

Still looking up at him and feeling his breath on her skin Destiny receives his words. Looking up at him and searching his eyes. A whole new feeling emerges inside her from that one kiss and she wasn't to sure what it was though she did know her body wanted to shut down to it for some reason.

"Thats a shame, nether do I. This could go on all night!"

Bringing her lips to Chance's again this time the kiss was a little softer, her hands finding there way up arms and to his shoulder. Continuing the kiss, and letting it linger this time, the emotions from the day, and maybe the days before along with a longing now coming out!


Getting bumped with Destiny's knee, Chance is thrown forward just enough that he catches himself on the floor, letting her shoulders go. Knocked off balance, his head comes down, his face hovering right over Destiny's, close enough he could feel her breath as they continued their little game.

Thinking he still has the upper hand, he grins and starts to tease her, when he's taken quite by surprise.

Having Destiny come up for a kiss, he has nowhere to go, and his eyes widen in shock. Feeling her lips lingering on his, his shoulders relax, forcing him to press into the kiss and return it.

As she pulls away though, he just stares down at her and blinks, forgetting for a moment to breathe. He stares as if trying to figure out if that was all part of the game, or if she had actually meant something more by it.

"I never give up," he answers lamely and doesn't move, still seated on her stomach, his hands now resting on the floor on either side of her head.


As Chance grabs her Destiny gives another sheik as she slides off the couch and she starts to laugh not even thinking about the situation they were in.

Not even knowing how she ended up at the bottom Destiny was now looking up at Chance. Cocking her head a little bit Destiny trys to evaluate the situation in what she could do to get out of it. Getting a grin on her face Destiny didn't even think as she acting seeing a way.

Bringing her knee up and bumping Chance in the butt with it pushes him forward but not nearly enough. As he places his hands on the ground to stop from falling Destiny can't help but notice he was now even closer to her. Using the backup plan Destiny leans her head up a little and press her lips to his. Letting it linger quite a bit longer than she exspected herself to let it she finally pulls away. Her cheeks read but the twinkle in her eyes was still there with a flirty smile.

"Give up now?"


Staring up from his back on the floor, Chance's eyes water from his unwanted laughter, brought on by the tickling. Gazing into Destiny's eyes as she peers over the edge of the couch, he smirks at her. "Women. None of you fight fair, you know that?"

Seeing her grinning, his eyes narrow. "You think I'm gonna give up that easily, you're sorely mistaken."

Quick as lighting, he reaches up and takes hold of Destiny's arm. Within what seemed less than a second, he had pulled her off the couch, wedged them both between the couch and the coffee table, then had forced her to the floor instead, winding up straddling her torso and pinning down her shoulders.

Looking down at her, it's his turn to grin. "Say uncle."

As Sapphire moves to Gage's side of the table, he looks at her with question, even when she explains. Did she know? Had she seen the other table? If that were true, she was bold enough to come right on over and sit next to him, claiming him as hers?

Though she was waiting for an answer about what he wanted to eat, he eyes her for several moments, not speaking until he was sure of the words he wanted to say. "Yeah... yeah, I know what I want. Just never quite sure if it's actually attainable or not."

Giving a little tired smile, he squeezes her hand. "But you've made it bearable. Thank you."

Looking back at his menu, he keeps her hand in his, as his thumb runs back and forth over her knuckles without him even realizing it. "Yep... I'm ready to order too."


As Destiny tickles the bottom of Chance's feet his reaction makes her start laughing to as she continues trying to make him submit. Feeling his foot jerk from her grib and than him tumbling of the couch Destiny stops dead in her tracks the grin on her face fading a little.

Moving very slowly forward till she is laying across the couch she slowly peeks over the edge of the couch. At first its just her eyes, than a nose, and than her whole face as she looks down at Chance blinking the grin finally making its way back. She stared in shock and amusing.

"Ahhhh...I win?"

She continues to blink down at Chance seeing he was in face ok, and no bones were broken, or bodily injury was ensued.

Getting to the restraint and finding a booth with Gage she was happy they had come here. Being a place she had always loved and not been back to in a long time it was nice to come back here again now with Gage. Sharing parts of her life with him from she childhood was nice and she liked it.

Sitting in silence for a few moments as she looked over the menu to see and what she wanted it didn't take her long to know. Glancing up at Gage to see ask if he new she saw the color on his face and look away quick. Following his eyes to the other table where she saw the others sitting and laugh Sapphire new partly what this was about.

Not thinking twice she gets up from her chair and comes around to Gage's side to sit down next to him. Giving a grin as she looks in him the eyes she takes his hand in hers.

"I just felt like sitting with you today and not alone on the other side of the table. Because you deserve to have me next to you, and I deserve to be next to you."

Giving a smile and leaning into Gage so her head met his shoulder for a moment before sitting up again she looks over at his menu.

