
It depends

As Scarlet begins to speak a little more deeply about herself, Eli grins again. Yes, her eyes were dark and luring - that was a given. Yes, her demeanor was strong - anybody could see that. Could she kick the crap out of anyone that messed with her? Eli had figured that from the get-go. She was pretty confident... though someone with size might give her a run for her money. But Eli could imagine she'd be quite the wildcat if it came down to a fight.

He almost throws her a smart remark about how obvious it was about those things, but he stops, as she continues. Her words about her own heart catch him off guard. He had figured this conversation would stay pretty surface, but she was touching on something deeper. He hadn't been able to tell right off the bat that she had a wounded heart. He couldn't help but wonder what had caused that pain and those invisible walls.

Concentrating on the fireworks, he's not sure how to respond as there's a pause, but he needn't think of an answer just yet, when she begins speaking again. A man protecting his sister? Whom she'd taken the time to observe? Whom she liked when she met?

Eli's pulse quickens slightly. He knew she was talking about him, and he was a little stunned. Turning his head, he just looks at her, surprise written all over his face. He'd thought that today had been more of a meeting on a whim or maybe just something to do or be crazy. But apparently, Scarlet had thought through this long before coming to the shop. She'd already observed him, sized him up and formed an opinion before they'd ever even spoken.

He was pretty confident of himself and he knew he could be top dog when he wanted, whether it was around the shop or at the night races. But having someone else say these things about him... he really didn't know how to take it. He felt some form of flattery but it wasn't something he received often, and coming from Scarlet... it sent a warm feeling through his veins.

His head still turned, he just looks at her, studying her for the longest time while the fireworks boomed above. "Wow... sounds like quite the guy," he responds with raised eyebrows. "I should meet him sometime... maybe he'd have a few pointers for me."

She'd been serious and he'd just cracked a joke. He felt like kicking himself for it, but he just didn't know how to respond to something like that. Backtracking a little, he speaks again before she would have time to feel too badly that he'd kidded around. His voice is a little softer this time. "So what did meeting this guy do to that wall?" he asks quietly. "That wall that's protecting a mending heart."

At first, Alec doesn't move as Ryan comes to sit on his lap, but when she starts to kiss him, his hands automatically slip around her waist, pulling her a little closer. He couldn't help but return her kiss, his fingers gripping her back.

Hearing her theory, he grins while kissing her, giving a low little growl of pleasure as her fingers rake through his hair. "Maybe," he manages between kisses. "I guess it depends..."

His hands roam her back, finding her warm skin to caress. "...on how good..." He tilts his head the other way. "...the little bit is."

Tightening his hold around her, he stands up, letting her wrap her legs around him to stay in his arms. Kicking the chair out of the way, he wanders to the living room, still wrapped up in passionate kisses while picking his way carefully around furniture until he'd reached the couch.

Letting Ryan down first, he lowers himself over her, pausing to catch his breath. "Only one way to find out," he whispers. Keeping his forearms on either side of her to not put too much pressure on her, he leans in again to kiss her cheek, then moves back and down to her neck, lingering there to tease her with kisses before sliding back up to her lips again.

Mending heart

Giving a chuckle Scarlet listens to some of the things Eli liked and gave a nod. There was mystery to him yet a normal side as well. Both seemed like something Scarlet wouldn't mind getting to know. Everyone had there secrets, and there closets of dark tails Sometimes it just took more than a tug to get that door open.

"Dogs are good, and rock and roll is better. I like bikes, tattoos and I think I've found a fondness for fireworks as well."

Letting the silence linger again she thinks for a long moment. She'd just met Eli but there was still just something about him that made her want to bear all. Would he turn the other way walking thinking she would be to much baggage if he stayed? She didn't know but if she was even going to want anything to work...knowing the deeper side would be good right?

"On a more serous not though, my own eyes are dark and luring, and my demeanor is strong, I could probably kick the crap out of just about anyone that messed with me. But behind that there is a heart that has been trying to heal for a long time, but over the years no one earned the right to crack he hard walls that protected the mending heart."

