

Feeling Jason coming before her was even at her cubicle Katie sends out a few warm feelings. A large smile was drawn across her face.

I am not sure, I might have a date.

Turning her chair to look at him as he leans on the cubicle wall her eyes dance with humor showing she was in fact talking about him if he was gonna ask her out of a date for lunch. Seeing the puppy dog eyes Katie cringes a little. She could never with stand the puppy dog eyes.

"Not the eyes...anything but the eyes. Its over now...all over...I have to share the cure with you now. I can't say no to lunch. I could use some company myself anyways."

Leaning back in her chair Sapphire lets the phone ring. She had been swamped at work and she wasn't sure if Gage would even be awake for lunch so she thought calling first would be good. If he didn't answer she'd try back in a little bit and try to get more work done.

Finally the answering mashean picks up and Sapphire gives a little laugh and shakes her head giving a little laugh. She'd never be upset with Gage for being tired he was new to this kind of work and it was only normal.

"Gage....yoooohooo Gage...sleepy head...its Sapphire...well I guess you really are asleep huh? Well don't worry its ok, and I understand I'm a little busy here at work too. So you sleep, since you seem to be already and I will check on ya in a little bit. Rest well Sweety."

Hanging up the phone Sapphire smiles as she puts her head phone back on again and going back to her paper work.

Sound asleep

Jason smiles at Destiny, glad he could at least maybe help her feel a little more at ease tomorrow. "You're welcome. That's what we're here for."

Saying he'd see her later, he finally heads back to his office, only to turn right around and head back out to the main floor. Aiming for Katie's cubicle, he passes by Chance but doesn't stop. On his way, he spies Alec coming from Reese's office. Odd. But none of his business.

Hey, cutie. What are you doing for lunch today?

Jason leans over Katie's cubicle wall, giving her puppydog eyes. "I'm lonely. Do you have the cure?"

Loud beeping sounds in Gage's apartment, his alarm going off two feet from his mattress. But even though he'd turned it up to wake him up in time to be ready for Sapphire to come for lunch, his body doesn't move.

The sound of the alarm seemed to infiltrate his dream, becoming something imagined so not even the fog lifts. Gage was completely sound asleep.

Justin simply purses his lips in something close to a smile and nods, giving Beth a little wave. Starting down the sidewalk, he tucks one hand in the pocket of his jeans, his head slightly bent. He caught himself walking in this dejected position, but didn't try to fix it. He was too tired. Maybe he was just in a bad mood.

Getting to his truck, he throws his backpack into the passenger seat and slides in behind the wheel. But for a few minutes, he sits without leaving. Many thoughts ran through his mind, and a few that didn't feel so great. Move on, Justin, come on. Quit landing in the middle of messes you can't fix. It's not worth it.

Sighing, he turns the key and has to try several times to get his pickup to come to life. He needed a new vehicle, plain and simple. But money wasn't coming easily. His mother was right. He needed a real job.

With another headache settling in, Justin sets out for the long drive home.

Shadow of the past

"I never said I was better off alone because I had a full plate. I was simply stating I don't have time for anything else. Not that I keep myself alone because of all that I handle, but sometimes alone is best anyways because anything else has been forgotten."

Taking another bit of the apple Beth really didn't want anymore but it seemed to be there so eating it slowly and listen to Justin she takes in his words. Understanding what he was saying, and wondering about some of it. Letting it sink in a tiny bit she new it hit home, but at the same time it was as if someone through water on a flame they were gone, only the stinging feeling remaining.

Seeing Justin stand Beth does the same shifting a little she throws the core of the apple into the garbage can next to the bench.

"My sister suffers in silence ever day, I'd never think my pain is the greater than hers. But I do know one wants to share my life ether because its a dark road covered in shadows of the past, that no matter how I try to look around them I can. So I end up hurting people more than if I simply kept them at bay."

Taking in Justin's last statement Beth gives a small nod. She new what he ment but it and she did live, as normal of a life as she could. She didn't feel lonely and she didn't feel alone, she just moved through her day the best she could.

"Have a good afternoon Justin, and...see you tomorrow."

Justin had come the closest to her than many had dared. She'd let him see her when she blocked other out. He was different, why she told him the things she did Beth wasn't sure but she found herself looking forward to seeing him each day. Maybe...just maybe she was finding the will to let someone in, though it would take some times, a very long time maybe this was the start.

Thought the subject still seemed a little touchy and the pain could be clear in her eyes Destiny did her best to smile and give a nod to Jason. If anyone else was going to be her bodyguard she'd want it to be Jason for sure.

"It puts my mind at ease knowing your there Jason and I wouldn't want anyone else. Thank you!"

