
5 more min

Throwing Alec one more grin Ryan disappears into the darkness of TJY. She would be back, when she wasn't sure. Now once alown making her way back to her car Ryan's mind had a chance to think. What had she done with Alec, when put that way it sounded so bad, but it was bad. She had Leo and Leo trusted her yet she went a kissed some other guy. Why had she done that.

Getting into her car Ryan just closes her eyes for a moment thinking about what happened. It was almost like she was reliving it. She could feel the tingles, the strange warmth that came from Alec. Ryan had felt so pulled to him, almost like she had no control, not that she didnt mind. But that mind set was wrong she had Leo, yet at the same time she felt only a small bit a guilt but it was enough to drive in a steak to her heart.

Opening her eyes again Ryan lets out a sigh putting her car into gear Ryan heads for home. Eli and Leo would be waiting and possible worried about her. She would think one this and try to figure it out more later.

Entering the house right as the bowl of popcorn goes flying Ryan can't help but raise her eyebrow. Peeking her head around the corner she doesn't let her presence known as she just watches the two boys and listens.

Hearing about the big screen a bigger seems to form on Ryan's face, than about there hunger and wondering where she is Ryan just shakes her head. Seeing them get up she slips into the hall knowing they would go around the other way. Heading in the opposite direction she just continues to watch them leaning against the door frame there backs to her, her keys in her hand.

Eli and Leo got along so well and Ryan loved watching them interact. They were so funny weather they new it or not. Seeing her brother finally pick up the knife a smile pass over Ryan's face.

"Elijah McKade don't you even think about it, you know darn well what I meant."

Stepping into the kitchen a little more Ryan shakes her head at both men giving a laugh that followed. Though her eyes held a strange confusion, or maybe cloudy contemplation to them not many might see. But only who new her better than she new herself may be able to pic up.

"If you both think you can wait five more minutes for me to take a shower, when I come out we can open gifts, and eat ok?"

Being brought to the couch with Scott Hope sinks down with him. Leaning comfortable into him she rests her head against his. Bringing her hands to Scott's arm Hope gives them a squeeze returning the hug. He meant so much to her, even if he didn't talk to her was there for him and she just wanted him to know that. If nothing else she just want Scott to know he wasnt alone.

Leaning her head back a little to look into Scott's eyes Hope gives a smile before gently pressing her lips to his and than retreating again leaning her head on his chest.

Making room on the couch for Domino to come and jump up Hope felt so content watching the flicker of the little tree over in the corner and being wrapped in Scott's arms.


Oh, but when... when? Alec cocks his head as Ryan's lips brush his ear, twisting until his head was down further to kiss her neck. As she draws away though, he lets her go, whatever sense he had left telling him he should.

His eyes catch hers again and though his face seems to lack expression, his gaze holds a million thoughts, all revolving around a set of emotions that had risen out of their dormant depths. Leaning on the doorway, he watches Ryan leave until she's out of sight. He suddenly realizes he's been holding his breath, and he lets it out slowly, tilting his head to rest against the wall. Where on earth had he just been?

Like a curtain lifting on a scene, it's as if Alec begins to think about what just happened, coming back to reality from a daze. What had he just done? What had possessed him and why in the world had he just let himself do that?!

Blinking with confusion over his own self, he turns and wanders to his cot, flopping down to lie on his back. He had to be crazy. Absolutely crazy. He didn't even know why he'd kissed Ryan in the first place. Maybe he'd just wanted to thank her. Maybe because he'd been wanting to do it since day one - she was an incredibly attractive woman. What man wouldn't want to kiss her? Maybe it was because she was starting to draw out the inner feelings that had been buried and he didn't have any other way to express them. Maybe it was as simple as the mysterious and enticing pull she had on him.

Alec stares at the ceiling, replaying everything in his mind over and over again. She had returned his kisses, no doubt. He knew she'd enjoyed them as much as he. A warm tingle spreads through him with just that thought.

And under it all, something had begun to rise to the surface. He had felt again. He had felt the warmth of emotions that he thought were too far gone for him to ever feel again. He had felt something for Ryan other than a physical attraction. And he had felt something in return when she had responded willingly. And it felt... good.

Rolling over, Alec stands up and begins to pace. This had started a whole new and unexpected chain of events in his mind. These thoughts, these feelings... it didn't make sense, but it was there. It felt almost as if something was signaling daybreak in his soul... a soul that had been in the dark of night for over six years.