Scarlet's eyes continue to search the sky, her breath soft, her eyes taking on the look that she was so far away in yet still aware that Eli was next to her. Drawing her leg up on the rock again as she lied back letting it wobble back and forth a little.

"But than there was hear tell of a man who protected his sister defending her honor and setting things right. Taking a trip to the track it wasn't hard to observe him from afar, and see the love and calm in his eyes for the one who was family."

More colors go off in the sky lighting up Scarlet's face in a multitude of colors. Each one seeming to reflect and emotion, as her eyes were glossy but from from tears but just thought looking closely it was almost like one could see her story writing out in one simple look.

"Than I finally got the guts to meet him, and when I did I instantly could feel something different about him. Not only did he have knock out looks, and the closer up the better his features were. But he also had his heart on his sleeve, and there was..."

Turning her head Scarlet giving a little smile as she looked at Eli. It was simple to tell she was talking about him. Her eyes searching his face, taking in everything about him as the light and colors lit up his own.

"...something calm and safe about about him that made me feel...everything would be alright an I could trust him."

Giving a chuckle again Ryan shakes her head as she takes a few more steps twords Alec flashing her grin as her eyes dances with fire.

"And if it bothered you that much you wouldn't be playing along now would you?"

Now almost right next to Alec as he sat slouched in the chair Ryan brought herself into his lap facing him one leg on each side. Feeling confidant that no matter how much she did infact mess around with Alec he wouldn't cross the line. There was a vibe there that said he did know better.

Bringing her lips down to his Ryan gives him a soft kiss letting her lips train along his for a moment before deeping it for a moment and than backing away a little.

"Wouldn't you rather..."

Bringing her lips to his nose and than his lips again Ryan press her lips to his backing away but not taking her lips off of his.

"...a little...than non at all?"

Pressing them to his again a little fermer Ryan just lets the kiss linger, letting the emotions was over her as her heart beat so fast in her chest and her hand ran through his hair like it had so many times before.


Alec holds in a laugh, his eyes narrowing slyly at Ryan's comment, a grin toying at his lips. He still had a little bit of beer left so he takes another swig, letting it go down slowly before slinging a comeback.

"I don't know... it's like chocolates, 'cept I'm not allowed to have the whole box." His crooked smile twitches. "Eating just a few morsels could be considered quite cruel. So wouldn't it be better to avoid that dessert altogether?"

Drinking down the last bit of beer, he sets the bottle back on the table with a little clink, just sitting lazily in the kitchen chair, one arm hanging over the back. He knew exactly where Ryan stood without even needing to ask. There was an air about her... confident... sly... seductive. But when it really came down to it, Alec knew good and well that she would choose to remain on this side of a very serious line. And should he cross that line himself, forgiveness on her part would not come easily if at all.

His grin turns into a full smile. "You're pure torture, McKade. And the only thing that makes it worse is that you're fully aware of that fact and I'm left at your mercy."

Seeing Scarlet finally lay back on the rock, Eli's glad that she trusted him enough to relax too. Though the temptation to pull her into his arm was almost too much to resist. He manages to keep still, remembering his promise.

His smile returns though at her question, and he thinks while focusing on the fireworks. "Mm... if I told you what secrets were behind my eyes, then there would be no more mystery. My handsome gaze might turn boring and I'd never get a date with a girl again."

Turning his head to see her, he laughs before looking back to the sky. "Nothing hides... it just takes people a while to find what they're looking for. Gaze too deeply into a man's eyes, though, and one might see more than they want to." His hint hung in the cool air, that there were things about him someone might not want to know.

"I like dogs, rock n' roll and a good steak," he concludes, breaking the odd moment. "Your turn. What's behind those sapphire eyes?"