She meant it too. In a way Jason was her hero, he'd been there the first day and kept her safe when the Agency attacked alone with Alec. She'd seen him in action and new he new what he was doing. Destiny was happy Reese picked him.


Justin's mouth doesn't frown, but his eyes seem to grow just a little darker and he ignores Beth's last question for now. "So you think you're better off alone, just because you have a full plate. Hmm."

He shakes his head a little and for the longest moment, he just studies her eyes, her body language and her face. Finally though, he shrugs. "Yeah, guess I wanted to get out of the house. Actually, it takes me about an hour and a half to get here and I like the drive. Can't justify that much gas going nowhere, so... figured if my client was in the mood, the trip wouldn't be wasted. Unfortunately... he's not ready for me again just yet."

Still keeping his head cocked as it rests in his hand, his other hand fingers the zippers on his backpack absentmindedly. Without him continuing the small talk, another lapse into silence occurs. But it is he who breaks that silence himself.

"You know... sometimes in life, we think what's best is backing away from the world because we don't think the world is ready to see who we really are. But in the process, we wind up depriving those who really do want to spend time with us."

Pausing for a moment, he shifts his weight again to sit back straight once more, preparing to stand up. "We might think we're the only ones suffering in silence... but how many others suffer too, simply because they're not allowed to share our lives?"

Getting to his feet, Justin shoulders his backpack, still looking down at Beth. A gentle smile creases his lips, though it was a weary expression, filled with more concern than joy. "Don't forget to live, Beth."

Told ya.

Jason smiles at Destiny, nodding. "Good. I'm glad it's worked out then. I know Reese is doing all he can to figure out the best way to give you your life back."

He thinks a moment, wondering if what he would say would be appropriate or not, but she might as well know. "Reese has asked me to be a second bodyguard for tomorrow. I hope you don't mind me being at the funeral. I'll try not to be noticed."

Chance's eyebrows rise just a little but he backs off, letting Katie handle her armful herself. Seeing she gets back to her desk, he feels her eyes on him and he sits down once more, feeling a little strange. Opening his computer again, he goes back to the message he'd been working on.

Glancing out across the room towards Reese's office, he sees Alec going through the door. Interesting. Reese was out. Chance wondered if Reese even knew the ex-Agency thug was in his office.

Better that way

Still holding her smile Katie didn't know if she startled Chance or if he just was working on something she shouldn't see but ether way his abruptness was a little odd though she let it go past her. Sometimes she worked on things she didn't want other to see too.

"Oh no no, I didn't want to bother you or anything. I just wanted to say hi and introduce myself since I hadn't before. I'm ok, thanks though. I'll leave ya be now."

Giving a little nod and another look at Chance Katie finally turns and starts to head to her desk again. Setting everything down and sitting into her chair she looks over her cubicle at Chance again before going back her own business.

Ok, maybe he's a little strange and maybe a little off.

Leaning on the desk in front of her Destiny's smile grows a little it felt kind of strange being behind a desk and looking at Jason when only a few days ago it had been the other way around.

"Yeah we are doing good. I was a little worried in the start about how we would get along too but it seemed we do just fine and have more in common than expected. Anyways we have killed eachother yet so thats a plus right?"

Destiny gives a little chuckle trying to calm Jason fears of her and Chance getting along. It was nice of him to worry and even care for that matter.

Taking another bit of her apple and letting the silence fall over them Beth didn't mind. Silence was a comfort to her, something she was use to. To her it was just a way of life and she didn't mind it at all. Giving a small shakes of her head as she chews the apple Beth looks up at Justin again.

"I don't mind being alone. Thats how its been for a long time and its just...better that way. I don't have much time for anything else with working and spending most my time with my sister."

Feeling a tiny bit odd talking about herself Beth thinks about something else to think about trying to get the topic off her at least for a second to regroup.

"So, you came today because you were going crazier than normal at home?"

What about you?

Chance looks up quickly, his hand going to his laptop lid as he turns to see Katie. A smile immediately emerges. "Hey there. I think I coulda recognized you, but thanks. I'm sure you already know I'm Chance."

Thinking a moment as one of his knees bounces, he stands up, offering two empty hands. "Help you back to your desk?"

Jason grins at Destiny's answer. Though true, there was just as tad bit of humor, and she still had life in her eyes, despite what she'd been going through. It was good to see.

"I'm alright. Reese is keeping me busy."

Leaning on the doorway, he tucks his folder under his arm, intending to chat for a few moments. "So... how are things going with Chance? I know Reese was a little worried how you two would get along and all. Doing alright?"

Justin shakes his head just slightly, a little wryness forming on his lips. He returns the sandwich to his back pack and takes another bite of his own. "Danitza likes these sandwiches anyway."