Grabbing a nearby pen and pad of paper, Alec's hand hovers over the lines. No... he couldn't. Just because of one kiss? What was he thinking? He sets the pen down and paces again, but soon he is right back there again. His jaw muscles tighten and relax, tighten and relax. His fingers grip the pen until he throws it back down, walking in circles all over again. And once more, he returns, the paper still blank, the pen in his hand. He had to be absolutely nuts. But maybe... just maybe... there really was something bigger here. And for once, an additional emotion wriggles its way up out of the depths: hope.

Growling at his own indecision, Alec throws caution into the wind and begins to write. And he doesn't stop until hours and a half a pad of paper later.

"Noooo!" Leo throws the empty bowl of popcorn over his head, sending it flying behind the couch and near the kitchen. "How could it end like that?!"

Eli stares at the television screen, throwing his arms up in the air. "They totally left the movie hanging! That's not fair!"

Smirking, Leo sighs. "So much for that. Good thing Ryan didn't stick around. She woulda hated this thing."

"I think you're right." Eli grins. "Except she probably would have thrown that bowl at the tv and we'd be getting a new present for Christmas."

Leo quirks an eyebrow. "We could have a replay of the bowl if you really did have your heart set on that flat screen."

Laughing, Eli shakes his head. "I'd like to live another day, thank you." Yawning, he stretches and glances up at the clock. "She's late. Go figure. I'm hungry."

"Dude, we just stuffed ourselves and then snacked during the movie."

"And your point is...?" Eli grins. "It's Christmas! A day to stuff 'til your burst, didn't you know that? McKade tradition." Standing up, he stretches again. "If my sister doesn't show up in fifteen minutes, I'm gonna go down to TJY and knock somebody's head through a wall."

Leo lifts his eyebrows. "Or you could call her cell."

"And.... what would be the fun in that?" Eli trots to the kitchen where there was pie waiting on the counter. "Ryan didn't say we couldn't have a piece yet did she?"

"Well..." Leo gets up and joins Eli, staring at the pie. "I think she said it was for 'later.'"

"Later as in... later than when she made the statement, or later as in later tonight?" Eli ponders a moment before grabbing a knife. "What am I talking about? I don't care what the definition of later is."

Domino perks up as she sees Hope's plate being lowered to the floor. Wriggling with excitement at more good food, she trots over and immediately begins to clean the plate, pausing only to look up as she receives a pat to the head, as if she was saying thank you. It didn't last long though as she returns to devouring the turkey and loudly licking up any leftover gravy she could find.

Scott's chuckles and shakes his head. "I don't know why you're thanking me but for what it's worth... you're welcome."

Rising from the table, he goes to Hope and holds out his hand, leading her to the little living room before sinking down on the couch. Sitting in the corner, he brings Hope into his arms, leaning her back against his chest with his arms around her and resting his head on her shoulder. Closing his eyes, he tries to push the negative feelings from his mind. This was supposed to be a happy day. He was trying to hard not to think about his conflict with Sapphire, or the Agency. It was hard though.

Carson had confirmed that it was simply going to take time as far as the Agency was concerned. He'd told Scott that there was no way to reverse the assimilation and that Scott's brain just needed to chill. but it would take time. He explained it by comparing it to eyes seeing a single glowing light bulb, while the brain registered seeing a hundred strobe lights. When Scott would see or hear something that triggered information he had, his brain was pulling it all up at once whether he wanted it to or not, and it was basically overwhelming his brain. Thankfully, Carson had been confident that with time, Scott would be able to conquer the automatic response and retrain his brain to only pull up that information when he wanted it to - not on its own or unexpectedly. The anger however... that was something different altogether and would take just as much willpower to overcome.

Scott buries his head a little further into Hope's shoulder, holding her just a little tighter. "You know you're my lifeline," he whispers. And she was. With all that going on inside of him, she was the one thing that was keeping him sane. He just needed to focus on now and quit thinking about everything else. He hadn't yet told Hope about how he was struggling with the Agency thoughts and anger issues. But she was there and that in itself brought at sliver of peace.


Taking Alec's hand Ryan thought it very nice of him to help her down off the table. Just standing there for a long moment she catches her balance as everything seemed like it was still moving a little. Her heart still beating fast, but not nearly as fast as a few moments ago. Finally able to move again Ryan makes her way to the door. Alec's arms still around her she can feel his warmth his her back and can't deny it warmed her.

Feeling Alec's breath on her neck and ear, and giving her a gentile squeeze along with his words Ryan gives a little shiver. Not from fear though, but from the tingle than ran down her spin. If she stayed any longer it was for certain they would get into a kissing match once more.

Turning to face Alec once again his arms still around her Ryan gives a small grin and a gentile nod of her head. Wrapping her arms gently around Alec's neck and give a little squeeze to bring him closer, and a tiny hug Ryan leans in giving him a soft kiss on his eat letting her lips linger there as she whispers.