Something else sweet

Taking a beer out of the fridge for Alec, and grabbing some milk for herself Ryan can finally sit down to enjoy the meal with Alec. She had, had lunch with Alec many times before but to have him sitting at her table and eating with her was completely different. But she liked it, eating with Eli was great but there was just something different a new about enjoying a meal with Alec at home.

Finished with her own meal and seeing Alec was done too Ryan stood and started to clear there plates and the other odd and ends from the table. It defiantly had been a nice dinner, and she was happy they food had turned out well on top of it.

"You're very welcome I am happy you liked the meal."

Turning back to the sick to rinse some of the dishes off before putting them in the dishwasher Ryan turns and looks at Alec letting his question linger. Quirking an eyebrow a grin formed on her own lips. About to make some smart comment that in around about way told him to watch it a bit of releaf washes over Ryan hearing him correct himself to sleeping on the couch.

Giving a chuckle and just continuing to look at Alec Ryan search his eyes for a long moment. Seeing something different in them, it was interesting. Almost soft, curious to see what it was really like to belong somewhere and not just be there because thats where the moment had him. Turning back to the dishes she stick the last plate into the dishwasher holding the silence for a moment.

"I think...that would be a great idea. Don't have any idea when Eli would be home and I could use some company to snuggle on the couch with me. I think some dessert and movies would be a good way to end the night."

Giving him a sidelong glance the sassy grin forms on her lips again her the wheels in her head turned knowing darn well what she said next might be taken as. Taking a few steps closer to where Alec was.

"Though we are fresh out of chocolate cake and whip cream. So we will have to find another tasty treat to have, but I don't think it will be a problem finding it."

Giving a chuckle and enjoying Eli's seance of humor Scarlet makes her way over to the rock to sit down. Bringing a knee up onto the rock and wrapping her arms around it Scarlet continues to watch the color as they shoot off into the sky. Something so simple, so flawless, so pretty.

Just letting the silence rain for a long moment the quiet booms in the distant Scarlet finally turns a little to Eli just looking at him and taking him in for a long moment. How peaceful he looked there.

"So, you like to draw on cars, and have you friends check out chicks before you bother meeting them..."

Scarlet gives a teasing wink to Eli. She wasn't upset anymore she just didn't want him to live it down yet.

Giving a stretch and leaning back on the rock herself finally Scarlet keeps her eyes to the sky watching all the colors as they exploded into reaches of the stars.

"What else hides behind to mysterious dark and handsome eyes of yours?"

Perfect seat

Finally getting up off the couch, Alec wanders to the kitchen behind Ryan, sticking close and watching her finish up the food. He hadn't realized how hungry he was until he sits down at the table, all the great smells wafting through the air.

"Oooh, a beer would hit the spot."

Getting settled at the table with Ryan and eating, Alec grows strangely quiet. Eating slowly, one hand is still on his sore ribs, but it wasn't the pain that was keeping him quiet. It was something else. There was an awful lot going through his mind right now and he wasn't really sure how to process it.

Almost finished eating, he just stops for a moment and looks across the table at Ryan thoughtfully. "Thanks, Ry... this is... nice." It was different now. He wasn't sure why, but it was. This was what life was supposed to be like, wasn't it? He could have the speed, adrenaline, mystery and fun. But it wasn't all about that, was it? There really was more. He hadn't believed it until today. He would have thought that he would hate these quiet moments. But when he was too tired for adventure and sitting with a friend... it wasn't so bad after all.

Putting his last bite of steak in his mouth, he chews thoughtfully. "Can I... spend the night?"

His eyes rise to meet hers, a sly grin emerging. "On the couch," he clarifies, knowing good and well she wouldn't stand for anything else, let alone Eli who would be back later. "I don't wanna die yet," he muses with humor in his voice.

He just... wanted to see what it was like being in an actual home. Not waking up at TJY, or the Agency, or some woman's house he'd wound up at while drunk. This place with Eli and Ryan... it was... a home. It had brother and sister... family... something Alec hadn't had in a very long time.