The food wasn't doing a whole lot to settle his stomach, but it was a little better at least. Fishing around in his pack, he finds his water bottle to take a swig. Glancing back at Beth, he was a tad surprised that she offered to stay and sit with him. That in itself was an improvement from the timidity that kept her walking most days.

"If you don't mind, I don't," he responds. Finishing his sandwich, he turns a little to look at her a bit straighter, leaning his elbow on the back of the bench to rest his head against his hand. His eyes study her with a soft intensity as if searching for her soul.

"What about you? Don't you need company once in a while too?"

Free Space

"Nah you can't quit. If you did than the rest of us would lose hope to knowing that there was till one person out there willing to help those who everyone else had given up on."

Tilting her head to look at Justin a little more Beth gives a small smile her eyes giving a little twinkle in the early sun light. Just watching him for a long moment Beth could see there was a tired look in his eyes and for a moment Beth felt a tiny bit sorry to see that look there. He was always full of spunk when she had met him before and now...not it just seemed..gone. Maybe for once he needed a friend and thats why they were right?

Looking down at the sandwich Justin offered her Beth though for another long moment. Looking away she reaches into her own bag she pulls out and apple.

"Its way to early to eat a sandwich. But I have this apple and I have a few mintues to spair before I go in to see Sarah if....you...want the company."

Beth looks down at the apple again picking at the stem untill it breaks off and she finally takes a bit. It felt a little odd saying she would sit with Justin but..he looked like maybe he could use the company today.

Rummaging around in the supply closet Katie gathers a few items together that she needed to replenish at her desk. Silently talking to Jason at the same time Katie was happy about there connection. It helped multi tasking a lot.

I smile a lot too, but thats mostly because you talk to me and no one else knows it.

Loading her arms up so she can't carry anymore Katie leaves the little room and heads back to her cubicle. Passing Chance's on her way Katie gives a glance to him as she draws closer.

I don't think he's all that bad. He could never be you J, but he seems ok.

Thinking about all the stuff she was holding in her hands and that Chance might not know his way around to well Katie stops once she is closer. Giving a friendly smile before she talks.

"Hi, I'm Katie. I'd offer to shake your hand but I don't have any room to move under this stuff."

Getting lost in her book Destiny gives a jump looking up quickly. Seeing Jason in the doorway she relaxes just a little. Setting her book down a grin forms on her lips and she shakes her head feeling silly.

"Hey Jason. Other than being jumpy a little still and hunter by the Agency I'm doing ok. How are you?"

Destiny was happy Jason stopped to say Hi. She'd liked talking to him the first day, and just keeping up to date on how he was, was important. They were friends after all.

Sandwiches again

Chewing his chicken salad sandwich slowly, Justin looks up, squinting in the sun a little as Beth approaches and joins him on the bench. The corners of his mouth turn up in a grin... just a little one.

"Yeah... probably." He was supposed to be off work much longer than just one day. Taking another bite of his sandwich, he shrugs, not quite in the chipper mood he usually was. "Oh, I'm feeling alright. Other than frustrated, I'm fine. But... I suppose that comes with the territory. I shoulda thought before I took this job." He shakes his head. "Not gonna give up though. Don't think I could live with myself after that if I did."

Giving Beth a sidelong glance, his eyes roam her sunlit face for a moment or two before looking back down to his sandwich. "Ma thinks I need to eat for two men to cure a headache." He pulls an extra one wrapped in plastic out of his pack. "Join me?"

"Alrighty." Chance scrapes his plate clean, licking the last morsel off his fork. "Let me get a few things in order and we'll take off."

Standing to take his dishes to the sink, he throws Destiny a wink. "Maybe I'll buy your lunch later."

Once ready to go, Chance arms himself and leads the way out of the house to the Elite SUV. It doesn't take long to get to TJY where Chance heads to Reese's office and a spare cubicle after that, leaving Destiny alone for a while...

...Jason wanders down the hall, his nose in a file folder as he scanned the pages inside.

See O'Mally a bit ago, strutting to Reese's office? I still don't like him. Smiles too much.

He keeps walking, keeping his thoughts to silent conversation instead of verbalizing them and getting called down for a bad attitude.

Wonder if he could really do his job if it came down to that.

Passing by an office that wasn't being used at the moment, Jason is surprised to see the door open and a light on. Looking up and glancing in, he spots Destiny reading a book. He might as well be polite. Lowering his folder, he knocks lightly on the door. "Hey... how's it going?"


Smiling as she takes her napkin and places on her lap Destiny takes a bit of her own eggs. They did seem to taste better today though she wasn't sure why. Maybe it was a simple fact that she was cooking for someone else that made her try a little harder than seemed to make it better.