"Know what ya want?"


Chance grins as he's got Destiny beat. However, though he may have physically, she still had something up her sleeve he wasn't expecting.

As she grabs hold of his feet and starts to tickle him, his eyes widen. Something like a muffled shriek comes out of his lips as he shoots up from his lounged position. Not many things bothered him, but it was only a very few people that knew his feet were extremely ticklish.

"Ack! You- Just - Destiny!"

His hold on her is immediately loosened as he flails to get away. One foot shoots out from her grasp, almost whacking her in the head. Moving around too much, the couch rocks as he loses his balance, teetering precariously on the edge of the cushion.

And with a final cry, he rolls right off the couch and onto the floor, lying on his back between the couch and coffee table. His face was red, mostly from trying to hold in his laughter, but out of breath, he doesn't even have the strength to get back up.

"Sounds good to me." Gage walks with Sapphire out to her car and slides in the passenger side. The ride was fairly quiet - but much of their time spent together was that way. But even in the silence, it seemed they said so much.

Arriving at the restaurant, Gage walks in beside Sapphire, feeling just a little out of place, but trying not to let it show. Once seated, they're able to order, and he fiddles with his glass of water, his eyes roaming the room where other people were dining.

Before the food comes, his gaze lands on a certain table in the corner. He recognized two of the men - they were officers who had watched the group of prisoners alongside the roads. And they had spotted him. Gage remembers they had been his least favorite - no mercy and always making cracks about the men working. Even now, as their eyes met, Gage can see them snicker and gesture in his direction, making their women look too.

Looking back down at the table, Gage's cheeks gain color. He doesn't say anything to Sapphire though - it was too embarrassing. Crossing paths with those men... they were now on equal territory. But Gage was the one who didn't really belong. All the other people in the restaurant - they didn't know him from a hill of beans. But those two... they did... and they knew he didn't really deserve to be here.

The point

Destiny couldn't help the laughing that escaped her lips. The grim thoughts that had been plaging her mind for the last few hours had now been forgot. Just messing around with Chance a little had seemed to cure her sadness for now.

As is continues Destiny didn't even know what the point was she didn't care this was way to much fun than to worry about what the point was.

Not moving fast enough this time as Chance takes a hold of her leg in the combat move Destiny gives a little shriek but the twinkle in her eyes shows she was still having a good time and didn't feel threatened at all.

"Dish...you want me to do dishes? The whole point of the candy game was so I could get out of doing dishes. There is no chance on your life buddy I am gonna do that at all."

Looking around for a few moments Destiny trys to find a way out she skeems in her own mind. Hey eyes though catch sight of his feet up close to her chest as he held her leg. Acting quick she had no other way out than this. Reaching for his feet and taking hold tightly she brings her other hand in and starts to tickle the bottom of his feet.

Giving a laugh and letting her arms fall from around Gage Sapphire lets him go to finish getting ready. Continuing to piddle around in the kitchen and than in the living room she kept herself busy.

Once Gage was ready Sapphire stands and gives a smile. Smelling the soft smell of his aftershave linger in the air her smile grows a little. Once his arm was around her and they were ready her own arm slips up and around his wast. Walking together insink they didn't miss a beat together.

"Mmm...steak sounds like it would hit the spot and I think I know the perfect place. The steak house on the north end of town is amazing. Our family use to go there once a week when Scott and I were kids. Your gonna love it."

A whole cow

As Sapphire pulls back, Gage lets her, a faint smile lingering on his lips. A bit of amusement enters his gaze. "Yeah... my stomach's been growling since I got up."

Leaning down to give her forehead one last kiss, he backs off, grabbing his toothbrush. "I'll be back in a jiffy."

True to his word, it doesn't take him long to finish getting ready to go. His feet were sore from working so he just slips on his flipflops before confining his feet in his work boots again that night. Rummaging through the little closet in the bathroom, he finds a clean navy t-shirt - it was the best he could to. Maybe now that he had a job, he'd be able to buy a few more clothes, maybe a little nicer.

Running a comb through his hair, he cocks his head at the mirror, then shakes it. Running his fingers back through his hair, he leaves it just slightly unkempt. Sapphire liked it that way. Slapping on just a hint of aftershave, he comes back out into the other room. "Alright, I'm ready."

Grinning, he slips an arm around Sapphire's shoulders to lead her to the door. "I'm thinking.... steak. I feel like I could eat a whole cow."

Having his leg pushed clear off the couch, Chance gives Destiny a look out of the corner of his eye. With just the two of them, things did get a little boring at times. Lack of entertainment could quite possibly be the reason they had reverted to childish behavior more than once. Destiny was going through a very rough time, while Chance took his job of protection very seriously. But sometimes the pressure was just too much, and breaking out and doing something quite silly was inevitable.