"Funny business?" Eli arcs one of his eyebrows and a little laugh escapes before he can stop it as her terminology strikes him as humorous. "What? You didn't like sitting in my lap earlier?"

His smile widens with his teasing tone as he backs away towards the rock. "C'mon. Tonight started out pretty poorly and it was my fault, so at least lets end it well so tomorrow we'll have good memories." He pauses, extending his arms to his sides as he backs up. "Without any funny business." He tosses her a wink before turning around to walk the rest of the way to the big rock.

Settling down on the hard surface, it was cool from the day's damp air but had dried enough to sit on. Lowering himself, he lies on his back, putting his hands up behind his head, his jacket falling open as he looks up at the sky. The rock was angled just enough that the fireworks were still in great view if one dared to lie back and see for themselves. A slight breeze played with Eli's hair as another firework exploded in the night sky.

Funny Business

Giving a small chuckle again and feeling the heat come to her cheeks at Eli's mention to her being gorgeous Scarlet shifts her weight a little. Though she still felt odd about having Eli's friend looking after her there was just something about his smile, about him that made her so she just couldn't be mad.

"Ten minutes it ten minutes. You were so adamant about coming on a date with me I thought you would have been on time."

Looking at the fireworks as a few more go off Scarlet lets her arms fall to her side Eli's question going unanswered for a moment. They were so pretty looking and she hadn't seen fireworks in so long it was like seeing them for the first time all over again. A smile on her face grows a little wides the colors still dancing on her face and eyes.

Finally looking down and over to Eli again Scarlet gives a small nod as she unzips her jacket a little. It really was a nice night.

"Ok, I'll sit with you, as long as there is no funny business."

The smile on her face and the glint in her eyes showed she was joking even if her voice was stern. She new she really had nothing to worry about with Eli. He just made her feel comfortable something she hadn't felt around a guy in a long time.

Feeling Alec's hand run through her hair Ryan lets out a soft low moan saying she likes the way it felt. Looking down at him again she still didn't want to move but she new sooner or later she would have to.

Shifting a little and rolling off Alec Ryan stands before offering a hand up to Alec as well before heading to the kitchen.

In a few moment Ryan had everything prepared and set on the table. The different smells wafting through the room making any hungry tummy growl. Looking in the fridge she studys what they have to drink.

"We have beer, Milk, OJ, and water...what would you like?"

To myself

Confirming that Scarlet and Tal had just been playing with him eased Eli's mind a little bit. He hadn't gotten the impression that Scarlet was one to just grab anybody out of desperation, but it was nice to hear her say it anyway. Unfortunately, whether she and Tal had wanted him to look stupid or not, he had, and felt jut a teensy bit like a fool.

Giving a little chuckle, Eli watches another couple fireworks before answering. "I don't know. I guess where we'd left it at the shop, I wasn't sure if you'd actually show or not. I knew I could get Tal to keep an eye out if I bought him supper, then yeah... I wouldn't have to get out and tell someone the next day that I'd been stood up by Miss Gorgeous herself."

Swinging his head back around, he's wearing a silly crooked grin. "Not to mention, you weren't supposed to even know Tal was there, but you had to go and try to leave at ten after eight. I mean, come on... ten minutes? You weren't even gonna give me a chance to show up."

Finally dismounting his bike, Eli stretches, his leather jacket creaking with the movement. "There's a rock over there if you wanna sit." He points to a nice smooth bolder at the edge of the hill that was ideal for sitting. "I promise to keep my hands to myself."

"Mm... steak sounds good." Alec leans his face into Ryan's hand, loving her touch. Other woman hadn't touched him like that before... it was different... there was more affection and a desire to be with him and not just get what was wanted and leave.

Looking up at her, he gives a little shrug. "Reese and I.... have... come to an understanding I guess. I mean... after today well... I guess maybe I did something right and he's gonna be a little easier on me unless I screw up again."

Grinning, he runs a hand through her hair. "So.... yeah, I can stay if you want."

What about you?