"Well I am happy you like them. At least I know now so next time I don't have to worry."

Looking back down at her meal again Destiny continues to eat just enjoying the meal with someone else. Even if they were to busy eating more than talking it was still nice.

Hearing Chance had to go to TJY Destiny thinks for a long moment. There were a few things she wanted to do around the house here but getting out was nice too.

"Getting some fresh air would be nice so there is no point in sending someone out here. I'll just come with you and keep myself busy like I have before."

Riding with Phil was a little bit on the quiet side but Rayne didn't mind. When each of them found something to say they but the quiet was just as nice. Not taking to long to get back to her place Rayne gives a smile to Phil as she opens the car door though doesn't get out yet.

"I hope I do see you again. It's deffintly been not talking with someone."

And it was the truth by all means. Her short time spent today with Phil had been very enjoyable and she defiantly would be up to spending more time with him just hanging out and having phone. Smiling as she looked down at his number Rayne gives a nod. Taking the pad of paper and the pen to write down her number too. She couldn't help the small giddy feeling she felt inside by getting his number.

"There, now if you need anything you have my number too. Thanks again Phil, hope to see you soon."

Getting out of the car and giving a small wave she watches as Phil pulls out of the driveway before turning and heading up to the front door, the smile never leaving her face.

Coming up the sidewalk like so many times before Beth stops at the bench a little surprised to see Justin there today. He hadn't been yesterday but she had figured he wouldn't be seeing as he was meant to be resting. But seeing him here today she gives a little shake of her head.

"Shouldn't you be home relaxing?"

Sitting down on the bench next to Justin Beth gives a tiny little smile. She had to admit to herself yesterday she had missed seeing Justin. It just seemed normal now for him to be here, her to have a little chat with him and than go about her day. Taking one of the elements out just threw everything off.

"How ya feeling today?"

Shouldn't even be back

Sitting down at the table, Chance grins a little. He'd never known anything but fast-paced city life, even when traveling with his dad. He'd always gravitated to the city, but it had been a long time, if ever, that he'd actually stopped and asked himself if that was what he preferred. He was used to the city but... did that mean it was actually what he wanted, or just what he was accustomed to?

Shaking his head, he picks up his fork and tastes the eggs. "Mm... a bit of spice is always good. These are great." He meant it, too. He cooked for himself most of the time, but he wasn't the greatest at it, except for a few select things. At home, he wound up eating out a lot or just skipping some of his meals.

Chance pauses to take a sip of his tea, grateful for Destiny fixing everything this morning. "I gotta go back to TJY again today. You can come with me, or I can get someone to come stay here for a while. It's up to you."

Phil stands as Rayne comes from her room, ready to take her home. Leading the way, he holds the door for her, then leads her to his pickup. "Sixteen Waterchest it is. I think I can handle that."

He opens the door for Rayne then goes around to slide in behind the steering wheel, making sure she's buckled before pulling out. He was familiar with most of the streets, so he knew which way to go and only had to ask once which direction to turn.

Once arriving at the house, Phil pulls into the small lot and parks, leaving the engine running. "Well..." He looks over to Rayne an smile. "I guess now that I know you, I can keep an eye out for you, huh? Maybe I'll see you around sometime."

Thinking a moment, he turns and opens the console between the seats, retrieving a small pad of paper and a pen. He scribbles out a number and tears it off, handing it to Rayne. "That's my cell phone number. You know, for..." He shrugs. "...in case you need anything."

Gage trudges away from the lumber mill, covered in dirt and grime, his whole body aching. A couple cars and pickups speed past him on the road - other workers who had just gotten off work as well, though to them, Gage was invisible.

Making it to the back alley, he wanders through until he comes to another street. So tired, he almost walks out in front of a car, startled back by the horn honking. Twenty more minutes and he'd finally made it back to his apartment. The stairway had never looked taller. Third night on the job - he couldn't give up now. But he'd already skipped out on Sapphire yesterday, and he was so exhausted again. He didn't have to work tonight though, so maybe tomorrow he'd have time to recuperate.

Getting into his apartment, he knew he needed to shower and change, but it's his mattress that he winds up on anyway, not even taking his boots off. His pillow never felt better.

Justin eases down on the bench along the sidewalk, unconsciously letting out a long sigh. It had been only two days and he knew he probably shouldn't even be back to Brookshire yet, but he'd been going stir crazy. It didn't matter much though - Jenny had said Scott was refusing to get up today and Justin didn't have the strength yet to force him. So, he'd simply let Scott be today.

Fishing in his backpack, he pulls out a sandwich he'd been saving for lunch. The meds he took earlier were making him sick to his stomach though, so maybe some food would help.