"You have my word Alec, I will be back and I don't make a habit of breaking my word, to anyone."

Giving his ear one more gentile kiss Ryan pulls away as his arms drop from around her giving a wink and a smile she turns ready to leave once again.

Sitting at the table Hope smiles across the table at Scott. She'd enjoyed cooking for him and now eating dinner, though Hope could see his mind was miles away. She could see the look in his eye that showed his missed this time spent with family and though she said nothing about it Hope felt so helpless not being able to help.

Hearing Scott's comment Hope's own smile grows as her eyes twinkle looking back at Scott from across the room. Hope, only hoped the rest of the night could be good for Scott. She liked seeing smile and hated seeing him so sad like this.

"Mmmm...As long as I was with you Scott we could be in a card bored box and I would spend it with you. Cold, but it wouldn't matter as long as I was with you."

Taking another bit of her food Hope pushes her own plate away from her full from such a good meal. Leaving some turkey on the plate Hope sets it down on the floor for Domino giving a grin and a side long glance to Scott, than back to there little friend.

"Shhh...its Christmas, she can splurge a little right?"

Patting the little dog's head gently Hope looks back at Scott once more taking a sip of her coffee before replying to him.

"Thank you Scott, for shearing this time with me."


Taking in Ryan's kiss again, Alec lets it linger, in no hurry to let go. But when she pulls away, he doesn't stop her. His hands rest on her waist and his eyes boldly lock with hers without fear. "The table has heavy braces," he counters, also catching his breath.

He can tell she's serious about leaving though, and he wasn't going to make her stay. Not only would he get in trouble with Hal or Reese, but if he tried to pull any stunts with Ryan, he knew she would not return.

Surrender flashes in his eyes and he straightens, backing up a step and offering Ryan a hand to slide back off the table. Turning her towards the door, he walks behind her with his arms wrapped around her torso. Stopping at the door, he tilts his head down to her shoulder from behind, taking in the scent of the sweet shampoo that lingered in her hair.

"You better keep that promise about coming back," he whispers as his arms tighten a little bit around her. "Now I'm liable to miss you."

Finally letting her go, he steps back so she can leave.

Scott plays a little bit with the rest of his food on his plate then looks down to see Domino hasn't left. Shaking his head and grinning, he gives her another little piece of turkey. "You're gonna have to go on a diet after this," he warns.

Her more than him - he hadn't eaten much, even though it was Christmas, and even though Hope had helped cook some delicious food. But he knew better than to try eating too much when his mind was in turmoil. He would only wind up making himself sick and that would be worse.

He and Hope had yet to exchange gifts though, so he hoped the rest of their evening would be a peaceful one. He missed being at his parents this year. Though they didn't always get along, Christmas was the one time they could look past their differences and get along and renew their relationships. But not this year. No... not this year.

Pushing his plate aside, he rests his elbows on the table and looks across at Hope, offering her the best smile he could. "Thanks for spending Christmas with me," he comments softly. "I feel like I finally found what's been missing all these years."

Hot Flash

Being lifted off the ground Ryan wraps her arms around Alec's wast and she leans into him. Another small laugh seems to slip out as she is set down. Keeping her arms wrapped around Alec he felt so warm to her. So much different from when she first met him.

His words and lips softly brushing over her ear send chills through her. So soft, so light, everything about Ryan didnt want to stop this interaction with Alec. It felt so good, it felt so nice to be this close to him but she had to, she just had to.

Feeling his lips on hers once more Ryan returns the kiss for a moment. Tasting how sweet Alec lips were, and addicting his kiss could be. Finally removing her hands from his neck and leaning back just a little so she could pulls away from him Ryan gives a grin gasping for her again.

"We are going to break your table, and than they are going to want to know what happened. I really do need to go. But I will be back another day, you have my promise."


Ryan's hand running through Alec's hair sends a low murmur into his kiss, his eyes closed, fully letting himself fall into the moment. She was soft and warm and everything about her made him feel good - something he hadn't felt in a long time.

As she pulls away again though, his pulse is still racing. "So?" Leaning his head down, her neck is the target for several more light kisses before he looks her in the eye again. "I'm sure traffic is terrible."

Kissing her lips one more, his hand rubs her back, continuing even when he pulls away once more. "It's Christmas, after all." His grin returns and without warning, both arms are around her waist, picking her up off the ground. Two steps and he sets her on the table, keeping his arms around her, now eye-to-eye with her.

Leaning to her ear, he whispers, "Two more minutes." His lips trace across her cheek until they find her own again, bringing them back into a deep kiss.


