across the table and chokes on a laugh. "There's no way Misty guessed the right answer." 

"She did too!" Jason defends. 

"They're cheating." Clay took a sip of Mountain Dew and nodded matter-of-factly. "You thought they were just playing footsie...they've actually got a code to tell each other what they're drawing." There's a following pause of silence before they all crack up.

"I vote we switch partners," Alec suggests. "No more boyfriend/girlfriend teams. It's not fair." 

To: Chad
From: Rosalyn
No fights last night. This morning
things are quiet. Hoping that
means I can still get away
tonight. Is it possible I can miss
you even though I just saw you

Hitting the "send" button, Rosalyn tucks her phone back in her pocket and resumes fixing breakfast. She really was looking forward to tonight and a real date. It sent a flutter through her stomach to think about it. If only she really could last all day then slip away without being noticed. That would be the best way.


As the food comes Hope sits back for a second letting the plates be put down in front of them. Pondering Gunners words for a long moment. She wondered if he new how loud they screamed for help even though he was saying he didnt want or need any. Once the waiter was gone Hope leaned her elbows on the table cocking her head to one side.

   "And do you know what will happen if people find out whats going on and you haven't come to see me to get help?  Reese, Bree...you have to talk to someone Gunner before you go off the deep end. So if not me than talk with Bree."

Hope new words spoken to Gunner had to be worded right and pushing him to do something would never work. It had to be his choice and his alone. Hope new he almost always did the right thin but still she hoped he would continue to be strong.

Taking a bite of her food Hope lets the silence blanket them as she enjoys the taste. It had been a little bit since the last time she had, had chinese and it was oh so good. Finally speaking again she searches Gunner's face again looking for the truth in the mans eyes.

    "Bridges can be a dangerous thing for anyone not jst the crazy. Specially when we can't see what kind it is. No matter what though we have to remember we are never alone so why pretend we are."

As Jason comes back with Clay Misty turns and gives a smile. She was happy he really had come. She could feel this was going to be good for him and maybe all of them. Meeting new people was healthy.

    "It's not a problem at all Clay. You didnt miss the food or hold it up."

Looking to Alec Misty smiles and gives a nod of her head. She new both men were a little nervous meeting each other.

    "Clay this is my brother is law Alec. Alec this is Ricks nephew Clay. Supper should be ready shortly if you would like yo help set the table up."