Scarlet can't help the grin that crossed her face she she looked up at the fireworks. If it had anyone else that had said something like that to her, she would of been upset and maybe even slap them. But there was something about the way Eli said it that didn't feel like a threat at all.

"Not trying to make you look stupid, but maybe have a little fun with you for sending your friend to see if I would show up and not just coming yourself."

Finally turning to look at Eli Scarlet looks into his eyes as the fireworks keep going off. The light was enough to make out his features and under the dim light he looked even better.

"I new you'd show your Tal told me that you were on your way and thats why I couldn't leave. Before that I have every intention of just going home and watching some tv before heading to bed. So to your answer, No I am not a loser despite for a date, I choose wisely, and no I wasn't trying to make you looks stupid ether."

Crossing her own arms over her chest Scarlet looks to the sky for a moment as another firework goes off admiring the colors before looking to Eli again.

"So,what about you? Whats with sending your friend to see if I'd show up and not just coming yourself? Weather I was going to show or not? Didn't feel like looking stupid from being stood up?"

Ryan gives a soft chuckle as she is cuddle on the couch with Alec. It was so warm, and comfortable. Being close to Alec and just laying here felt so nice Ryan could sink here, and be so happy.

"Mmm...I don't think I'd mind if you stayed and let me fall asleep on top of you."

Shifting just a little to not remove her head from Alec's chest but to look up at him Ryan brings her hand to the side of his face to gently stroke it. Over his eyes, his nose, his cheeks and this lips.

"Do you have a time limit now of when you need to be back? Or can you stay longer for supper and maybe a movie? I have an extra steak now that Eli's gone."

Feel stupid

Eli watches the fireworks, though his peripheral vision focuses on Scarlet, noting that she'd dismounted and drew nearer to him.

Hearing her question, his mouth twitches in amusement. Another firework goes off, lighting the sky and sending soft light to Eli's face as if highlighting his rugged features. "If I say yes, that's admitting this is a date and you might try to convince me it's the second one after our little encounter back at the restaurant."

Finally turning his head, he looks at Scarlet and studies her eyes that shimmered in the sparkling light. His little grin turns into a full smile. Her question goes unanswered.

"So tell me..." He remains sitting astride his bike, and crosses his arms over his chest. "Did you figure I wasn't gonna show so you're the type to just pick up the next best thing, or were you and Tal putting on an act just to make me feel stupid?"

Alec opens his eyes, realizing that he'd just started to doze off. He needed to get back to TJY. Ryan still had supper that she'd left in the kitchen and it was probably getting cold, too. But he didn't want to get up. He hadn't been this comfortable in ages. No wonder it was making him sleepy.

Closing his eyes again, he resumes giving Ryan a back rub. "Careful," he warns. "Let me lie here much longer and you won't be able to get rid of me tonight."

Luck out

Jimmy gives a laugh and a smile it wasn't often someone came in here knowing there own limit with driving so when he did it was nice to see.

"It's been a long time since Scarlet found someone she liked. Thats a woman when she wants something she'll get it. Its good to see the spark in her eye of determination again."

Taking Tal's bottle and shaking his head it was so easy to see Jimmy was content with his job. Taking pride in how his place looked. Glancing back at Tal he gives a nod.

"You have a good night and hope to see ya again."

Following Eli with great presition its not to hard to follow Eli. Happy to be going fast Scarlet likes that Eli was a man who took a dare though slowing at certain spots proved he was smart as well and that was a skilled driver.

Seeing the sign for Creston come into view Scarlet is a little surprised as Eli go thee other way. Wondering for a moment where on earth he was going Scarlet just continues to follow him not minding just ridding more.

Finally coming to a stop at the top of the hill thought the view was amazing. Putting her kick stand down than swinning her one leg over the bike till she was standing. Taking her helmet off Scarlet lets her hair fall from under it and around her shoulders once again almost like it had never been disrupted to start with. Placing them helmet down She wanders closer to Eli to look over at the town.