As Alec kiss her cheek, and than moves to her jaw Ryan cant help the small chuckle that formed. It tickled a little feeling those light kisses. But as much as it tickled it felt good too. Not retreating as her lips found her again Ryan cant keep her heart pick up the beat once again. Rapidly pounding in her chest so loud she thought for sure Alec could hear it.

A small sound forms in her throat as the kiss continued a sure signal she was enjoying it. Bringing her hand up Alec's arm once again and finding his the back of his head her fingers curl around his hair just a little before flatting again his head once again.

Totally lost in the moment nothing else seemed to matter as the emotions Ryan was feeling seemed to leave her body tingling. But hearing the beep on her phone signaling it was a half hour past when she should of left Ryan unwillingly pulls herself from Alec once again. Looking up at him with a grin.

"I really should be going you know."


As Ryan's hand crawls up Alec's arm and her fingers run through his hair, he's taken by surprise. He hadn't expected this kind of reaction at all. As she comes for another kiss, his arms wrap around her even tighter, returning the kiss, once more taking in the sweet taste.

When Ryan pulls away, his forehead rests against hers and he was breathing heavily too, his heart pumping. His arms remain around her waist, still holding her against the wall, pressing her to himself. Her words bring a new spark to his eye and for the first time, the corner of his mouth starts to turn up into a grin. "Merry Christmas," he whispers back.

Cocking his head, he gives her cheek several soft kisses, moving back from her jawline to her lips again, returning to a passionate exchange all over again. One hand remains on her back to keep her close to him, while the other slides up to her neck then her hair, cradling the back of her head. Turning his head the opposite way, he doesn't let go just yet.


Not expecting Alec to be right behind her when she turned around Ryan takes a few steps back, a grin crossing her lips.

"Well I feel honored you trust my taste in food. I'll have to think up something special for when I come again."

Turning to go again, feeling Alec's hand on her arm, being pinned against the wall than receiving the kiss happened all so fast Ryan didn't even get a moment to react. Once it was over and Alec had pulled away a little Ryan's heart was left racing and her knees were weak. Almost speechless for a moment Ryan just looks up at Alec catching sight of the look that passed in his eyes.

Not being able to stop herself Ryan slips her on hand up Alec's arm and to the back of his head. Her fingers playing with his hair for a long moment. Leaning up Ryan's eyes stair into his until her lips are pressed firmly to his own her eyes slipping closed.

Letting this moment linger Ryan felt a whole new set of emotions run through her. Something about Alec was different, something that drove her actions to kiss him like this.

Finally pulling away Ryan lets her hand fall from the back on his head and run down his arm just resting there for a long moment. Leaning her head aganst his for a moment she breathed heavy. But finally looking up into his eyes once more, a grin forms on her lips as her own eyes rapidly scan his.

"Merry Christmas Alec."


Looking down at the table, Alec runs his thumb over a crack absentmindedly. He wasn't used to feeling the way he did right now. It made him feel weak, while not caring at the same time. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, Ryan had been a nice distraction, giving him something other than silence to pass the time. He still didn't quite understand her but... there was something about her that intrigued him. She had a danger about her that he didn't like... a danger that warned him that her words could sting. But maybe that's what was part of the appeal.

Standing up, Alec stretches, watching Ryan prepare to leave, studying her movements. Would she really be back? How many times did they have left before he'd be behind bars? He wondered. He didn't like the strange feelings he had... he didn't like not feeling in control, whether it was over his own future or just being here with Ryan. He'd lost something the moment he'd bent to her control. Yet at the same time... he felt almost like he'd gained something too.

Wandering to the door behind Ryan, Alec rests one hand on the open door, the other in his pocket. Looking down into her eyes, he hears the offer for food and contemplates his response. It wasn't just the food... he knew that now. He didn't have to steal a card for Ryan to come back, and in reality... it didn't matter to him what kind of food she brought.

Studying her eyes, a glint appears in his own. "Whatever you can bring," he responds. "After today, I trust your tastes."

As he sees her moving to leave, instincts cause him to reach out and grab her arm, pulling her back sharply and up against the wall. It wasn't anger that drove his motions though. It was a different kind of roughness. "In case I'm behind bars by the next time you come," he hisses.

Not giving her time to react, he leans forward, pressing his lips to hers in a brief but passionate kiss. Drawing back only inches, though he still had one arm in his grasp, he fully expected to be slapped. "Fun was your idea," he reminds coyly.

"Mmm." Ty nods as he starts in on his own ice cream. "You bet." He glances across the table and points his spoon at the teddy bear. "Don't give me that look. I'm not sharing."

Grinning, he takes another bite. "So... the day is only half over. It's your turn to decide what we do next."