Putting his leg back up on the couch, he pretends to move on and pay attention to the movie. He was, however, waiting for an opportune moment. And when Destiny shifts a little bit on her side of the couch, his foot goes sliding back over to give her lower leg a strong enough bump to unseat her. Grinning evilly, he raises and lowers his eyebrows in a challenge.

And the battle starts.

First one nudge, then a push, then a light kick, then another nudge, and soon the movie was being completely ignored as they kicked, shoved and scooted with their feet. If asked, perhaps neither would have had a good answer for why they were doing this or what the ultimate goal was, but it didn't seem to matter much.

Eventually, Chance reverts to using a couple combat maneuvers in order to get Destiny's legs in an impossible position with no way she could wriggle out.

Breathing a little heavily, Chance grins, his legs wrapped around hers in a locked hold. "Take my duty for washing the dishes tonight, and I'll let you go," he bribes.

Live off you Kisses

Feeling Gage's arm tighten around her and turn around so she is pinned between him and the counter Sapphire's own arms tighten around him making sure to hold him close and let him know she didn't mind this at all.

"Mmmm...I know...but....this is so...much better."

Sapphire's hand run up and down Gage's back softly, but strong letting him know she likes the kisses. So letting them continue for a long more few moments Sapphire finally pulls away with he smile still on her lips.

"If I could live off your kiss I would be set. Sadly though my stomach is starting to yell at me."

Her cheeks were slightly red from all the kissing that had been going on as her breaths were slight heavy. But she new even if she wanted to stay here all day she new they couldn't. Dinner was waiting.

Feeling the push back on her leg Destiny snaps her head back to Chance as her eyes squint a little. Thinking for a moment she moves her own foot again this time pushing his leg off the couch than moving her leg back quickly she looking down as if studying her hands.

I suppose...

Gage doesn't mind a bit that they might be delayed a few minutes for supper. He was hungry, but he'd missed out on time with Sapphire for lunch and he didn't want to give it up now. She meant everything to him. Without her, he would probably be in prison.

Moving his arms back down, he tightens his grip around her, holding her even closer as they kiss. Slowly turning around, he places her between himself and the counter, applying just enough pressure so she couldn't get away. Cocking his head one way, then the other, he gives her the kisses he knew she liked - she deserved them.

In between, he speaks softly again. "I suppose...... I should............. get ready to......... to go..."

Feeling the nudge to his leg, Chance looks over at Destiny, one eyebrow quirked at a peculiar angle. His toes wriggle in his white sock before he opts to meet her silent challenge.

He gives her knee a heftier shove before retreating and looking back to the television.


Letting her other hand slip around his back too Sapphire leans into him more taking in his kiss and and enjoying the sweet moment with him. Hearing his comment in between the kiss Sapphire can't help but smile as her eyes twinkled looking up at him.

"Your so important to me Gage, and..."

Sapphire goes in for her own kiss again.

"...your so important to me too."

Feeling Gage's hands go up her neck and cradle her face. So soft, so warm, it gave Sapphire an inner warmth that she had never felt before meeting Gage. He had something special and she loved every moment of it. What was another five minutes right?

Giving a chuckle at Chance Destiny take another sip of her tea before replying to him. She was happy he liked the movie.

"Hey I like a chick flick as much as the next girl, but I figure if your gonna be in here too I wouldn't torcher you at all."

Destiny gives a slight grin that drops as Chance's foot hits hers. Looking down at his foot Destiny blinks for a moment before taking her own and pushing his leg a little in a returned playful manor. Looking back at Chance her eyes give a slight twinkle.

Good Taste

"Mmm..." Gage feels himself slipping into a little feeling of bliss - one that only Sapphire could bring. Tilting his head back as she spreads the kisses lightly over his chest then up his neck, his hands move down to rub her back. Then shifting his face again, his lips meet hers and he returns the kiss with slow and gentle passion.

Pulling back just enough to see her eyes, his own were still tired, though they held their spark. "All you did to deserve me was just simply being you." It was true. Sapphire was the first one that had believed in him, the first one to give him a chance, and the only one that had stuck with him and who wanted to form a relationship. Giving her another kiss, his hands move up to cradle her face.

"You're all I got..." He kisses her again, forgetting about getting ready to go.

"All I've... ever had," he mumbles in between more kissing.

Walking with Destiny to the living room, Chance was inwardly kicking himself. He needed to be more careful with those phone calls. Toby could know that he didn't want to be here, but having Destiny know just made things too awkward.

Settling down in "his" corner of the couch, he sits diagonally, putting his feet up on the couch. seeing the movie Destiny picks, he grins. "Mmm you got good taste in tea and movies."

Moving his feet back, he accidentally bumps her. "Oh, sorry."