As the first firework goes off Scarlet looks to the sky as the colors spread and make there pattern in the sky with the bright brilliant colors. The lights reflecting off of Scarlets eyes making them seem bigger and sparkle more.

"Wow...this is amazing."

Looking at Eli again she smirks a little cocking her head to the side a little humor showing in her eyes that she was joking.

"Do you take all your dates here? Or did I just luck out?"

No better view

Watching the antics of Eli and Scarlet, then seeing them both take off, Tal shakes his head, still sitting at the bar. Looking to Jimmy, he smirks. "Kindred spirits, those two. We'll be lucky if they don't kill each other."

Finished with his beer, he refuses another one. "I gotta drive. I think I will go get me a hamburger though. As long as Eli was buying, I might as well take advantage of it."

Eli heads out of town, going a might faster than the speed limit, despite the wet roads. The rain had stopped and the clouds were clearing, but the pavement still held the moisture from earlier. Hitting the four-lane highway, his engine revs as he overtakes a few cars. Glancing in his mirror though, he sees a single headlight and he suspects who it is.

Sure enough, as Scarlet comes up beside him, he knows exactly who it is. His grin was hidden under his helmet. Shifting into a higher gear, he speeds up on the straightaway, overtaking a few more cars but keeping Scarlet in his sights.

Once the road brings several curves though, he slows, knowing not to play crazy on the wet road even though he wanted to. A few more miles, and he exits the highway, taking a few narrower roads. Though speeding up again, he doesn't take any corners too sharply, amused as he is tailed.

Eventually, the sign for Creston comes into view, but Eli doesn't head into town where the fireworks were going to take place. Instead, he hits a side road that needed a good rider to be able to manipulate around potholes and bumps. If he would have been with anybody else the first time, he wouldn't have let them follow - but he had a feeling Scarlet could handle this route quite well.

Another mile and the road curves around and starts to climb. The going was slower, but Eli knows exactly where he's headed. Though a sign came up that the road was a dead end, he keeps going until he'd hit a wooded path that some people would overlook completely. It was gravel though, so the rain hadn't made it too difficult to drive. It was a bit loose in spots and Eli takes it carefully until finally the trees end at a clearing.

They'd reached the top of a hill that had a steep slope down the other side. The path had ended, leaving the route at a true dead end. Pulling to a stop, Eli looks down over the town lights and cuts his engine. Putting down his kickstand, he lets his bike rest to the side as he plants both feet on the ground and takes off his helmet. They'd made it just in time.

The first firework rockets into the sky and bursts into brilliance. There could be no better view than this hidden lookout point. Grinning a little, Eli gives a little glance to his side, wondering if Scarlet would stick around or just tell him off then head back.


Being set up on her feel again Scarlet just looks at Eli for a long moment as he brings his fingers to her lips once again and than fall back letting his challange hang in the air.

Turning around quickly Scarlet throws some money onto the bar knowing if it was not enough Jimmy would tell her next time.

"Kiddo, your really going after him?"

"Like heck I am. Now I am determined to get my kiss."

"Just be safe the roads are wet."

"Yeah yeah I know Jimmy thanks."

Leaving the pub and seeing Eli start out of the parking lot Scarlet take the time to put her helmet on and start the bike as well. Giving it another rev she was backing our from her parking place and heading out onto the road.

Seeing Eli's tail lights up a head Scarlet puts on the gas a little more to come closer to him. Slowly gaining. Till she was right behind him.

Pulling over into the second lane she had to weave in and out of some cars but found herself along side Eli's bike. Giving a grin only her eyes could tell, and shaking her head slightly for now Scarlet had caught up.

Catch me

Eli sits still and looks into Scarlet's eyes, feeling her hands wander up to his neck and hair. Her touch sent a tingle down his spine.

As she nears his face again, he interrupts the movement with another swig from his beer bottle. "I don't hire henchmen," he corrects. "Just spies. And this morning...." He eyes her, a sly glint passing through his gaze. "That was a bonus of my job. So technically, we're back to this being the first date."

He reaches up to take one of her hands in his, running his rough thumb through her palm. "Not to mention, when I arrived, you were getting it on with that spy of mine." He tsks and shakes his head. "So this might not even be a date at all."

He sips on his beer again and bounces one leg, to throw Scarlet off balance. Standing abruptly, he dumps her back on her feet, downing the rest of the beer with several large swallows. "Time for me to hit the road, Hot Stuff. There's fireworks in Creston and I'm not gonna miss out."

Reaching out, he runs a finger over her lips one more time. Tossing some money on the table, he swaggers towards the door, turning just as he reaches it. "Catch me if you can," he challenges.

Checking out

Bring pulled into Eli's lap the sassy grin widens a little on her lips hearing his comment. Going to reply Scarlet is stopped by Eli's finger on her lips. Like she had felt earlier today his touch was rough but still so light and soft, just the feeling of his finger on her lip sent chills through her.

Closing her own eyes and leaning in slightly Scarlet is disappointed as she is left hanging with no kiss. Over behind the bar she can hear Jimmy snicker again, thinking this whole thing was completely funny.

"Oh, no kiss on the first date but you have to send you hench men in to see if I'd actually show up. What a first date indeed."

Scarlet stays sitting on Eli's lap bringing her one hand to his chest and lightly brings her hands up and to his shoulders. Her touch light and soft. Than moving her fingers up his neck and the the side of his face brushing his hair out of his eyes before slipping her hand behind his head and running her fingers though his hair.

Braining her face close to his again Scarlet's eyes give a little spark as her fingers continue to move through Eli's hair.

"You know...technically this is not a first date. I would consider...you checking me out this morning as the first date!"


Eli quirks an eyebrow as his drinks come up from behind. Hearing the whisper though and feeling the warm breath on his ear, a wry grin creases his lips.

Not responding right away, he takes the whiskey and downs the shot in one swallow, setting the empty shot glass on the table. Scooting his chair back a little ways, he grabs Scarlet around the waist without warning, pulling her into his lap. "Well... what have we here?"

His left eyebrow is still quirked, his unruly hair almost covering one of his eyes. "Get tired of poor Tal over there? Or was I just a more appealing choice on the menu?"

Taking a finger he runs it softly over Scarlet's ruby lips. "I have a feeling you could outkiss Becky," he muses. Leaning in closer, his face is near enough he could feel her breath on his skin. His eyes close and his lips almost reach hers.

All of a sudden though, he straightens back up and goes for his beer instead. "Unfortunately, I don't kiss on first dates. Sorry." Taking swig of beer, he releases Scarlet, so she can stand up again.


Still grinning Scarlet looks up into the mirror and watches Eli with Becky. She can feel her own heart race. Knowing the waitress had nothing to do with this she couldn't help but till feel a little something bubble inside of her.


Leaning into Scarlet to take her empty bottle Jimmy gives a chuckle a smile strong in his face and his eyes dancing with humor.

"Its looks like you've been one upped Scarlet."

Throwing Jimmy a dirty look Scarlet looks back to Tal and gives a shake of her head and a chuckle. Eli had one upped her but this wasn't the end. However, there was no way she could kiss Tal and not mean it. The look in his eye said this had hardly been totally a joke to him.

"Sorry, not gonna happen. I can't kiss you and than walk a way. Thats just not fair to you. It was fun while it lasted, make sure Jimmy gives you another beer on my tab."

Scarlet gives him a pat to the arm and stands taking her jacket from the back of the chair. Heading around the bar like she was going to the bathroom Scarlet heads Becky off who's cheeks were still flushed.

"I can take it from here Becky."

Taking the shot of whiskey and the beer Scarlet comes around the far way behind Eli so he couldn't see her. Bringing the shot and the beer over his shoulders she holds them out for him bring her lips down by his ear. Her breath soft, moving over his ear as she talked.

"That kiss looked pretty good there lover boy, but lets see if I can do better."